NewsFlash | Gala tomorrow, food trucks next week and a pollinator garden for JYJ

Frenzy! Nonsense! What could be better?

The annual Joyner Night of Nonsense & Food Truck Frenzy is coming up on Thursday, May 4 (can you believe that’s next week?)! Food trucks will open at 4:45 and the Nonsense Show starts at 6 p.m. under the overhang. Bring cash or credit for the food trucks, but the hilarious skits performed by the fabulous Joyner teachers and staff are always free! Check out some of the skits from last year on the JYJ You Tube channel.

Parking is limited, so please walk if you can — and bring your family and friends along. Dinner seating will be available in the cafeteria, but feel free to bring a picnic blanket if you’d like to eat outside. Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page so we can recruit more food trucks — here’s who we have so far:


Pollinator garden awarded to JYJ

On Tuesday, the Joyner PTA received a $500 grant from The City of Raleigh at the environmental service awards ceremony for the establishment of a pollinator garden. Joyner partnered with Wildwood Forest Elementary in this initiative. Julie Dalton and Elizabeth Harris were present to accept the grant on behalf of the Joyner PTA. At Joyner, the existing garden space will be modified to include native pollinator plants. Teachers can use these outdoor classrooms for experiential science opportunities to introduce students to the dynamic connections of the natural world. Through the grant, the two schools hope to help pollinator species and the environment in a fun and educational way. Thanks to Julie and Elizabeth for bringing this exciting opportunity to our students!


Give when you shop

Joyner PTA now has an Amazon Smile account, so you can help out the PTA every time you shop online! Just use this link when you’re shopping at Amazon:  And while you’re at it, get those Box Tops ready — classroom collection coming the week of May 8 with a pizza party prize for the class that collects the most!


Foundation gala tomorrow night

The Simply Southern Gala, which raises funds for the JYJ Foundation, is a night of celebration and school spirit filled with music, friends, food and drink. Buy your tickets for the gala online at — click the link for “Register and Buy Tickets” to see all ticket packages.The adult-only event will be held April 27 at the Merrimon-Wynne House in downtown Raleigh. Even if you can’t attend the gala, you can still bid on silent auction items before and during the event — go to for details.


NC General Assembly crafts compromise

On Monday night, the Senate education committee offered an amendment to House Bill 13, granting a one-year reprieve for districts concerned about not being able to fund art, music, drama, and physical education teachers. For more information, read the article from EdNC at Thanks to all who contacted your legislators to advocate for House Bill 13.


Bags needed for Backpack Buddies

Our Backpack Buddies team is in need of plastic grocery bags to pack food for weekend bags. Parents can give bags to Ms. Burston or drop them off in the main office. Thank you! And thanks to the many volunteers who quietly make this critically important program happen throughout the school year!


Produce Box offers healthy way to thank your teachers

The Wake County PTA Council is sharing a special opportunity to say thank you to our teachers through a partnership with the Produce Box during Teacher Appreciation Week. Produce Box subscribers can order a Hero Box along with their regular box, and subscribers and non-subscribers can order here:


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 27: JY Joyner Foundation gala
  • May 4: Food Truck Frenzy and Night of Nonsense
  • May 8: Parent input forms due to Mrs. Hutchinson (pick up one in the main office)
  • May 8-11: Box Top classroom collection
  • May 10: Kindergarten orientation, 8:35 a.m.
  • May 12: Teacher workday
  • May 19: Volunteer appreciation breakfast and Field Day
  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)

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