NewsFlash | Summer camps, fitness video contest, book drive and more

Hug your guidance counselor

Next week is National School Counseling Week — the perfect excuse to give a big ol’ hug to the fabulous Joyner counseling team, Andrea Burston and Jessie Hunt. We all appreciate their hard work and tireless contributions to ensuring student achievement and success at Joyner. Please give them some extra love next week (and this week, too, just because)!


Summer camp registration info available 

Nothing cures an icy week faster than planning for summer! Even though those hot months are still ages away, camp registrations are already starting. Visit the whiteboard in the hub to share links to camps that other families might be interested in. Be sure to check the files section of this hub for the newest camp brochure from our own Mr. Poyer, Mr. Fotta and Ms. Orr for their ever-popular PE/Art/Explorer camps held in August. We’re feeling warmer already.


Snow day reminders

Hopefully you enjoyed — or at least survived — the adventures of our extended weekend. Keep in mind that all decisions regarding weather-related delays or cancellations are made by the district in the best interest of safety for the entire county.

  • If school closes early due to inclement weather, the after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children as soon as possible.
  • If the Superintendent cancels all after-school activities, the after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children at the close of school.
  • The before-school program will be delayed by the same amount of time that the opening of school is delayed. If school is delayed one hour, the before-school program will open an hour late as well.
  • When school is delayed, all students will still have a lunch period and the cafeteria will serve lunch as usual.
  • Potential snow make-up days are already listed at the bottom of the WCPSS traditional calendar for 2015-16. To make up the past two snow days, we will now have school on Feb. 15 and March 24.


Last week to submit for the video contest — dabbing optional

Okay, everyone — time to get off the couch and make those videos! Students are invited to create a 30-second video showcasing themselves — with or without JYJ friends — doing their favorite healthy activity. Ideas include dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us whatever you love to do to stay healthy. We can only show a limited number of videos on the JYJ News, so get your submissions in as soon as you can! Submit your video via email through Feb. 1 to Kate Sonawane at


Magnet application deadline this Friday

Families interested in attending a Wake County magnet school now have an additional week to complete the online application. The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 29Visit the WCPSS website for details about what magnet options are available to you, how students are selected and what the timeline is for notifications.


Help kids WAKE Up and Read!

We’re joining with Wake County’s WAKE up and READ book drive through the Healthy Choice Marathon again this year. Please bring new and gently used children’s books to donate to young readers in Wake County public schools. We’ll tally the total books collected and the grade level that collects the most will be able to decide which book character Mrs. Childress and Mrs. Hutchinson will dress up as on the day of the JYJ 5K. We also need 6-8 volunteers during the HCM to assist with the book corralling and tallying for about 30 minutes on the four Fridays during the HCM: 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, and 3/4. Volunteers will meet just outside the main office at 8:30 a.m. — contact Kate Sonawane at if you want to help out and earn some good karma.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Jan. 29: Magnet application period closes
  • Feb. 1: Video contest deadline
  • Feb. 5: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off
  • Feb. 12: Early release
  • Feb. 15: School day — snow make-up day
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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