
Welcome! PTA Needs YOU, WCPSS Resources, School Supply Pickup & More

Hello! My name is Kimberly Wheeler and I’m honored to be involved in the JYJ PTA as Communications Chair for the 2020-2021 school year. You will be receiving the weekly NewsFlash from me each Wednesday. I am mom to Lucy Wheeler (1st grader) and Case (JYJ alum) and we love Joyner. In these unprecedented times, having a supportive community like Joyner makes all the difference! 

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Join the PTA and No Fuss Fundraiser
  • WCPSS Technology Pickup, How to Videos & Return to School Guidance
  • JYJ School Supply Pickup
  • Food Distribution Updates
  • Daily Learning Schedule
  • Share Your 1st Day Pics & Stay Connected
  • Quick Links & Helpful Sites

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

We need YOU to join the PTA!

Hello Joyner Families! Children thrive when everyone in the school community works together to share thoughts and information that benefit them. Regardless of your child’s educational setting, it is going to be an unprecedented year and we need all hands on deck to make it great!

We are excited to invite all families to join the PTA and make your Fall No-Fuss fundraiser contribution. We don’t ask families to sell candles, candy, wrapping paper etc. Our fundraiser is simple and straightforward, we ask that you make whatever donation you can to help us cover the amazing things that the PTA does for our teachers and students. All membership enrollment and donations will be handled online this year.

Please visit to sign up! As an added bonus, all members who join by Sept 15th will be entered to win a $100 gift card to North Hills. Cori Hawkins, Membership Chairperson

Technology Pickup 

If you were a parent that signed up for technology through the county this year, distribution information will be sent directly to you from the district.  There are five local high schools hosting chromebook pick up, etc.  This will occur the week of August 17th.  If you have your device from last year you are all set! 

How To Video’s from WCPSS

There are new videos for families on how to use students Wake ID/ Signing Into Google Classroom and more.  These videos have been created in English and Spanish for all WCPSS families. We will keep this information updated on our school website for families to view.  

Back to School Updates from WCPSS

Updated Return to School WCPSS guidance will be found here. Please keep this site bookmarked for ongoing county information.  WCPSS Back to School Updates

Drive Through JYJ Love & School Supply Pick Up

On August 21st we will be hosting a drive through pick up and a welcome to see all your JYJ teachers!  Grade levels will have a set time for pick up distribution.  

  • 1st and 2nd Grade: 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
  • 3rd and 4th:10 a.m.-11 a.m.
  • 5th: 11 a.m- Noon

We welcome all families to drive through our carpool loop (located off of Noble Road).  Our superstar JYJ teachers will be there cheering you on!  This is a time for us to connect with social distancing and for families to pick up instructional bags that may be needed during our remote learning time.  If you are a family that purchased school supplies through our PTA they will be available at this time.  This will include families that signed up for Virtual Academy as well.

Food Distribution Updates

*Student ID Needed Starting September 1. Meals are served at no cost to students through August 31. Starting September 1, students will pay for meals based on their meal benefits eligibility. In addition, student’s ID number will need to be provided in order to receive meals beginning September 1.  Parents/guardians may pick up meals without a student present if they can provide the ID number of the student. For more information and a list of all community feeding sites, visit

Daily Learning Schedule

Click here to view the daily schedule that will begin on 8/31.  Daily Learning Schedule

Share Your 1st Day Pictures!

We have created a fun Padlet that is optional for anyone who wants to share their first day of school pictures.  We know the JYJ came out with full spirit and heart this week! Click here to view and add your own, First Day of School at the JYJ.

JYJ Families Unite #JoynerStrong #WeAreFamily

Knowing that this year will be different, we wanted to provide a platform for parents and families to connect.  One last google classroom that is completely optional to join! JYJ Google Classroom 

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Updates from PTA, 5th Grade Celebrations & Gift, School Supply Pre-Orders & More!

PTA Board Updates

Congratulations to the following PTA officers for the 2020-2021 school year, who were elected in the general PTA meeting last week.

  • President – Andrew Jones
  • Treasurer – Karen Hohenstein
  • Budget Chair – Clair Marshall
  • Secretary – Carroll Vuncannon

Several essential roles remain open, including Vice President and Membership Chairs. Click here to see the full listing and consider this important opportunity to give back to JYJ.  Contact Andrew at or 919-332-9882 with questions or for more information.

5th Grade Celebrations

This week we invite our amazing 5th grade students on June 11th from 9:30-11:00 a.m. to join us for a drive through celebration of 6 amazing years!  Students are encouraged to wear their 5th grade t-shirts, decorate their cars and bring their JYJ spirit to our carpool area. Since we are in unique times we will ask for all families to remain in their cars as our JYJ community cheers you on. There will be an opportunity for drive through pictures with social distancing as our PTA and 5th grade parents have been working away.    

*Please view our WJYJ remote learning news this week for a final tribute to our dynamic 5th grade students.   

Virtual Celebration

Attention Fifth Grade families…Don’t forget about the virtual celebration scheduled for Thursday, June 11th at 7:00 p.m. hosted by 5th grade parents.  For more information, please contact Meredith and Russ Swindell,

*These wonderful signs were presented as a gift to our graduating students from PTA with 5th grade celebration funds.

5th Graders Gift to JoynerThe Fifth Grade class will be giving the gift of the installation of the mosaic made by the 5th grade students this school year. This mosaic will be placed at the front of Joyner and set to be installed in the Fall. Class of 2020 families, make plans to bring your students back this fall to see their work and their gift! There will be a plaque marking that installation and recognizing this special gift from the 5th grade class of 2020.   Thank you Joyner family for the strong foundation you have given us all! 

On Sale Now: Pre-Order 2020-21 School Supplies Avoid the hassle of back-to-school supply shopping and get everything on your list! Order your students’ supplies online and have them delivered to school before the start of the year. Using the link below you can order between now and July 7th for each of your Joyner students.  Remember to select their rising grade and not the grade they are currently in.  Don’t forget to also order the pack for Spanish class.  

Click here for more details.  

Joyner Foundation Silent Auction and Raffle are LIVE!

All items are online and you must register to participate.  The auction will close at 10pm on June 11th.

To register: Text joyner2020 to 76278 or visit

Auction items: Descriptions and photos of all items are on our auction site for you to see.  Auction items include jewelry, art, beach weekends, gift cards to restaurants, spas, and retail stores, kids’ activities and professional services just to name a few.  We even have teacher experiences that you do not want to miss.  Wouldn’t your child love a summer hangout in person with her/his teacher!

Raffle baskets: There are six baskets full of awesome items valued between $200-400.  Tickets are $15, and they are available on our auction site.  We will pull winners for each basket on June 11th! 

Yearbook Update

Due to COVID-19 there have been delays in the manufacturing and delivery of our yearbooks. We are awaiting updates from Lifetouch and will keep you posted once we have a date and more details confirmed. Thank you for your patience – we know these are always a highlight of your year!

Summer Reading Celebration

Calling all JYJ readers! The Summer Reading Challenge is on! Keep your reading skills strong by logging at least 1000 minutes (20 minutes per day) with your favorite books this summer.

Turning in a reading log by Friday, September 11, will qualify you to attend the Summer Reading Celebration (date TBD once we know more about next year’s schedule).

Click here for more information and a copy of the reading log. 

Report Cards:  If you were unable to pick up your child’s student supplies last week, we have mailed your child’s report card to your home. 

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Student Item Pickup Date, Foundation Auction Starts Thursday, PTA Leadership Opportunities

Joyner’s Remote Learning Website:

Student Item Pickup – Thursday, June 4th

Thursday, June 4th we will have a drive through pick up in our carpool loop for all item’s students left behind at school. These items include report cards, school supplies in student’s desks/cubbies, artwork and more.  

Student items can be picked up during the following times:   

  • 9-10: Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st
  • 10-11: 2nd and 3rd grade
  • 11-12: 4th and 5th grade

*If you family has a child in more than one grade level please select the time within this time frame that fits you best and we will be sure to pull all of your family’s items together. 

Original Works Update

Original Works has started to re-open with a limited staff and they are accepting orders at this time. If you had already sent in your child’s Original Works order before school let out on March 13th, you are all set. It is packed and ready to ship to Original Works this week. 

If you haven’t ordered and would like to order products from your child’s artwork, you have two options.

  • Option 1: Drop off your paper order form with payment and your child’s artwork during the “Drive Thru Joyner Pick-Up” this Thursday, June 4th. We will process orders and ship them to OW Friday morning. Finished products will be shipped back to the school in late June and we will arrange pick-up at that time.
  • Option 2: Order Original Works products online. Click here to get a step by step guide on how to order. The most important step is to include “JYJ” in the 2nd address line for your online order. Online order products will be shipped directly to your home.

If you have other artwork, pictures or photos that you would like to see on Original Works products, you are welcome to submit those in addition to or instead of the artwork your child created in Art class.

Original Works expects our orders to be completed by late June, as they are working with a limited staff and new protocols. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Julie Poyer at

5th Grade Virtual CelebrationFifth Grade families – We want to make sure that you saw the message in the 5th grade hub about the Fifth grade students and families virtual celebration on Thursday, June 11th at 7:00 p.m. This is hosted by 5th grade parents. For more information contact Meredith and Russ Swindell at  

PTA Leadership Opportunities for 2020-2021 School Year

Does this extended absence from Joyner have you missing your school community? Have you been considering getting more involved in your child’s school experience? Do you have a passion for improving elementary school for ALL of Joyner’s students? There is a PTA position with your name on it!

Check out these important PTA openings available for the next school year:

  • Vice President
  • Grounds Restoration & Improvement Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Membership and No-Fuss Fundraiser Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Girls on the Run Lead
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Science Olympiad Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Spelling Bee Chairperson
  • Spirit Nights Chairperson

Contact Andrew Jones at or 919.332.9882 with questions or if you are interested in learning more about any of the following positions.  We appreciate your consideration and support! 

Virtual Field Trip – Insider Look at the US Census Bureau

Your children don’t have to leave home to get an insider’s view of the U.S. Census Bureau and learn how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip is an entertaining, fast-moving video that takes viewers on a mission to discover details about the Census Bureau’s work and features insights and demonstrations from geography and data visualization experts.

At the close of the video, viewers are challenged to test their knowledge with an interactive quiz show. Add to the fun by watching the video with the kids in your home and taking the quiz together! 

Joyner Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction & Raffle

The Joyner Foundation is committed to our school and our community, and we are holding our annual silent auction and raffle to raise necessary funds to maintain Joyner’s staffing and academic programming for the 2020-2021 school year.  We are thankful to all of the businesses and individuals who have donated items in support of our school.

The auction and raffle are all online.  It opens this Thursday, June 4th at 10:00am and closes June 11th at 10:00pm.  You must register to participate. 

To register:

Text joyner2020 to 76278 or visit

Auction items:

Descriptions and photos of all items are on our auction site for you to see when it opens.  Auction items include:  teacher experiences; jewelry; beach weekends; gift cards to restaurants, spas, and retail stores; kids’ activities; and professional services just to name a few.  

Raffle baskets:

There are six baskets full of awesome items valued between $200-400.  Raffle tickets are $15, and they are available on our auction site as well as photos and descriptions of the baskets’ items.  We will pull winners for each basket on June 11th.

Stay tuned to our emails, Instagram, and Facebook for updates and more information!

Thank you for your support of the Joyner Foundation!

Food Resources 

WCPSS – Free Meals for Children A number of schools and community centers will serve as food distribution sites for Wake County families. There are three types of food offerings:

  • WCPSS food sites: hot lunches for the day and breakfast for the next day (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Western region sites: at least one meal (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market: pre-packed boxes of perishable and shelf-stable food items available


Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | PTA Updates & Foundation Silent Auction coming soon!

Joyner’s Remote Learning Website:

PTA Leadership Opportunities for 2020-2021 School Year

Does this extended absence from Joyner have you missing your school community? Have you been considering getting more involved in your child’s school experience? Do you have a passion for improving elementary school for ALL of Joyner’s students? There is a PTA position with your name on it!

Check out these important PTA openings available for the next school year:

  • Vice President
  • Grounds Restoration & Improvement Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Membership and No-Fuss Fundraiser Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • JYJ 5K Chairperson
  • 3rd-5th Grade Liaison
  • Girls on the Run Lead
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Science Olympiad Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Spelling Bee Chairperson
  • Spirit Nights Chairperson
  • Technology/Website Communication Chairperson

Contact Andrew Jones at or 919.332.9882 with questions or if you are interested in learning more about any of the following positions.  We appreciate your consideration and support! 

PTA General Membership Virtual Meeting – June 2nd

Join us for the next general membership PTA meeting via zoom on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. In this meeting, we will elect our 2020/21 officers and approve the next annual budget.  All are welcome to join and get involved!  Zoom call details will follow.  

Joyner Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction

We could not hold our annual Spring Party as planned this year, but the auction can go on!  Proceeds from the auction will provide funding for staffing positions for the 2020-2021 school year.  Our goal is to raise enough money through this event (as well as the others we held throughout the past year) to ensure all staff members can return next year and to maintain our school’s excellent academic programming.

Online bidding for the auction will open on June 4th and will close on June 11th.  There are so many wonderful items, and you can participate easily from home!  More information on the items as well as instructions on how to bid will be coming soon.  Stay tuned to our emails, Instagram, and Facebook for updates!

Click here to view a video about the auction from Foundation Board Member, Courtney Watkinson. Thank you for your support of the Joyner Foundation!

Food Resources 

WCPSS – Free Meals for Children A number of schools and community centers will serve as food distribution sites for Wake County families. There are three types of food offerings:

  • WCPSS food sites: hot lunches for the day and breakfast for the next day (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Western region sites: at least one meal (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market: pre-packed boxes of perishable and shelf-stable food items available


Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Joyner’s PTA Wants YOU and Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction

*WCPSS closed for the remainder of the school year

Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development. “WE CANNOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH THE SAME THINKING WE USED WHEN WE CREATED THEM.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

Consider Sharing Your Time and Talents with the PTA!

Does this extended absence from Joyner have you missing your school community? Have you been considering getting more involved in your child’s school experience? Do you have a passion for improving elementary school for ALL of Joyner’s students? There is a PTA position with your name on it!

Check out these important PTA openings available for the next school year:

  • Vice President
  • Grounds Restoration & Improvement Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Membership and No-Fuss Fundraiser Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • JYJ 5K Chairperson
  • 3rd-5th Grade Liaison
  • Girls on the Run Lead
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Science Olympiad Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Spelling Bee Chairperson
  • Spirit Nights Chairperson
  • Technology/Website Communication Chairperson

Contact Andrew Jones at or 919.332.9882 with questions or if you are interested in learning more about any of the following positions.  We appreciate your consideration and support! 

Save the Date: PTA General Membership Virtual Meeting – June 2nd

Join us for the next general membership PTA meeting via zoom on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. In this meeting, we will elect our 2020/21 officers and approve the next annual budget.  All are welcome to join and get involved!  Zoom call details will follow.  

Joyner Foundation’s Virtual Silent Auction

We could not hold our annual Spring Party as planned this year, but the auction can go on!  Proceeds from the auction will provide funding for staffing positions for the 2020-2021 school year.  Our goal is to raise enough money through this event (as well as the others we held throughout the past year) to ensure all staff members can return next year and to maintain our school’s excellent academic programming.

Online bidding for the auction will open on June 4th and will close on June 11th.  There are so many wonderful items, and you can participate easily from home!  More information on the items as well as instructions on how to bid will be coming soon.  Stay tuned to our emails, Instagram, and Facebook for updates!

Click here to view a video about the auction from Foundation Board Member, Courtney Watkinson. Thank you for your support of the Joyner Foundation!

Food Resources 

WCPSS – Free Meals for Children A number of schools and community centers will serve as food distribution sites for Wake County families. There are three types of food offerings:

  • WCPSS food sites: hot lunches for the day and breakfast for the next day (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Western region sites: at least one meal (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market: pre-packed boxes of perishable and shelf-stable food items available


Remote Learning 

Any parents that would still like to fill out our remote learning survey please feel free to do so on the link provided so that we can best assist your family during this process.  JYJ Remote Learning Survey

Have you checked out our WJYJ remote learning news yet?  Each week several of our students and staff feature special moments of our magnet program at home.  It’s a great way to stay connected with one another and celebrate.  Make sure you tune in each week!

Link to Site:

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Joyner PTA Needs YOU! Next General Meeting & Food Resources

*WCPSS closed for the remainder of the school year

Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development. “WE CANNOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH THE SAME THINKING WE USED WHEN WE CREATED THEM.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

The Joyner PTA Needs YOU!

Does this extended absence from Joyner have you missing your school community? Have you been considering getting more involved in your child’s school experience? Do you have a passion for improving elementary school for ALL of Joyner’s students? There is a PTA position with your name on it!

Check out these important PTA openings available for the next school year:

  • Vice President
  • Grounds Restoration & Improvement Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Membership and No-Fuss Fundraiser Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • JYJ 5K Chairperson
  • 3rd-5th Grade Liaison
  • Girls on the Run Lead
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Science Olympiad Chairpersons (2 Co-Chairs)
  • Spelling Bee Chairperson
  • Spirit Nights Chairperson
  • Technology/Website Communication Chairperson

Contact Andrew Jones at or 919.332.9882 with questions or if you are interested in learning more about any of the following positions.  We appreciate your consideration and support! 

PTA General Membership Virtual Meeting – June 2nd

Join us for the next general membership PTA meeting via zoom on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. In this meeting, we will elect our 2020/21 officers and approve the next annual budget.  All are welcome to join and get involved!  Zoom call details will follow.  

Fifth Grade Graduation – More to Come…

As you know there have been many changes to graduation ceremonies for high schools that was released in the news this past week.  We wanted to share at this time that our team has come up with some creative plans that are still in the works for how to celebrate our 5th graders before they move onto middle school while also ensuring everyone is safe.  Information will be shared with families soon once we have finalized our ideas so stay tuned!

Food Resources 

WCPSS – Free Meals for Children A number of schools and community centers will serve as food distribution sites for Wake County families. There are three types of food offerings:

  • WCPSS food sites: hot lunches for the day and breakfast for the next day (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Western region sites: at least one meal (available for all children aged 18 and under)
  • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market: pre-packed boxes of perishable and shelf-stable food items available


Remote Learning 

Any parents that would still like to fill out our remote learning survey please feel free to do so on the link provided so that we can best assist your family during this process.  JYJ Remote Learning Survey

Have you checked out our WJYJ remote learning news yet?  Each week several of our students and staff feature special moments of our magnet program at home.  It’s a great way to stay connected with one another and celebrate.  Make sure you tune in each week!

Link to Site:

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Virtual 5K Pics & Remote Learning Site

*WCPSS closed for the remainder of the school year

Learner Profile Trait for April: CommunicatorsWe express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

 JYJ Families Virtual 5K – Thanks for Sharing!It was great to see our JYJ families having fun in the sun and getting exercise last weekend.  Thanks for sharing your pictures and feel free to keep them coming.  Email pictures of how your JYJ family is staying active, engaged and healthy in this time of quarantine. Send your pictures to Kim Wheeler,  

Check out “Journey with Joyner Jaguars” Remote Learning Website  With our school year now fully converted to remote learning, it’s helpful to know we have resources and support in our corner to guide us through.  If you haven’t yet checked out the new Joyner Learning website, be sure to visit today. This site has been created to centralize connections at all grade levels and areas.  As an added bonus, the WJYJ news is remote! Check out the site to see Evan’s weekly news show. Link to site:

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Sign Up, Update or Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub –  New to MemberHub?  Complete this form and we’ll get you into the JYJ Hub. No longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash?  Click the link at the bottom of this message to quickly update your preferences.

News Flash | Journey with Jaguars Site Goes Live, Virtual 5k This Weekend!

*WCPSS schools closed until May 15

Learner Profile Trait for April: CommunicatorsWe express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

“Journey with Joyner Jaguars” Remote Learning Website now live! Welcome to online learning at Joyner Elementary. This site has been created to centralize connections at all grade levels and areas. Please visit for resources and as our homebase during remote learning. As an added bonus, the WJYJ news goes remote! Check out the site to see Evan’s weekly news show. Link to site:

Get ready! JYJ Virtual 5K is this weekend!!

Our first ever VIRTUAL JYJ 5K is this Saturday, April 25th. Join in by choosing running, walking or even jumping jacks in your living room! Of course, please practice social distancing with whatever healthy practice you choose to make!  

Wear your Joyner swag or Joyner colors while participating and take photos to share on the Newsflash!  Email your photos to Kim Wheeler ( 

The 5K helps fund numerous PTA programs that benefit every child. Show your support today by completing any or all of the following:

  • Register your child and/or family – Runner pledge link 
  • Donate – Click here to donate any amount. Share the amount you were planning to contribute to the Classroom Challenge or if you were considering a sponsorship.  All donations are appreciated and critical to support our school! 
  • Race – Run your distance (5k or 1 mile) any time on Saturday April 25th and once finished, upload your 5K times here 

Enjoy this opportunity to walk, run, jump – whatever you choose, get up and have fun!!

Thanks to all for your support and we are excited to see the photos – share at  

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Special Videos from Staff, Thanks to Ms. Burton, Virtual 5K & More!

*WCPSS schools closed until May 15

Learner Profile Trait for April: CommunicatorsWe express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Let’s celebrate Ms. Burton!This week is Assistant Principal Week. Join us in sending a virtual big hug to our fearless Assistant Principal Ms. Burton! We appreciate all you do, and especially now as your job and the job of all our staff and teachers did not stop when the school doors closed. From all the Joyner community, THANK YOU!!

Note from Joyner Staff – We miss our students!! 

We all miss seeing the smiling faces of our wonderful JYJ staff!  They miss you too and they have put together these wonderful videos to send their greetings to all of us.  Click here to see their sweet faces and hear their personal messages! 

Video Link:

Learning Indoors and Out Spring is officially here and it’s wonderful to see our JYJ students finding opportunities to learn and play indoors and out! Thanks to all who have shared their photos – it means so much to stay connected during this challenging time! Click to view the Full Photo Gallery

JYJ Virtual 5K Info!

Our annual JYJ 5K is scheduled to take place on April 25th. We informed you last month that a virtual community building event, with social distancing in mind, was in the best interest of our school family. We have decided to go ahead with our 5K and shift the intent from a fund-raising event to one that continues to encourage healthy choices and promote school unity.  

We hope that you will join us on April 25th by participating in the 5K by choosing running, walking or even doing jumping jacks in your living room! This event will look different for every family. Wear your Joyner swag or Joyner colors while participating and take photos to share on the Newsflash!  More details on sharing your pics to come! 

Please practice social distancing with whatever healthy practice you choose to make!  

Many of you have reached out asking of ways you can help our school and it’s community financially and we appreciate you! The 5K helps to fund the numerous PTA programs throughout the year that benefit every child. If you still wish to donate to the 5K as you would have done by registering your child or family, the Runner pledge link will allow you to do so or feel free to click here and donate any amount. For example, if you had wished to sponsor the 5K or send in money to your child’s Classroom Challenge you still can!  

Runner Pledge –

Open Donation –

Any amount is appreciated because we understand the toll Covid-19 has taken on our families financially.

Our school family is forever in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to being together soon!  

A look back in history…“Bicycle Safety Parade on Fayetteville Street looking south, 15 April 1960.” The leader of the parade hails from none other than our own JYJ! Thanks to Maria Bleier for sharing the photo!  (A bit different than our current social distancing practices!)

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Stay Well and Stay Connected!

*WCPSS schools closed until May 15

Let’s Stay Connected – JYJ Smart Choices Photo Gallery!

JYJ families are making the best of this time at home – exercising, reading, classroom chats and more! Last week some teachers and staff along with Ms. Zezza took part in a car parade to spread joy and cheer through the community!

Let’s keep our kids engaged by encouraging healthy choices like reading, hand-writing letters to shut-ins or class pen-pals, online educational enrichment games and physical activity with social distancing in mind. 

Capture moments of your kids making these smart choices and submit them for the Newsflash each week. Send your photos to and we’ll be sure to share in the weeks ahead!  Your kids will enjoy seeing their friends as well as themselves each week, so keep them coming!

Check out these recent pics shared by our JYJ family…Miss everyone! Stay well and let’s stay connected!

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.