PTA Membership Update, 2020 Census, Update to Meal Program, Coffee with Counselors

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Our PTA Membership Goal
  • 2020 Census
  • Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
  • Device Distribution
  • Coffee with Counselors
  • Support your child as a PYP parent
  • Joyner Jagwear
  • Glows and Grows Survey
  • Foundation Updates
  • WJYJ News 

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Help the PTA Meet its Membership Goal

If you’ve already joined the PTA for this school year, THANK YOU — as of last week, we’re officially halfway to our goal of 300 Joyner PTA memberships!

JYJ PTA Membership Tracker

If you haven’t gotten around to it, there’s still time. Go to and select the best membership option for you.

As you all are aware, funding is being reassessed and reallocated by the county/state to
meet shifting educational needs during COVID-19. It is more important NOW more than ever to support the PTA, so that we can continue fund/support all of the great staff, activities, and resources at Joyner. Remember, as part of our No-fuss fundraiser, every dollar donated beyond the $5 dues is a contribution to the Joyner and the PTA!

2020 Census – Act Now to Support Our Community

Did you know that the 10 minutes you spend responding to the 2020 census is worth $18,000 over ten years in education, healthcare, childcare, and other resources? Did you know that children are the most likely to be missed in the count? Did you know that the census tracks around Joyner have a 60-73% response rate for the census and Wake County’s goal is 82%? It’s not too late to respond to the census by phone or online. Wake PTA Advocacy has compiled information just for you:

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Students in all grade levels can receive a free breakfast and lunch from an operating location until December 31*. Please visit for a list of operating sites. Students are not required to visit their assigned school and do not have to be present to receive meals. The curbside meal service will operate Monday through Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Students will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost! No student ID number required to receive meals. 
*Or until funding is depleted. 

Device Distribution Update

WCPSS will host two device distributions this Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at our three distribution centers: Enloe High, Knightdale High and Apex High. Students who were notified today of their pick-up date should go to one of the device distributions. You must have received an invitation in order to pick up a device.

Coffee with Counselors

Have questions about parenting during remote learning, need tips on navigating virtual learning or just want to say hello? Each week we will be available to connect with families. Join us on Tuesdays from 8-8:30am (Grades K-2 parents) and Wednesdays (Grades 3-5 parents) for “Coffee with the Counselors”. Google link will be shared with teachers and also posted in your child’s counselor Google classroom.  Hope you will join us!

5 Ways You Could Support Your Child As a PYP Parent

As an essential member of your child’s learning community, you play an important role helping them take their learning deeper. Here are 5 simple ways you can support your child’s learning at home. Whether it is the more formal learning connected to their schooling, or the incidental, unplanned learning through play, exploration, and life experience; these 5 strategies will help you, help your child become a lifelong learner. Full document available here.

Order Your Joyner Jagwear for 2020-2021!

Don’t miss this opportunity to order your Jagwear. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Share Your Feedback – “Glows and Grows”

As IB lead learners, it’s important to be risk-takers, thinkers, caring and reflective on our journeys in life.  These aspects as a JYJ community are vital to our work in supporting one another.

Please fill out the following (optional) survey to share the glows and grows of our new daily learning schedule and how virtual learning is going for you as a family at home.    

Virtual Learning Glows And Grows Guardian Feedback Survey

Daily Learning Schedule

JYJ Foundation Updates

Spirit Rock Signs Ups are Live!

The Joyner Spirit Rock is located in the front of the main entrance.  You can reserve it for 24 hours and paint it to celebrate a birthday, thank a staff member, or to just spread a positive message! It’s lots of fun and the kids & teachers love seeing all the different designs! Reserve your date today by clicking here or by going to Signups in the Joyner Hub on Memberhub. Questions? Email Heather Kraudel at

Amazon SMILE

If you shop on Amazon make sure you sign up for Amazon Smile. Shop as you normally would BUT a small percent comes back to Joyner!  Go to and make sure you enter “J Y Joyner Foundation” (spacing makes a difference…so you may want to copy it) when you select the organization you want to support. 

Supporting Local Businesses 

Calling all JYJ owned businesses or places of employmentHelp us learn how we can can connect with your business! JY Joyner Magnet Elementary is a very special place and we’re thrilled you’re a part of it. It’s a school that thrives on community and loves to support its’ own families whenever possible. Take a moment to complete the survey and let us know how we can connect with your business.  (Examples include “give back” events, in kind donations, grant opportunities, etc.). Click here to help us learn more. 

WJYJ News:  Keeping Us Connected

If we can’t be together, we can surely count on our dynamic WJYJ news crew to keep us connected.  Check out last week’s episode of the WJYJ news and stay tuned for this week’s episode.  September 11th WJYJ News Show

Calendar Reminders

  • September 25 – Last Day to Order Jag Wear
  • September 28 – Teacher Workday- No School

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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