NewsFlash | Sign up for run club and 5K, plus teacher/staff appreciation this Friday

Happy National School Counseling Week — don’t forget to give some extra love and appreciation to our fabulous counseling team, Andrea Burston and Beth Vincent! Also, tomorrow (Feb. 9) is Mr. Charles’s birthday — be sure to wish him a very happy day as he helps you cross the street in front of the school!


Joyner 5K registration open now!

Registration is now open for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m. Click here to register yourself, your children and all your friends who want in on the action!

Want to know more about what’s happening with the Healthy Choice Marathon this week?

  • Collections for the Classroom Challenge are happening every morning in the front lobby and the carpool loop. Bring your spare change (or bills) and contribute!
  • Check out details about 5K sponsorships and the Classroom Challenge on the PTA website.
  • Reading books is part of a healthy life — you can help gets books to kids who need them by donating gently used books at school as part of the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive. If Joyner collects 2,600 books, students get to dress up as their favorite book character on Friday, March 3.
  • Keep encouraging your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges! This week is the Step Master Challenge to see who can take the most steps in a work week. Next week we’ll see who can complete the most (different) exercise activities in a week.


Run Club starts next week!

Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make the JYJ Run Club possible! The club will meet Feb. 16, Feb. 23 and March 2 from 3-4 p.m. Volunteers pick up kids on campus and escort them to Kiwanis Park, where the kids stretch, move and run or walk on the greenway. Parents must pick up their athletes at 4 p.m. or sign a release for them to be delivered to JYJ afterschool.

The JYJ Run Club is free and open to all JYJ kids. It is fueled entirely by the efforts of parent volunteers. Last year more than 200 kids and 50 parents participated each week. Click here to register your child and click here to sign up as a volunteer. Register for all three sessions at once — registration closes on Tuesdays at midnight each week and children must be registered to attend. Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer twice and are not required to run.

If you have questions, please contact the Run Club co-leads: Fraley Marshall (, Melanie Jones ( or Shanna Schroeder (


Pick a way to appreciate teachers/staff this Friday

For this Friday’s early release day, the PTA’s teacher/staff appreciation committee invites students to join in around the theme “We couldn’t have PICKED a better teacher!” As part of the Healthy Choice Marathon, feel free to send in something healthy you’ve picked to show how much you appreciate your teachers and staff.


Shoe collection for Mr. Fotta’s family

Art teacher Ryan Fotta and his wife appreciate all the support and encouragement from the Joyner family — they’ve been matched with their little girl and are now doing a shoe donation drive to help bring her home.  They are collecting shoes of any kind — used, gently worn or new — to help fund the final part of adoption journey, but the fundraiser also gathers the shoes to support micro-businesses in developing countries like Haiti. Get a jump on your spring cleaning by checking your closets for any shoes you can donate and bring them to school — collection boxes are in the front lobby and by the art classroom. The goal is to collect 300 bags of shoes with 25 pairs of shoes in each bag.


Storytelling artists come to Joyner

The PTA Cultural Arts committee brings a series of great performers and artists to school each year. This Thursday, Silver Trout Arts will provide music and story telling for all grades. The program  emphasizes the idea that there are “…so many ways to share a story” — including songs, poetry, a puppet fable, storytelling and even a little dancing. The performance offers interactions for students and opportunities for teachers to carry the program into their classroom writing curriculum. Learn more at

Help out in the media center

Sign up to help Ms. Hale in the media center — main needs are checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact — drop in when you have a few minutes, even if you don’t sign up.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 9: Silver Trout Arts performance — music and story telling for all grades (funded by PTA)
  • Feb. 9: Crossing Guard Mr. Charles’s birthday!
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child pick out their teacher/staff member’s favorite healthy snack to bring in.)
  • Feb. 16: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • Feb. 23: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 2: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

NewsFlash | HCM kick-off, JYJ Run Club and mini-grants in action

Healthy Choice Marathon kicks off this Friday

The 2017 Healthy Choice Marathon launches with a kickoff assembly this Friday during school! Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

  • Today is the last day to submit entries to the video contest. Send your child’s 30-second videos to HCM Chair Kate Sonawane at — please include children’s names and grade level in the email message.
  • Encourage your child to wear red on Friday (Feb. 3) for the kickoff as part of National Wear Red Day for heart healthy awareness month.
  • Mark your calendar for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m. — registration opens on Monday, Feb. 6.
  • Get ready to cheer on your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges — next week is the Step Master Challenge to see who can take the most steps in a work week.
  • Check out details about 5K sponsorships and the Classroom Challenge on the PTA website.


Make Run Club possible

In the weeks leading up to the Joyner 5K, the PTA has offered a weekly JYJ Run Club for students after school on Thursdays in February — but it can’t happen without your help. Several wonderful parents have already volunteered this year, but we still need help with kindergarten, 2nd grade and 5th grade as well as two people to serve as leads for the program each week (with support from the volunteers who led last year). If these positions aren’t filled, we won’t be able to offer the JYJ Run Club this year. Please contact Shanna Schroeder at


We love our school counselors!

Next week, Feb. 6-10,  is National School Counseling Week. If you’ve ever walked into school a little grouchy in the morning and left with a smile because you saw JYJ counselors Andrea Burston and Beth Vincent when you walked in, then you KNOW how lucky we are! We all appreciate their hard work and their important contributions to student achievement and success at Joyner. Be sure to give them a heartfelt thank you next week.


Blog post: Mini-grant helps students focus

The Joyner PTA funds an annual mini-grant program to help teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. This year, third grade teacher Mrs. Millsaps used her mini-grant to help her students focus during what can sometimes be a challenging year. Read her blog post to learn more about how she and her students are using sensory stools, desk cycles and fidget tools to calm their bodies and positively direct all that wiggly energy in the classroom: cycle

Help out in the media center

new sign-up is now available to help out Ms. Hale in the media center — main needs are checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact — drop in when you have a few minutes, even if you don’t sign up. Thanks to PTA volunteer Helen Green for getting things organized and helping volunteers with the process!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 3: Wear red for the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly
  • Feb. 9: Silver Trout Arts performance — music and story telling for all grades (funded by PTA)
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child pick out their teacher/staff member’s favorite healthy snack to bring in.)
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

Mini-Grant Profile: Mrs. Millsaps

Grant Title: Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus
Teacher: Mrs. Millsaps, 3rd Grade

sensorystoolThe ideas for this PTA mini-grant were inspired by our school principal, Kathryn Hutchinson, who provided a sensory stool (shown left) for each classroom at the start of this school year. Over the first month of school, each of my students had an opportunity to try out the stool for a day – it quickly became clear that the movement, which resulted from use of the stool, helped students stay on task. There is lots of research that explains how movement impacts the brain and its ability to function. Movement can also help students calm their bodies and direct energy positively. The Out of Sync Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz has been helpful in developing my understanding of this issue along with workshops and classes I have taken at Project Enlightenment. This research combined with the sensory stool experience led me to request a mini grant to purchase desk cycles and fidget tools.

Grant request:

Desk Cycles: Last fall I read in the News & Observer about a Martin Middle School teacher who was using desk cycles to support student learning. Desk cycles allow students’ brains to be stimulated to increase learning while providing acceptable opportunities to express energy in the classroom setting. Thanks to some guidance from the teacher at Martin, we were able to learn from her experience to shorten our learning curve.


Fidget Tool: After hearing from Ms. Hutchinson about Tangle, the fidget tool that she keeps in her office, I requested a similar Tangle set for my classroom. We keep a Tangle at each of the five tables in our classroom to allow students developmentally appropriate opportunities to assist with focus and concentration.


How this project enhances the curriculum:

As the gateway to upper elementary school, third grade includes a lot of changes and adjustments that can cause stress to students, including multiple standardized tests (BOG, COGAT, EOG) along with meeting Read to Achieve Standards. Students are required to build reading and writing stamina and memorize multiplication facts. The desk cycle and Tangle tools combat stress and increase focus in my classroom. In order to meet high standards of achievement, I am eager to provide high levels of support for my students.

How students responded so far:

  • Overall student response has been very favorable.
  • I allowed students time to notice and examine the new resources, as well to provide input about how and when they could be used.
  • Students are now choosing to bring in their own fidgets from home and asking to use them in our classroom. This tells me that they are understanding their own needs as learners and taking responsibility for themselves.
  • It is easy to think (and I worried about this) that students would use these tools to play instead of to help with concentration. We talked and modeled the difference between playing and using the tools to help with focus and the students understand this. As a result, my students are learning to be more responsible and intentional about their learning.
  • I knew that the desk cycle would be helpful for students with high energy, who need an opportunity to unwind, or blow off some steam. I now also realize that it is equally helpful to students with low energy, or who might be tired when they get to school or at the end of the day. After several minutes on the desk cycle these students are recharged and reenergized — I’ve even used it myself right after dismissal for 5-10 minutes to help recharge before jumping back into planning and grading at the end of the student day.

NewsFlash | HCM videos and kick-off, media center volunteers

Show us your healthy moves

We’re gearing up for the 2017 Healthy Choice Marathon! Encourage your students to create a 30-second video showcasing their favorite healthy activity on their own or with JYJ friends. Dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us what you love to do to stay healthy! All videos meeting the above criteria will appear on the JYJ News, and all who submit videos will be entered into a drawing. Two students’ names will be drawn from each grade level to receive a prize, plus these 10 lucky winners will be asked to appear onstage during the HCM kickoff assembly on Friday, Feb. 3! Videos submissions will be accepted through Feb. 1 and will be aired beginning today. Send 30-second videos to HCM Chair Kate Sonawane at — please include children’s names and grade level in the email message.

Speaking of the HCM kickoff, get your red outfits ready! Friday, Feb. 3, is also National Wear Red Day for heart healthy month, so we’re asking everyone to wear red to help rev up the Healthy Choice Marathon!


Get ready to run (or walk or volunteer or all of the above)

Join us for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m.! This fun family event aims to teach kids about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices and raises money to fund annual programs for our 700+ student body. Over the past five years, more than 3,100 race participants have helped fund character education, Battle of the Books, campus beautification, Science Go Round, First in Fitness, technology updates, media center projects…and so much more. Registration for the race opens on Feb. 6. Questions? Contact Arinn Widmayer at

Interested in helping with run club? Shanna Schroeder is looking for volunteers to continue this great program — contact her at


Help out in the media center sign-ups

new sign-up is now available to help out Ms. Hale in the media center — main needs are checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact — drop in when you have a few minutes, even if you don’t sign up. Thanks to PTA volunteer Helen Green for getting things organized and helping volunteers with the process!


Sports with Coach Scott

A few spots have opened up in Sports After School. Coach Scott picks up the kids at Joyner in the walker hallway after school and escorts them down to Kiwanis Park for fun games, activities, nature walks and a variety of sports. The program is open to students in K-5 and runs every Tuesday. Cost is $15 per session or $60 per 4-week session. Pick up your child at 4:30 at Kiwanis Park. Contact Coach Scott at 336-963-4555 or with questions or to register.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Jan. 27: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • Jan. 31:  Magnet application period closes for WCPSS
  • Feb. 3: Wear red for the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child pick out their teacher/staff member’s favorite healthy snack to bring in.)
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • March 5: Joyner 5K

NewsFlash | Spelling Bee, HCM video contest, Joyner 5K

Good news — there’s no snow in this week’s forecast! Check the WCPSS website for a detailed listing of make-up days from last week’s unexpected break. Want even more good news? The PTA will provide hot chocolate and cupcakes for teacher appreciation on this Friday’s early release — no student effort required (although feel free to show your teacher some extra love).


Registration and magnet period open for 2017-18

Have a rising kindergartner? Registration is now open — click here for details. Looking at magnet middle schools or other options? Find all your magnet information here. The magnet application period closes Jan. 31.


Enter now for your 30 seconds of fame

We’re gearing up for the 2017 Healthy Choice Marathon! Encourage your students to create a 30-second video showcasing their favorite healthy activity on their own or with JYJ friends. Dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us what you love to do to stay healthy! All videos meeting the above criteria will appear on the JYJ News, and all who submit videos will be entered into a drawing. Two students’ names will be drawn from each grade level to receive a prize, plus these 10 lucky winners will be asked to appear onstage during the HCM kickoff assembly on Friday, Feb. 5!

Videos submissions will be accepted by e-mail any time from Jan. 18 through Feb. 1 and will be aired beginning Jan. 25. Send 30-second videos to HCM Chair Kate Sonawane at — please include children’s names and grade level in the email message.


Need some motivation to exercise?

Join us for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m.! This fun family event aims to teach kids about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices and raises money to fund annual programs for our 700+ student body. Over the past five years, more than 3,100 race participants have helped fund character education, Battle of the Books, campus beautification, Science Go Round, First in Fitness, technology updates, media center projects…and so much more. Check out our website at for more info. Registration for the race starts soon, so stay tuned! Questions? Contact Arinn Widmayer at

Interested in helping with run club? Shanna Schroeder is looking for volunteers to continue this great program — contact her at


Volunteer sign-ups

Two opportunities coming this week still need some volunteer help:


Sports with Coach Scott

A few spots have opened up in Sports After School. Coach Scott picks up the kids at Joyner in the walker hallway after school and escorts them down to Kiwanis Park for fun games, activities, nature walks and a variety of sports. The program is open to students in K-5 and runs every Tuesday. Cost is $15 per session or $60 per 4-week session. Pick up your child at 4:30 at Kiwanis Park. Contact Coach Scott at 336-963-4555 or with questions or to register.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Jan. 19: Schoolwide spelling bee, 3:30 p.m.
  • Jan. 20: Early release and teacher appreciation provided by the PTA
  • Jan. 27: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child bring their teacher/staff member’s favorite fruit.)
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • March 5: Joyner 5K


NewsFlash | Magnet open houses, yearbook photos

Welcome back and happy new year! Thanks to your generosity last month, Joyner collected 871 pairs of socks and 5 boxes of toiletries for those in need — what a great way to end 2016. 


Get set for 2017-18

Sure, you still have your holiday decorations up and you can’t remember to write 2017 for the date — but it’s already time to think about next school year! [Deep breath.] Have a rising kindergartner? Registration starts on Thursday — click here for details. Looking at magnet middle schools or other options? Find all your magnet information here.


Yearbook committee needs your pictures

As you take pictures on field trips, while visiting your child at lunch and attending school events, please take a minute to send those pictures to If you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.” Your kids love seeing themselves in the yearbook and you can make that happen!


Chaperone the Spelling Bee

We still need volunteers for the schoolwide Spelling Bee on Thursday, Jan. 19, including helping with breakdown from 6:30 to 7 p.m. as well as chaperones for the kids before and during the bee. Our pronouncer this year is Loretta Bohn, a former Scripps National Spelling Bee contestant!


Get out your paint brushes

Here’s your chance to show appreciation for the JYJ staff by making a positive change at the school.  Carnela Hill, an interior decorator and friend of Ms. Burton, has graciously offered to redo the staff bathrooms for free! She is looking for talented painters to help repaint the four staff bathrooms on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 10 a.m. Because of the small areas we are working in, this is a parent-only volunteer opportunity. Can’t make it Saturday? We need your help taping off trim ahead of time. See the sign-up on MemberHub.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Jan. 16: Holiday
  • Jan. 19: Schoolwide spelling bee, 3 p.m.
  • Jan. 20: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child bring their teacher/staff member’s favorite fruit.)
  • Jan. 27: Teacher workday
  • March 5: Joyner 5K

NewsFlash | Last day for socks/toiletries donations

Today is the last day of school for 2016! If we could wrap up our gratitude for all that you do to make Joyner a wonderful learning space for all children, we’d have to use an entire package of wrapping paper to cover the box. We hope you’re able to make some time to rest during the break and enjoy time together — we’ll see you at school again on Jan. 3!


Socks and toiletries accepted today

If you’ve been procrastinating, now’s your final chance to donate new socks for Note in the Pocket, which provides clothing to children in need enrolled in WCPSS schools, as well as travel-size toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc for men and women) for Interact of Wake CountyWe’ve already collected more than 600 pairs of socks — can we make 800 by next week? Look for collection bins at the school’s front entrance and a huge thank you to all who have already donated!


Spelling Bee sign-up for January

Congratulations to all the winners in our classroom bees last week! Click here to volunteer for the schoolwide Spelling Bee on Thursday, Jan. 19, including setting up in the gym from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. and helping with breakdown from 6:30 to 7 p.m. as well as chaperones for the kids before and during the bee. Our pronouncer this year is Loretta Bohn, a former Scripps National Spelling Bee contestant!


Give new life to old markers

As you clean out your craft drawers to make room for new supplies, please remember that Joyner is  collecting dried up markers again this year for the Crayola ColorCycle Project. The collection bin is in Mr. Fotta’s room this year. We can recycle all shapes, sizes, brands and styles of markers!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Dec. 22: J.Y. Joyner Foundation event with The Blasa Gliders and The Geb at Kings Barcade (14 W. Martin St., Raleigh), 7:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 22: Teacher workday
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 2: Winter break (school closed)
  • Jan. 16: Holiday
  • Jan. 19: Schoolwide spelling bee, 3 p.m.
  • Jan. 20: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child bring their teacher/staff member’s favorite fruit.)
  • Jan. 27: Teacher workday
  • March 5: Joyner 5K

NewsFlash | Spelling bees and holiday donations

Many thanks to all who helped make last week’s Book Fair and Hour of Code events such a success! Congratulations to Book Fair chair Laura Moreschi and Hour of Code coordinators Matt Harrell and Jennifer Bell on a great week for Joyner students!

Bee ready on Friday

Don’t forget to dress in your most bee-tastic yellow and black apparel this Friday in honor of classroom Spelling Bees to be held in all 3rd-5th grade classrooms. The top two spellers will advance to the school bee. Your child should have received the list of study words, rules and resources last month. If you do not have the word list, please see your child’s teacher.

Click here to volunteer for the schoolwide Spelling Bee on Thursday, Jan. 19, including setting up in the gym from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. and helping with breakdown from 6:30 to 7 p.m. as well as chaperones for the kids before and during the bee. Our pronouncer this year is Loretta Bohn, a former Scripps National Spelling Bee contestant!


Gift for Mr. Charles

Do you love to start your school day with a greeting from our delightful crossing guard, Mr. Charles? Then let him know how much you appreciate him by contributing towards a Christmas gift. Ameshia Turlington will be in the front lobby this Friday to collect donations from any walker families who would like to contribute.


Socks and toiletries accepted through Dec. 21

One more week to donate new socks for Note in the Pocket, which provides clothing to children in need enrolled in WCPSS schools, as well as travel-size toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc for men and women) for Interact of Wake CountyWe’ve already collected more than 600 pairs of socks — can we make 800 by next week? Look for collection bins at the school’s front entrance through Dec. 21. Thanks to all who have already donated!


Give new life to old markers

As you clean out your craft drawers to make room for new supplies, please remember that Joyner is  collecting dried up markers again this year for the Crayola ColorCycle Project. The collection bin is in Mr. Fotta’s room this year. We can recycle all shapes, sizes, brands and styles of markers!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Dec. 16: Classroom spelling bees
  • Dec. 22: Teacher workday
  • Dec. 22: J.Y. Joyner Foundation event with The Blasa Gliders and The Geb at Kings Barcade (14 W. Martin St., Raleigh), 7:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 2: Winter break (school closed)
  • Jan. 16: Holiday
  • Jan. 19: Schoolwide spelling bee, 3 p.m.
  • Jan. 20: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child bring their teacher/staff member’s favorite fruit.)
  • Jan. 27: Teacher workday
  • March 5: Joyner 5K

NewsFlash | Book Fair, Hour of Code and PTA meeting this week

Have an hour to volunteer this week?

We still have lots of spaces for Hour of Code volunteers and a few spots at the Book Fair — please click the links to sign up if you have an hour to give this week. The Book Fair hours are: Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Thursday 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. before the PTA Meeting and Holiday Concert at 6:30; and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Don’t forget that the online book fair is open now!

Be sure to look for the book requests from Joyner teachers, including our special ed team — all of our teachers would love your support in purchasing books for their classrooms. Consider buying one book for your child’s teacher and one for your class’s assigned specialist or another teacher that you don’t know.


PTA meeting this week before holiday concert

Make plans to join us for the PTA general membership meeting on Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m. The holiday concert will follow at 6:45 p.m., featuring performances by Joyner’s 1st grade students and Gold Choir. Click the following links for meeting materials:


Donations accepted through Dec. 21

We are still collecting new socks to donate to Note in the Pocket, which provides clothing to children in need enrolled in WCPSS schools, as well as travel-size toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc for men and women) to donate to Interact of Wake County. Look for collection bins at the school’s front entrance — collection runs through Dec. 21. Thanks to all have already donated!


Spaces left for Study Buddies

Looking for a small way to make a big difference at Joyner? We still have some slots open for study buddy volunteers. Available times include the 20 minutes right before pick up — come read with a student, then pick up your kids without having to get in the carpool line! Contact Kate Parke at for more information.


Get ready to spell!

Classroom Spelling Bees will be held on Friday, Dec. 16, in all 3rd-5th grade classrooms. The top two spellers will advance to the school bee. Your child should have received the list of study words, rules and resources last month. If you do not have the word list, please see your child’s teacher.

Click here to volunteer for the schoolwide Spelling Bee on Thursday, Jan. 19, including setting up in the gym from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. and helping with breakdown from 6:30 to 7 p.m. as well as chaperones for the kids before and during the bee. Our pronouncer this year is Loretta Bohn, a former Scripps National Spelling Bee contestant!


Give new life to old markers

As you clean out your craft drawers to make room for new supplies, please remember that Joyner is  collecting dried up markers again this year for the Crayola ColorCycle Project. The collection bin is in Mr. Fotta’s room this year. We can recycle all shapes, sizes, brands and styles of markers!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Dec. 5-9: JYJ Book Fair
  • Dec. 5-9: Hour of Code
  • Dec. 8: PTA general membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. and JYJ holiday concert (1st grade and Gold Choir) at 6:45 p.m.
  • Dec. 16: Classroom spelling bees
  • Dec. 22: Teacher workday
  • Dec. 22: J.Y. Joyner Foundation event with The Blasa Gliders and The Geb at Kings Barcade (14 W. Martin St., Raleigh), 7:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 2: Winter break
  • March 5: Joyner 5K

2016 Mini-Grant Program supports Joyner teachers

The JY Joyner PTA–funded Mini-Grant Program allows teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. Mini-grants have helped to fund many significant achievements at our school including: the Reading Rainbow series, campus and grounds improvements, class sets of books, special Spanish language programs, updated counseling technology, and equipment for teachers and specialists. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the education staff and adds interesting elements to the curriculum.

The next funding period for mini-grants will be fall of 2017. The Mini-Grants Committee will post information and applications in September. Contact Arinn Widmayer if you have questions about the Mini-Grant Program.

Congratulations to our fall 2016 mini-grant recipients!

  • Jennifer Bell, Technology: MacBook Upgrade + Configurator App; Wonder Workshop Robotics Kit
  • Christina Bell, Spanish: Dice With Clear Pockets
  • Andrea Burston, Counselor: Counselor Book Club Refresh + Speaker + Audible subscription
  • Fran Cameron, 1st grade: “Well Lookie Here” Document Cameras
  • Emily Dawson, Kindergarten: Legos for Education Kits
  • Sra. Duncan, Spanish: Escribe! Dry Erase Boards
  • Natasha Durrette, Spanish: Spanish Classroom Presentation Speaker and Mics
  • Ryan Fotta, Art: Document Camera, Matte Cutter and Bead Racks
  • Amy Gourley, Spanish: External DVD Drives
  • Denise Hale, Library: “Libraries in Community” Free Lending Library; Graphic Novel Refresh
  • Emory Jepsen, 1st grade: ELA Mentor Texts Book Sets for Classroom
  • Lauren McCallum, 1st grade: Leveled Readers for Student Library in Classroom
  • Kim Millsaps, 3rd grade: Hocus Pocus Deskcycle + Fidget Toys; Read Aloud Spotlight Classroom Books
  • Phyllis Moore, Music: Instrument Repairs
  • Laura Munster , 1st grade: Geodes! Project; Count to 120 Math Boards; Number Line for Floor
  • Monica Normark, 2nd grade: RAZ Kids Classroom Books
  • Rose Olone, 2nd grade: Readers for Life Classroom Books
  • Sra. Onate, Spanish: Fluency/ Digital Timers
  • Tim Poyer, PE: Pinnies for All
  • Stefanie Piner, Kindergarten: MathRacks Manipulative for Classrooom; STEM Stations for Classroom
  • Lynn Reynolds, Speech Therapy: Social Learning Library
  • Laura Sollazo-Doran, Behavior Support 3-5: Ipad Cases
  • Jo Wallace, 4th grade: Classroom Seating (stools)
  • Jakala Wilson, 1st grade: Leveled Readers for Classroom Library
  • Megan Wing, 1st grade: Keats Book Set for Classroom; Kinesthetic Classroom Fidgets and Exercise Balls