Time to get your crayons and your pencils
Only nine more days to design Joyner’s next yearbook cover. Submissions are due to classroom teachers by Oct. 30. Be sure you start with an 8.5×11 page in portrait orientation — that means the paper is tall, not wide — and use markers, crayons or colored pencils for your illustration. Consider using any Joyner-related themes, not just jaguars.
Need to pay for a field trip?
Use the WCPSS online payment portal for all Joyner field trips and save yourself from forgetting at the last minute. Create an account for your child(ren) and then search the list for your teacher’s name to find all the field trips for the year.
Give us feedback and earn our undying love and admiration
So we can’t give you a tangible prize for filling out our communications survey because it’s anonymous and we don’t actually know who is responding. But we will send you lots of good karma if you’ll take just a few minutes to share your thoughts about PTA communications in our quick survey. We promise it’s painless and we won’t ask for your credit card info at the end. And because we’re feeling generous, we’ll give you an extra few days to fill it out. Here’s the link.
Calling all room parents!
Room parents are asked to attend a training session next Wednesday morning, Oct. 28, from 8:30-9:15 in Ms. Bell’s technology room in the media center. The session will cover how to use MemberHub for announcements, files and signups, as well as tips and expectations to make your room parent job as painless as possible.
You know you want to skate
Now that the spectacular Jamboree is over (thanks to the amazing committee and volunteers!), we know you’re ready for some more JYJ family time. Join with friends and classmates at our spirit night this Thursday, Oct. 22, at United Skates of America (2901 Trawick Road, Raleigh). The entire $3 admission fee (which includes skate rental fees) will be donated back to Joyner.
It’s Box Tops week!
Bring clipped Box Tops for Education to your child’s teacher this week using collection sheets or a sealed ziploc bag. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to the PTA, so every little bit helps. The class that collects the most will win a pizza party. The class that collects the most will win a pizza party!
Raising awareness about disability
October is Disability Awareness & History Month in Wake County — all month, the WJYJ news team has been sharing videos and facts related to this focus, as well as features about famous people with disabilities. Did you know Albert Einstein had dyslexia? Would you have guessed that actress Emily Blunt had a stutter? Have you wondered how Evelyn Glennie could be both deaf and a full-time solo professional percussionist? Check out these links, then watch this video where kids explain autism and why it’s okay to be different — could be a great discussion topic with your family at the dinner table tonight.
Missing something?
Be sure to check the lost and found. It’s getting full with coats now that the weather is turning colder again!
Free “Getting Ready for Kindergarten” (GR4K) program
Project Enlightenment is offering a FREE program for children who will be entering kindergarten next fall. This program is open to families who live in Wake County, have limited family income and who have a child who was 4 by August 31, 2015. Follow this link to download the application or call 919-664-7789.
Quick links
- Mrs. Hutchinson’s blog: “And They Do Grow Up”
- WCPSS email alerts and newsletters
- October lunch menu
Calendar items
- Oct. 22: Spirit night at United Skates of America
- Oct. 23: End of 1st quarter
- Oct. 26: Teacher workday
- Oct. 30: Reflections contest entries — using the theme Let Your Imagination Fly! — due to Mr. Del.
Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.