NewsFlash | Spelling Bee, TEK Club Sign-ups, and Healthy Choice Marathon Video Showcase


Wondering what the next weather make-up day(s) will be? Check the bottom of the WCPSS traditional school calendar.


Joyner Spelling Bee is Tomorrow (Weather Permitting)

The Joyner School Bee is happening tomorrow (Thursday)! Twenty-eight spellers from 3rd-5th grades will demonstrate their memory, recall and spelling skills as former national speller Loretta Bohn calls out the words. Come cheer them on starting at 3:30 in the gym! Good luck, Joyner spellers!


Register Next Tuesday for TEK Clubs

TEK Club registration forms should have gone home in folders last week. Clubs will run Wednesdays, Feb. 7- March 14, from 3:30-4:45 (TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting), with weather make-up days on March 21 and March 28. Registration has been postponed due to the weather, and forms will now be accepted next Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the JYJ Media Center.

Club Offerings:

  • STEMtastic Scientists, Stefanie Piner, Grades K-2
  • Art of Food, Amy Forbes, Grades K-2
  • STEAMtastic Adventures with Dr. Seuss!, Lauren McCallum, Grades K-3
  • Ultimate Team Sports, Tim Poyer, Grades 2-5
  • Claymation, Dominique Orr, Grades 2-5
  • Machines on the Move Engineering Club, Jakala Wilson, Grades 2-5
  • Fabulous Foodies – Winter Fun!, Fran Cameron, Grades 2-5
  • Sparked by Science – STEM Challenges, Robotics, Circuitry, and More!, Ellyse Hampshire, Grades 3-5
  • Game On! Logic & Programming Games – Chess and Coding, Stefan Harroo, Grades 3-5

For more information, please contact or visit (full club descriptions found under JYJ tab).


Enter now for your 30 seconds of fame

We’re gearing up for the 2018 Healthy Choice Marathon — the 26 days of making healthy choices leading up to the Joyner 5K on March 4!

Encourage your students to create a 30-second video showcasing their favorite healthy activity on their own or with JYJ friends. Dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us what you love to do to stay healthy!  All videos meeting the above criteria will appear on the JYJ News, and all who submit videos will be entered into a drawing. Two students’ names will be drawn from each grade level to receive a prize, plus these 10 lucky winners will be asked to appear onstage during the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly on Friday, Feb. 2!

Videos submissions will be accepted by e-mail any time starting today, Wednesday Jan. 17, through Wednesday, Jan. 31, and will be aired beginning Jan. 22. Send 30-second videos to HCM Chair Ele Roberts at, and please include children’s names, teacher and grade level in the email message. Submitting a video of your child means you are giving permission for the video to be shown at school. Please do not submit videos that show other children without a parent’s permission.


Launching Pad Spirit Night 

Come bounce, dunk, flip, play, and show your Joyner spirit at Launching Pad Trampoline Park on Jan. 31 from 5-8 p.m. — and invite your friends, too! Get $5 off jump times and packages with 15% of proceeds going back to our Joyner PTA. The class with the most attendees will ride the XD Motion Simulator at the end of the night! Questions? Contact Leigh Wolitski at or 919-606-5219.


Joyner Teachers Win PTA-Funded Mini-Grants

Congratulations to the Joyner teachers and specialists who won mini grants in the fall. All items requested in the grant proposals have now been purchased! The JY Joyner PTA-funded Mini-Grants Program helps to fund great ideas that might not otherwise be part of the classroom environment. Click here to see the full list of fantastic projects that were funded in 2017.


NCPTA Lunch and Learn: What Every Parent Needs to Know about Transitioning to Middle School 

Who isn’t a little apprehensive about the transition from elementary to middle school? Dr. MariaRosa Rangel will address the most common parent and child concerns about the big move from elementary to middle school and set parents up for success in supporting their student.

  • When: February 8, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Where: NCPTA Headquarters, 3501 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC, 27612
  • Cost: $20 per Lunch and Learn. Lunch will be provided.

Register at: There is limited seating for the Lunch and Learn series, so register today!


Conscious Discipline Course Offered for Parents

A parenting class on Conscious Discipline® and book study on Becky Bailey’s Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline will be held at White Plains United Methodist Church in Cary. The 8-session class will be moderated by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Ashley Cooper. The deadline to signup is Feb. 1, and the class starts Feb. 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuition for the 8-session class is $175 for one adult or $260 per parenting couple (similar to class fees at Project Enlightenment). To sign up:


Community 5K Opportunity on March 17

Want to help bring gardens to Wake County elementary schools? Join Broughton Food Ark for the second annual Garden Gallop 5K to benefit the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s Growing School Gardens program. Community members of every age are welcome to run, walk, or even gallop to help high-need schools start thriving gardens and teach kids about the power of healthy eating. The race will be held at Dorothea Dix Park in Raleigh on March 17 at 8 a.m. To register, donate, or volunteer, visit the Garden Gallop Facebook page or


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 18: School spelling bee, 3:30-6 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Jan. 31: PTA Spirit Night at Launching Pad Trampoline Park, 5-8 p.m.
  • Feb. 2: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off assembly
  • Feb. 9: Early Release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Feb. 12-13: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 2: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Mar. 3: Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament @ Wake Tech
  • Mar. 4: JYJ 5k
  • Mar. 9: Black Box Dance performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 12-16: Tony Peacock, writer-in-residence (4th graders)

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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