Welcome back to all our returning families — and a special welcome to our new Joyner friends! Hope everyone is having a great week back at school.
We want to take a moment to be sure you know why the PTA matters for Joyner and why we have the No-Fuss Fundraiser going on now. Did you know the PTA funds enrichment opportunities for students at school? These special events include:
- Science Go Round, an annual day of hands-on science experiences
- Cultural arts events, such as teaching artists-in-residence at every grade level
- Authors’ visits and special performances
- Academic club funding for programs like Odyssey of the Mind, Battle of the Books, Science Club and Science Olympiad
Help us make these great events possible by making your gift to the PTA No-Fuss Fundraiser today! Just click this link, select your level of giving from the options on the right side of the page, and follow the directions from there — then enjoy not having to sell wrapping paper or cookie dough to fund your PTA. Many thanks to those who have already donated!
And now for a few more reminders:
- Want to making additional giving to the PTA even easier than No-Fuss? Be sure to link your Target, Kroger and Harris Teeter loyalty cards to Joyner and save those Box Tops for Education. We’ll let you know about the first collection date.
- Please take 5 minutes to update your profile and edit your family information in MemberHub. You’ll see an Edit Family link on right side when viewing your profile. Be sure to add your children into the system so you’ll get placed in the correct classroom hubs, which will include student rosters to help parents and teachers connect with Joyner families. We’ll be using MemberHub for ongoing communications and our school directory, so it will work best if you add all your details.
- Check the complete PTA calendar for a full listing of dates — here’s what’s up next:
- 9/3 Open House and PTA general meeting
- 9/4 PTA-sponsored “Fun Food Friday” for Teacher Appreciation (so no need to start shopping just yet)
- 9/4 Summer Reading Challenge forms due
- 9/17 Dine-out night at Chick-Fil-A North Hills
Have a question you’d like answered in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Just reply to this message and let us know. Have an announcement that needs to be included? Use our form to submit an article on the PTA website.