
News Flash | Return to School Update, Silent Auction Coming Soon, Summer Camp Offering

Update: WCPSS announced an adjustment in schedule and April 7th is now a Teacher Workday. Students who currently attend Plan A in-person learning will return to campus on Thursday, April 8th. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • April Learning Profile Trait: Communicators
  • WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist & Care Center
  • Summer Camp Offering
  • JYJ Foundation & PTA Updates
  • Before and After School Care Program Information 
  • Calendar Reminders

Learner Profile Trait of the Month: CommunicatorsWe express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

  • Listening: Listening to directions, listening to others, listening to information. 
  • Speaking: Speaking clearly; expressing ideas clearly and logically; giving oral reports. 
  • Reading: Reading from a variety of sources and understanding what has been read; making inferences; and drawing conclusions.

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist 

Please continue to use this link for the most update guidelines (Face Coverings, Eating and Drinking Guidelines, Student Health Guidelines, etc).

Care Center

If your child goes to the Care Center, you will receive this form when you pick your child up. Please be sure to review the “Return to School” section which outlines what needs to be done for a student to return to Joyner. 

Summer Camp OfferingWe’re excited to share that the following summer camps are available for registration.

  • Fourth Grade Refresher: Weeks of July 19 and July 26
  • Kindergarten Readiness and First grade Refresher: August 2-6

These will be led by Ms. Kate Johnson (4th Grade Teacher). Contact Ms. Johnston directly for questions and registration details. Email: (contact info in email)  *Space is limited to 10 students per camp.

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

The Joyner Foundation is hosting a virtual Silent Auction this year on Thursday evening April 22nd, 2021.  We will have various “to go” meal options available for preorder from Empire Eats and so many amazing items up for auction.  We are thrilled to join together as a community to support our school! 

Why is this auction so important?  

Thanks to the generous support of our school family and community, the Joyner Foundation raised $95,000 during the last school year.  That’s amazing!!  All proceeds raised went directly to fund our goal of maintaining and attracting talented educators and enhancing the IB educational programs at J.Y. Joyner Magnet Elementary School. 

The Joyner Foundation continues its commitment to providing the best education possible for all students by supplementing the school with funds that may be otherwise lost due to Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) budget shortfalls.  For the coming school year, the entire impact of the pandemic on the WCPSS budget and how it will affect Joyner is not fully known.  As we prepare to return to the classroom for the 2021-22 school year, it is the goal of the Foundation to ensure that Joyner will be stronger than ever and ready to fund any necessary instructional positions that may go unfunded. 

Every donation, at any level, helps us reach our goals and make the difference.  You can help by supporting the Joyner Foundation Silent Auction this year, our biggest fundraiser, and through a family and corporate donation if you are willing and able.  Donations can be made on our website at or by completing the attached form and sending to school with a check to the attention of the Joyner Foundation.  We are so appreciative of our supporters and in acknowledgment of every gift we receive we will place a pinwheel on the Joyner Campus as a thank you.  Be on the lookout for these pinwheels coming soon! 

Mark your Calendars – PTA’s Virtual 5k:Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the PTA’s Virtual Joyner 5k!  Mark your calendars for May 1stfor a fun and socially distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA.  The Joyner PTA will be sending out more information, including registration details, very soon!  We hope you will join the Foundation in supporting the PTA!!

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Calendar Reminders: 

  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6-7- Teacher workdays
  • April 8- Students return for in-person learning 
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 15 – PTA Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Virtual Curriculum Night Grades 3-5, Nominate JYJ Women

Reminder: Wednesday, March 24th is an Asynchronous Day. No students will report to school today.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Spring Virtual Curriculum Night this Week
  • Women’s History Month- Let’s Celebrate our JYJ’s!
  • JYJ Library Wishlist
  • Before and After School Care Program Information 
  • Care Center Protocol
  • Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

Spring Virtual Curriculum Night

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Spring Virtual Curriculum Night this week on Wednesday, March 24 (3rd-5th grade & Specialists). This Curriculum Night will have 3-5 grade level math & specialist focus for parents to learn strategies to help support their children at home. Google Meet Links

Thank you to all of our families who attended our first session of Curriculum Night.  It was amazing to see parents being risk-takers in our sessions and learning new strategies to do with your child(ren).  

Women’s History Month – Nominate Today!

March is Women’s History Month celebrating countless women who have made a difference in our local communities, our nation and our world. Click to Nominate someone at Joyner that has positively impacted your child(ren).   

Wishlists Now Available to Help Add to our JYJ LibraryOur new Media Specialist, Mrs. Hoyle, has done an amazing job with the library since her arrival! She has used the funds generated from the Book Fair earlier this year to purchase some new books which your children should start seeing the library after Spring Break!   She has also put together wishlists at Quail Ridge and on Amazon. If you are able, please consider purchasing a book or two to help bring some new variety to the JYJ library. Thank you in advance for your support!  Wishlist Links: 

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Care Center

If your child goes to the Care Center, you will receive this form when you pick your child up. Please be sure to review the “Return to School” section which outlines what needs to be done for a student to return to Joyner. 

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

PTA’s Virtual 5k

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the PTA’s Virtual Joyner 5k!  Mark your calendars for May 1st for a fun and socially distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. The Joyner PTA will be sending out more information, including registration details very soon!  

Joyner Foundation Silent Auction

It’s time to get excited for the Joyner Foundation Silent Auction!  We will be holding the Silent Auction virtually again this year and we can’t wait to share all of the amazing items with you. We are thrilled to join together as a community to support our school! 

What to know about this year’s event:

  • WHEN: Thursday evening April 22nd, 2021
  • FOOD: Various meal options from Empire Eats will be available for pre-order and pickup prior to the event.
  • BIDDING: Put the kids to bed early or call a sitter, plan for a “Date Night” at home and start browsing and bidding! Details to follow on how to register and bid. 
  • SOCIAL MEDIA: If you aren’t already, be sure to like and follow the J. Y. Joyner Foundation on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all details of the event and previews of auction items!

Calendar Reminders: 

  • March 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6-7- Teacher workdays
  • April 8- Students return for in-person learning 
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

News Flash | Virtual Curriculum Nights, Elective Registration for Rising 6th graders, JYJ Library Wishllist

Please review the updated calendar schedule as there are cohort changes noted in April.  Updated Second Semester Calendar Link  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Spring Virtual Curriculum Nights this Week
  • Elective Registration for Rising 6th graders
  • JYJ Library Wishlist
  • Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form – Deadline Approaching
  • Women’s History Month & IB Learning Trait for March
  • Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

Spring Virtual Curriculum Nights

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Spring Virtual Curriculum Nights this week on Wednesday, March 17th (K-2nd grade & Spanish) and Thursday, March 18th (3rd-5th grade & Specialists)

This Curriculum Night will have a grade level math & specialist/Spanish focus for parents to learn strategies to help support their children at home. Be sure to complete the math instruction survey that was sent by your child’s teacher before these sessions. We encourage you to attend your child’s grade level session as well as the Spanish and Specials sessions to see what your child is learning in those classes as well. 

Elective Registration for Rising 6th Graders! 

Attention 5th Grade Families… The time’s here, elective registration for rising 6th graders!  Registration opens Mon 03/15 via PowerSchool.  You and your child can register for electives at home.

Check the 5th grade website for directions, a (short) video step by step tutorial on registration and all registration updates. If you have questions, you can join our live Google Meet for questions and troubleshooting.

We’ll have sessions on Tues 03/16 at 9-10am, 12:30-1:30pm, Thurs 03/18 at 9am-10am, 12:30-1:30pm and an evening session from 6-7pm. If you have any questions, please contact our school counseling team. 

Wishlists Now Available to Help Add to our JYJ LibraryOur new Media Specialist, Mrs. Hoyle, has done an amazing job with the library since her arrival! She has used the funds generated from the Book Fair earlier this year to purchase some new books which your children should start seeing the library after Spring Break!   She has also put together wishlists at Quail Ridge and on Amazon. If you are able, please consider purchasing a book or two to help bring some new variety to the JYJ library. Thank you in advance for your support!  Wishlist Links: 

Spring 2021 Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form Deadline Approaching 3/22

Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) Board of Education defines acceleration as allowing a student to move through traditional educational organizations more rapidly, based on readiness and motivation. Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) is the practice of placing a student in a higher-grade level in one subject area. This type of acceleration is for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities in either math or English Language Arts. 

If you are interested in having your child tested for SSA, please fill out the form below and send it to your classroom teacher or Julie Frederick (contact info in email). Forms must be turned in by March 22, 2021. 

*Click here to access the test form.

Women’s History Month:

March is Women’s History Month celebrating countless women who have made a difference in our local communities, our nation and our world. Click to Nominate someone at Joyner that has positively impacted your child(ren).   

IB Learner Profile Trait for March: Risk-Takers

We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and changes.

Raising risk-taking children is important. Whether they fail or not, it will surely help them grow and learn positive risk taking skills. As parents, it’s important to be comfortable enough to allow your children to take risks. As teachers, we should encourage learners to try new things, to make mistakes and how to recover from mistakes. 

How do you encourage being a risk-taker at school and at home? 

How do you model risk-taking?

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon! 

Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction

Save the date for Thursday, April 22, 2021! We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. We appreciate your continued support and donations to make these baskets such a fun item! 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket. All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email)

Foundation Quick Links:

Calendar Reminders: 

  • March 17- K-2 & Spanish- Family Engagement Curriculum Night
  • March 18- 3-5 & Specialist- Family Engagement Curriculum Night 
  • March 19- SSA Meeting 9 a.m.
  • March 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6- Teacher workday
  • April 7- Students return for in-person learning (Cohort 2 reports for 4th/5th grade)
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

Check out our latest news broadcasts from our very own JYJ’s!

3/9 WJYJ News3/10 WJYJ News3/11 WJYJ News

News Flash | Teacher Workday on Friday, Parent Survey & Silent Auction Themed Baskets

Reminder: Friday, March 12th is a Teacher Workday. 

*WCPSS Board of Education approved an updated instructional calendar that included the addition/removal of asynchronous/remote learning days and a change to cohort weekly rotations.  Review the updated calendar schedule in the link below.

Updated Second Semester Calendar Link  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Parent Evaluation Survey
  • Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form
  • Before and After School Care 
  • Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

IB Evaluation Parent Survey

As an IB PYP school, we are always looking for areas of growth and improvement. Please complete the survey below about your experiences as a parent in our IB community. Thank you for your participation and support!  

Link to access: IB Parent Survey

Spring 2021 Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form

Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) Board of Education defines acceleration as allowing a student to move through traditional educational organizations more rapidly, based on readiness and motivation. Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) is the practice of placing a student in a higher-grade level in one subject area. This type of acceleration is for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities in either math or English Language Arts. 

If you are interested in having your child tested for SSA, please fill out the form below and send it to your classroom teacher or Julie Frederick (contact info in email). Forms must be turned in by March 22, 2021. 

*Click here to access the test form. 

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon! 

Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction

Save the date for Thursday, April 22, 2021! We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. We appreciate your continued support and donations to make these baskets such a fun item! 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket. All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email)

Foundation Quick Links:

IB Learner Profile Trait for March: Risk-Takers

We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and changes.

Raising risk-taking children is important. Whether they fail or not, it will surely help them grow and learn positive risk taking skills. As parents, it’s important to be comfortable enough to allow your children to take risks. As teachers, we should encourage learners to try new things, to make mistakes and how to recover from mistakes. 

How do you encourage being a risk-taker at school and at home? 

How do you model risk-taking?

Calendar Reminders: 

  • March 12- Teacher workday
  • March 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6- Teacher workday
  • April 7- Students return for in-person learning (Cohort 2 reports for 4th/5th grade)
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Seeking Your Feedback, SSA Test Registration

Reminder: Wednesday, March 3rd is an asynchronous day. 

*WCPSS Board of Education approved an updated instructional calendar that included the addition/removal of asynchronous/remote learning days and a change to cohort weekly rotations.  Review the updated calendar schedule in the link below.

Updated Second Semester Calendar Link  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • IB Learning Trait for March
  • Parent Evaluation Survey
  • Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form
  • Before and After School Care 
  • Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

IB Learner Profile Trait for March: Risk-Takers

We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and changes.

Raising risk-taking children is important. Whether they fail or not, it will surely help them grow and learn positive risk taking skills. As parents, it’s important to be comfortable enough to allow your children to take risks. As teachers, we should encourage learners to try new things, to make mistakes and how to recover from mistakes. 

How do you encourage being a risk-taker at school and at home? 

How do you model risk-taking?

IB Evaluation Parent Survey

As an IB PYP school, we are always looking for areas of growth and improvement. Please complete the survey below about your experiences as a parent in our IB community. Thank you for your participation and support!  

Link to access: IB Parent Survey

Spring 2021 Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form

Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) Board of Education defines acceleration as allowing a student to move through traditional educational organizations more rapidly, based on readiness and motivation. Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) is the practice of placing a student in a higher-grade level in one subject area. This type of acceleration is for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities in either math or English Language Arts. 

If you are interested in having your child tested for SSA, please fill out the form below and send it to your classroom teacher or Julie Frederick (contact info in email). Forms must be turned in by March 22, 2021. 

*Click here to access the test form. 

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon! 

Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction

Save the date for Thursday, April 22, 2021! We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. We appreciate your continued support and donations to make these baskets such a fun item! 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket. All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email).

Foundation Quick Links:

Calendar Reminders: 

  • March 3- Asynchronous Day
  • March 12- Teacher workday
  • March 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6- Teacher workday
  • April 7- Students return for in-person learning (Cohort 2 reports for 4th/5th grade)
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Changes to 2nd Semester Calendar, IB Evaluation Survey & Picture Day

Reminder: Wednesday, February 24th is an asynchronous day. 

*WCPSS Board of Education approved an updated instructional calendar that included the addition/removal of asynchronous/remote learning days and a change to cohort weekly rotations.  Review the updated calendar schedule in the link below.

Updated Second Semester Calendar Link  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • IB PYP Parent Survey
  • Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form
  • Picture Day, March 2nd (Advance Orders Required)
  • Transportation Reminders
  • WAKE Up and Read Book Drive – Final Week
  • Black History Month & IB Learning Trait for February
  • PTA and Foundation Events – Virtual 5K and Silent Auction
  • Calendar Reminders

IB Evaluation Parent Survey

As an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, we are seeking to build global inquirers to make this world a better place for generations to come. Within that program we are evaluated every 5 years on our progress in delivery and execution of the programme. This year we will have our evaluation on April 12-13, 2021.

We are seeking parent input on our programme over the last 5 years through this survey and/or involvement in interviews with our IB evaluators. We are always looking for ways to grow and improve and your voice as a part of the school community is vital. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Spring 2021 Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Test & Request Form

Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) Board of Education defines acceleration as allowing a student to move through traditional educational organizations more rapidly, based on readiness and motivation. Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) is the practice of placing a student in a higher-grade level in one subject area. This type of acceleration is for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities in either math or English Language Arts. 

If you are interested in having your child tested for SSA, please fill out the form below and send it to your classroom teacher or Julie Frederick (contact info in email). Forms must be turned in by March 22, 2021. 

*Click here to access the test form. 

Joyner Picture Day – Tuesday, March 2nd

How Picture Day Works:

  1. Order Online at before Picture Day
  2. Students are photographed on picture day
  3. Orders will be sent home with student after picture day

Picture Day Date: Tuesday, March 2
Picture Day ID: (ID in email)

Transportation Updates

Carpool Families 

Due to the change in colder temperatures, we recommend families roll down their windows upon entering the carpool loop and moving your child away from the vehicle’s heaters. This will assist us with students that need multiple screenings. We also have new thermometers that will be used in carpool this week to allow for a smoother screening process.  We appreciate your patience and grace in understanding our WCPSS safety protocols.   

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive Update

A huge thank you to all of our families for your generous book donations – we are well over our goal this year with over 2,468 books collected! 

*This is our final week of our WAKE Up and Read collection – book drive will go until February 28th.

Families can tag us @joyner_magnet_elementary on our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page. #JoynerStrong #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WUARBookDrive

February is Black History Month

Black History Month is the celebration of African American history, contributions and achievements that’s recognized annually across the United States and Canada. This month we will be honoring the importance of black history, highlighting impactful individuals and examining African American culture in classroom activities. We are excited as an IB community to build a stronger world of awareness and cultural understanding of ourselves and others.  

**********IB Learner Profile Trait for February: Balanced

We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon! 

Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction

Save the date for Thursday, April 22, 2021! We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. We appreciate your continued support and donations to make these baskets such a fun item! 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket. All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email)

Foundation Quick Links:

Calendar Reminders: 

  • February 24- Asynchronous Day
  • February 24- BOG testing 8:30 a.m. – Selected 3rd graders who have not tested & signed up (report to the cafeteria)
  • March 2- Picture Day
  • March 3- Asynchronous Day
  • March 12- Teacher workday
  • March 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 29- April 2- Spring Break
  • April 5- Calendar Out- No School for students
  • April 6- Teacher workday
  • April 7- Students return for in-person learning (Cohort 2 reports for 4th/5th grade)
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • April 28- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 13 – Teacher Workday
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day
  • May 31 – Holiday, School Closed
  • June 10 – Last Day of School

News Flash | Return to Campus Protocols, Book Drive & JYJ Virtual 5K

Joyner students who are not enrolled in Virtual Academy will return for in-person instruction on Wed. 2/17. 

  • Pre-K and ECS students will return to DAILY in-person instruction on 2/17
  • 4th and 5th grade students will continue on three cohort rotations. The week of February 15th will begin our Cohort 2 rotation week.  
  • 4th and 5th Grade Families- Your teacher will communicate which cohort rotation your student is in by the close of Monday.
  • WCPSS Instructional Calendar

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Return to Campus Protocols & Checklist
  • Before and After School Care Programs 
  • IB Parent Survey
  • Celebrating Black History Month
  • Wake UP and Read Book Drive
  • JYJ Virtual 5K 
  • Foundation Annual Silent Auction
  • Calendar Reminders 

Return-To-Campus Protocols

Review our return to campus guidelines. (Second Semester Plan B Procedures) This is particularly important for students who will be attending for the first time this year.  

Screening: All students will undergo screenings prior to entering the building.  You should review the screening guidelines carefully. (Health Screening Guidelines Link)  Do not send your child to school if they show any signs of illness. If a child demonstrates signs of an illness while on campus, their sibling will also be sent home by WCPSS guidelines.  

Face Coverings: All students are required to wear face coverings when on campus unless they are eating or drinking. Practice this with your child this week so that they are comfortable with wearing a face covering for a full school day. Frequently asked questions about face coverings.

Parents/Guardians signed up for Plan B:  Please note that teachers are unable to host students virtually due to family travel or personal requests.  All students attending virtual learning should be assigned to Virtual Academy or are Plan B students in their assigned remote learning week (4th/ 5th grade).  

Parents/Guardians signed up for Virtual Academy:  All students assigned to Virtual Academy will attend virtually.  Due to class numbers in several grades, we are unable to make any adjustments to return students back in person if you have already signed up for the second semester.  

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. Link to Joyner Before and After School Care.

IB Parent Survey As an IB PYP school, we are always looking for areas of growth and improvement. Complete the survey below about your experiences as a parent in our IB community. Thank you in advance. Click here to access the survey: IB Parent Survey

February is Black History Month

Black History Month is the celebration of African American history, contributions and achievements that’s recognized annually across the United States and Canada. This month we will be honoring the importance of black history, highlighting impactful individuals and examining African American culture in classroom activities. We are excited as an IB community to build a stronger world of awareness and cultural understanding of ourselves and others.  

**********IB Learner Profile Trait for February: Balanced

We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive Thank you to all of our families for such generosity during our WAKE Up And Read Book Drive! Our Joyner families have collected over 2,000 books that will put priceless literature in the hands of children all across Wake County!  

As a reminder, two boxes have been placed outside of the front entrance of our school. Book Drive will go until February 28th. Families may drop off new or gently used books for kids. The winning group with the most books collected will get a read-aloud from a special guest and a shoutout on the WJYJ news. 

Families can tag us @joyner_magnet_elementary on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. 




Joyner PTA and Foundation Updates

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon! 

Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction

Save the date for Thursday, April 22, 2021! We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. We appreciate your continued support and donations to make these baskets such a fun item! 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket. All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email)

Foundation Quick Links:

News Flash | Cultural Arts Presentation, Return to Campus Updates, Order Deadline TODAY for Hot Cocoa Bombs

Joyner students who are not enrolled in Virtual Academy will return for in-person instruction on Wed. 2/17. (Mon 2/15 and Tuesday 2/16 are non-instructional days).

  • Pre-K and ECS students will return to DAILY in-person instruction on 2/17
  • 4th and 5th grade students will continue on three cohort rotations. The week of February 15th will begin our Cohort 2 rotation week.  
  • 4th and 5th Grade Families- Your teacher will communicate which cohort rotation your student is in by the close of Monday.
  • WCPSS Instructional Calendar

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Return to Campus Protocols
  • Cultural Arts Presentation
  • Celebrating Black History Month
  • Parent Support & IB Parent Survey
  • Before and After School Care Registration
  • WAKE Up & Read Book Drive
  • Today is Deadline for ordering Hot Cocoa Bombs from Magnolia Collective
  • Foundation’s Silent Auction 
  • Calendar Reminders (Save the Date: JYJ Virtual 5K is May 1st, stay tuned!) 

Return-To-Campus Protocols

Review our return to campus guidelines. (Second Semester Plan B Procedures) This is particularly important for students who will be attending for the first time this year.  

Screening: All students will undergo screenings prior to entering the building.  You should review the screening guidelines carefully. (Health Screening Guidelines Link)  Do not send your child to school if they show any signs of illness. If a child demonstrates signs of an illness while on campus, their sibling will also be sent home by WCPSS guidelines.  

Face Coverings: All students are required to wear face coverings when on campus unless they are eating or drinking. Practice this with your child this week so that they are comfortable with wearing a face covering for a full school day. Frequently asked questions about face coverings.

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist

Cultural Arts Presentation  

We are excited to announce this week our JYJ students will be able to attend a virtual cultural arts presentation by the dynamic storytelling artist, Donna Washington. See the links below for your child’s grade level presentation. Each presentation should last about an hour. Access only your grade level’s link on the dates listed below as each presentation is a set of 3 different stories specific to K-2 and 3-5 grades. We look forward to seeing you this week!  

KindergartenSecond GradeThird GradeFourth Grade
Wednesday 10-11 amMeet LinkWednesday 2-3 pmMeet LinkFriday 1-2 pmMeet LinkFriday 2-3 pmMeeting Link

*1st and 5th grade presentations were previously conducted on Monday and Tuesday.

February is Black History Month

Black History Month is the celebration of African American history, contributions and achievements that’s recognized annually across the United States and Canada. This month we will be honoring the importance of black history, highlighting impactful individuals and examining African American culture in classroom activities. We are excited as an IB community to build a stronger world of awareness and cultural understanding of ourselves and others.  

**********IB Learner Profile Trait for February: Balanced

We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

Parent Support & IB Parent Survey

Tips to help your child(ren) transition back to in-person learning. Questions & Answers with the Joyner Student Support Team.  

3-5 Parents: Join code – (Meeting info in email)

  • Session #1 Thurs 2/11 at 8:30am
  • Session #2 Thurs 2/11 at 12:30pm

*K-2 sessions were previously conducted on Tuesday 9th


IB Parent Survey As an IB PYP school, we are always looking for areas of growth and improvement. Complete the survey below about your experiences as a parent in our IB community. Thank you in advance. Click here to access the survey: IB Parent Survey

Before and After School Care Program Information 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care. 

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive

Thank you to all of our families for such an amazing contribution to our WAKE Up And Read Book Drive! Each year Joyner makes one of the largest contributions to putting priceless literature in children’s hands across Wake County. We are excited to take action as a school family and give back to others in our local community.  

Current Totals are as follows:

  • K-2: 455 books
  • 3-5: 393 books

Families can tag us @joyner_magnet_elementary on our Instagram, Twitter or Facebook page.

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive will go until February 28th.  

Foundation Updates

Hot Cocoa Bombs from Magnolia Collective: We’ve teamed up with Magnolia Collective to offer some yummy Hot Cocoa Bombs! Click here to order yours directly from their website to be ready just in time for your special Valentine or just a sweet treat for your teachers, friends or family! Ordering runs through Wed. 2/10 at 5 p.m. Everything will be ready on Fri 2/12. 

Hot Cocoa Bombs are $4 each and come in a variety of flavors (Peppermint, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Marshmallow, Thin Mint, Cookies & Cream, Cinnamon, Dark Chocolate Espresso) and a portion of each sale will be donated back to the Joyner Foundation!


Joyner Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction is set for Thursday, April 22, 2021! 

Silent Auction Themed Baskets: We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. Signups and details on the items for each Themed Basket can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket

Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork – remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! Questions? Contact Katie Cork (contact info in email).

Foundation Quick Links:

Virtual Joyner 5K

Dust off those running shoes, it’s time for the Virtual Joyner 5K! Mark your calendars for May 1st for a fun and socially-distanced run/walk to support the Joyner PTA. Be on the lookout for more information, including registration, very soon!

Calendar Reminders:

  • February 10- Kindergarten Cultural Arts Presentation 10-11  a.m.
  • February 10- 2nd Grade Cultural Arts Presentation 2- 3 p.m.
  • February 11- 3-5 Parent Session- 8:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
  • February 12- 1st Grade Valentine’s Day Pickup 11:30- 12:30p.m.(front of the school bus loop)
  • February 12- 2nd Grade Valentine’s Day Pickup 11:30- 12:30 p.m. (overhang)
  • February 12- 3rd Grade Cultural Arts Presentation 1-2 p.m.
  • February 12- 4th Grade Cultural Arts Presentation 2- 3 p.m.
  • February 15 – School Closed – President’s Day 
  • February 16 – Teacher Workday (No School for Students)
  • February 17- In-person learning resumes (Pre-K-3rd Grade- All; Cohort rotations for 4th and 5th grade begin- Cohort 2 reports)
  • February 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 10- Asynchronous Day
  • March 11- Asynchronous Day
  • March 12 – Teacher Workday
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • May 1 – JYJ Virtual 5K (Stay tuned for details to come)
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Celebrating School Counselor Week & Black History Month, Virtual Read Aloud Night

Reminder: Wednesday, February 3rd is an asynchronous day. 

In addition during this time all students will remain learning remotely until mid-February.  No in-person classes will be held. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Recognizing our JYJ Counselors
  • Celebrating Black History Month
  • Global School Play Day and World Read Aloud Day
  • Virtual Read Aloud Night
  • Wake UP and Read Book Drive
  • Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders 

IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

Thanking our JYJ School Counselors!Feb 1-5 is National School Counseling Week!  We are truly grateful for the unwavering commitment and dedication of our school counselor team, Andrea Burston and Brian Phillips! We are blessed to have the best!! Each and every day their contributions have a tremendous impact on student achievement and success at Joyner. Join me in thanking and celebrating them for their work with our Joyner staff, students and families!  

Celebrating Black History Month

February is Black History Month – the celebration of African American history, contributions, and achievements that’s recognized annually across the United States and Canada. This month we will be honoring the importance of black history, highlighting impactful individuals and examining African American culture in classroom activities. We are excited as an IB community to build a stronger world of awareness and cultural understanding of ourselves and others.  

Global School Play Day and World Read Aloud Day

We are excited to celebrate Global School Play Day and World Read Aloud Day on February 3rd. Students from around the world will be participating in outdoor play (with safety precautions in place) and enjoying literature around the world.                          

Virtual Read Aloud Night 

This year Joyner will be hosting our next Virtual Read Aloud Night featuring picture books from influential African Americans to celebrate Black History Month. Join us tonight from 6:45- 7:30 – live links to access will be shared prior to event.  

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive Thank you to all of our families for such a wonderful kickoff week for our WAKE Up And Read Book Drive! Each year Joyner makes one of the largest contributions to putting priceless literature in children’s hands across Wake County. We are excited to take action as a school family and give back to others in our local community.   

Two boxes have been placed outside of the front entrance of our school. Book Drive will go until February 28th. Families may drop off new or gently used books for kids. The winning group with the most books collected will get a read-aloud from a special guest and a shoutout on the WJYJ news. 

Families can tag us @joyner_magnet_elementary on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. 




Wondering about next year after learning remotely? 

Join our student support team and academics staff this week to discuss your questions and partner with our school on how to best support your child. We’re offering two sessions (morning and afternoon) to be accommodating of busy schedules.  

3-5 Parents:

  • Session #1 Thurs 2/4 at 8:30am
  • Session #2 Thurs 2/4 at 12:30pm

Join code: (link in email)

*K-2 Sessions were previously conducted on 2/2/21.

Foundation Updates

Mark your calendars for the Joyner Foundation’s Annual Silent Auction on Thursday, April 22, 2021! 

Silent Auction Themed Baskets: We are still collecting items for our Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the Silent Auction. Signups and details on the items for each Themed Basket can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket

Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork – remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! Questions? Contact Katie Cork (contact info in email).

Hot Cocoa Bombs from Magnolia Collective: We’ve teamed up with Magnolia Collective to offer some yummy Hot Cocoa Bombs!  Click here to order yours directly from their website to be ready just in time for your special Valentine or just a sweet treat for your teachers, friends or family! Ordering opens today and runs through Wed. 2/10 at 5 p.m. Everything will be ready on Fri 2/12. Specific pick up details to follow.  

Hot Cocoa Bombs are $4 each and come in a variety of flavors (Peppermint, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Marshmallow, Thin Mint, Cookies & Cream, Cinnamon, Dark Chocolate Espresso) and a portion of each sale will be donated back to the Joyner Foundation!

Calendar Reminders:

  • February 3- Asynchronous Day
  • February 15 – School Closed – President’s Day 
  • February 16 – Teacher Workday
  • February 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 10- Asynchronous Day
  • March 11- Asynchronous Day
  • March 12 – Teacher Workday
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day

News Flash | Magnet Application Deadline 1/28, WAKE UP and Read, JYJ Silent Auction

During this time all students will remain learning remotely until mid-February.  No in-person classes will be held. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • WAKE Up and Read Book Drive
  • Navigating Social Interactions – Q&A with JYJ Support Team 
  • WCPSS Magnet Middle School Options
  • JYJ Foundation Annual Silent Auction
  • Calendar Reminders

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive

We are excited to partner with WAKE Up and Read to support building home libraries for kids across our district. Two boxes have been placed outside of the front entrance of our school. We will be reporting weekly totals on the WJYJ news so stay tuned.  Families may drop off new or gently used books for kids.  

The winning group with the most books collected will get a read-aloud from a special guest and a shoutout on the WJYJ news. Each year Joyner makes one of the largest contributions to putting priceless literature in children’s hands across Wake County.  We are excited to take action as a school family and give back to others in our local community.  

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive will go until February 28th. 

Families can tag us @joyner_magnet_elementary on our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page! #JoynerStrong #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WUARBookDrive

Join the Joyner student support team to answer questions and discuss navigating social interaction for your child in a socially distanced world.  We’re offering two sessions (morning and afternoon) to be accommodating to busy schedules.  

3-5 Parents:

  • Session #1 Thurs 01/28 at 8:30am
  • Session #2 Thurs 01/28 at 12:30pm

Join code in email

Explore Wake County’s Magnet Middle Programs 

*Accepting online magnet applications now through January 28, 2021. Visit to learn more and to complete the process.

WCPSS Links: Magnet School Application & Detail

Foundation Updates

Mark your calendars: The Joyner Foundation is hosting our Annual Silent Auction on Thursday, April 22, 2021!  We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary. There are immediate ways for you to get involved and support this effort!

Help us Secure Our Silent Auction Themed Baskets

We are again collecting and creating some great themed baskets to be raffled off as part of the event.  We have appreciated your generous donations and support in pulling these baskets together in years past and would love help at any level you are able to provide for this year’s baskets. 

  • We have set up an Amazon Wishlist and from the Wishlist, you can order and ship items directly to us to be used in any of these baskets.  Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket.
  • We are also adding an option to donate through Venmo for some selected items and just general donations to be used towards any basket.  All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork. Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 
  • We also love when families have other new items to donate to fill these baskets!  If you have something additional you’d like to contribute please email Katie Cork (contact info in email) to coordinate pickup/drop-off. 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

We thank you all so much for your continued support of the Joyner Foundation this year! For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email).

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins/Second Semester Begins 
  • January 20- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 11:30-12:30 p.m.
  • January 20 – 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2 p.m.
  • January 21- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 1-2 p.m.
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.
  • February 3- Asynchronous Day
  • February 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 10- Asynchronous Day
  • March 11- Asynchronous Day
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day