News Flash | Joyner’s PTA Wants YOU and Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction

*WCPSS closed for the remainder of the school year

Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development. “WE CANNOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH THE SAME THINKING WE USED WHEN WE CREATED THEM.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

Consider Sharing Your Time and Talents with the PTA!

Does this extended absence from Joyner have you missing your school community? Have you been considering getting more involved in your child’s school experience? Do you have a passion for improving elementary school for ALL of Joyner’s students? There is a PTA position with your name on it!

Check out these important PTA openings available for the next school year:

  • Vice President
  • Grounds Restoration & Improvement Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Membership and No-Fuss Fundraiser Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • JYJ 5K Chairperson
  • 3rd-5th Grade Liaison
  • Girls on the Run Lead
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Science Olympiad Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Spelling Bee Chairperson
  • Spirit Nights Chairperson
  • Technology/Website Communication Chairperson

Contact Andrew Jones at or 919.332.9882 with questions or if you are interested in learning more about any of the following positions.  We appreciate your consideration and support! 

Save the Date: PTA General Membership Virtual Meeting – June 2nd

Join us for the next general membership PTA meeting via zoom on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. In this meeting, we will elect our 2020/21 officers and approve the next annual budget.  All are welcome to join and get involved!  Zoom call details will follow.  

Joyner Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction

We could not hold our annual Spring Party as planned this year, but the auction can go on!  Proceeds from the auction will provide funding for staffing positions for the 2020-2021 school year.  Our goal is to raise enough money through this event (as well as the others we held throughout the past year) to ensure all staff members can return next year and to maintain our school’s excellent academic programming.

Online bidding for the auction will open on June 4th and will close on June 11th.  There are so many wonderful items, and you can participate easily from home!  More information on the items as well as instructions on how to bid will be coming soon.  Stay tuned to our emails, Instagram, and Facebook for updates!

Click here to view a video about the auction from Foundation Board Member, Courtney Watkinson. Thank you for your support of the Joyner Foundation!

Food Resources 

WCPSS – Free Meals for Children A number of schools and community centers will serve as food distribution sites for Wake County families. There are three types of food offerings:

  • WCPSS food sites: hot lunches for the day and breakfast for the next day (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Western region sites: at least one meal (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market: pre-packed boxes of perishable and shelf-stable food items available


Remote Learning 

Any parents that would still like to fill out our remote learning survey please feel free to do so on the link provided so that we can best assist your family during this process.  JYJ Remote Learning Survey

Have you checked out our WJYJ remote learning news yet?  Each week several of our students and staff feature special moments of our magnet program at home.  It’s a great way to stay connected with one another and celebrate.  Make sure you tune in each week!

Link to Site:

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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