
NewsFlash | Off and running!

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the third day of school (or not, if you’ve got a new kindergartner, but who’s counting?). Hope to see you all at next week’s Open House event on Thursday, Sept. 8. There will be two classroom sessions with a short PTA meeting in between, so please make plans to attend. In the meantime, here’s more back-to-school information to get you in the swing of things.


Order your new favorite t-shirt (or sweatshirt)

We’ve got Jagwear! Show off your Joyner Jaguar pride with a new t-shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie or water bottle. Order forms will go home with your child this week and our PTA volunteers will be at school on Friday with samples for you to check out.

Jaguar 2016

Sign up to keep our campus beautiful

Our beautiful new plants, flowers and trees need your help to stay alive! In addition to crossing your fingers for rain, please sign up through MemberHub to take a turn watering the plants in the front and back of school. Hoses, sprinklers and sprayers have been hooked up accordingly. Times are flexible based on your schedule — click for the sign-up:

We have also have five new picnic tables for campus and need at least 10 people to help assemble them. Please bring drills to make assembly easier. We’ll be meeting on Sept. 11 from 2-4 p.m. — click for the sign-up:


Show off your summer reading

Summer Reading logs are due! Have your child turn the log into his/her teacher or stick it in the box by the PTA office door. Please remember to include your child’s first AND last name and the name of this year’s teacher. Extra reading logs, as well as program info in English and Spanish, are available on MemberHub. The celebration is coming soon!


Make a difference by joining the PTA

The PTA will have a table set up in the front of the school for the first two weeks to make it easy for you to join. Your membership shows your commitment to supporting teachers, staff and students at Joyner throughout the year — the greater our membership numbers, the stronger our voice at the school, district and state levels. And your financial donation makes the PTA’s programming and events possible for all students in every grade.

Want to join with other PTA volunteers to help make the magic happen? Fill out the Google form and a committee chair will follow up with you. We’re also looking for co-chairs for Science Go Round and the spelling bee — please let Catherine Otto know if you’re interested in helping with either role.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 5: Holiday
  • Sept. 8: JYJ Foundation volunteer sign-ups, 8 a.m. in the media center (details to come)
  • Sept. 8: Open House and PTA membership meeting, 5-7 p.m.
  • Sept. 9: Early release, 12:30 p.m.

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Counting down the days…

Road construction warning

For families driving to school, please avoid traveling to Joyner via Medway Drive. The entire street is being resurfaced and will be one lane through mid to late September. Lowden Street approaching Medway has also been closed. That project, combined with several houses under construction on Medway, means driving and parking on the street will be challenging at best.


Meet the Teacher this Friday morning

Come on by Joyner this Friday morning between 8 and 9:30 to meet your 1st-5th grade classroom teachers for the new school year — you can also get your carpool number, sign-in any medications and register for before/after school care while you’re there. If you pre-ordered school supplies, be sure to pick them up in the cafeteria and bring them to your child’s classroom while you’re there.

We send best wishes with several faculty and staff who are leaving us for new adventures this year and we welcome the new faces to our Joyner family! Check out the school website for changes and bios about our 2016-17 team and see Mrs. Hutchinson’s blog for more.


School grounds get spiffy

The grounds around Joyner got a major upgrade this week! More than 150 new plants and trees were planted to welcome everyone back to school. A special thank you to Danielle Slavin for her vision in plantings and to Julie Dalton for working her magic to make it all happen!


Before you arrive on Monday…

Here’s a quick list of back-to-school links, to help you get ready:


Joyner’s Backpack Buddies needs your help

We still need your help funding Joyner’s Backpack Buddies program, administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle. So far we’ve funded only about one-quarter of the food insecure students to be able to take home some basic food each weekend. It costs $350 per child to provide them with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. If you have questions, please contact our Joyner volunteers: Ele Roberts (919) 649-6600, Lisa Brown (919)782-0640 or Kelly Valdespino (919)835-0405.

Quick links

Calendar items

  • Aug. 25: Bowling fundraiser for the JYJ Foundation at The Alley (2512 Hillsborough St.), 6-8 p.m.
  • Aug. 26: Meet the Teacher (grades 1-5), 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 29: First day of school!
  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 8: Open House, 5-7 p.m.

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

SummerFlash | Why have a PTA? (plus news you can use)

Popsicles for kindergartners this week!

Welcome to all our rising kindergarten families! Please join us for popsicles on the playground this Thursday, Aug. 11, at 10 a.m. and/or Sunday, Aug. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Come meet other Joyner kindergarten families and talk to current students and parents! Please RSVP to


Why have a PTA?

If your vision of PTA is just bake sales and end-of-year classroom parties, then you’re really missing out. At Joyner, we are privileged to have a strong, energetic PTA filled with volunteers who are committed to making Joyner a place where every student and teacher can succeed. But that success doesn’t happen by accident — it’s only because all of you make it a reality year after year.

With the exciting news that our school’s Foundation has made it possible to hire a new Spanish teacher this year, we realize it might be less obvious what your PTA donations do for students and teachers at Joyner — the PTA and the Foundation are great partners, but they’re two separate organizations with two separate budgets.

Here’s a quick list of just some of what the PTA makes possible:

  • Enhanced classroom technology across the school
  • Cultural arts and science experiences during the school day for every grade level
  • Mini-grants for teachers to bring new ideas into their classrooms
  • Academic enrichment opportunities, like Odyssey of the Mind and Science Olympiad
  • Schoolwide events that encourage camaraderie, including the Joyner Jamboree and Night of Nonsense
  • Athletic programs such as First in Fitness, PE supplies, the Joyner 5K and running club
  • Design and production of the JYJ yearbook
  • Student awards and recognitions, including publication of student writing
  • Sets of books for teachers to use in class with students
  • Improvements to school grounds, including the turf field, stage and outdoor sound system
  • Appreciation events for teachers and staff
  • Student events and celebrations, including the Summer Reading Challenge, kindergarten popsicles, Field Day and fifth grade graduation
  • Advocacy efforts at the county and state levels to support policies that benefit students in our public schools

Amazingly, we’re able to do ALL of this without asking you or your children to sell wrapping paper, magazines, coupon books, cookie dough or summer sausages. At Meet the Teacher, be sure to pick up your No-Fuss Fundraiser form to make your PTA donation — or go ahead and download the form (click here for English or click here for Spanish), fill it out and bring your check with you on Aug. 26. 


Getting ready for school

Here’s an extra list of back-to-school links, in case you missed anything last week:


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Aug. 11: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 14: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Bowling fundraiser for the JYJ Foundation at The Alley (2512 Hillsborough St.), 6-8 p.m.
  • Aug. 26: Meet the Teacher (grades 1-5), 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 29: First day of school!
  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 8: Open House, 5-7 p.m.

SummerFlash | Welcome to August!

What to expect in August

Only three and a half weeks left before school starts! For many of you, back-to-school routines are old hat — but for some, this is your first August at Joyner. Whether you need a introduction or just a refresher, here are a few notes about what to expect this month:

  • Letters with classroom assignments (1st-5th grades) and staggered entry dates (kindergarten) — along with other helpful info about Joyner and the PTA — will be mailed from WCPSS by Aug. 19. Note that staggered entry for kindergarten means those students will only attend school ONE day during the week of Aug. 29.
  • Kindergarten gatherings with popsicles on the playground are set for Thursday, Aug. 11, at 10 a.m. and Sunday, Aug. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Come meet other Joyner kindergarten families and talk to current students and parents! Please RSVP to
  • Meet the Teacher for students in 1st-5th grades runs from 8-9:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 26. Bring your kids and drop in anytime during that block to check out your child’s new classroom, introduce yourself to your child’s teacher, pick up a carpool number, get a walker number, check your bus information, sign up for before/after school care and drop your pre-ordered supplies at your child’s desk. You can even sign up to be room parent for your child’s class while you’re there. PTA will also have a table set up so you can go ahead and join the PTA and give to the No-Fuss fundraiser — details coming soon. (Kindergarten Meet the Teacher will be held on Sept. 2 from 12:30-1:30 p.m.)
  • School supply lists are on the Joyner website at, in case you didn’t pre-order supplies to be delivered to school.
  • Deposit lunch money in your child’s account through the My School Bucks lunch money app, if your child plans on buying cafeteria lunch. You can also use the app to see what they buy, so you know if they’re getting the lunch or just buying desserts. Not that anyone would do that. Or if you’re looking for information about the state’s Free or Reduced Price Meals in the National School Lunch Program, click here for the latest updates.
  • Help out the PTA by volunteering for the audit position on the PTA board — contact Catherine Otto at for details.


What does that mean?

The overhang. The Jamboree. OM. IB. PYP.

Like all families, Joyner tends to use its own shorthand and nicknames for lots of things — plus the world of education comes with a whole set of terms and acronyms. Check out our handy-dandy JYJ glossary to find definitions of terms and explanations of programs to help keep you in the know — it’s saved in the Files section of the Joyner hub.


Donate to Joyner’s Backback Buddies program

So far we’ve raised about $1,000 for Joyner’s Backpack Buddies program, administered through the Interfaith Food ShuttleThat amount will only cover about three Joyner children in need to take home some basic food each weekend — and we need your help to fund 18-20 food insecure students for the 2016-17 school year. It costs $350 per child to provide them with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. Joyner’s goal is to collect enough to fully fund the program before school starts in August. If you have questions, please contact our Joyner volunteers: Ele Roberts (919) 649-6600Lisa Brown (919)782-0640 or Kelly Valdespino (919)835-0405.


Updates to MemberHub

The Joyner PTA and the J.Y. Joyner Foundation both use MemberHub for communications with Joyner parents, but we don’t have a way to automatically subscribe families to the hub. If you know someone who is joining the Joyner family and isn’t set up in MemberHub, please ask them to complete the form at this link:

Already in MemberHub? Take a moment to be sure your profile is updated. If your child is no longer attending Joyner and you’d like to be removed from the JYJ hub, just reply to this message and ask to unsubscribe.


Get those final summer books!

Hopefully your kids are finding time between camps and other summer activities to keep up their reading! Extra reading logs, as well as program info in English and Spanish, are available on MemberHub. Students can keep track of the minutes they read this summer (either at or on the log in sheet) and be eligible for a celebration in September. Don’t forget to join us for the last Summer Reading Challenge library meet-up on Aug. 8 at 10 a.m. at the Leesville Community Library.


Access online learning resources

Be sure to use Joyner’s online learning resources over the summer! Big Universe, PebbleGo, BrainPop, BrainPop, Jr, CultureGrams, Tumblebooks, NC WiseOwl and more are available to you for free as a Wake County/Joyner family. Check the files section of MemberHub for login information and let the learning begin! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hale at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Aug. 8: Summer reading meet-up, Leesville Community Library, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 11: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 14: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 26: Meet the Teacher (grades 1-5), 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 29: First day of school!
  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 8: Open House, 5-7 p.m.

SummerFlash | Pre-order school supplies by July 15

Last week to pre-order school supplies

Order your children’s school supplies online. Show up at school in the fall. Pat yourself on the back. It’s really that simple when you order through Joyner’s school supplies partnership! Just click this link and login with our account number (JOY014), then find the packs for your child’s grade for next year and order. The packs will be delivered directly to Joyner in August. Online ordering is available through July 15. Here’s the link again, in case you missed it:


Thanks to Wells Fargo!

The Hayes Barton Wells Fargo team has selected the Joyner PTA for a $1,000 Community Connection grant. Huge thank you to Wells Fargo and the Hayes Barton team! What a great way to give Joyner a jump on the PTA’s No-Fuss Fundraiser for the fall.


Updates to MemberHub

The Joyner PTA and the J.Y. Joyner Foundation both use MemberHub for communications with Joyner parents, but we don’t have a way to automatically subscribe families to the hub. If you know someone who is joining the Joyner family and isn’t set up in MemberHub, please ask them to complete the form at this link:

If your child is no longer attending Joyner and you’d like to be removed from the JYJ hub, just reply to this message and ask to unsubscribe.

Hayes Barton Wells Fargo team has selected the Joyner PTA for a $1,000 Community Connection grant. Huge thank you to Wells Fargo and the Hayes Barton team! What a great way to give Joyner a jump on the PTA’s No-Fuss Fundraiser for the fall.


Donate to Joyner’s Backback Buddies program

Thanks to all who have already supported Joyner’s Backpack Buddies, the program administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle that allows a group of Joyner children in need to take home some basic food each weekend. Last year, your generosity provided backpacks to 18 food insecure students — and we need your help to fund 18-20 students for the 2016-17 school year. It costs $350 per child to provide with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. Joyner’s goal is to collect enough to fully fund the program before school starts in August.

For more information please visit Interfaith Food Shuttle’s website at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Joyner volunteers: Ele Roberts (919) 649-6600Lisa Brown (919)782-0640 or Kelly Valdespino (919)835-0405.


Summer Reading Challenge is on!

Hopefully your kids are finding time between camps and other summer activities to keep up their reading! Extra reading logs, as well as program info in English and Spanish, are available on MemberHub. Students can keep track of the minutes they read this summer (either at or on the log in sheet) and be eligible for a celebration in September. Don’t forget to join us for the last Summer Reading Challenge library meet-up on Aug. 8 at 10 a.m. at the Leesville Community Library.


Access online learning resources

Be sure to use Joyner’s online learning resources over the summer! Big Universe, PebbleGo, BrainPop, BrainPop, Jr, CultureGrams, Tumblebooks, NC WiseOwl and more are available to you for free as a Wake County/Joyner family. Check the files section of MemberHub for login information and let the learning begin! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hale at


Garden watering schedule

Thanks to all who signed up to water the JYJ learning garden — don’t forget which week you picked! These blazing temperatures aren’t forgiving for our sunny growing space.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Aug. 8: Summer reading meet-up, Leesville Community Library, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 11: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 14: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 26: Meet the Teacher (grades 1-5), 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 29: First day of school!
  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 8: Open House, 5-7 p.m.

SummerFlash | Reading meet-ups, Backpack Buddies, online learning, school supplies and calendar items

Backback Buddies needs your help

In North Carolina, 1 in 5 kids under the age of 18 does not have enough to eat, making our state the second highest in the country for child food insecurity. That’s why Joyner participates in a very special program called Backpack Buddies, administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle, that allows a group of Joyner children in need to take home some basic food each weekend. These students receive breakfast and lunch at school during the week, but often do not have access to nutritious food on the weekends. Providing students with better nutrition means they are better able to focus at school, with improved learning and behavior.

Last year, your generosity provided backpacks to 18 food insecure students — and we need your help to fund 18-20 students for the 2016-17 school year. It costs $350 per child to provide with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. Joyner’s goal is to collect enough to fully fund the program before school starts in August.

For more information please visit Interfaith Food Shuttle’s website at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Joyner volunteers: Ele Roberts (919) 649-6600Lisa Brown (919)782-0640 or Kelly Valdespino (919)835-0405.


Summer Reading Challenge is on!

Hopefully your kids are finding time between camps and other summer activities to keep up their reading! Extra reading logs, as well as program info in English and Spanish, are available on MemberHub. Students can keep track of the minutes they read this summer (either at or on the log in sheet) and be eligible for a celebration in September.

Join us for the Summer Reading Challenge library meet-ups (note new morning times):

  • July 11: North Regional Library, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 8: Leesville Community Library, 10 a.m.


Access online learning resources

Be sure to use Joyner’s online learning resources over the summer! Big Universe, PebbleGo, BrainPop, BrainPop, Jr, CultureGrams, Tumblebooks, NC WiseOwl and more are available to you for free as a Wake County/Joyner family. Check the files section of MemberHub for login information and let the learning begin! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hale at


Not too late to pre-order school supplies

Order your children’s school supplies online. Show up at school in the fall. Pat yourself on the back. It’s really that simple when you order through Joyner’s school supplies partnership! Just click this link and login with our account number (JOY014), then find the packs for your child’s grade for next year and order. The packs will be delivered directly to Joyner in August. Online ordering is available through July 15. Here’s the link again, in case you missed it:


Garden watering schedule

Thanks to all who signed up to water the JYJ learning garden — don’t forget which week you picked! These blazing temperatures aren’t forgiving for our sunny growing space.


TEK Club dates set for fall

Are you ready to start planning your fall after-school fun? Joyner’s TEK Clubs will return to JYJ this fall with for six consecutive Wednesdays from Oct. 12 – Nov. 16, 3:30-4:45 p.m. TEK supervises students after school until clubs begin. Club cost is $135. More details coming this fall about which Joyner teachers will be offering clubs. Any questions, please contact TEK (Duval Fisher & Julie Sullivan) at or visit


Quick links

Calendar items

  • July 11: Summer reading meet-up, North Regional Library, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 8: Summer reading meet-up, Leesville Community Library, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 11: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 14: Popsicles on the playground for rising kindergartners, 3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 26: Meet the Teacher (grades 1-5), 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 29: First day of school!
  • Sept. 2: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 8: Open House, 5-7 p.m.

A video for you, in case you can’t stop the feeling…

You might be feeling a little excited today for summer to start. Or maybe you’re feeling sad because your baby just graduated from elementary school. Perhaps you’re feeling all the feels at once.

But whether you’re ready to celebrate or you need a little pick-me-up, the Joyner teachers and staff are here for you. They’ve got sunshine in their pockets. They’ve even got some good soul in their feet.

Your kids saw it on the news this morning, but we didn’t want you to miss out. Happy summer, everyone — and go Jaguars!

JYJ Can’t Stop the Feeling from Calla Sherrow on Vimeo.

NewsFlash | Last week of school plus some summer updates

Where did the time go?! Hard to believe it’s our last NewsFlash of the 2015-16 school year. Many thanks to you and all the amazing parents, teachers, staff, families and friends who make Joyner such a wonderful place to be. Your contributions throughout the year are too overwhelming to list here (seriously, none of you would read all of that), but please know that your time and energy are so valuable to every child here! A special thank you to all the parents who served on the executive board or chaired a committee over the past year — many of you went above and beyond the call of duty and we are so grateful. The 2016-17 PTA officers will be working over the summer to be sure that next year is just as fabulous.

And one more thank you — to the Class of 2016! Thanks to this year’s 5th grade class for giving Joyner this amazing mural, created by the very talented (Joyner mom) Denise Hughes, as a special backdrop for our new stage. What a beautiful gift for the whole Joyner family! Best wishes to all our graduates.

Summer is for reading

Check the bottom of your kid’s backpack for a pink sheet with information about JYJ’s Summer Reading program, which begins as soon as the last bell rings on June 9 (or maybe your kids actually handed the info to you, in which case, congratulations on raising such responsible citizens!). Extra reading logs, as well as program info inEnglish and Spanish, are available on MemberHub. Students can keep track of the minutes they read this summer (either at or on the log in sheet) and then turn in their minutes by Sept. 4 to participate in a fun-filled celebration. Don’t miss out!


Your summer to-do list:

  • Order your children’s school supplies online so that they’ll magically show up at school in August (the supplies, that is, not your kids). By July 15, Just click this link and login with our account number (JOY014), then find the packs for your child’s grade for next year and order.
  • Send a picture of your child(ren) in a JYJ shirt during your summer trips to by Aug. 19.
  • Sign up to water our new learning garden — just come over twice during the week that you sign up for and help keep our garden growing strong.
  • Track your summer reading (see item at top).
  • Attend fun camps run by Joyner teachers.
  • Don’t forget to wear sunscreen.


Magical marker collection

Thanks to your contributions this year, PTA volunteer Rebecca Blum will be mailing off 323 markers for the Crayola Colorcycle program. Be sure to collect your used-up markers over the summer and bring them to Joyner in August — let’s see if we can keep even more plastic out of the trash and into this recycling program!


Still time to stock the hospital treasure box

Joyner is collecting items for the UNC Children’s Hospital’s “treasure box,” where young patients can pick out a prize after having blood drawn. Items needed include: crossword puzzle books, any books (all reading level), games, small toys, coloring books, markers, crayons, colored pencils. Look for the bin at Joyner’s front entrance to drop off those items and bring a smile to some kids (and their families) who might really need one.


Summer meals for kids

Last year, nearly one million low-income North Carolina public school children received meals during the school year, but less than 15 percent received meals or snacks at approved summer meal sites in their neighborhoods. To help address this critical need, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) School Nutrition Services staff, along with a number of statewide partners, have announced the availability of the Summer Nutrition Programs for students across the state. Once the school year ends, nearly 3,000 summer nutrition meals sites will help bridge the school meals gap until the beginning of the new school year. Click here for details, including a program locator map and text-messaging service to find the site closest to you.


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at We will send a couple of updates over the summer, so be sure your friends are on the list!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 7: Step Up Day for K-4th grades
  • June 7: Don’t forget to vote! Visit for details.
  • June 8: 5th grade celebration (pre-ceremony reception in cafeteria at 8:30, graduation at 9 a.m. followed by pizza party)
  • June 9: School store open
  • June 9: Annual faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game, 9 a.m. at Kiwanis Park
  • June 10: No more school for the summer
  • Aug. 29: First day of the 2016-17 school year!

Update | 2016-17 PTA Executive Board and Committee Chairs

Executive Board

  • President: Catherine Otto
  • Vice-President: Cyndi Soter O’Neil
  • Secretary: Kate Sonawane
  • Treasurer: Clair Marshall

Committee Chairs

  • Academic Boosters: Amy Warren
  • Advocacy: Jennifer Grady
  • Advisory Board- District 6: Kelly Miller
  • Audit Committee: TBD
  • Communications: Cyndi Soter O’Neil, Jennifer Grady
  • Cultural Enlightenment: Andrea Burston
  • Grounds Restoration: Julie Dalton
  • Birthday Recognitions: Meredith Swindell
  • Box Tops/Labels: Tammy Cloyd
  • Book Fair: Laura Moreschi
  • Budget Chair: Kristen Findley
  • Character Education: TBD
  • Cultural Arts: Chris and Angelita Becom
  • JYJ 5K: Arinn Widmayer, Joe Nuss, Tor Swenson
  • JYJ 5K Running Club: Tor Swenson
  • JAG Publishing: Suzi Landis, Meredith Myers
  • JAG Wear: Ameshia Turlington, Kelli Gracely
  • Joyner Jamboree: Melanie Jones, Juli Openshaw
  • JYJ Dining Night Out: Amy Circosta
  • K-2 Liaison: Hanna Compton
  • Media Center: Helen Green
  • Membership: Ele Roberts, Julie Poyer
  • Mini Grants: Arinn Widmayer
  • No-Fuss: Ele Roberts, Julie Poyer
  • Nominating: Cyndi Soter O’Neil
  • Night of Nonsense: Jen Schrage, Julie Brincefield
  • Odyssey of the Mind: Laura Moreschi, Andrew Jones
  • Original ArtWorks: Meredith Swindell
  • Philanthropy/Backpack Buddies: Lisa Brown
  • Pre-Order School Supplies: Sarah Mears
  • School Pictures: TBD
  • School Store: Ann Truax
  • Science Go Round: Katie Cavillo
  • Spelling Bee: Lisa Brugh
  • Student Directory: Sally Burlington
  • Study Buddies: TBD
  • Summer Reading Program: Kristin Wolverton
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Alli Corsmeier, Ashley Davenport
  • Technology/Web Site: Matt Harrell
  • 3rd-5th Grade Liaison: Ashley Bailey, Laura Ryan
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Leigh Wolitski
  • Yearbook: Lindsay Kornely, Susie Petretich

NewsFlash | Dine-out night, school supplies, garden watering and more!

Eat at Pei Wei this Thursday

It’s that crazy time of year when we could all use a night off from making dinner. But we’ve got good news! Come join your friends for our last dine-out night of the year at Pei Wei Restaurant (4408 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh) on Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Joyner PTA will receive a percentage of proceeds for all meals purchased on that day (take out or dine in).


School supplies? Check.

Order your children’s school supplies online. Show up at school in the fall. Pat yourself on the back. It’s really that simple when you order through Joyner’s school supplies partnership! Just click this link and login with our account number (JOY014), then find the packs for your child’s grade for next year and order. The packs will be delivered directly to Joyner in August. Online ordering is available through July 15. Here’s the link again, in case you missed it:

On a related note, the school store will be open the last day of school (June 9) so that you can stock up on enough fun erasers and pens to get you through the summer.


Stock the hospital treasure box

Joyner is collecting items for the UNC Children’s Hospital’s “treasure box,” where young patients can pick out a prize after having blood drawn. Items needed include: crossword puzzle books, any books (all reading level), games, small toys, coloring books, markers, crayons, colored pencils. Look for the bin at Joyner’s front entrance to drop off those items and bring a smile to some kids (and their families) who might really need one.


Make Joyner a trash-free zone

Some enterprising second graders have formed the Joyner Environmental Club to help clean up the grounds once a month. You can join these students this Sunday at 3:30 — the more help we have, the faster we can pick up trash from around our campus. The crew will have trash bags available to anyone who wants to meet under the overhang.


Show your JYJ love this summer

Have an exciting summer adventure planned? Be sure to pack a Joyner shirt in your luggage! Send a picture of your child(ren) in a JYJ shirt during your summer trip to Please include in your email message your child(ren)’s name(s) and where you are in the picture. Pictures shared will be displayed at school in the fall and may even be included in Mrs. Hutchinson’s summer tweets! Deadline for submissions is Aug. 19.


Seeking summer watering volunteers

Worried you might miss coming to the JYJ this summer? Need an excuse to get out of the house? Then we have the perfect job for you! Visit the sign-up in MemberHub and pick a week to help water our new learning garden — just come over twice during the week that you sign up for and help keep our garden growing strong. It’s a low stress way to be a big help.


Vote on June 7

Now, you might be thinking: Wait, what, didn’t we already vote? Is it November already?!

So this is a little confusing. In North Carolina, the district lines for who represents you in the U.S. House of Representatives changed. In a special election on June 7, Democrats and Republicans will pick their candidates to be on the November ballot. (Unaffiliated or independent voters can vote in either party’s contest.) In a few districts, the party only has 1 candidate so there is no contest and that person will be on the November ballot. But ALL North Carolina voters will be picking among four candidates to decide who will sit on the NC Supreme Court. This is a nonpartisan contest; no party labels will appear on the ballot. Visit for details.


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at We will send a couple of updates over the summer, so be sure your friends are on the list!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 5: Campus clean up at 3:30 p.m.
  • June 7: Step Up Day for K-4th grades
  • June 7: Don’t forget to vote!
  • June 8: 5th grade celebration (pre-ceremony reception in cafeteria at 8:30, graduation in gym at 9 a.m.)
  • June 9: School store open
  • June 9: Annual faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game, 9 a.m. at Kiwanis Park
  • June 10: No school — see you in August!