NewsFlash | Launching Pad Tonight, Healthy Choice Marathon Kick Off, and JYJ 5K Info

Pictures are needed for the yearbook! Please send pictures – especially Dance-a-thon and Joyner Jamboree pictures – to Tracy Robinson at Click “actual size.”


Launching Pad Spirit Night Tonight!

After the spelling bee this afternoon, come on out to bounce, dunk, flip, play, and show your Joyner spirit at Launching Pad Trampoline Park from 5-8 pm! Please sign the online waiver so your child can bounce the night away: Invite your friends, too! Get $5 off jump times and packages with 15% of proceeds going back to our Joyner PTA. The class with the most attendees will ride the XD Motion Simulator at the end of the night! Questions? Contact Leigh Wolitski at or 919-606-5219.


Clothing Donations Needed for JYJ Students

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girls and boys underwear along with girls leggings, or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black or grey). All sizes needed. For boys, boxer shorts preferred. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Teacher Appreciation Next Friday, 2/9

It’s an Early Release next Friday, and that means Teacher Appreciation! The theme this time is “Our teachers are the queens and kings of our hearts!” Students tell their teachers why they are the queens/kings of their hearts or bring their teachers something that makes them feel like queens and kings for the day.

Healthy Choice Marathon kicks off this Friday

The 2018 Healthy Choice Marathon launches with a kickoff assembly this Friday during school! Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

  • Get those videos in!! Video submissions to be eligible for the Healthy Choice Marathon video contest will be accepted by email through tonight, and will be aired on the JYJ news. **Videos submitted by Feb. 14 will be shared on the news, but won’t be eligible for the contest that ends end-of-day TODAY! Winners announced Friday!!** Send your child’s 30-second videos to HCM Chair Ele Roberts — please include children’s names, teacher and grade level in the email message.
  • Encourage your child to wear red on Friday (Feb. 2) for the kickoff as part of National Wear Red Day for heart healthy awareness month.
  • Get ready to cheer on your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges. Next week is the Step Master Challenge to see who can take the most steps in a work week.
  • Collections for the Classroom Challenge are happening every morning in the front lobby and the carpool loop. Bring your spare change (or bills) and contribute! (See below for more details on the Classroom Challenge.)
  • Register for the JYJ 5K! See below for details and registration link.


The Joyner 5K is Coming March 4!

Students, parents, teachers, friends and families all join in for a day of wellness right in Joyner’s backyard! This year’s 5K will be held on Sunday, March 4, at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome at this awesome event, so invite your friends and neighbors. Online registration opens on Friday — look for an email with the registration link coming soon. Get the early bird price ($15) by registering between Friday, 2/2 and Sunday, 2/4. Regular registration ($18) will run between 2/5 and race day. Questions? Contact Arinn Widmayer at

Become a JYJ 5K Sponsor

Promotional materials, race T-shirts and online marketing come with sponsorship opportunities for advertising your business! All sponsorships 100% tax deductible. Opportunities available at many levels. Please contact Arinn Widmayer at or check out

Run Club Starts Next Week

Run Club has become an annual Healthy Choice Marathon tradition, and is FREE for all Joyner students! The club meets after school for four Thursdays during the Healthy Choice Marathon: 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, and 3/1 from 3 p.m.-4 p.m. Each week, volunteers collect kids from their classrooms, and GET MOVING together down at the baseball field and on the greenway adjacent to Joyner. The Run Club is volunteer-driven, so parent participation and advance enrollment are essential. Register your child at Run Club Registration. Contact Shanna Schroeder at with questions.


Are You Ready for the 2018 Classroom Challenge?

The Classroom Challenge is back, and it’s going to be bigger and better this year! PTA volunteers with money collection jars will greet kids each morning in Joyner’s lobby and at carpool from 2/12 through 2/26. Send in your change, bills, and even checks to help your child’s class raise the MOST in their grade level. There will be one winning class for each grade level, and each grade level winner will get a frozen yogurt party for the entire class!  The class who raises the most in the whole school will win: 1) a JUMP party at Skyzone and 2) starting at the FRONT of the crowd on 5K race day! Questions? Contact Shawn Winstead at

Summer Camps Offered by JYJ Teachers

Sign up now for art, PE and STEAM summer camp fun! Mr. Fotta, Mr. Poyer and Ms. Cameron are offering JYJ summer camps for three weeks this summer (July 23 – August 10). Choose from half-day art, PE or STEAM camps, or put two together to make a full day. Click here for the registration form. Questions? Contact Mr. Fotta at


Slots Available in Winter TEK Clubs

We do have a few spots in some of the Winter TEK Clubs. Clubs begin Wednesday, Feb. 7, from 3:30-4:45 and run for 6 consecutive Wednesdays. Club listings may be found at Please contact Duval Fisher if you’re interested in joining a club:

NCPTA Lunch and Learn Series: What Every Parent Needs to Know about…

…Transitioning to Middle School 

Who isn’t a little apprehensive about the transition from elementary to middle school? Dr. MariaRosa Rangel will address the most common parent and child concerns about the big move from elementary to middle school and set parents up for success in supporting their student.

Register at: There is limited seating for the Lunch and Learn series, so register today. Ticket sales end on Feb. 6.


From babies to high schoolers, sleep is an ever-changing challenge to parents. Join Dr. Jesse Hart of WakeMed Pediatric Practices to talk about all things sleep and sleep hygiene from babies to teens.

Register at: Ticket sales end on March 6.


Quick Links


Calendar Items

  • Jan. 31: PTA Spirit Night at Launching Pad Trampoline Park, 5-8 pm.
  • Jan. 31: Spelling Bee, 3:30-6 pm.
  • Feb. 1: Stella and Dot Shopping Spree to benefit JYJ Foundation
  • Feb. 2: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off assembly
  • Feb. 6: Dinner at Piola at North Hills to benefit JYJ Foundation
  • Feb. 9: Early Release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Feb. 12-13: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 2: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Mar. 3: Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament @ Wake Tech
  • Mar. 4: JYJ 5k
  • Mar. 9: Black Box Dance performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 12-16: Tony Peacock, writer-in-residence (4th graders)
  • Mar. 24: Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament @ Wingate University
  • Mar. 29: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 30: Holiday
  • Apr. 2-6: Spring Break

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Snow Make-up Days, Clothing Donations Needed, and Spelling Bee Rescheduled

Yearbook Pictures – We Need Your Snaps!

Our dedicated PTA yearbook committee is starting to put together this year’s yearbook and they need more pictures! Deadlines are approaching, and they are particularly short on Dance-a-thon and Joyner Jamboree pictures. Please email “actual size” photos from these and other school events to Tracy Robinson at

Snow Make-Up Days Announced

The make-up days for last week’s snow days will be Thursday, March 29 and Monday, June 11. Friday’s snow day is a “freebie” and will not be made up. The WCPSS traditional school calendar has the snow make-up days listed at the bottom.

Joyner Spelling Bee Rescheduled for January 31

The Joyner School Bee has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, January 31. Twenty-eight spellers from 3rd-5th grades will demonstrate their memory, recall and spelling skills as former national speller Loretta Bohn calls out the words. Come cheer them on starting at 3:30 in the gym! Good luck, Joyner spellers!

Launching Pad Spirit Night 

After the spelling bee, come on out to bounce, dunk, flip, play, and show your Joyner spirit at Launching Pad Trampoline Park! Spirit night is next Wednesday, Jan. 31 from 5-8 p.m. Invite your friends, too! Get $5 off jump times and packages with 15% of proceeds going back to our Joyner PTA. The class with the most attendees will ride the XD Motion Simulator at the end of the night! Questions? Contact Leigh Wolitski at or 919-606-5219.

Clothing Donations Needed for JYJ Students

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girls and boys underwear along with girls leggings, or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black or grey). All sizes needed. For boys, boxer shorts preferred. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.
Also, please grab a bag of lost and found items to be washed and donated to Note in the Pocket.  Please return clean clothes to Andrea Burston. Thanks JYJ family!

Show Us Your Healthy Moves

We’re gearing up for the 2018 Healthy Choice Marathon! Encourage your students to create a 30-second video showcasing their favorite healthy activity on their own or with JYJ friends. Dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us what you love to do to stay healthy! All videos meeting the above criteria will appear on the JYJ News, and all who submit videos will be entered into a drawing. Two students’ names will be drawn from each grade level to receive a prize, plus these 10 lucky winners will be asked to appear onstage during the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly on Friday, Feb. 2!

Videos submissions will be accepted through next Wednesday, January 31st and will continue to be aired on the JYJ News. Send 30-second videos to HCM Chair Ele Roberts at Please include children’s names, teacher and grade level in the email message. Submitting a video of your child means you are giving permission for the video to be shown at school. Please do not submit videos that show other children without a parent’s permission.

Speaking of the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff, get your red outfits ready! Friday, Feb. 2nd, is also National Wear Red Day for heart healthy month, so we’re asking everyone to wear red to help rev up the Healthy Choice Marathon!

Run Club Starts in Two Weeks

Run Club has become an annual Healthy Choice Marathon tradition, and is FREE for all Joyner students! The club meets after school for four Thursdays during the Healthy Choice Marathon: 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, and 3/1 from 3pm-4pm. Each week, volunteers collect kids from their classrooms, and GET MOVING together down at the baseball field and on the greenway adjacent to Joyner. The Run Club is volunteer-driven, so parent participation and advance enrollment are essential. Register your child at Run Club Registration. Contact Shanna Schroeder at with questions.

Conscious Discipline Course Offered for Parents

A parenting class on Conscious Discipline® and book study on Becky Bailey’s Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline will be held at White Plains United Methodist Church in Cary. The 8-session class will be moderated by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Ashley Cooper. The deadline to signup is Feb. 1, and the class starts Feb. 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuition for the 8-session class is $175 for one adult or $260 per parenting couple (similar to class fees at Project Enlightenment). To sign up:

Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 31: PTA Spirit Night at Launching Pad Trampoline Park, 5-8 pm.
  • Jan. 31: Spelling Bee, 3:30-6 pm.
  • Feb. 1: Stella and Dot Shopping Spree to benefit JYJ Foundation
  • Feb. 2: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off assembly
  • Feb. 6: Dinner at Piola at North Hills to benefit JYJ Foundation
  • Feb. 9: Early Release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Feb. 12-13: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 2: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Mar. 3: Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament @ Wake Tech
  • Mar. 4: JYJ 5k
  • Mar. 9: Black Box Dance performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 12-16: Tony Peacock, writer-in-residence (4th graders)
  • Mar. 24: Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament @ Wingate University
  • Mar. 29: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 30: Holiday
  • Apr. 2-6: Spring Break

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Spelling Bee, TEK Club Sign-ups, and Healthy Choice Marathon Video Showcase


Wondering what the next weather make-up day(s) will be? Check the bottom of the WCPSS traditional school calendar.


Joyner Spelling Bee is Tomorrow (Weather Permitting)

The Joyner School Bee is happening tomorrow (Thursday)! Twenty-eight spellers from 3rd-5th grades will demonstrate their memory, recall and spelling skills as former national speller Loretta Bohn calls out the words. Come cheer them on starting at 3:30 in the gym! Good luck, Joyner spellers!


Register Next Tuesday for TEK Clubs

TEK Club registration forms should have gone home in folders last week. Clubs will run Wednesdays, Feb. 7- March 14, from 3:30-4:45 (TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting), with weather make-up days on March 21 and March 28. Registration has been postponed due to the weather, and forms will now be accepted next Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the JYJ Media Center.

Club Offerings:

  • STEMtastic Scientists, Stefanie Piner, Grades K-2
  • Art of Food, Amy Forbes, Grades K-2
  • STEAMtastic Adventures with Dr. Seuss!, Lauren McCallum, Grades K-3
  • Ultimate Team Sports, Tim Poyer, Grades 2-5
  • Claymation, Dominique Orr, Grades 2-5
  • Machines on the Move Engineering Club, Jakala Wilson, Grades 2-5
  • Fabulous Foodies – Winter Fun!, Fran Cameron, Grades 2-5
  • Sparked by Science – STEM Challenges, Robotics, Circuitry, and More!, Ellyse Hampshire, Grades 3-5
  • Game On! Logic & Programming Games – Chess and Coding, Stefan Harroo, Grades 3-5

For more information, please contact or visit (full club descriptions found under JYJ tab).


Enter now for your 30 seconds of fame

We’re gearing up for the 2018 Healthy Choice Marathon — the 26 days of making healthy choices leading up to the Joyner 5K on March 4!

Encourage your students to create a 30-second video showcasing their favorite healthy activity on their own or with JYJ friends. Dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us what you love to do to stay healthy!  All videos meeting the above criteria will appear on the JYJ News, and all who submit videos will be entered into a drawing. Two students’ names will be drawn from each grade level to receive a prize, plus these 10 lucky winners will be asked to appear onstage during the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly on Friday, Feb. 2!

Videos submissions will be accepted by e-mail any time starting today, Wednesday Jan. 17, through Wednesday, Jan. 31, and will be aired beginning Jan. 22. Send 30-second videos to HCM Chair Ele Roberts at, and please include children’s names, teacher and grade level in the email message. Submitting a video of your child means you are giving permission for the video to be shown at school. Please do not submit videos that show other children without a parent’s permission.


Launching Pad Spirit Night 

Come bounce, dunk, flip, play, and show your Joyner spirit at Launching Pad Trampoline Park on Jan. 31 from 5-8 p.m. — and invite your friends, too! Get $5 off jump times and packages with 15% of proceeds going back to our Joyner PTA. The class with the most attendees will ride the XD Motion Simulator at the end of the night! Questions? Contact Leigh Wolitski at or 919-606-5219.


Joyner Teachers Win PTA-Funded Mini-Grants

Congratulations to the Joyner teachers and specialists who won mini grants in the fall. All items requested in the grant proposals have now been purchased! The JY Joyner PTA-funded Mini-Grants Program helps to fund great ideas that might not otherwise be part of the classroom environment. Click here to see the full list of fantastic projects that were funded in 2017.


NCPTA Lunch and Learn: What Every Parent Needs to Know about Transitioning to Middle School 

Who isn’t a little apprehensive about the transition from elementary to middle school? Dr. MariaRosa Rangel will address the most common parent and child concerns about the big move from elementary to middle school and set parents up for success in supporting their student.

  • When: February 8, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Where: NCPTA Headquarters, 3501 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC, 27612
  • Cost: $20 per Lunch and Learn. Lunch will be provided.

Register at: There is limited seating for the Lunch and Learn series, so register today!


Conscious Discipline Course Offered for Parents

A parenting class on Conscious Discipline® and book study on Becky Bailey’s Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline will be held at White Plains United Methodist Church in Cary. The 8-session class will be moderated by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Ashley Cooper. The deadline to signup is Feb. 1, and the class starts Feb. 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuition for the 8-session class is $175 for one adult or $260 per parenting couple (similar to class fees at Project Enlightenment). To sign up:


Community 5K Opportunity on March 17

Want to help bring gardens to Wake County elementary schools? Join Broughton Food Ark for the second annual Garden Gallop 5K to benefit the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s Growing School Gardens program. Community members of every age are welcome to run, walk, or even gallop to help high-need schools start thriving gardens and teach kids about the power of healthy eating. The race will be held at Dorothea Dix Park in Raleigh on March 17 at 8 a.m. To register, donate, or volunteer, visit the Garden Gallop Facebook page or


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 18: School spelling bee, 3:30-6 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Jan. 31: PTA Spirit Night at Launching Pad Trampoline Park, 5-8 p.m.
  • Feb. 2: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off assembly
  • Feb. 9: Early Release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Feb. 12-13: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Mar. 2: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Mar. 3: Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament @ Wake Tech
  • Mar. 4: JYJ 5k
  • Mar. 9: Black Box Dance performances (whole school)
  • Mar. 12-16: Tony Peacock, writer-in-residence (4th graders)

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

2017 Mini-Grants Awarded to Teachers, Staff

The JY Joyner PTA–funded Mini-Grant Program allows teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. Mini-grants have helped to fund many significant achievements at our school including: the Reading Rainbow series, campus and grounds improvements, class sets of books, special Spanish language programs, updated counseling technology, and equipment for teachers and specialists. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the education staff and adds interesting elements to the curriculum.

The next funding period for mini-grants will be fall of 2018. The Mini-Grants Committee will post information and applications in September. Contact Arinn Widmayer if you have questions about the Mini-Grant Program.

Congratulations to our fall 2017 mini-grant recipients!

  • Christina Bell, Spanish: Spanish Literacy, Math and Sequence Flashcards and Games
  • Andrea Burston, Counseling: JYJ Counselor Technology Update…with iPad and software
  • Fran Cameron, 3rd grade: Document Cameras for each grade-level teacher
  • Whitney Carroll, 2nd grade: Document Cameras for each grade-level teacher
  • Emily Dawson, Kindergarten: Second Step Emotional Learning Curriculum for K students
  • Adriana Duncan, Spanish: Spanish Lessons on Money and Currency
  • Natasha Durrette, Spanish: Timers and White Boards for use in Spanish Classrooms
  • Ryan Fotta, ArtL Art Library for Art Room
  • Amy Gourley, Spanish: Novels for 5th Grade
  • Denise Hale, Media Center: Diversity Literature for Beginning Readers and Graphic Novel collection
  • Katherine Johnson, Kindergarten: Classroom Rugs for Grade-Level Team
  • Charles Jones, 4th grade: Classroom Books – Inventors Galore
  • Brittany Kelly, EBS I (K-2): Cultural Leveled Books with Cart
  • Kim Millsaps, 3rd Grade: Classroom Books – Frogs Leap Into Reading
  • Laura Munster, 1st Grade: Document Cameras for each grade-level teacher
  • Monica Normark, 2nd Grade: Letterland Sound Mini Cards
  • Lourdes Onate, Spanish: Spanish Math Resources
  • Stefanie Piner, Kindergarten: Culturally Diverse Classroom Books
  • Susan Serenari, Instructional Resources Teacher: Leadership Curriculum for PTLs
  • Jennifer Smythe, 3rd Grade: ELA Recommended Texts
  • Ann Truax, Intervention: Intervention Games and Materials
  • Anna Young, AIG: Science Olympiad materials

NewsFlash | Snow Make-Up Days, Winter TEK Clubs, and Launching Pad Spirit Night

As you take pictures on field trips, while visiting your child at lunch and attending school events, please take a minute to send those pictures to Tracy Robinson at If you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.” Your kids love seeing themselves in the yearbook and you can make that happen! 

Snow Make-Up Days Scheduled

Make-up days for the two days missed last week for snow are Monday, Jan. 22, and Monday, Feb. 19. These dates were teacher workdays but will now be normal school days. Wondering what the next make-up days would be if we get more snow? Check the bottom of the WCPSS traditional school calendar.


Winter 2018 Joyner TEK Clubs Coming Soon

Check your child’s Wednesday folder for TEK Club registration forms. Clubs will run Wednesdays, Feb. 7- March 14, from 3:30-4:45 (TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting), with weather make-up days on March 21 and March 28. Registration forms will be accepted on Wednesday, Jan. 17, in the JYJ Media Center.

Club Offerings:

  • STEMtastic Scientists, Stefanie Piner, Grades K-2
  • Art of Food, Amy Forbes, Grades K-2
  • STEAMtastic Adventures with Dr. Seuss!, Lauren McCallum, Grades K-3
  • Ultimate Team Sports, Tim Poyer, Grades 2-5
  • Claymation, Dominique Orr, Grades 2-5
  • Machines on the Move Engineering Club, Jakala Wilson, Grades 2-5
  • Fabulous Foodies – Winter Fun!, Fran Cameron, Grades 2-5
  • Sparked by Science – STEM Challenges, Robotics, Circuitry, and More!, Ellyse Hampshire, Grades 3-5
  • Game On! Logic & Programming Games – Chess and Coding, Stefan Harrow, Grades 3-5

For more information, please contact or visit (full club descriptions found under JYJ tab).


Launching Pad Spirit Night 

Come bounce, dunk, flip, play, and show your Joyner spirit at Launching Pad Trampoline Park on Jan. 31 from 5-8 p.m. — and invite your friends too! Get $5 off jump times and packages with 15% of proceeds going back to our Joyner PTA. The class with the most attendees will ride the XD Motion Simulator at the end of the night! Questions? Contact Leigh Wolitski at or 919-606-5219.

Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 15: Holiday – No School
  • Jan. 18: School spelling bee, 3:30-6 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Snow make-up day. School is in session.
  • Jan. 31: PTA Spirit Night at Launching Pad Trampoline Park, 5-8 p.m.
  • Feb. 9: Early Release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Feb. 12-13: Beverly Botsford’s Dancing Drums performances (whole school)
  • Feb. 17: Odyssey of the Mind Primary Tournament at Wake Tech
  • Feb. 19: Snow make-up day. School is in session.

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Spirit Week, Backpack Buddies, and Marbles Spooktacular

Calling all fifth-grade parents! Have questions about middle school magnets? Find magnet school options for your address here and check out the Magnet and Early College Schools Fair to explore all the magnet options throughout Wake County:  Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School (2600 Rock Quarry Road, Raleigh 27610).


Joyner Spirit Week

The Joyner faculty and staff invite all students to join in Spirit Week this week! Here’s the schedule for today and the rest of the week:

  • Wacky Tacky Wednesday: Mismatch, outrageous, different patterns, etc.
  • Pajama Party Thursday: Wear pjs, robe, slippers, etc.
  • Joyner Pride Friday: Wear your Joyner t-shirt or school colors
  • Halloween Monday (10/30): Wear Halloween colors


Joyner Spirit Wear Coming Home Friday

And speaking of Joyner Spirit… Jagwear will be coming home by Friday. Please check your items to make sure you have everything you ordered and the correct sizes. If there is any problem with your order, please let Ameshia Turlington know by Monday, Oct. 30 at


Access to 3D Printer Needed

The kindergarten teachers are looking for a parent who has access to a 3D printer and filament to create a few items for an upcoming class project. If you are able to connect them to a 3D printer, please email Stefanie Piner at


Backpack Buddies Meets Fundraising Goal

Joyner’s Backpack Buddies program has met its fundraising goal for the year with the help of many generous Joyner families — and one determined third grader. A big shout-out to Lily Johnson in Ms. Hampshire’s class, who brought in $283 for the program selling her homemade cupcakes as part of the third graders’ Joyner Community Service Project. Her donation tipped us over! Thanks to ALL who contributed and to our fabulous Backpack Buddies PTA Committee. Volunteers are now working hard to get backpacks packed and sent home with 25 Joyner children each Friday.

Backpack Buddies, administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle, provides nutritious food on the weekends to Joyner students in need. Providing students with better nutrition means they are better able to focus at school, with improved learning and behavior. Contact our Joyner volunteers Ele Roberts at (919) 649-6600 or Lynn Ashby at (919) 815-3085 if you’re interested in helping with the program.


Study Buddy Volunteers Needed

Do you have 15-30 minutes a week to share with a student who will benefit greatly from a little extra help with school work? If you are looking for a wonderful volunteer opportunity at Joyner, Study Buddies needs you! Join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 8 a.m. in the media center to learn more. Time slots will be varied between early morning, lunch and afternoon. Instead of sitting in carpool waiting for school to get out, come inside and read with a student in need of a little more academic encouragement! The goal is to match adults and students for the remainder of the year. Parents, grandparents and friends are welcome, just please be sure to register as a WCPSS volunteer. No prior teaching experience needed. You can sign up on the 8th for a time slot that works for your schedule. Study Buddies is not only a great way to help support academic growth at Joyner, but to help our kids reach their full potential as learners. If you are interested, please email Kate Parke at


Marbles Family Fun Night Spooktacular!

Get in the Halloween spirit at Marbles for Family Fun Night “Spooktacular” — a special night for special needs students TONIGHT, Oct. 25, 5:30-8:00. Celebrate Halloween with boo bubbles, splotch monster art, ooey-gooey pumpkin science and bat bungees. Come to Marbles for this after-hours event for children with special needs that offers the opportunity to experience the museum in a calmer, quieter environment. This event is free and exclusively for kids with special needs and their families. Event Partners will have information booths set up and include WCPSS Office of Early Learning, Advocates for Inclusive Education (AFIE), Autism Society of NC (ASNC), Triangle Down Syndrome Network, Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC), Duke Center for Autism, and others.

During October, Wake County Public Schools acknowledges Disability History and Awareness Month. We will be sharing links and resources to promote awareness and acceptance of unique abilities each week of October. Click here to join JY Joyner’s new special education hub.  


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 6: Special Education Open House, 5:30-8 pm, Martin Middle School
  • Nov. 9: Science-Go-Round
  • Nov. 10: Holiday (no school)
  • Nov. 16: JY Joyner Foundation Dance-a-Thon
  • Nov. 21: Early release
  • Nov. 22: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 23-24: Holiday (no school)
  • Dec. 1: Classroom spelling bees
  • Dec. 4-8: Book Fair and Hour of Code
  • Dec. 5: Kendra Scott Gives Back Event, 4:30-7:30 pm, North Hills Shopping Center
  • Dec. 7: Picture re-takes
  • Dec. 7: Holiday concert and PTA general membership meeting
  • Dec 13: Holiday event for staff provided by PTA
  • Dec. 21: Early release
  • Dec. 22: Winter holiday begins

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Early Release, Teacher Appreciation, and Study Buddy Volunteers Needed

Thanks to the Jamboree co-chairs–Tiffany Chenery and Anna Misenheimer–all the wonderful parent volunteers and Joyner staff who kept the night fun and safe for all. Got Jamboree pics? Send them to for consideration for the yearbook! Please send “actual size” photos.


Early Release and Teacher Appreciation This Friday – “You Are FaBOOlous!”

This Friday is an Early Release day. School will let out at 12:30 pm. It’s also a teacher appreciation day, and of the theme for this day is “You are FaBOOlous!” Students are invited to bring their teachers and staff representative a special treat that will make them feel faBOOlous! (giftcards to favorite food/drink/sweet treat, etc.). Click here to remind yourself which staff members your child’s class is responsible for celebrating!


Study Buddy Volunteers Needed

Do you have 15-30 minutes a week to share with a student who will benefit greatly from a little extra help with school work? If you are looking for a wonderful volunteer opportunity at Joyner, Study Buddies needs you! Join us for an informational meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 8 a.m. in the media center to learn more. Time slots will be varied between early morning, lunch and afternoon. Instead of sitting in carpool waiting for school to get out, come inside and read with a student in need of a little more academic encouragement! The goal is to match adults and students for the remainder of the year. Parents, grandparents and friends are welcome, just please be sure to register as a WCPSS volunteer. No prior teaching experience needed. You can sign up on the 8th for a time slot that works for your schedule. Study Buddies is not only a great way to help support academic growth at Joyner, but to help our kids reach their full potential as learners. If you are interested, please email Kate Parke at

Odyssey of the Mind needs several 3rd, 4th, or 5th graders!

The great news: Joyner is fielding THREE Division 1 teams this year!
The opportunity: Two of these teams need a couple of additional members who can meet weekly on Sunday afternoons around 4:00 p.m. between November and March.

Join our Odyssey! It’s a blast, and sure to develop your child’s creative thinking skills while they make new friends. Email us at ASAP if your child is interested in participating.


JYJ Science Olympiad Parent Info Sessions – THIS MORNING and Thursday afternoon

Does your kid love learning and experimenting with science? Is she curious about volcanoes, plants, space, nutrition, forensics, math, animals, fossils, earthquakes, energy or weather? Would he enjoy building a rocket, a roller-coaster, a tower out of duct tape or a bridge out of pasta? If so, then we would love to tell you more about how to get involved with our award winning Science Olympiad team! Come to one of two short parent information sessions:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 18, 8:30-9:00 a.m. in the Media Center
  • Thursday, Oct. 19, 5:30–5:50 p.m. in the Media Center

These are identical sessions so parents only need to attend one. New and returning families are welcome. Kids can attend, but this meeting will be geared toward parents. There will also be an information session for the kids. Interested 3rd – 5th graders can learn more on Monday, Oct. 23, from 3:30-4:00 p.m in the Media Center. Stay tuned for more info. Questions? Click to email Jen Schrage or call 919-602-2432.


New Joyner Hub for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Being a parent of a child with special needs can feel isolating. Have you ever walked the hallways of Joyner, wondering if you are alone in your unique challenges? Do you wonder how to identify other parents of children with special needs at Joyner, in order to share information and experiences? Our new Special Education Hub was designed just for you. It can help you connect with and support other parents and share resources too. Parents and educators are welcome. This hub won’t serve to answer specific IEP or 504 questions but can be a great way to feel more connected and to communicate general information. Click here to join. During October, Wake County Public Schools acknowledges Disability History and Awareness Month. We will be sharing links and resources to promote awareness and acceptance of unique abilities each week of October. 


Congrats to our Dance Party Winners!

Congratulations to Ms. Piner’s class for winning the PTA membership drive contest with almost 80% of families joining the PTA! Ms. Piner and her students will get to celebrate their accomplishment with a highly sought-after prize: a dance party with Ms. Zezza.

Grade-level bragging rights go to:

  • 1st – Munster
  • 2nd – Ferrell
  • 3rd – Cameron
  • 4th – Jones
  • 5th – Lancaster

Many thanks to all who have joined the PTA! Having an increasing number of PTA members gives us — and the Wake and NC PTA — a stronger platform to advocate for all of our children and teachers. When our school is faced with issues like class size restrictions and other challenges, it’s important that our PTA organizations be able to demonstrate how many voices they represent through PTA membership. It’s not too late to join — just go to We promise you won’t be obligated as a volunteer!


Spanish Dance Performances Tomorrow

Get ready to be wow’ed! The first round of Spanish dancing for the year will take place tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. Students who are dancing should have already received a permission slip. The following grade levels are performing this time, and all classes well perform at some point during the year.

  • 1st grade – Oñate/Bell
  • 2nd grade – Oñate/Bell
  • 3rd grade – Oñate/Bell/Durette
  • 4th grade – Oñate/Durette
  • 5th grade – Oñate/Bell


Quick School Meals Survey from Wake County

Happy National School Lunch Week! NCPTA, the Wake County PTA Council, and child nutrition services are interested in learning more from parents about school meals here in Wake County. We are all invested in working together to improve, strengthen, and reimagine school meals in Wake County this year, and we are starting the process with a brief survey: Click here. This should take only 2-3 minutes of your valuable time.


Broughton Strategic Planning Informational Meeting

Broughton High School is holding a strategic planning informational meeting tomorrow night, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. in the Broughton High School Diane Payne Auditorium. Broughton High School: the Next Five Years and Beyond… will feature Principal Elena Ashburn outlining her strategic vision for BHS’s future. The program will also showcase BHS’s top organizations instrumental in helping support that vision: the Capital Foundation, Academic Boosters, PTSA, and Caps Club. Audience will include stakeholders interested in BHS’s future — current, future and former parents, students, grandparents, friends, neighbors and community members.


Kendra Scott Gives Back Event on Dec. 5

Love jewelry? Save your Kendra Scott Wish List for a holiday shopping event at the North Hills store to benefit Joyner PTA on Dec. 5 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Spread the word to friends and family, as Joyner will receive 20% back from all purchases. Plus the class with the most purchases will win a set of Kendra Scott jewelry for their teacher.

Free Resilience Film Screenings Explore Childhood Stress

There are several free screening times available to see Resiliencea 60-minute film directed by James Redford about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on health, quality of life, economics and education. Research shows ACEs are common, they affect all socioeconomic levels, and their lifelong impact on health and well-being is significant. “The child may not remember, but the body remembers.”

View this highly acclaimed film to learn what ACEs are, how they increase the likelihood of disease and illness, and how together we as a community can mitigate the impact of ACEs for Wake County residents.

  • Wake County PTA is hosting a screening at the Cary Theater on Monday, Nov. 20, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are free but required. Click here to reserve.
  • Advocates for Health in Action and Marbles Kids Museum are hosting monthly screenings through February. Click here for more information and to register.


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Oct. 18: Science Olympiad parent info session #1, 8:30-9:00 am, Media Center
  • Oct. 19: Science Olympiad parent info session #2, 5:30-5:50 pm, Media Center
  • Oct. 20: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 23: Science Olympiad student info session, 3-4 pm
  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 6: Special Education Open House, 5:30-8 pm, Martin Middle School
  • Nov. 9: Science-Go-Round
  • Nov. 10: Holiday (no school)
  • Nov. 16: JY Joyner Foundation Dance-a-Thon
  • Nov. 21: Early release day
  • Nov. 22: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 23-24: Holiday (no school)
  • Dec. 1: Classroom spelling bees
  • Dec. 4-8: Book Fair and Hour of Code
  • Dec. 5: Kendra Scott Gives Back Event, 4:30-7:30 pm, North Hills Shopping Center
  • Dec. 7: Picture re-takes

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Meet and Greet with Principal Zezza, Jamboree Volunteers, and Science Olympiad

Don’t forget to re-link your Harris Teeter VIC card to benefit the Joyner PTA with every purchase at no cost to you! Also shop through Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate part of the price of eligible purchases to the Joyner PTA.


Meet and Greet with Principal Zezza Tomorrow

The Joyner PTA is pleased to host two meet & greet sessions to welcome our new principal tomorrow, Oct. 12Join us in the media center to hear from Ms. Zezza and help her get to know the Joyner family a little better. The first session is from 7:15-8 a.m. and second session is from 8:30-9:15 a.m. Pick whichever time works best for you to drop in and say hello.


Joyner Jamboree is This Friday!

It’s that time again! The Joyner Jamboree is this Friday, Oct. 13, from 5:30-8 p.m. This annual family fun event is back with the Haunted Hallway, Climb-N-Challenge, Chick-fil-a and more! Wristbands for kids are $5 to enjoy all the fun: pay at the Jamboree or skip the line and pre-order by sending in a check (payable to JY Joyner PTA) or cash to your homeroom teacher in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade, or stop by the table set up just inside the front door at drop-off. Kids need wristbands; parents do not.

Quiet Zone will be available in the alcove outside the cafeteria entrance during the Jamboree for anyone needing a break from the excitement — look for the signs on Jamboree day.


Jamboree Volunteers Still Needed

We need lots of help to make the annual Joyner Jamboree a success. Volunteering at the Jamboree is always a blast, so click here to sign up on MemberHub and be a part of the action! Positions are available for both youth and adult volunteers — pick one shift and then relax for the rest of the event. We are particularly looking for a few stalwart Joyner alums (hey there middle and high schoolers!) to help out in the Haunted Hallway! To volunteer for the Hallway, contact Kenia Reynard directly at


Only One More Day to Win a Dance Party with Principal Zezza!

New PTA memberships through TOMORROW will be counted towards the big prize: the class with the highest percentage of families joining will win a dance party with Ms. Zezza. Here is the top class so far in each grade, but things are close so it’s still anyone’s game!
  • K: Piner
  • 1: Munster
  • 2: Carroll
  • 3: Cameron
  • 4: Davis
  • 5: Lancaster (Del)
Please grab this opportunity to join the PTA (it costs just $5 per person), and contribute anything beyond that you wish — every dollar above the $5 dues stays right here to fund programs at Joyner.
  • Donate online: Just go to to donate/join via credit card through MemberHub.
  • Send a check to school: Visit to download a membership form and turn it in to your child’s teacher with a check or cash. If you have issues with getting the form, please contact Ele Roberts at
  • Donate at school: Turn in your money PTA table at school this week during morning drop-off when you get your Jamboree wrist bands.
Q – Does joining the PTA mean I have to attend meetings or volunteer?  
A – NO! We would love it if you did, but this is a membership drive and we simply need the numbers!  No meetings or volunteering is required.
Q – I already joined – I think.  I’m not sure!  Can you check?
A – Yes!  Email Ele at


Last Day for PTA Mini-Grant Applications

The JYJ PTA sets aside funds every year to help teachers, staff and specialists enhance our students’ educational experience outside of the prescribed curriculum. Mini grants have funded the installation and upkeep of a garden, class sets of books, bouncy ball desk chairs, a manga collection for the library, Spanish language counting blocks, rugs for our kindergarten classrooms and so much more. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the teaching staff and adds interesting elements to daily learning. Please encourage your child’s teachers to apply for a mini-grant if they have a need or an idea they’d like to explore. The application period closes today. Applications are available on Memberhub.


JYJ Science Olympiad Parent Info Sessions (3rd-5th)

Does your kid love learning and experimenting with science? Is she curious about volcanoes, plants, space, nutrition, forensics, math, animals, fossils, earthquakes, energy or weather? Would he enjoy building a rocket, a roller-coaster, a tower out of duct tape or a bridge out of pasta? If so, then we would love to tell you more about how to get involved with our award winning Science Olympiad team! Come to one of the short parent information sessions:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 18, 8:30-9:00 a.m. (Location TBD)
  • Thursday, Oct. 19, 5:30–5:50 p.m. (Location TBD)

These are identical sessions so parents only need to attend one. New and returning families are welcome. Kids can attend, but this meeting will be geared toward parents. There will also be an information session for the kids. Interested 3rd – 5th graders can learn more on Monday, Oct. 23, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. (location TBD). Stay tuned for more info. Questions? Click to email Jen Schrage or call 919-602-2432.


Two TEK Clubs Still Accepting Applications

TEK is still accepting Club registrations for the STEMtastic Science and Delicious Decorating clubs.
If you would like to register please contact Duval Fisher:

Upcoming Spanish Dance Performance

Get ready to be wow’ed! The first round of Spanish dancing for the year will take place next week, Thursday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. Students who are dancing should have already received a permission slip. The following grade levels are performing this time, and all classes well perform at some point during the year.

  • 1st grade – Oñate/Bell
  • 2nd grade – Oñate/Bell
  • 3rd grade – Oñate/Bell/Durette
  • 4th grade – Oñate/Durette
  • 5th grade – Oñate/Bell


Sign Up Today for New JYJ Advocacy Hub

Want to be in the know on class size legislation and more? The Joyner PTA Advocacy Committee’s role is to keep you up-to-date on state and local policy that impacts Joyner, Wake County and North Carolina. To stay in the loop, join the new Advocacy Hub on MemberHub. This hub will inform parents about relevant legislative issues and highlight areas of opportunity to advocate for underserved communities at Joyner. Joining the Hub is simple. Just log into Member Hub and choose “Join Hubs” at the top left, then click the Join button beside “Advocacy.” Joining the hub doesn’t obligate you to any volunteer roles, it just helps keep you informed about class size restrictions, school bonds and other issues impacting our public schools.

Wake County Offers Special Education Open House

This week, we continue our recognition of Disability History and Awareness month by sharing a very exciting event sponsored by the Wake County Special Education Advisory Council. The 9th annual Special Education Open House will be held on Nov. 6 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Martin Middle School. This free event grows by leaps and bounds every year! Information sessions allow attendees the opportunity to meet special education teachers and administrators and get the inside scoop on Wake County’s special education services. Don’t miss this opportunity! The Open House is only held once a year. October, Wake County Public Schools acknowledges Disability History and Awareness Month. We will be sharing links and resources to promote awareness and acceptance of unique abilities each week of October. 


Buy State Fair Tickets by Tomorrow to Support Joyner

Here’s yet another way your family can support Joyner and have fun doing it! Buy your State Fair tickets online in advance of the fair and use Joyner’s school code. The State Fair will donate $2 to the school for every adult ticket purchased using Joyner’s code and $1 for every child ticket. To buy your tickets, click here, then enter 456 under “Membership” at check-out. For Joyner to benefit, you must purchase your tickets online in advance of the Fair, by TOMORROW, Oct. 12.

The Robots are Coming…to Millbrook High School

Joyner students, families and staff are invited to Millbrook High School on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. -6 p.m. for their first robotics event. Thirty teams from around the state will compete. Students build a robot over an intense six-week build period. They have mentors from school and the community, and explore and apply the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, computer programming, and marketing. Current research indicates approximately 40% of US jobs will be impacted by automation by the 2030s. Bring your kiddos and get them fired up about robotics!


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree
  • Oct. 18: Science Olympiad parent info session #1, 8:30-9:00 am
  • Oct. 19: Science Olympiad parent info session #2, 5:30-5:50 pm
  • Oct. 20: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 23: Science Olympiad student info session, 3-4 pm
  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 6: Special Education Open House, 5:30-8 pm, Martin Middle School
  • Nov. 9: Science-Go-Round
  • Nov. 10: Holiday (no school)
  • Nov. 16: JY Joyner Foundation Dance-a-Thon
  • Nov. 22: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 23-24: Holiday (no school)
  • Dec. 1: Classroom spelling bees
  • Dec. 4-8: Book Fair and Hour of Code
  • Dec. 5: Kendra Scott Gives Back Event, 4:30-7:30 pm, North Hills Shopping Center
  • Dec. 7: Picture re-takes

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Jamboree Info, OM and Science Olympiad Meetings, and New Bus App

Don’t forget to send in great pics for the yearbook! Email “actual size” photos throughout the year to Tracy Robinson at


Joyner Jamboree is Next Friday!

It’s that time again! The Joyner Jamboree is next Friday, Oct. 13, from 5:30-8 p.m. This annual family fun event is back with the Haunted Hallway, Climb-N-Challenge, Chick-fil-a and more! Skip the line and pre-order your $5 wristband today. The pre-order form was sent home last week, or just send in a check (payable to JY Joyner PTA) or cash to your homeroom teacher in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade. Kids need wristbands; parents do not.

A Quiet Zone will be available during the Jamboree for anyone needing a break from the excitement. The location is still being determined, but look for an update next week and Quiet Zone signs on Jamboree day.


Sign Up to Help Out at the Jamboree

We need lots of help to make the annual Joyner Jamboree a success. Volunteering at the Jamboree is always a blast, so click here to sign up on MemberHub and be a part of the action! Positions are available for both youth and adult volunteers. If you have questions about volunteering, contact Kenia Reynard at


Join the PTA, Win a Dance Party with Principal Zezza!

Starting NOW through next Thursday, Oct. 12, we are doing one last push for our PTA No Fuss Fundraiser and membership drive, with an awesome prize on offer. Please join the PTA (it costs just $5 per person), and contribute anything beyond that you wish — every dollar above the $5 dues stays right here to fund programs at Joyner. THE BEST PART?? The class with the highest percentage of families joining wins a DANCE PARTY WITH MS. ZEZZA!!
  • Donate online: Just go to to donate/join via credit card through MemberHub.
  • Send a check to school: Visit to download a membership form and turn it in to your child’s teacher with a check or cash. If you have issues with getting the form, please contact Ele Roberts at
  • Donate at school: There will be a PTA table set up at school next week during morning drop-off.
Q – Does joining the PTA mean I have to attend meetings or volunteer?  
A – NO! We would love it if you did, but this is a membership drive and we simply need the numbers!  No meetings or volunteering is required.
Q – I already joined – I think.  I’m not sure!  Can you check?
A – Yes!  Email Ele at


Last Chance to Sign up for Odyssey of the Mind (K-5th)

It’s your last chance! Registration for 2017-18 Odyssey of the Mind ends Friday, Oct. 6. OM is student-led, builds teamwork and confidence, and most importantly, it’s FUN! Click here to sign up. Questions? Email

Join the JYJ Science Olympiad Team (3rd-5th)

Does your kid love learning and experimenting with science? Is she curious about volcanoes, plants, space, nutrition, forensics, math, animals, fossils, earthquakes, energy or weather? Would he enjoy building a rocket, a roller-coaster, a tower out of duct tape or a bridge out of pasta? If so, then we would love to tell you more about how to get involved with our award winning Science Olympiad team! Come to one of the short parent information sessions:

  • Thursday, Oct. 12, 8:30-8:50 a.m. (Location TBD)
  • Thursday, Oct. 19, 5:30–5:50 p.m. (Location TBD)

These are identical sessions so parents only need to attend one. New and returning families are welcome. Kids can attend, but this meeting will be geared toward parents. There will also be an information session for the kids. Interested 3rd – 5th graders can learn more on Monday, Oct. 23, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. (location TBD). Stay tuned for more info. Questions? Click to email Jen Schrage or call 919-602-2432.


Library Volunteers Needed 

Love books, love kids? This is the volunteer opportunity for you! Ms. Hale is helping out with the morning news so she needs extra help in the library during the morning rush. Ideally this means a daily volunteer between 8:00 and 8:30 to help the kids get their books checked out. Go here to sign up.

She could also use help checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact. Please drop in when you have a few minutes — no need to sign up for helping out with shelving books.


Encourage Teachers to Apply for PTA Grants for Class Needs

The JYJ PTA sets aside funds every year to help teachers, staff and specialists enhance our students’ educational experience outside of the prescribed curriculum. Mini grants have funded the installation and upkeep of a garden, class sets of books, bouncy ball desk chairs, a manga collection for the library, Spanish language counting blocks, rugs for our kindergarten classrooms and so much more. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the teaching staff and adds interesting elements to daily learning. Please encourage your child’s teachers to apply for a mini-grant if they have a need or an idea they’d like to explore. The application period is open until Oct. 11. Applications are available on Memberhub.


Here Comes the Bus Website and App Now Working

According to Wake County, we can now use the free bus tracking system called Here Comes the Bus, which lets you see the location of your child’s school bus on your smartphone, tablet or computer. The website and app let you know when the bus is near your stop. You might not want to rely heavily on Here Comes the Bus at first, as any kinks get ironed out! Here’s some more information from Wake County Schools:

  • You can sign up for Here Comes the Bus at getting-started/. You will need the district code: 67500 and your student’s ID number to sign up. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • Once activated, you can customize or edit certain features, including how the app will communicate with you (via email and/or push notifications) and the size of the notification radius.
  • WCPSS Transportation makes bus substitutions when preventative maintenance is due and in response to the management of drivers. When a substitution is made, some features of the app may not work.
  • Once you are logged into your account, the link to HCTB customer support can be found by selecting Help. Additional resources can be found there as well. Questions or concern related to bus service issues should be directed to transportation. For more information, go to: herecomesthebus.


Share Feedback on K-3 Class Size Legislation

We will be sending more information out soon about the effects of the class size legislation on Joyner. In the meantime, we wanted to remind you how to share feedback–one of those opportunities is this Friday, Oct. 6.

How can I share feedback?

Online:  You can share your feedback on Wake County’s public discussion forum. There are comment threads related to each of the new schools and other proposed assignment changes. Please provide feedback in the appropriate section.
In Person:  Wake County Public Schools will also hold two public information sessions: Oct. 6 at Holly Grove Middle School, 1401 Avent Ferry Road, Holly Grove, and Oct. 9 at the future South Garner High School campus, 8228 Hebron Church Road, Garner. Doors will open at 6 p.m.; the meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.

October is Disability History and Awareness Month

During October, Wake County Public Schools acknowledges Disability History and Awareness Month. We will be sharing links and resources to promote awareness and acceptance of unique abilities each week of October. This week, we’d like to mention an important way that the Joyner PTA helps everyone enjoy our school events throughout the year. The Quiet Zone has become an important fixture at school events like the Joyner Jamboree and Night of Nonsense to ensure that all members of our Joyner family are able to be a part of the fun at their own comfort level. The Quiet Zone is for anyone who may need a break from the excitement:  students, siblings, parents, grandparents, and guests.


Support Joyner with Your State Fair Ticket Purchase

Here’s yet another way your family can support Joyner and have fun doing it! Buy your State Fair tickets online in advance of the fair and use Joyner’s school code. The State Fair will donate $2 to the school for every adult ticket purchased using Joyner’s code and $1 for every child ticket. To buy your tickets, click here, then enter 456 under “Membership” at check-out. For Joyner to benefit, you must purchase your tickets online in advance of the Fair, by Thursday, Oct. 12.

Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Oct. 6: Wake County public information session #1 on proposed enrollment changes, Holly Grove Middle School, 6:30 pm
  • Oct. 9: Wake County public information session #2, future South Garner High School campus, 8228 Hebron Church Road, Garner, 6:30 pm
  • Oct. 12: Science Olympiad parent info session #1, 8:30-8:50 am
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree
  • Oct. 19: Science Olympiad parent info session #2, 5:30-5:50 pm
  • Oct. 20: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 23: Science Olympiad student info session, 3-4 pm
  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 9: Science-Go-Round
  • Nov. 10: Holiday (no school)
  • Nov. 16: JY Joyner Foundation Dance-a-Thon

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Skate Party Tonight, Last Call for JYJ Spirit Wear, and Library Volunteers Needed

Remember! Registration for TEK clubs is this morning, Wednesday, in the JYJ Media Center at 8 a.m. Fall TEK Clubs will run for six Wednesdays from Oct. 18 – Nov. 29. Cost is $135.


Last Call for Joyner Spirit Wear!

Order now and hide it away for the holidays! THIS FRIDAY is the last day for Joyner Spirit Wear orders and this is the only Jagwear sale for the school year. Click to view the options: short-sleeved teelong-sleeved tee, and sweatshirt. You can click here to download an order form.

Library Volunteers Needed – Sign Up Here

Love books, love kids? This is the volunteer opportunity for you! Ms. Hale is helping out with the morning news so she needs extra help in the library during the morning rush. Ideally this means a daily volunteer between 8:00 and 8:30 to help the kids get their books checked out. Go here to sign up.

She could also use help checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact. Please drop in when you have a few minutes — no need to sign up for helping out with shelving books.


Spirit Night at United Skates of America TONIGHT

Come on out tonight and show us your moves! Joyner is having a Skate Party at United Skates (2901Trawick Rd Raleigh) tonight, Sept. 27, from 6-8:30. p.m. Admission is $3.50, skate rentals are $3.50, and 100% of admission proceeds go back to the Joyner PTA.


Teacher and Staff Appreciation This Friday – Updated Link

Apologies for the broken link last week – please click here to find out what staff members your child’s class will be appreciating this year.

For those new to Joyner this year, rather than appreciating our teachers and staff only once a year, we provide lots of opportunities to tell them how fabulous we think they are! Every early release day is also a Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day, and each one will have a fun theme. Click here for the full year of themes (but don’t worry — we’ll give you a heads-up as they come).

The first early release of the year is this Friday, Sept. 29. The theme is Our future is so bright, we gotta wear shades! Students can use a yellow theme and write what they love about Joyner.


Please Be Safe at Morning Drop Off

A friendly reminder from our neighbors: The alley beside the townhouses directly across from the school on Lowden Street is a private alley. Joyner parents should not park there to drop off in the morning or use it as a cut-through. Many of us will remember the terrible incident last year when a dog was hit. Students may also be using that alley to walk to school. Please be safe!


Support Joyner with Your State Fair Ticket Purchase

Here’s yet another way your family can support Joyner and have fun doing it! Buy your State Fair tickets online in advance of the fair and use Joyner’s school code. The State Fair will donate $2 to the school for every adult ticket purchased using Joyner’s code and $1 for every child ticket.

To buy your tickets, click here, then enter 456 under “Membership” at check-out. For Joyner to benefit, you must purchase your tickets online in advance of the Fair, by Thursday, Oct. 12.

Odyssey of the Mind Application is Live

The online application for Odyssey of the Mind is now live, through next Monday, Oct. 2. Click here to learn about this year’s “problems” and here to apply. If you weren’t able to attend the informational meeting, email with any questions about the program.


Impact of Smaller Class Size Legislation on Joyner – Update

We received some questions this week about the impact of the class size legislation on Joyner students. To our understanding, current Joyner magnet and transfer students would not be affected by the strategies proposed to reduce Joyner’s enrollment. In future years, there may be fewer magnet slots offered to incoming students, and there may be no new transfer students accepted at the school. Click here for more details from Wake County Public Schools.

How can I share feedback?

You can share your feedback on our public discussion forum. There are comment threads related to each of the new schools and other proposed assignment changes. Please provide feedback in the appropriate section.
WCPSS staff and school board members will be monitoring this feedback and considering ways it might be included in the proposal. Questions will be answered in an FAQ that we will post on the feedback site. WCPSS will also hold two public information sessions: Oct. 6 at Holly Grove Middle School, 1401 Avent Ferry Road, Holly Grove, and  Oct. 9 at the future South Garner High School campus, 8228 Hebron Church Road, Garner. Doors will open at 6 p.m.; the meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.

What is the timeline? 

After reviewing all parent feedback gathered online and at public meetings, WCPSS staff will make adjustments to the proposal. These will be reflected in Draft 2 of the proposal, which will be presented to the Board of Education on Oct. 17. The board will discuss the proposal at one or more meetings in October and November. They will also hold a public hearing about the proposal. We will announce the meeting dates on the discussion forum. The Board of Education will consider final changes before they vote on the final student enrollment plan in late November.

Why all the fuss? 

Joyner is one of 27 Wake County elementary schools whose enrollment may be limited, starting next year, because of a new state law that aims to lower class sizes for kindergarten through third grade. The class size legislation calls for K-3rd classrooms to average roughly 17 students by 2018, compared with an average of 21 children this past school year. In order to meet these new requirements, Wake County would need to create space for the equivalent of 559 classrooms and 9,500 students — or about 14 new schools.

While well-meaning (who doesn’t like smaller classes!?) the legislation is having some unforeseen consequences — like larger classes for 4th and 5th grades, more trailers, and converting art and music spaces into regular classroom space. And in 27 Wake County elementary schools, those steps won’t be enough. Wake County school administrators have proposed additional strategies in some schools, including Joyner, to reduce enrollment. The strategies proposed for Joyner include closing the school to transfers and reducing magnet slots. Click here for the list of all 27 schools and the proposed strategies.

Want to know more? Watch a recent episode of Education Matters about the coming impacts of the new class size legislation.


Kiwanis Park Volunteer Opportunity

Kiwanis Park is a huge asset to Joyner Elementary as we use it for recess, special events, field day and the 5th grade kickball game. There are exciting plans for a major renovation this year, but the funding has fallen a bit short. You can pledge to help by converting volunteer hours into savings for the project!

Joyner parent Jen Schrage is partnering with Kiwanis to help raise the additional needed funds via cash or volunteer pledges, and pledges must be in by October 1. Pledges to volunteer count at $23.56/hour. Go to to sign up or donate. Contact Jen at with any questions.


Screenagers Showing at Hayes Barton Baptist

Hayes Barton Baptist Church will be hosting a showing of Screenagers for the community on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 6:00 p.m. (doors open at 5). Screenagers is about the impact of the digital age on children and how to help them minimize harmful effects and find balance. Childcare will be provided for children up to 3rd grade. Children 4th grade and older are encouraged to attend the screening with their parents. The event is free, but reservations are requested at is not a Joyner- or PTA-sponsored event.


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • TONIGHT! Sept. 27: Joyner Spirit Night at United Skates of America, 6-8:30
  • Sept. 29: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 6: Wake County public information session #1 on proposed enrollment changes, Holly Grove Middle School, 6:30 pm
  • Oct. 9: Wake County public information session #2, future South Garner High School campus, 8228 Hebron Church Road, Garner, 6:30 pm.
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree
  • Oct. 20: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday (no school)
  • Nov. 9: Science-Go-Round
  • Nov. 10: Holiday (no school)
  • Nov. 16: JY Joyner Foundation Dance-a-Thon

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.