
Reviewing the treasurer’s monthly financial statements, submitting annual report to the NC PTA reflecting review of the financial statements, ad-hoc discussion with treasurer and JYJ PTA leadership on general financial topics.

The PTA was created primarily as an advocacy organization, and all WCPSS PTAs are required to have an advocacy committee.  The committee interfaces with advocacy organizations representing IDEA, the NC Justice Center, and Public Schools First NC, and encourages parental involvement in advocacy issues via voting registration drives, candidate forums, and organization with local voting organizations.
Academic Boosters

This committee recognizes students who have shown great effort/improvement over the course of the quarter.  The counselor, Ms. Burston, sends an email to all the teachers with a Google form, asking them to nominate the student from their class that they feel deserves the recognition.  The committee prepares certificates and gets donations (like a Chick-fil-a gift card) as awards for these students.  The students are also featured on the JYJ News.  
Affiliate Programs

This committee coordinates three programs that financially benefit the PTA:  1) Box Tops for Education; 2) Harris Teeter’s Together in Education; and 3) Publix’s affiliate program.  Work focuses on encouraging families to register for these programs.
Backpack Buddies

Provides children experiencing food insecurity nutritious, kid-friendly, pre-packed meals for the weekend/long holidays/breaks. Maintains good communication with school personnel (principal and school counselor) and supplier of meals for the duration of the school year.  
Birthday Recognition

The birthday recognition committee sends all students home with a goody bag (usually including a pencil, 2 pieces of candy, a sticker and a note) during the month of their birthday.  At the beginning of the year, the committee chair gets a list of students with their name, grade, teacher and birthdate.  
Book Room/Media Center

The Book Room is housed in the back of the classroom immediately to the left from the main entrance of Joyner.  It is a resource for teachers to check out sets of leveled books for groups of students.  The committee organizes the books and reshelves the sets when teachers return them.  There is a website maintained through a membership to Libib Library: The committee also communicates with teachers and the testing coordinator to purchase new additions for the book room.     The Media Center Chair works with the school media coordinator to organize volunteers to come into the media center during the school day throughout the school year to reshelve books and coordinates with the library media coordinator to purchase additional books and items to be used in the media center throughout the year by students.  
Book Fair

Run at least one book fair including scheduling with vendor(s) and coordinating communications and volunteers (chairperson). The committee sets up signage and banners to promote the book fair. They help classrooms to promote the change drive to make sure each child gets a book – even if they cannot afford one.  They help with set-up and tear-down of the book fair in the Media Center. Committee members can work during the book fair to help students and parents find and buy books before, during, and after school.
Chess Club

Coordinating with Triangle Chess and PTA/school leadership to decide on sessions that will be offered (Fall, Winter, and/or Spring), and selecting a day of the week. Securing use of classrooms for club use at specific days/times with administration. Marketing the club and facilitating the registration process, including scholarship offering provided by Triangle Chess. Communicating club roster to affected home room teachers at the start of each session and on club days. Assisting coaches with setup and dismissal as needed. Optional: coordination among parents for chess tournaments (outside of school).

Help keep JYJ families up to date on the latest happenings, key events and opportunities to get involved and support our school. This position is responsible for the weekly NewsFlash, an online newsletter sent through MemberHub.   
Cultural/Performing Arts

The Cultural Arts Committee is responsible for bringing outside artists for enrichment programming for students and staff at Joyner, usually through a partnership with the United Arts Council of Wake County.   The UAC trains volunteers, provides showcases and resource information for available artists, and helps with every step along the way.  The Cultural Arts Chair(s) attends this training and artist showcase, works with Joyner administration to select artists and dates and to complete contracts, and works with artists and relevant staff to prepare the artists and school for the event and ensure they happen successfully for all parties.  Usually, we have two school-wide performances, one week-long writer’s residence, and one artist’s workshop during the year.  The Committee is also responsible for recruiting/coordinating parent volunteers to assist with set-up and tear-down and costume organization for fall and spring Spanish dancing performances.  
Equity and Diversity

The Equity and Diversity Committee was formed in order to help foster a school environment at JYJ where all students, staff and families can thrive in all aspects of their identities.  This includes taking efforts to help every student have access to the resources and educational rigor they need during their education despite race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, family background or family income. 
Girls on the Run

Volunteer coaches inspire girls in grades 3-5 to build confidence and other life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity in an after-school program. Committee chairs are responsible for recruiting and coordinating with volunteer coaches, coordinating registration and program details, and maintaining communication between coaches, students, and the GOTR triangle liaisons.
Givebacks Directory

Set up classroom hubs in Givebacks for the respective school year; set up committee hubs upon request from committee chair.
Grants and Awards

Work with school administration to identify appropriate grants and awards to pursue for recognition of school accomplishments or to pursue school goals.

The Grounds Committee hosts several Saturday morning grounds clean-up days throughout the year to tackle various projects and keep Joyner looking fresh and clean!  In addition to the physical work on clean-up days, the committee makes plans for various gardens and is tasked with maintaining the Rainwater Garden. Work continues with WCPSS and the contractor for our firelane project. 
IDEAS Fund (formerly Mini Grants)

The IDEAS (IB/Magnet, Differentiated Instruction, Equity, Academic Goals, and Student Support) Fund (formerly Mini Grants) is responsible for funds for classroom materials which are sponsored by the PTA. Through this program, the PTA funds individual or collaborative grants to help teachers and staff implement substantive ideas and programs designed to enhance students’ learning experiences that might otherwise not be possible. The IDEAS Fund committee works together during the application process to determine what will be awarded as well as to distribute the materials once they arrive.
JAG Publishing

JAG Publishing has focused primarily on providing students with IB-themed writing and illustration prompts each month to feature on our Writer’s Wall of Fame in the atrium of the school outside the library.
Jag Wear

The Jag Wear committee designs apparel for the current year and distributes a paper order form (created by our printing company).  They also create and launch an online order form.  After the order deadline, the committee compiles orders and gives them to our printing company. The committee sorts orders and distributes them to the teachers.  A spring order is sometimes offered as well.
Joyner Jamboree

Organize family-friendly evening that includes food, games, and events in October under the overhang behind the school.  Work with administration to secure use of school.  Contract with vendors for bounce house, climbing game, etc.  Secure food trucks.  Coordinate volunteers during event.  Haunted Hallway co-chair organizes volunteers and plans for the hallway.

Plan and host JYJ 5K in/around March.  This is a fun event, and also the PTA’s second largest fundraiser.  Oversee not only race logistics but also the healthy choice marathon (teaching kids to make healthy choices), run club (helping kids to practice for the 5K), obtaining sponsors for race, and classroom challenge.  Co-chair positions include overall coordination/sponsorships, run club/healthy choices marathon, classroom challenge, spirit week/pep rally, and race logistics/race site.
K-2 Liaison

Committee focuses on kindergarten events (Popsicles on the Playground and Kindergarten Meet the Teacher) but is available to consider first- and second-grade requests.  Must coordinate with administration to communicate with incoming families and promote events.
Membership and No Fuss Fundraiser
This committee promotes the PTA and encourages people to join.  (Individuals must join the PTA annually.)  Families are encouraged to make a donation to the PTA at the time of joining in lieu of other fundraisers like selling wrapping paper, etc.  This is the PTA’s largest fundraiser.
Odyssey of the Mind

Odyssey of the Mind teaches students how to develop and use their natural creativity to become problem-solvers.  Teams of students select a problem, create a solution, then present their solution in a competition against other teams in the same problem and division.  The committee recruits coaches, coordinates assignment of students to teams, and may assist with coaching.  Learn more here:
Original Artworks

Work with third-party company to turn art made in Mr. Fotta’s class into various products that can be purchased by families.  Artwork and order forms are sent home. The artwork and orders will be due back 1-2 weeks later.  Upon receipt, products will need to be organized, put in bags, and sent home with students. The sales are moving from spring to fall in 2024.
Pre-Order School Supplies

Work with third-party school supply vendor directly to set-up, coordinate, and deliver school supplies for student/families who opt-in.
School Pictures/Spanish Dancing Volunteers

Serve in a supporting capacity on Picture Day to help keep the students and day moving on schedule and in good order.  Connect and check in with front office to see if they need any assistance in scheduling picture day.
Science Go Round

Planning and executing a full-day, school-wide event focusing on small-group STEM presentations by community adults. Typically scheduled in the fall. Involves recruiting paid and unpaid presenters, organizing parent volunteers/staff/classroom setups, providing a catered lunch, and following up with handwritten thank-you notes to presenters from the children.
Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions consisting of a series of different hands-on, interactive, challenging and inquiry-based events that are well balanced between the various disciplines of biology, earth science, environmental science, chemistry, physics, engineering and technology.  For more information, see  The committee helps to recruit participants and volunteers, and members typically volunteer with students.
Social Media

This committee promotes the PTA and the school and provides information about PTA and school events via Instagram and Twitter.  The committee has to be plugged in to what’s happening by working closely with the PTA Executive Board and Committee Chairs.  The committee must also be creative in order to come up with posts when not much is happening!
Spelling Bee

Coordinate distribution of spelling lists to all third, fourth, and fifth graders and provide guidance to teachers on holding classroom bees.  Schedule school bee, including securing judges, pronunciator, obtaining permission slips from participants, providing word lists, etc., making sure the gym is set up with chairs, microphone, trophies, certificates, food, etc. Secure room for participants and go over rules prior to bee.
Social Events/Spirit Nights

Restructured for 2024-25, the committee will organize social events for JYJ families to gather at no cost to families. We will also continue a few of our Spirit Night fundraisers (especially United Skates of America and Mudcats) including partnership with local restaurants and businesses to raise funds for the PTA while building the community and providing social time for kids outside of school.  The Spirit Nights committee is responsible for the following: reaching out to businesses to secure their partnerships, coordinating the events, solidifying the profit sharing amount, communicating with the Foundation and Ms. Zezza to ensure there are no conflicts on the dates, writing up the NewsFlash description and submitting the writeup to multiple parties for advertisement.
Study Buddies

Coordinates with teachers and recruits volunteers to work with and tutor students who have been identified as needing help one-on-one and on a regular basis.
Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program is a voluntary program students participate in over the summer. The committee is responsible for printing and distributing reading logs to students in early June. The reading logs are then collected in early September. An ice cream party is provided in September for all of the students who met the reading log goal of 1,000 reading minutes over the summer. The chairperson is responsible for setting the date of the ice cream party and arranging the ice cream truck.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation
The committee is responsible for planning once-a-month staff appreciation events (usually breakfast or lunch), a Christmas lunch and an end-of-year lunch. They also recognize bus drivers and Instructional Assistants.  The committee comes up with themes for periodic staff appreciation and communicates this to the entire school so that kids can show appreciation for their teacher and assigned staff.   The committee is also responsible for maintaining the room parent hub on MemberHub and sending out any messages to them that need to be shared with all parents.

Maintain and consult on other technology issues that arise, such as photo storage and PTA committee/program email accounts.
3rd-5th Grade Liaison

This committee is primarily responsible for organizing events and other celebratory tasks for the 5th Grade Moving Up week.  These events include breakfast the morning of the moving up ceremony, organizing the luncheon following the 5th Grade moving up ceremony, and painting of the spirit rock.  Assist with ordering 5th grade t-shirts.  Assist with any 3rd-4th grade requests.  Co-chair positions ideally held by a current 4th grade parent and a current 5th grade parent. 

Committee is responsible for gathering pictures throughout the year, loading portrait pictures into the system, running the yearbook cover contest and building the yearbook. The yearbook is built in a user-friendly website. In addition, also responsible for managing yearbook sales.  We have a new vendor for the 2024-25 school year.