For more information please see our Joyner Jamboree page.
Save the Date – JYJ 5k – Mar. 9
More details to follow!
Save the Date – Book Fair – Dec. 9-13
This year’s book fair will be held December 9-13, 20204. Stay tuned for more details!
Grounds Day April 20th!
Our spring Grounds Day will be Saturday, April 20th from 1:30-3:30. We will be working to prepare the garden beds and clean up around campus. All ages are welcome! If you plan to attend, please sign up at
Grade Level Meetups
The PTA is hosting grade level meetups this spring as an opportunity for families to get to know each other a little better and have time to enjoy one another. All family members are welcome. Please RSVP so we can plan for snacks, but feel free to show up even if you haven’t signed up. |

JYJ Curriculum Night 2024
JYJ Curriculum Night 2024
February 29th
Session 1: 5:30-6pm
Session 2: 6-6:30pm
Join us in one of three ways:
1- Virtually
2 – In person at Joyner
3 – In person at Moore Square Magnet Middle School
If you plan to join virtually or in person at either location, please RSVP here!
*Limited childcare supervision available
*Food provided for families at in person sessions
Joyner 5k March 17th!
The JYJ 5K Run/Walk is around the corner! The JYJ 5K Run/Walk is one of the PTA’s biggest fundraisers. The PTA supports all kinds of amazing programs and events for our school community, such as mini grants for teachers, groundskeeping efforts, Joyner Jamboree, Science-Go-Round, Backpack Buddies, the Cultural Arts Program, Teacher Appreciation, and much more. The 5K Run/Walk on March 17, 2024 at 2pm is the grand finale event of our month-long Healthy Choice Marathon which celebrates healthy minds and bodies by encouraging students to read, eat well and exercise daily.
Race registration is open at
Join the PTA!
Join the PTA by signing up on Givebacks! If you’re already in, be sure to keep your Givebacks account updated so that you’ll receive regular news from the PTA.
Girls On The Run
We are looking for adults willing to serve as coaches for our fall season of Girls on the Run from September 11th – December 2nd.
Coaches only need to commit to 1 to 2 practices per week, and even if you can’t make every week, we can work with your schedule. You also do not have to have a daughter enrolled in Girls on the Run to be a coach and make a positive impact on the community. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has been looking for a way to get involved and give back this fall!
For more information, please reach out to Meagan Gill ( or Whitney Kramer (
Volunteer with the PTA!
We need your help! If you’d like to serve on a PTA committee for the 2023-24 school year, please complete the volunteer interest form.
If you would like to chair a committee the PTA is looking for leadership for the 2023-24 school year! We are looking for individuals to be Chairs or Co-Chairs (as noted) for the following committees:
- Affiliate Programs Chair
- Chess Club Chair
- Girls on the Run Co-Chair positions (2)
- Jamboree Co-Chair positions (2)
- Odyssey of the Mind Co-Chair
- Science Olympiad Co-Chair
If you are interested and willing to lead one of these amazing programs or have questions, please email Adrian Standish at More information about all of the PTA Committees can be found at here.
Thank you for your consideration. Our PTA is only as strong as our volunteers!
Committee descriptions can be found here.