News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Supply Pickup Schedule, Virtual Magnet Mini Fair

Reminder that today, Wednesday Jan. 13th is an asynchronous day.

All students will be following our remote learning schedule from January 4th- January 15th from home.  No students should report to campus for in person learning during this time. 

Please see the link to our master schedule for the next two weeks. Remote Learning Master Schedule   

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Supply pickup today & tomorrow (Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th)
  • Return to Campus Reminders & Checklist
  • WCPSS Virtual Magnet Mini Fair
  • Before and After School Care 
  • Calendar Reminders

Supply Pickup this Week (Designated timeslots for each grade)

January 13- 4th Grade Supply Pickup 10-11 a.m. (overhang)

January 13- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 12-1p.m. (front of school)

January 13- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.(overhang)

January 13- 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2p.m. (overhang)

January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m. (overhang)

Preparing for the Return to Campus

Returning as Plan B – Second Semester Plan B Procedures. Please use this link and review with your family prior to returning to campus.

Changes for Second Semester – Due to class size mandates some classes in grades 3-5 may be hosting hybrid classes this semester. This means there will be a combination of students learning on campus and students learning virtually. Several schools in WCPSS have been using this model for the 2020-2021 school year. We hope this assists to keep all of our students with us and lower class sizes for in person learning when possible. 

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist 

Explore Wake County’s Magnet Middle Programs 

Make plans to attend the “Virtual Magnet Mini Fair” and virtually visit with staff from 14 different magnet middle schools. 

*Accepting online magnet applications now through January 28, 2021. Visit to learn more and to complete the process.

Reserve your spot for Before and After School Care

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 13- Asynchronous Day 
  • January 13- 4th Grade Supply Pickup 10-11 a.m. (overhang)
  • January 13- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 12-1p.m. (front of school)
  • January 13- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.(overhang)
  • January 13- 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2p.m. (overhang)
  • January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m. (overhang)
  • January 14- 9:30- 11 a.m. Magnet Middle School Virtual Magnet Mini Fair
  • January 15 – Last Day of Quarter 2 
  • January 18- Holiday- No School for students
  • January 19- Teacher Workday- No School for students
  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins/ Second Semester Begins
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.

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