
NewsFlash | Original Works, school garden, 5K t-shirts, plus useful policy information

Study Buddies are awesome

PTA volunteer Kate Parke revived the JYJ Study Buddies program this year to rave reviews! Teachers report that students in the program eagerly anticipate their study buddy visits, are more enthusiastic about school work, and are thriving with the one-on-one time. One volunteer expected her students wouldn’t benefit too much from such a short time span, but has found that students are prepared and can’t wait to show her their progress each week — and she feels a positive connection with the students, making it a win on both sides.

It’s not too late to help out — we still have more than 20 spots to fill and we’re already planning great things for next school year. Contact Kate at for more information.


Create a family heirloom (or just make your kid happy)

Choose personalized gifts with your child’s artwork! Check your child’s backpack or Wednesday folder for artwork and ordering instructions for this year’s Original Works school fundraiser. Choose among lots of great products featuring your child’s very own artwork. Completed forms should be turned into your child’s teacher no later than Wednesday, April 5. Contact Meredith Swindell at with questions.


Oh, say can you see JYJ sing for the Mudcats?

The JYJ Gold Choir will sing the National Anthem at the Carolina Mudcats baseball game on Saturday, April 22, at 5 p.m. To purchase discounted tickets to the game, fill out this form (saved in the JYJ hub files) and give it to Ms. Moore by April 7. Make checks payable to Carolina Mudcats for $7 per ticket (regular price is $10) — no cash accepted.


Upgrades coming to JYJ garden

A few fantastic Joyner parents have been working hard to get the old garden (outside the main office beside the gym) into shape. We hope you’ll take a look and see how it has changed so far — or just ask your kids! If you’re interested in volunteering, help is always welcome — contact Julie Dalton ( or Elizabeth Harris ( Even if you don’t have a green thumb, we’d love your help with watering

They are in need of a few things that can be dropped off at the garden area:

  • Plant food
  • Bird bath
  • Bags of soil
  • If you have any native plants in need of dividing or that you want to get rid of, contact Elizabeth at


Keep up with student progress

As parents, we play a large part in our children’s education — but with our busy schedules, it can be easy to lose track of what’s happening in the classroom. Our Joyner teachers do a top-notch job keeping our kids inspired to learn and meeting important goals and objectives. On top of it, they keep us informed as parents, too! For those who want to know even more as we head into 4th quarter, there’s a lot of information to be found on the JoynerWCPSS and PTA websites. Specific resources include:

  • Wake County Public School System provides an overview of the goals/objectives your teachers will be covering on a quarterly basis by subject for each grade level.
  • The National PTA website offers lots of resources to help parents understand and set expectations for academic standards, including a Parents’ Guide to Student Success to provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.


Advocacy: Protecting schools from teacher cuts

Due to state-mandated reduction in class sizes for next school year, the current state budget may cause elementary schools to cut teaching positions for specials, including art, PE, music and technology. While lowering class size is a worthy goal, schools will be forced to reallocate funds currently used to pay for specials to cover the hiring of additional classroom teacher positions. To allow districts flexibility with class sizes, the House unanimously passed HB 13. However the bill has languished in the Senate Rules Committee. (Read more here from The N&O.)

Wake County PTA Council supports the passage of HB13, which would adjust language in the North Carolina budget, giving school districts the ability to exceed class size limits by six students per class in K- 3. The passage of HB13 would allow for the retention of arts, music and other cultural arts programming, as well the retention of qualified educators to teach these classes. Read the full statement from Wake PTA.

Parents interested in advocating for this bill — or a similar fix to this challenge — can contact your NC Senator to request action on HB 13 as soon as possible so that schools can make appropriate plans for the coming school year:

You can also share your concerns with members of the Senate Education Committee by email, phone calls and in-person meetings.


Limited 5K t-shirts still available

For only $5, you can look like you ran the Joyner 5K without having to do the work. To purchase a shirt(s), please send a check (payable to JY Joyner PTA) or cash to your child’s teacher in an envelope marked “JYJ 5K t-shirts.” Include a note with the number of shirts and sizes (youth small through adult XXL) you want, your child’s name, teacher’s name and your email address. Once your payment is received, we will deliver the shirts to your child’s classroom.

NewsFlash | Skate night on Thursday, order yearbooks by Friday

Last week to order yearbooks

Yearbook orders are due by Friday, March 24 — forms went home with students, but we encourage everyone to order online at with yearbook ID 10746717. Picture submissions for the yearbook are no longer being accepted — thanks to all who sent in photos!


Come show us your moves!

Bring your family and friends out to United Skates of America this Thursday, March 23, for Joyner spirit night from 6-8:30 p.m. — it’s your chance to relive those neon and disco ball days of your youth! This event is just for Joyner and your $3 admission fee comes back to the Joyner PTA (skate rental costs $3.50). United Skates is at 2901 Trawick Road in Raleigh.


Get a jump start on Mother’s Day gifts

Choose personalized gifts with your child’s artwork! Artwork and ordering instructions came home last week for this year’s Original Works school fundraiser. Choose among lots of great products featuring your child’s very own artwork. The completed forms should be turned into your child’s teacher. Orders and payment are due no later than Wednesday, April 5. Contact Meredith Swindell at with questions.


That’s a lot of mulch

Thank you to the five families who turned out on Sunday for our campus spring clean-up day. Be sure to walk around the back of the school and check out the 13 cubic yards of mulch that we spread around the rain gardens and other plantings, the two very heavy picnic tables that we relocated to the garden patio, and even more plants that our third grade helpers got in the ground to help control run off. Would love to have lots of volunteers next time so we can accomplish even more!


Fabulous 5K t-shirts available for purchase

Did your family have to miss the JYJ 5K this year due to illness, travel or some other lame excuse? Want to look like you were there anyway? Well, you’re in luck. The PTA has extra 5K shirts for sale in sizes Youth Small – Adult XXL for $5/shirt. If you’d like to purchase a shirt(s), please send a check (payable to JY Joyner PTA) or cash to your child’s teacher in an envelope marked “JYJ 5K t-shirts.” Please include a note with the number of shirts and sizes you want, your child’s name, teacher’s name and your email address. Once your payment is received, we will deliver the shirts to your child’s classroom. Shirts are first come, first served.


Join in the Heritage Parade next month

As members of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) community, Joyner would like to honor our diverse heritage with a parade at 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, April 19. Any members of our school community who wish to dress in traditional clothing and participate in a celebration of our cultural backgrounds are welcome to gather in the media center at 8:30.

In addition, we will be sending home cloth squares for each family to decorate. Please bring these back to school after spring break, and we will sew them together into a large unity quilt. More information about this quilt will go home in Wednesday folders. Following the parade, we’ll host a “quilting bee” to create a Joyner Unity Quilt.

Please contact to sign up for the Heritage Parade or to volunteer your time and sewing skills on April 19.


No, really, we mean you!

If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to serve as a PTA committee chair for next school year, you’re in luck! The nominating committee is currently looking for a pair of people to co-chair the Joyner Jamboree committee. We also need co-chairs to help returning committee chairs with Grounds, Study Buddies, Odyssey of the Mind and Communications (managing Twitter). Please email Cyndi at for more information, to nominate a friend or to claim a position.


Free parenting resource available

Anyone who’s ever been a parent knows that some days we could use some help. Through funding from the NC Department of Health & Human Services, all Wake County parents of children through age 16 can access free Triple P resources online. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a national program that offers parents tools and strategies for managing misbehavior, setting routines that everyone can follow and generally making family life more enjoyable. Session topics include Teaching New Skills, Dealing with Disobediences and Raising Confident, Capable Kids. Modules include videos, worksheets, and activities. Parents may also sign up for podcasts, emails and text support. Families may progress through the modules at their own pace and during their own preferred time. Click here for details.


Wear red on Wednesdays to support teachers

As you may already be aware, many school districts around the state are wearing red on Wednesdays as a show of support for public schools and the wonderful people who work in them. Check your closets and plan your outfits with your kids to “wear red for public ed” — it’s a little thing, but a visible way to give our fabulous teachers a boost.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 22: First in Fitness (rescheduled event)
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 23: Spirit Night at United Skates, 6-8:30 p.m.
  • March 24: Yearbook orders due
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break
  • April 27: JY Joyner Foundation gala
  • May 4: Food Truck Frenzy and Night of Nonsense

NewsFlash | Club pictures, yearbooks and clean-up day

From the main office: In an effort to capture every important moment of learning at Joyner, we would like to remind all families that they cannot pick up their students from the office after 2:30. If you must check your child out due to an appointment, please come before 2:30. Our office will not check out students after 2:30 as they prepare for dismissal. Thank you for sharing our efforts to help all children grow!


Club pics Thursday, yearbooks orders due next week

Club pictures will be taken tomorrow, March 16 — students should plan to wear their club t-shirt or safety patrol vest if they have them and listen for their club to be called during the day. Yearbook orders are due by March 24 — forms went home with students, but we encourage everyone to order online at with yearbook ID 10746717. Picture submissions for the yearbook are no longer being accepted — thanks to all who sent in photos!


Join the crew on Sunday

Good news — there’s no snow in the forecast for Sunday! [Knocks on wood, just in case.] Spend some time outside, get your exercise and show your love for the JYJ this Sunday, March 19, from 1-3 p.m. as we beautify the grounds at Joyner. Any amount of time would be appreciated. See signup in memberhub.


Wear red on Wednesdays to support teachers

As you may already be aware, many school districts around the state are wearing red on Wednesdays as a show of support for public schools and the wonderful people who work in them. Check your closets and plan your outfits with your kids to “wear red for public ed” — it’s a little thing, but a visible way to give our fabulous teachers a boost.


Spend summer weeks with JYJ teachers

Several of our fabulous Joyner teachers lead summer camps for elementary students. Check the links below for details:

For more information about local summer camp options, visit


Heritage Parade coming in April

As members of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) community, Joyner would like to honor our diverse heritage with a parade at 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, April 19. Any members of our school community who wish to dress in traditional clothing and participate in a celebration of our cultural backgrounds are welcome to gather in the media center at 8:30.

In addition, we will be sending home cloth squares for each family to decorate. Please bring these back to school after spring break, and we will sew them together into a large unity quilt. More information about this quilt will go home in Wednesday folders. Following the parade, we’ll host a “quilting bee” to create a Joyner Unity Quilt.

Please contact to sign up for the Heritage Parade or to volunteer your time and sewing skills on April 19.


Joyner dancers wow crowd at Pieces of Gold

Congratulations to our talented Joyner 5th graders who performed as Spanish dancers at the 35th annual performing arts extravaganza held on March 8 at Memorial Auditorium. Pieces of Gold is a night of music, song and dance performed by 900 talented Wake County students representing 30 elementary, middle and high schools. Joyner’s group was selected at auditions in December and has been practicing every day since January. They performed the song “Tambito” under the direction of Senora Lourdes Onate, also the choreographer.

Pieces of Gold - Joyner dancers


Free parenting resource available

Anyone who’s ever been a parent knows that some days we could use some help. Through funding from the NC Department of Health & Human Services, all Wake County parents of children through age 16 can access free Triple P resources online. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a national program that offers parents tools and strategies for managing misbehavior, setting routines that everyone can follow and generally making family life more enjoyable. Session topics include Teaching New Skills, Dealing with Disobediences and Raising Confident, Capable Kids. Modules include videos, worksheets, and activities. Parents may also sign up for podcasts, emails and text support. Families may progress through the modules at their own pace and during their own preferred time. Click here for details.


Here’s your big chance!

If you’ve been waiting for someone to ask you to serve as a PTA committee chair for next school year, consider this your personal invitation — yes, we’re talking to you. The nominating committee is currently looking for someone (or a pair of people) to chair the Joyner Jamboree, Grounds and the Spelling Bee. We also need co-chairs to help returning committee chairs with Study Buddies, the School Store, Odyssey of the Mind and Communications (managing Twitter). Please email Cyndi at for more information or to claim a position.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 16: Club picture day
  • March 19: JYJ clean-up day, 1-3 p.m.
  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 22: First in Fitness (rescheduled event)
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 23: Spirit Night at United Skates, 6-8:30 p.m.
  • March 24: Yearbook orders due
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break
  • April 27: JY Joyner Foundation gala

NewsFlash | Conferences, yearbooks, laundry, summer camps and more!

It’s National School Social Work week — big cheers to our social worker, Molly McNeil, for all the great things that she does at Joyner!

In other celebratory news, Joyner has been recognized by the Magnet Schools of America national awards program as a Magnet School of Distinction! Congratulations to all who help make our school a great place to teach and learn!


Everyone wins at the Joyner 5K

Another JYJ 5K is in the books — it was a fantastic race day full of fun, fitness and good community! We’re still waiting on official numbers, but nearly 600 people participated in the race and we exceeded our goal of raising $20,000 through the 5K and the Classroom Challenge — many thanks to all of you! If you want to see your race results, click here. And if you want to see the wonderful photos that Ms. Westarp (kindergarten team) took at the finish line, check out the photo album in MemberHub.


Students to lead conferences on Thursday

Hopefully you’ve signed up in your classroom hub for a student-led conference tomorrow. This process is new to Joyner, but most IB schools have adopted this approach. The conferences are a great way to empower students as active participants in their learning and provide them meaningful time for reflection on their learning. And, for at least 10 minutes, they get to be the boss.

Kona Ice will be serving up treats at school from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, so bring cash ($3 for a regular, $5 and $6 for souvenir cups) and get your dessert before dinner.


Did you know?

Every school in Wake County has a School Improvement Team which works on (… wait for it… ) a School Improvement Plan. At Joyner, the team is made up of representative teachers from each grade level and specials who are elected by the whole staff, as well as a parent representative and the administrative team. The team meets monthly to focus on student achievement, instructional practices and overall school climate.

There are two goals in Joyner’s Improvement Plan:

  1. By 2018, 75% or more of Joyner students will be college and career ready, as measured by reading and math End-of-Grade test (EOG) proficiency levels of a 4 or 5.
  2. By 2018, all subgroups will meet or exceed growth targets in reading and math, as measured by annual measurable objective status reports.

In other words, there is one proficiency goal (measuring what students need to master) and one growth goal (measuring what students learn over time). For more about the JYJ School Improvement Plan and a list of team members, go to For more information on School Improvement in Wake County, visit


Order yearbooks and see your photos in print

Yearbook orders are due by March 24 — forms went home with students, but we encourage everyone to order online at with yearbook ID 10746717. You have until March 21 to send photos of your kids to — if you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.” Club pictures will be taken on Thursday, March 16 — students should plan to wear their club t-shirt or safety patrol vest if they have them.


Help make our campus beautiful

Spend some time outside, get your exercise and show your love for the JYJ — that’s called a win-win-win when you join us on Sunday, March 19, from 1-3 p.m. to beautify the grounds at Joyner. Any amount of time would be appreciated. See signup in memberhub.

Our spectacular Grounds Committee chair is also looking for someone who works for or owns a landscape company to help with a project for NEXT YEAR. If you know of anyone please contact Julie Dalton at


Do one extra load of laundry for a good cause

We need volunteers to wash items from the lost and found so that they can be donated to Note in the Pocket. And with all the recent warm weather, we have LOTS of bags. Please see Ms. Burston to pick up a bag of clothes in the front lobby, wash them and return to school by next Friday, March 17.


Spend summer weeks with JYJ teachers

Several of our fabulous Joyner teachers lead summer camps for elementary students. Check the links below for details:

For more information about local summer camp options, visit

Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 9: Student-led conferences
  • March 16: Club picture day
  • March 19: JYJ clean-up day, 1-3 p.m.
  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 21: Yearbook pictures due
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 23: Spirit Night at United Skates, 6-8:30 p.m.
  • March 24: Yearbook orders due
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

NewsFlash | JYJ 5K this Sunday, TEK Club sign-ups today, Yearbook orders

TEK Club spring signups today

Sign-ups for TEK After School Clubs start at 8 a.m. today in the media center. Bring your form and payment for $135 per child. Full club descriptions are on the TEK website at Please contact Duval Fisher at with any questions.


Get ready to run (or walk) this Sunday!

  • Haven’t registered for the 5K yet? No problem! Register online until midnight on Thursday, March 2?, at? ?
  • 5K Packet Pickup (race bibs, t-shirts, info sheets) on Saturday, March 4? at Omega Sports North Hills from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. You can only pick up race packets for your family – no exceptions. We have ordered a limited number of extra t-shirts for families who missed the t-shirt deadline. These shirts are first come, first served and we are unable to exchange shirt sizes.? ?We will also be processing new registrations onsite Saturday, cash or check only.
  • ?Find all the info you need for packet pickup and race day on the JYJ 5K Facebook page??. And don’t forget the 5K Fun Fair from 1-4 p.m. complete with family activities, a photo booth, a DJ, Locopops food truck and much more.
  • There are still openings for volunteers — sign up to help with packet pick-up on Saturday or on Sunday with funfair activities, cheering on the course or cleaning up after the event. No running required! Sign up at


It’s the final countdown!

As you get ready for the 5K, don’t forget all the other activities leading up to the big day. We’re now into week 4 of the Healthy Choice Marathon!

  • The theme for week 4: Read, read, read! Read as many pages as you can.
  • Keep encouraging your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges! Who check off the most books from the reading challenge list?
  • And speaking of books, do you have your costume ready for Friday? Students are invited to dress as their favorite book character on March 3 in celebration of collecting more than 2,600 books! Keep bringing in gently used books through Friday for the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive.


Run Club meets tomorrow

Run Club meets for its last session tomorrow after school for all who are already signed up. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make the JYJ Run Club possible — more volunteers are needed tomorrow! Please sign up if you can help.


Order yearbooks and see your photos in print

It’s time to order your yearbook! Order forms went home last week, but we encourage everyone to order online at with yearbook ID 10746717. And please keep sending photos of your kids to — if you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.”


Planning ahead for campus project

Do you have spring fever? Looking for a project for your boy/girl scout troop, Y Guides/Princess group, service project? We have the solution! Join us on Sunday, March 19, from 1-3 p.m. to beautify the grounds at Joyner. Any amount of time would be appreciated. See signup in memberhub.

Our spectacular Grounds Committee chair is also looking for someone who works for or owns a landscape company to help with a project for NEXT YEAR. If you know of anyone please contact Julie Dalton at


Look for markers, Legos and shoes in your spring cleaning

All this warm weather have you itching to start your spring cleaning? Joyner is here to take some of those items off your hands.

  • Don’t forget to recycle ALL kinds of dried up markers through the Crayola Colorcycle Program. Bring them to Mr. Fotta’s room and look for the colorful collection bin!
  • Bring your spare Legos to technology teacher Jennifer Bell for use with Stop Motion movies and a new Maker Space. Any and all donations would be hugely appreciated and can be dropped off at the Joyner technology lab in the media center. Contact Ms. Bell at with questions.
  • Donate new and used shoes for Mr. Fotta’s collection to support his family’s adoption trip — collection bins are in the front lobby and beside the art classroom.


Help guide language arts curriculum for WCPSS

Wake County Public School System wants your input about the English/language arts curriculum in grades 3-8. In these sessions, you will be asked to review some very high quality curriculum resources to be introduced in our schools beginning next year. Teachers and other school professionals will be on hand to guide you through the process. Sessions are set for through March 2  from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and are open to parents and community members. See the WCPSS website for details and locations.


Read Across America event

In celebration of Read Across America Day, Brier Creek Commons and the North Carolina Association of Educators are hosting a Green Eggs & Ham Breakfast with the Cat. The event is Saturday, March 4, from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Barnes & Noble parking area. Breakfast is sponsored by RISE and costs $6, with a portion of the proceeds going to the NC Foundation for Public School Children. Click here for details. [This event is not affiliated with the PTA.]


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 1: TEK Club registration, 8-8:30 a.m.
  • March 2: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 3: Carlotta Santana Dance Ensemble performance for all grades
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 9: Student-led conferences (sign up in your class Hub)
  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 23: Spirit Night at United Skates, 6-8:30 p.m.
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break


NewsFlash | Classroom Challenge ends Friday, 5K registration open, yearbook photos needed

Congratulations to our OM teams!

Congratulations to students and parent volunteers from the four Joyner teams who participated in the K-2 entries for Odyssey of the Mind last weekend! We love hearing about your creativity and innovation. Our 3rd-5th grade teams will compete next month. Joyner’s PTA is proud to sponsor the JYJ OM program.


TEK Club spring schedule available

Tailored Enrichment Kids is excited to return this spring to JYJ with the TEK After School Club Program. Clubs will run on Wednesdays for six sessions, March 22-May 3, from 3:30-4:45 a.m. TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting. Club cost is $135 per child and participation supports the JYJ staff members who teach the clubs. Registration forms will go home today, and registration will be on Wednesday, March 1, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the media center. Full club descriptions are on the TEK website at Please contact Duval Fisher at with any questions.


Register for the 5K and bring in your spare change

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Register for the JYJ 5K Run/Walk right now at must register online by Sunday, Feb. 26, to guarantee a t-shirt. New this year on race day (March 5), the PTA is hosting a 5K Fun Fair from 1-4 p.m. complete with family activities, a photo booth, a DJ, Locopops food truck and much more. Come out and make an afternoon of it! And don’t forget to sign up in MemberHub to volunteer on race day

The last day of the Classroom Challenge is this Friday, Feb. 24! All donations must be in by Friday to be counted in the challenge. Grade winners and overall winner will be announced on Monday, Feb. 27. Donate via cash or check to your teacher or at school dropoff or online at Funds will go toward bringing innovative technology into Joyner classrooms, including robotics, coding and multimedia equipment. Questions? Please contact Arinn Widmayer at or 919.306.7270.


Three weeks of healthy choices — one more to go!

As you get ready for the 5K, don’t forget all the other activities leading up to the big day. We’re now into week 3 of the Healthy Choice Marathon!

  • The theme for week 3: Try a NEW exercise or activity each day. Be creative!
  • Keep encouraging your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges! This week we’ll see who can post a healthy choice(s) using our #JYJ175K hashtag on social media. Next week wraps up the month-long bookworm challenge — who can check off the most books from the reading challenge list?
  • Reading books is part of a healthy life — don’t forget to help gets books to kids who need them by donating gently used books at school as part of the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive. If Joyner collects 2,600 books by this Friday, students get to dress up as their favorite book character on Friday, March 3.


Run Club meets tomorrow

Run Club meets again tomorrow after school for all who are already signed up. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make the JYJ Run Club possible. If you missed out on tomorrow’s session, you can still click here to register your child and click here to sign up as a volunteer for March 2. Registration closes on Tuesdays at midnight each week and children must be registered to attend. Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer twice and are not required to run.


Look for markers, Legos and shoes in your spring cleaning

All this warm weather have you itching to start your spring cleaning? Joyner is here to take some of those items off your hands.

  • Did you use markers on your Valentine’s Day crafts? This is a reminder that we can recycle ALL kinds of dried up markers through the Crayola Colorcycle Program. Bring them to Mr. Fotta’s room and look for the colorful collection bin!
  • Do you have Lego hanging around the house that you are tired or stepping on or that are taking up space in your storage? Technology teacher Jennifer Bell is in search of all things Lego for use with Stop Motion movies and a new Maker Space. Any and all donations would be hugely appreciated and can be dropped off at the Joyner technology lab in the media center. Contact Ms. Bell at with questions.
  • Bring in new and used shoes for Mr. Fotta’s collection to support his family’s adoption trip — donation bins are in the front lobby and beside the art classroom.


Yearbook team is counting on you for photos

Our yearbook committee needs your pictures now — especially candid shots of kids around campus! As you take pictures on field trips, while visiting your child at lunch and attending school events, please take a minute to send those pictures to If you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.” Your kids love seeing themselves in the yearbook and you can make that happen!


Help guide language arts curriculum for WCPSS

Wake County Public School System wants your input about the English/language arts curriculum in grades 3-8. In these sessions, you will be asked to review some very high quality curriculum resources to be introduced in our schools beginning next year. Teachers and other school professionals will be on hand to guide you through the process. Sessions are set for Feb. 27-March 2  from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and are open to parents and community members. See the WCPSS website for details and locations.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 23: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 1: TEK Club registration, 8-8:30 a.m.
  • March 2: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 3: Carlotta Santana Dance Ensemble performance for all grades
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 9: Student-led conferences (sign up in your class Hub)
  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 23: Spirit Night at United Skates, 6-8:30 p.m.
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

NewsFlash | Run Club starts, HCM continues, TEK Clubs coming soon

Happy School Bus Driver Appreciation Week — be sure to thank your bus driver! In North Carolina, more than 800,000 students board over 13,000 school buses each day. Learn more about school bus safety at


Support Joyner 5K to fund enhanced learning

Wondering why you should donate to the Classroom Challenge, buy a cheerleader sign or sponsor the Joyner 5K? The JYJ PTA will use the funds to bring innovative technology to Joyner students by:

  1. Providing tech updates and advances to daily learning in Spanish, art, PE, technology and music classes;
  2. Introducing robotics learning and transformational knowledge, including early coding skills; and
  3. Remodeling and upgrading multi-media equipment and services, with a focus on the student-operated daily WJYJ News.

So here’s how you can help:

  1. Collect some spare change to bring in for the Classroom Challenge (great prizes for the winning classes).
  2. Sign up in MemberHub to volunteer on race day.
  3. Register online to run/walk on March 5.
  4. Sign up as a 5K sponsor on the PTA website.
  5. Did we mention you can volunteer on race day? And you don’t even have to run!
  6. Sponsor an awesome race course cheerleader sign like the ones shown here:

Keep up the great work!

As you get ready for the 5K, don’t forget all the other activities leading up to the big day. We’re now into week 2 of the Healthy Choice Marathon!

  • The theme for week 2: Be fit with friends! Exercise with a friend or family member each day.
  • Keep encouraging your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges! This week we’ll see who can complete the most (different) exercise activities in a week. Next week is the hashtag challenge — who can post a healthy choice(s) using our #JYJ175K hashtag on social media?
  • Reading books is part of a healthy life — you can help gets books to kids who need them by donating gently used books at school as part of the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive. If Joyner collects 2,600 books, students get to dress up as their favorite book character on Friday, March 3.


Run Club starts tomorrow

Run Club starts this Thursday after school for all who are already signed up. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make the JYJ Run Club possible — we still need volunteers for tomorrow, Feb. 16! Contact Shanna Schroeder ( if you are able to help. Parents must pick up their athletes at Kiwanis Park at 4 p.m. or sign a release for them to be delivered to JYJ afterschool.

If you missed out on tomorrow’s session, you can still click here to register your child and click here to sign up as a volunteer for Feb. 23 and March 2. Registration closes on Tuesdays at midnight each week and children must be registered to attend. Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer twice and are not required to run.


Send in yearbook photos

Time is running out to get your photos in the JYJ yearbook! As you take pictures on field trips, while visiting your child at lunch and attending school events, please take a minute to send those pictures to If you’re sending from a phone, make sure to choose “actual size.” Your kids love seeing themselves in the yearbook and you can make that happen!


TEK Club spring preview

Tailored Enrichment Kids is excited to return this spring to JYJ with the TEK After School Club Program. Clubs will run on Wednesdays for six sessions, March 22-May 3, from 3:30-4:45 a.m. TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting. Club cost is $135 per child and participation supports the JYJ staff members who teach the clubs. Registration forms will go home Wednesday, Feb. 22, and registration will be on Wednesday, March 1, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the media center. Full club descriptions are on the TEK website at Please contact Duval Fisher at with any questions.

Want to do more?

  • Sign up to help Ms. Hale in the media center.
  • Bring in new and used shoes for Mr. Fotta’s collection to support his family’s adoption trip.
  • Want to serve as a committee chair for next year’s PTA? Just reply to this email and let us know what committee you’re interested in.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 16: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • Feb. 23: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 1: TEK Club registration, 8-8:30 a.m.
  • March 2: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 3: Carlotta Santana Dance Ensemble performance for all grades
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 20-24: Writer-in-residents with 4th graders
  • March 22: Number Drummer performance for all grades
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

NewsFlash | Sign up for run club and 5K, plus teacher/staff appreciation this Friday

Happy National School Counseling Week — don’t forget to give some extra love and appreciation to our fabulous counseling team, Andrea Burston and Beth Vincent! Also, tomorrow (Feb. 9) is Mr. Charles’s birthday — be sure to wish him a very happy day as he helps you cross the street in front of the school!


Joyner 5K registration open now!

Registration is now open for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m. Click here to register yourself, your children and all your friends who want in on the action!

Want to know more about what’s happening with the Healthy Choice Marathon this week?

  • Collections for the Classroom Challenge are happening every morning in the front lobby and the carpool loop. Bring your spare change (or bills) and contribute!
  • Check out details about 5K sponsorships and the Classroom Challenge on the PTA website.
  • Reading books is part of a healthy life — you can help gets books to kids who need them by donating gently used books at school as part of the WAKE Up and Read annual book drive. If Joyner collects 2,600 books, students get to dress up as their favorite book character on Friday, March 3.
  • Keep encouraging your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges! This week is the Step Master Challenge to see who can take the most steps in a work week. Next week we’ll see who can complete the most (different) exercise activities in a week.


Run Club starts next week!

Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make the JYJ Run Club possible! The club will meet Feb. 16, Feb. 23 and March 2 from 3-4 p.m. Volunteers pick up kids on campus and escort them to Kiwanis Park, where the kids stretch, move and run or walk on the greenway. Parents must pick up their athletes at 4 p.m. or sign a release for them to be delivered to JYJ afterschool.

The JYJ Run Club is free and open to all JYJ kids. It is fueled entirely by the efforts of parent volunteers. Last year more than 200 kids and 50 parents participated each week. Click here to register your child and click here to sign up as a volunteer. Register for all three sessions at once — registration closes on Tuesdays at midnight each week and children must be registered to attend. Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer twice and are not required to run.

If you have questions, please contact the Run Club co-leads: Fraley Marshall (, Melanie Jones ( or Shanna Schroeder (


Pick a way to appreciate teachers/staff this Friday

For this Friday’s early release day, the PTA’s teacher/staff appreciation committee invites students to join in around the theme “We couldn’t have PICKED a better teacher!” As part of the Healthy Choice Marathon, feel free to send in something healthy you’ve picked to show how much you appreciate your teachers and staff.


Shoe collection for Mr. Fotta’s family

Art teacher Ryan Fotta and his wife appreciate all the support and encouragement from the Joyner family — they’ve been matched with their little girl and are now doing a shoe donation drive to help bring her home.  They are collecting shoes of any kind — used, gently worn or new — to help fund the final part of adoption journey, but the fundraiser also gathers the shoes to support micro-businesses in developing countries like Haiti. Get a jump on your spring cleaning by checking your closets for any shoes you can donate and bring them to school — collection boxes are in the front lobby and by the art classroom. The goal is to collect 300 bags of shoes with 25 pairs of shoes in each bag.


Storytelling artists come to Joyner

The PTA Cultural Arts committee brings a series of great performers and artists to school each year. This Thursday, Silver Trout Arts will provide music and story telling for all grades. The program  emphasizes the idea that there are “…so many ways to share a story” — including songs, poetry, a puppet fable, storytelling and even a little dancing. The performance offers interactions for students and opportunities for teachers to carry the program into their classroom writing curriculum. Learn more at

Help out in the media center

Sign up to help Ms. Hale in the media center — main needs are checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact — drop in when you have a few minutes, even if you don’t sign up.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 9: Silver Trout Arts performance — music and story telling for all grades (funded by PTA)
  • Feb. 9: Crossing Guard Mr. Charles’s birthday!
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child pick out their teacher/staff member’s favorite healthy snack to bring in.)
  • Feb. 16: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • Feb. 23: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 2: Run Club, 3-4 p.m.
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

NewsFlash | HCM kick-off, JYJ Run Club and mini-grants in action

Healthy Choice Marathon kicks off this Friday

The 2017 Healthy Choice Marathon launches with a kickoff assembly this Friday during school! Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

  • Today is the last day to submit entries to the video contest. Send your child’s 30-second videos to HCM Chair Kate Sonawane at — please include children’s names and grade level in the email message.
  • Encourage your child to wear red on Friday (Feb. 3) for the kickoff as part of National Wear Red Day for heart healthy awareness month.
  • Mark your calendar for the 6th annual Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 5 at 2 p.m. — registration opens on Monday, Feb. 6.
  • Get ready to cheer on your teachers and staff in the weekly staff wellness challenges — next week is the Step Master Challenge to see who can take the most steps in a work week.
  • Check out details about 5K sponsorships and the Classroom Challenge on the PTA website.


Make Run Club possible

In the weeks leading up to the Joyner 5K, the PTA has offered a weekly JYJ Run Club for students after school on Thursdays in February — but it can’t happen without your help. Several wonderful parents have already volunteered this year, but we still need help with kindergarten, 2nd grade and 5th grade as well as two people to serve as leads for the program each week (with support from the volunteers who led last year). If these positions aren’t filled, we won’t be able to offer the JYJ Run Club this year. Please contact Shanna Schroeder at


We love our school counselors!

Next week, Feb. 6-10,  is National School Counseling Week. If you’ve ever walked into school a little grouchy in the morning and left with a smile because you saw JYJ counselors Andrea Burston and Beth Vincent when you walked in, then you KNOW how lucky we are! We all appreciate their hard work and their important contributions to student achievement and success at Joyner. Be sure to give them a heartfelt thank you next week.


Blog post: Mini-grant helps students focus

The Joyner PTA funds an annual mini-grant program to help teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. This year, third grade teacher Mrs. Millsaps used her mini-grant to help her students focus during what can sometimes be a challenging year. Read her blog post to learn more about how she and her students are using sensory stools, desk cycles and fidget tools to calm their bodies and positively direct all that wiggly energy in the classroom: cycle

Help out in the media center

new sign-up is now available to help out Ms. Hale in the media center — main needs are checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Even 15 minutes can make a big impact — drop in when you have a few minutes, even if you don’t sign up. Thanks to PTA volunteer Helen Green for getting things organized and helping volunteers with the process!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 3: Wear red for the Healthy Choice Marathon kickoff assembly
  • Feb. 9: Silver Trout Arts performance — music and story telling for all grades (funded by PTA)
  • Feb. 10: Early release and teacher appreciation (Theme: “We couldn’t have ‘PICKED’ a better teacher than you!” Have your child pick out their teacher/staff member’s favorite healthy snack to bring in.)
  • Feb. 20: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • March 5: Joyner 5K
  • March 31: Snow make-up day (school is in session)
  • April 10-14: Spring break

Mini-Grant Profile: Mrs. Millsaps

Grant Title: Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus
Teacher: Mrs. Millsaps, 3rd Grade

sensorystoolThe ideas for this PTA mini-grant were inspired by our school principal, Kathryn Hutchinson, who provided a sensory stool (shown left) for each classroom at the start of this school year. Over the first month of school, each of my students had an opportunity to try out the stool for a day – it quickly became clear that the movement, which resulted from use of the stool, helped students stay on task. There is lots of research that explains how movement impacts the brain and its ability to function. Movement can also help students calm their bodies and direct energy positively. The Out of Sync Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz has been helpful in developing my understanding of this issue along with workshops and classes I have taken at Project Enlightenment. This research combined with the sensory stool experience led me to request a mini grant to purchase desk cycles and fidget tools.

Grant request:

Desk Cycles: Last fall I read in the News & Observer about a Martin Middle School teacher who was using desk cycles to support student learning. Desk cycles allow students’ brains to be stimulated to increase learning while providing acceptable opportunities to express energy in the classroom setting. Thanks to some guidance from the teacher at Martin, we were able to learn from her experience to shorten our learning curve.


Fidget Tool: After hearing from Ms. Hutchinson about Tangle, the fidget tool that she keeps in her office, I requested a similar Tangle set for my classroom. We keep a Tangle at each of the five tables in our classroom to allow students developmentally appropriate opportunities to assist with focus and concentration.


How this project enhances the curriculum:

As the gateway to upper elementary school, third grade includes a lot of changes and adjustments that can cause stress to students, including multiple standardized tests (BOG, COGAT, EOG) along with meeting Read to Achieve Standards. Students are required to build reading and writing stamina and memorize multiplication facts. The desk cycle and Tangle tools combat stress and increase focus in my classroom. In order to meet high standards of achievement, I am eager to provide high levels of support for my students.

How students responded so far:

  • Overall student response has been very favorable.
  • I allowed students time to notice and examine the new resources, as well to provide input about how and when they could be used.
  • Students are now choosing to bring in their own fidgets from home and asking to use them in our classroom. This tells me that they are understanding their own needs as learners and taking responsibility for themselves.
  • It is easy to think (and I worried about this) that students would use these tools to play instead of to help with concentration. We talked and modeled the difference between playing and using the tools to help with focus and the students understand this. As a result, my students are learning to be more responsible and intentional about their learning.
  • I knew that the desk cycle would be helpful for students with high energy, who need an opportunity to unwind, or blow off some steam. I now also realize that it is equally helpful to students with low energy, or who might be tired when they get to school or at the end of the day. After several minutes on the desk cycle these students are recharged and reenergized — I’ve even used it myself right after dismissal for 5-10 minutes to help recharge before jumping back into planning and grading at the end of the student day.