News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Remote Learning Continues, Before & After School Care

Reminder that today, Wednesday Jan. 6th is an asynchronous day. All students will be following our remote learning schedule from January 4th- January 15th from home.  No students should report to campus for in person learning during this time. 

Please see the link to our master schedule for the next two weeks. Remote Learning Master Schedule   

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • IB Learning Trait for January
  • Before and After School Care
  • WCPSS Updates
  • Calendar Reminders
  • Quick Links

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers 

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research.  We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. 

Reserve your spot for Before and After School Care

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

WCPSS Updates

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 4- January 15: All students will follow the remote learning schedule from home
  • January 6- Asynchronous Day
  • January 13- Asynchronous Day 
  • January 15 – Last Day of Quarter 2 
  • January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.
  • January 18- Holiday- No School for students
  • January 19- Teacher Workday- No School for students
  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.

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