
NewsFlash | Picture Day, Reflections, the Jamboree and volunteer registry

Lots of exclamation points in this week’s NewFlash. Brace yourselves.


Say cheese!

Thursday, Oct. 1, is picture day at Joyner. That’s TOMORROW! Be sure your kids look spiffy — or just let them dress themselves and really capture that special look. Either way, send them to school with the printed picture form or order photo packages online at (Picture Day ID BW025068Q0).


Let your kids’ imaginations fly!

The national PTA Reflections competition returns to Joyner this year and every student has the opportunity to participate! Students of all grades and abilities are invited to reflect on a common theme — Let Your Imagination Fly — and create original works of art in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Find links to all the requirements and forms as well as helpful videos for students and parents on the Joyner PTA website. Deadline for entries is Oct. 30. Stop by the info table in the front lobby on Monday, Oct. 5 from 8-8:30 a.m. if you have have questions, or email Maria Bleier at


Register as a volunteer!

Stop by the media center and use the computer near the circulation desk to register as a volunteer with WCPSS. If you want to chaperone a field trip or participate in any other volunteer opportunities with students during the school year, you MUST complete the online form through WCPSS. If you’ve completed the form in previous years, it should only take about 90 seconds to renew.


The Jamboree wants you!

See the sign-ups page on MemberHub to pick your volunteer post and help make the 2015 Joyner Jamboree a fun night for everyone. Then make plans to meet all your friends on Friday, Oct. 16, starting at 5:30 behind the school, under the overhang and on the playgrounds — you don’t want to miss this spectacular JYJ tradition!Jamboree 2015


Help Mr. Fotta!

Unless you walk the downstairs hallway by the art room, you might not see Mr. Fotta’s post-it notes of items needed for his class. He’s looking for dry erase markers, crayola markers, sharpies and printer paper. Let’s help him stock up the art room!


Don’t forget you can join PTA committees on MemberHub!

Follow this link and select committees that interest you — by joining the committee’s hub you can learn more about what they’re doing and how you can help. Note that joining the committee’s hub does not automatically commit you to being the chairperson or agreeing to do all the work for a five-year term, it’s just an easy way to express interest and get some information.


For your blog reader


For your calendar

  • Sept. 30: Jagwear orders due (TODAY!)
  • Sept. 30: After-school enrichment clubs begin
  • Oct. 1: Picture day
  • Oct. 9: Last day to give to the No-Fuss Fundraiser
  • Oct. 16: Teacher Appreciation and early release
  • Oct. 16: Jamboree
  • Oct. 23: End of 1st quarter
  • Oct. 26: Teacher workday

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Jamboree, clubs and more ways to support JYJ

Happy Teacher Workday! You didn’t forget, did you? We’ll see you back at school on Thursday.


Pumpkin flavored everything? Must be time for the Jamboree!

Chill in the air, fresh popcorn, bounce houses, face painting… what better way to spend a Friday evening with other families from your school community? This wonderful family-friendly evening event includes food, games, events and lots of JYJ fun on Oct. 16 — more details coming soon about volunteer opportunities!


Seeking help planning the Science Go Round

The Science Go Round Committee is seeking a couple more committee members to help with the planning and organization leading up to this fun day-long event on Friday, Nov. 13. The committee especially needs a member who wants to chair the committee next year. Please contact Elizabeth Altman at Day-of-event volunteer opportunities will be shared later in the fall.


Remember to vote!

Model good citizenship for your children by heading to the polls for city council and mayoral elections. Early voting for municipal elections begins tomorrow. Election day is Oct. 6 in Raleigh and Cary and Nov. 3 in Apex, Fuquay-Varina, Garner, Holly Springs, Knightdale, Morrisville, Rolesville, Wake Forest, Wendell and Zebulon. Find details at the Wake County Board of Elections about which candidates will be on your ballot.


Get Fair tickets, give to JYJ

After you’ve had a blast at the Joyner Jamboree, you’ll probably want to go to the N.C. State Fair. Support the school by purchasing your online admission tickets in advance through the WCPSS Etix page — this deal is good through Thursday, Oct. 15, and is online only. Use the Joyner code — 456 — in the membership field and click submit on the ticket page. Joyner will receive $2 per adult admission ticket and $1 per child ticket you purchase. The Fair runs from Oct. 15-25 (but remember, you’ll be at the Jamboree on Oct. 16). More info about the Fair is at


Spaces open in enrichment clubs

A few spots remain in some of the fall after-school enrichment clubs. Contact Duval Fisher at if you are interested in registering your child. Clubs begin Wednesday, Sept 30, and run for six consecutive Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Cost is $135. Parents will receive club placement confirmations by Sept. 24.

  • Hungry for Books (K-2)
  • What’s Your Inspiration? (K-3)
  • Mystery Club (2-4)
  • Lights, Camera, Action (2-5)
  • Hot Off the Press (3-5)
  • Purls of Wisdom – Knitting (3-5)
  • Sew Crazy (2-5)


Reflections competition coming soon

Be on the lookout for information in next week’s Wednesday folder regarding Reflections, a national arts competition sponsored by the PTA. Students are invited to submit entries in dance, visual arts, music composition and more — stay tuned for details.


Don’t forget your staff member on Appreciation Days

Our next Teacher Appreciation Day is on Oct. 16 — “Take note — our JYJ teachers are something to write about!” Plan to have your child bring a hand-written note to school to share with your classroom teacher and your class staff assignment. See the files section in MemberHub for a listing of staff assignments.


For your blog reader

For your calendar

  • Sept. 30: Jagwear orders due
  • Sept. 30: After-school enrichment clubs begin
  • Oct. 1: Picture day
  • Oct. 16: Teacher Appreciation and early release
  • Oct. 16: Jamboree
  • Oct. 23: End of 1st quarter
  • Oct. 26: Teacher workday


Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Dine-out night, student enrichment opportunities & Jagwear orders

Eat mor chikin for Joyner tomorrow

Join your friends for dinner this Thursday from 4-8 p.m. at Chick-Fil-A at North Hills. Be sure to mention that you’re there for Joyner so we can earn a portion of the night’s sales.


Get your forms in early for after-school enrichment 

Registration forms will be in today’s Wednesday folders for fun weekly sessions at Joyner including chess, art, sewing, science, drama, newspaper and more. Registration will take place this Friday, Sept. 18, from 8-8:30 a.m. in the media centerClick here for complete details about this fall’s club offerings. Contact Duval Fisher at with questions.


Last call for OM sign-ups

Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is a national organization that promotes creative problem solving in kids of all ages. Parents must sign up their students online by Friday, Sept. 18. For more information, visit


Everyone looks better in Jagwear!

Show your school spirit by purchasing Joyner Jagwear, including tshirts, hoodies and shorts — proceeds support the Joyner PTA. Orders must be received by Sept. 30 and will be delivered by Oct. 15. Visit the table in the lobby this Friday morning to see samples and pay for your order,  or send in your order form with payment to your child’s homeroom teacher. Clothing designs and order forms can also be viewed in the Files section of the Joyner hub.


There’s an app for lunch money

Looking for an easy way to give your kids lunch money? Go to to manage your child’s account, check balances and add funds. You can also download the app and do it all from your phone. Easy, peasy, mac-n-cheesy.


Get sporty with Coach Scott on Tuesdays

Coach Scott is again offering his “Sports After School” program at Joyner on Tuesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. starting Sept. 15 (but it’s not too late to sign up). Coach Scott will pick up kids as walkers and take them to Kiwanis Park to play fun games and PE-style activities for girls and boys of all ages. He tailors his program to what the kids in the group are most interested in doing. Coach Scott has been working with kids for 15+ years, beginning with the YMCA and launching his own business when his program became so popular. Cost for 4 weeks is $60 or pay $15 per day. Email for more information or to register.


Make your voice heard by becoming a PTA member

Don’t forget to make your gift to join the PTA Being a PTA member adds your voice to the thousands of parents across Wake County and North Carolina through an organization that speaks out in support of public schools and the teachers, staff and administrators who make them such great places to learn. For just $5 ( or $10 for a family), you can join the PTA and help make our voices heard — or you can increase your donation and contribute to the No-Fuss Fundraiser while becoming a PTA member. Click here to join and give online.


For your blog reader


For your calendar

  • Sept. 17: Dine-out night at CFA from 4-8 p.m.
  • Sept. 21: PTA Executive Board meeting at 6 p.m.
  • Sept. 23: Teacher Workday
  • Oct. 1: Picture day


Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Odyssey of the Mind, Enrichment Clubs, link your loyalty cards & more!

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!  We have exciting opportunities and several updates in this week’s NewsFlash (from the PTA Communications Committee):

  • Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is a national organization that promotes creative problem solving in kids of all ages. Learn more about this exciting program at an informational meeting for parents on Sept. 9 (today!) at 6 p.m. in the media center. Parents can also sign up their students online ( Friday, Sept. 18. For more information, visit
  • Memberhub Training Reminder: Our technology chair, Matt Harrell, will be holding training for room parents on Thursday, Sept 10th from 8:30-9:15am in Ms Bell’s technology lab in the media center.
  • After School Enrichment Clubs return to Joyner this fall. Registration forms will be coming home in weekly student folders. Contact Duval Fisher with questions. Click here ( for more details about this fall’s club offerings.
  • Don’t forget to make your gift to join the PTA & help fund initiatives that promote health & wellness for our school community.
    • JYJ 5K
    • Joyner athletic field
    • Health Choice Marathon events
    • First in Fitness participants

Click here to give online (

  • Time to re-link your loyalty cards to make easy cash for the PTA! Ask when you’re at the store, or use the following links to be sure your cards are connected to Joyner.
  • The Science Go Round Committee is looking for volunteers to present to JYJ students @ our annual science event on Friday, Nov. 13. It’s a fun-filled day when scientists & engineers give hands-on demos to show how science is applied in the real world. Do you (or someone you know) work or do science-related research in a field (such as dentistry, medicine, physics, computers, etc)?  Anyone who has expertise related to science & wants to share that w/ children in a hands-on way is welcome to participate as a presenter. Presenters commit to providing a 45-minute presentation 4 times to an assigned grade level – different groups of students rotate to each session. Schedule for the day is 7:30 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Breakfast & lunch are provided! If interested or want more info, please contact Elizabeth Altman at or 919-523-1266

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner and be sure to use #JYJoyner on Twitter and Instagram so we can all share in your news. 

NewsFlash | Volunteer opportunities, Girls on the Run, JAGwear and more!

We’re only into the second week of school, but we’re already full speed ahead! Lots of useful info in this week’s NewsFlash, so get ready.

  • Looking forward to seeing you at Open House on Thursday! The first classroom session runs from 5-5:45 p.m. Parents are then invited to the PTA general meeting in the gym from 5:45-6:15, followed by the second classroom session from 6:15-7:00. During the classroom sessions, just head to your child’s classroom or grade level team area to hear from the teacher about what to expect this year. Only have one teacher at Joyner? Then just attend either classroom session.
  • Have you seen the PTA fundraising form that went viral last week? Joyner PTA is so ahead of the trend with our No-Fuss Fundraiser! Check out the clever form from a school in Dallas, TX, then click on over to the PTA website to make your gift for this school year. Remember, every dollar helps fund enrichment opportunities for students, technology tools for the school and appreciation treats for our teachers and staff.
  • Interested in a new volunteer opportunity?
    • Don’t forget to complete the WCPSS volunteer registration form online in the media center. That’s a great thing to check off your list at Open House on Thursday.
    • The Spelling Bee Committee is looking for new members to learn from the experts. It’s a fairly limited time commitment — materials are distributed in October, Classroom Bees are held in early December, and the School Bee is in late January. Sign up on your MemberHub — click the Dashboard link at the top of the page and find the “Join Open Hubs” link on the right — or contact Trina Griffin at for details.
    • The Joyner Author’s Guild (JAG) is holding an interest meeting this Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in the PTA/JAG office in the main lobby. Volunteer commitment is only one hour a week, but makes a huge difference. JAG publishes class bios, Writer’s Wall of Fame and many more written projects for Joyner teachers and students. Contact Suzi Landis at with questions.
    • The Science Go Round Committee is looking for volunteers to presentto Joyner students at our annual daylong science event on Friday, Nov. 13. It’s a fun-filled day when scientists and engineers give hands-on demonstrations to our students. Anyone who has an expertise that is related to science and wants to share that with children in a hands-on way is welcome to participate as a presenter. Contact Elizabeth Altman at or 919-523-1266 for more information.
  • Girls on the Run registration is open now through Sept. 9 for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls! There are only 15 spots available — click here for details and registration. Scholarships are available. Contact Kelly Diard at 919.641.6191 (cell/text) or for more information.
  • Show your Joyner pride! Pick up your order form at Open House and view sample colors and sizes of t-shirts, long-sleeved t-shirts, hoodies and shorts — or you can find order forms in files section of the Joyner hub. All orders need to be prepaid and will be delivered by early October.
  • The Summer Reading Challenge celebration is set for the afternoon on Friday, Sept. 11. Be sure your kids turn in their forms by this Friday in order to be eligible.
  • Have questions about how to use MemberHub? Our technology chair, Matt Harrell, will be on hand at the PTA table during Open House to help out. He’s also holding a training session for room parents on Thursday, Sept. 10, from 8:30 – 9:15 a.m. in Ms. Bell’s technology lab in the media center. In the meantime, don’t forget to update your MemberHub profile and link your account with your family members.
  • Check the complete PTA calendar for a full listing of dates:
    • 9/4 Early release dismissal at 12:30 (after school care available starting at 12:30)
    • 9/4 PTA-sponsored “Fun Food Friday” for Teacher Appreciation
    • 9/4 Summer Reading Challenge forms due
    • 9/9 GOTR registration closes
    • 9/10 MemberHub training session
    • 9/17 Dine-out night at Chick-Fil-A North Hills

Have a question you’d like answered or an announcement to share in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Just reply to this message and let us know.

NewsFlash | No-Fuss Fundraiser, profile updates and calendar reminders

Welcome back to all our returning families — and a special welcome to our new Joyner friends! Hope everyone is having a great week back at school.
We want to take a moment to be sure you know why the PTA matters for Joyner and why we have the No-Fuss Fundraiser going on now. Did you know the PTA funds enrichment opportunities for students at school? These special events include:
  • Science Go Round, an annual day of hands-on science experiences
  • Cultural arts events, such as teaching artists-in-residence at every grade level
  • Authors’ visits and special performances
  • Academic club funding for programs like Odyssey of the Mind, Battle of the Books, Science Club and Science Olympiad
Help us make these great events possible by making your gift to the PTA No-Fuss Fundraiser today! Just click this link, select your level of giving from the options on the right side of the page, and follow the directions from there — then enjoy not having to sell wrapping paper or cookie dough to fund your PTA. Many thanks to those who have already donated!
And now for a few more reminders:
  • Want to making additional giving to the PTA even easier than No-Fuss? Be sure to link your Target, Kroger and Harris Teeter loyalty cards to Joyner and save those Box Tops for Education. We’ll let you know about the first collection date.
  • Please take 5 minutes to update your profile and edit your family information in MemberHub. You’ll see an Edit Family link on right side when viewing your profile. Be sure to add your children into the system so you’ll get placed in the correct classroom hubs, which will include student rosters to help parents and teachers connect with Joyner families. We’ll be using MemberHub for ongoing communications and our school directory, so it will work best if you add all your details.
  • Check the complete PTA calendar for a full listing of dates — here’s what’s up next:
    • 9/3 Open House and PTA general meeting
    • 9/4 PTA-sponsored “Fun Food Friday” for Teacher Appreciation (so no need to start shopping just yet)
    • 9/4 Summer Reading Challenge forms due
    • 9/17 Dine-out night at Chick-Fil-A North Hills
Have a question you’d like answered in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Just reply to this message and let us know. Have an announcement that needs to be included? Use our form to submit an article on the PTA website