NewsFlash | Bus Driver Appreciation Week, Turn in Box Tops, and Healthy Choice Marathon Week 2

Pictures are needed for the yearbook! Please send pictures — especially Dance-a-thon and Joyner Jamboree pictures — to Tracy Robinson at Click “actual size.”


Thank Your Child’s Bus Driver This Week

February Is Love the Bus Month, and this week (Feb. 12-16) is School Bus Driver Appreciation Week. Our drivers ensure that our children get to school safely and on time every day. Please take a moment this week to thank your child’s bus driver. Click here for some resources you can use!

Did you know?

  • Students nationwide are about 70 times more likely to get to school safely if they take the school bus instead of traveling by car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  • School buses reduce traffic by keeping more than 17 million cars off roads each year, the American School Bus Council says, while also saving approximately 2.6 billion gallons of fuel.


Turn in Box Tops This Week to Win a Pizza Party

Please turn in your clipped Box Tops to your child’s teacher in sealable bags THIS WEEK. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to the JYJ PTA. The class that collects the most Box Tops will win a pizza party!


Healthy Choice Marathon Week 2: Keep Up the Great Work

As you get ready for the 5K, don’t forget all the other activities leading up to the big day. We’re now into week 2 of the Healthy Choice Marathon!

  • The theme for week 2: Be fit with friends! Exercise with a friend or family member each day.
  • Weekly Staff Wellness Challenge: Keep encouraging your teachers and staff! This week we’ll see who can complete the most (different) exercise activities in a week.
  • Up next for teachers & staff: Next week is the hashtag challenge — who can post a healthy choice(s) using our #JYJ185K hashtag on social media?
  • Reading books is part of a healthy life. You can help get books to kids who need them by donating gently used books at school as part of the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive. If Joyner collects 2,600 books, students get to dress up as their favorite book character on Friday, March 2.


Register for the 5K

Registration is now open for the 7th Annual JYJ 5K Run/Walk on March 4 at 2 p.m.  Visit to register yourself, your children and all your friends who want in on the action! Questions? Contact Arinn Widmayer at

Become a JYJ 5K Sponsor

Promotional materials, race T-shirts and online marketing come with sponsorship opportunities for advertising your business! All sponsorships 100% tax deductible. Opportunities available at many levels. Please contact Arinn Widmayer at or check out

Summer Camps Offered by JYJ Teachers

Sign up now for art, PE and STEAM summer camp fun! Mr. Fotta, Mr. Poyer and Ms. Cameron are offering JYJ summer camps for three weeks this summer (July 23 – August 10) — camps are open to any rising K through 5th students (not just Joyner kids). Choose from half-day art, PE or STEAM camps, or put two together to make a full day. Click here for the updated registration form. Questions? Contact Mr. Fotta at


NCPTA Lunch and Learn Series: What Every Parent Needs to Know about Sleep!

From babies to high schoolers, sleep is an ever-changing challenge to parents. Join Dr. Jesse Hart of WakeMed Pediatric Practices to talk about all things sleep and sleep hygiene from babies to teens.

Register at: Ticket sales end on March 6.


Quick Links


Calendar Items

  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Feb. 21: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 2: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Mar. 3: Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament @ Wake Tech
  • Mar. 4: JYJ 5k
  • Mar. 8: Barre 3 class fundraiser for the JYJ Foundation, 7:00 pm
  • Mar. 9: Black Box Dance performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 12-16: Tony Peacock, writer-in-residence (4th graders)
  • Mar. 24: Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament @ Wingate University
  • Mar. 29: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 30: Holiday
  • Apr. 2-6: Spring Break

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

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