Lots of exclamation points in this week’s NewFlash. Brace yourselves.
Say cheese!
Thursday, Oct. 1, is picture day at Joyner. That’s TOMORROW! Be sure your kids look spiffy — or just let them dress themselves and really capture that special look. Either way, send them to school with the printed picture form or order photo packages online at mylifetouch.com (Picture Day ID BW025068Q0).
Let your kids’ imaginations fly!
The national PTA Reflections competition returns to Joyner this year and every student has the opportunity to participate! Students of all grades and abilities are invited to reflect on a common theme — Let Your Imagination Fly — and create original works of art in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Find links to all the requirements and forms as well as helpful videos for students and parents on the Joyner PTA website. Deadline for entries is Oct. 30. Stop by the info table in the front lobby on Monday, Oct. 5 from 8-8:30 a.m. if you have have questions, or email Maria Bleier at mbleier@mac.com.
Register as a volunteer!
Stop by the media center and use the computer near the circulation desk to register as a volunteer with WCPSS. If you want to chaperone a field trip or participate in any other volunteer opportunities with students during the school year, you MUST complete the online form through WCPSS. If you’ve completed the form in previous years, it should only take about 90 seconds to renew.
The Jamboree wants you!
See the sign-ups page on MemberHub to pick your volunteer post and help make the 2015 Joyner Jamboree a fun night for everyone. Then make plans to meet all your friends on Friday, Oct. 16, starting at 5:30 behind the school, under the overhang and on the playgrounds — you don’t want to miss this spectacular JYJ tradition!
Help Mr. Fotta!
Unless you walk the downstairs hallway by the art room, you might not see Mr. Fotta’s post-it notes of items needed for his class. He’s looking for dry erase markers, crayola markers, sharpies and printer paper. Let’s help him stock up the art room!
Don’t forget you can join PTA committees on MemberHub!
Follow this link and select committees that interest you — by joining the committee’s hub you can learn more about what they’re doing and how you can help. Note that joining the committee’s hub does not automatically commit you to being the chairperson or agreeing to do all the work for a five-year term, it’s just an easy way to express interest and get some information.
For your blog reader
For your calendar
- Sept. 30: Jagwear orders due (TODAY!)
- Sept. 30: After-school enrichment clubs begin
- Oct. 1: Picture day
- Oct. 9: Last day to give to the No-Fuss Fundraiser
- Oct. 16: Teacher Appreciation and early release
- Oct. 16: Jamboree
- Oct. 23: End of 1st quarter
- Oct. 26: Teacher workday
Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.