NewsFlash | Principal search input, summer to-do list

Submit input for principal search

Thanks to all parents who met with Area Superintendent Andre Smith last week to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal — we had a great session with Dr. Smith and are excited about the opportunities ahead. Individuals who were unable to attend the input session can email comments to — see the form in MemberHub files to submit your feedback in writing by June 30. The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process.


Summer to-do list

  • Order school supplies at and use ID code joy014. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need.
  • Water the pollinator garden. Sign up is available on MemberHub.
  • Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Join us for library meet-ups on July 11 and Aug. 8 — see details at the end of this message. 


Summer food programs available

More than 60 percent of North Carolina children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals and almost a quarter are food insecure. When school is out and they no longer have the benefit of the school breakfast and/or school lunch program, they may not have enough food to eat.

Fortunately, organizations across the state are participating in the Free Summer Meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal.

To find summer feeding sites, text FOODNC to 877-877 or call 1-866-3HUNGRY.


Ads make MemberHub free to all NC PTAs

Through a partnership with the North Carolina PTA, MemberHub is now available free of charge for all PTA units in NC public schools. As a result, you’ll now see ads at the top and bottom of messages and on the MemberHub pages within the platform. By using this sponsored version of MemberHub, the Joyner PTA is able to redirect funds previously spent on our subscription and put more money into our classrooms, teacher supports and student opportunities.


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this month? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. If this is the case, just reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll take care of it.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 29: Dine-out night to support the JYJ Foundation, Pieology at North Hills, 5-8 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher and popsicles
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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