News Flash | Welcome Back! Come jump at SkyZone, Event Planning & Mentors Needed

Welcome Back!  We hope you enjoyed a relaxing long weekend!IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community? 

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Spirit Night at Sky Zone
  • Get involved with Foundation’s Spring Party planning
  • Mentors Needed for Neighbor to Neighbor
  • Summer Camp Links

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Joyner Foundation Updates…

Sky Zone Spirit Night, Feb. 28th from 4-8

Join us for Spirit Night at Sky Zone in Raleigh on Friday, Feb. 28th from 4-8 pm. Jump to your heart’s delight with your Joyner buddies while supporting our school.  Sky Zone will have the Xbox eSports Gaming Lounge open for us as well. Sky Zone is donating 20% of the proceeds from our event back to the Joyner Foundation. 

Tickets will go on sale the week of the event. Cost per jumper is $13 for 1 hour or $20 for 3 hours.  We hope to see you there!

*Save the Date: Annual Spring Party, Thursday, April 30th at Whitaker & Atlantic

Ways to Get Involved in Event Planning 

Planning for this great annual event is underway and extra help is needed to make it a success!  This event helps raise money vital to funding teaching positions we have supported this year.  

Here are two ways to get involved:

  1. Help us reach out to local businesses that donated auction items last year
  2. Have an auction item to donate or know a local business that may want to donate an item?  

Popular auction items include gift cards for local restaurants and spa, Kids camps/activities/parties/experiences, event tickets (music, sports, theater, etc.), professional services, hotel stays, athletic memorabilia, vacation homes, art and more. 

Contact Heather Kraudel ( with questions or to get involved. Thanks for your consideration and support!

Silent Auction Grade Level Basket Donations 

As part of this year’s silent auction, each grade level will be putting together a basket with a different theme. We need your help again this year – the grade level baskets were a huge hit last year and were overflowing with fabulous items!  Stay tuned for link to sign up for items to donate for the baskets. Contact Katie Cork ( with questions and to get involved.

Mentors Needed

Consider being a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N! Neighbor to Neighbor (or N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh. N2N is a partner of Joyner Elementary and serves many members of our Joyner family – they current have a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors.

Sessions available from 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Links to Summer Camp Options:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Feb. 26: New Magnet Family Welcome
  • Feb. 28: Spirit Night, Sky Zone 4-8 p.m. 
  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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