
News Flash | Reopening Plan and Checklist, Virtual Academy Schedule Changes, Holiday Season Support

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Caring

We show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  We have personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Joyner Plan B Reopening Plan (1st semester)
  • Schedule Adjustments – Virtual Academy
  • WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist
  • Assistance during Holiday Season
  • Magnet Application & Seeking Your JYJ Testimonials
  • Calendar Reminders

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Joyner’s Plan B Reopening Plan – 1st Semester

We are so glad to have Cohort 1 students back this week for the first session of in-person learning. We look forward to seeing Cohort 2 students next Monday! 

If you have not reviewed our reopening plan, please familiarize yourself with our procedures for this coming week. Joyner’s Plan B Reopening Plan – 1st Semester

*Note that no child can be checked out after 2:30 per our usual school policy.     

In the next three weeks your child will be working with a variety of staff on campus.  This means your child will work with their teacher and other staff members at Joyner throughout their assigned week.  Students will be joining virtual meets for some of our instruction and others may be in person at times.  This allows us to acclimate all of our students to Joyner and for our staff to teach during the next three rotational cohort weeks. Check your email in case your child’s teacher has emailed you with any updates.  

Remember to label all of your child’s things, charge their Chromebooks and communicate with your child’s teacher how they are going home. 

Thank you to those of you that filled out our school survey.  If you have not it is not too late to do so.  Joyner Student Information- 1st Semester 2020  

Schedule Adjustments for Virtual Academy

Attached is our new Master Schedule that began on Monday, Oct 26th. This schedule was created to allow our staff to teach Virtual Academy students and Plan B students at the same time. Master Schedule for Virtual Academy

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist

Here’s what you need to do to prepare for your child’s return to campus:

  1. Read the Return to Campus Guide to families. 
  2. Use social stories for younger students or special education students to prepare for the changes in routine. 
  3. Learn about expectations for face coverings. Face coverings of your choice are required for all adults and K-12 students at all times on school property or on school transportation. Face coverings remain strongly recommended for pre-K students if appropriate for that child.
  4. Learn about changes to meal service. Consider taking advantage of the free breakfast and lunch service for all students this school year. 
  5. Learn about technology changes. Students with a WCPSS device should plan to bring them to school. Those bringing a personal device will need a signed BYOD Consent Form.
  6. Learn about the required health screening. All students should have their temperature taken every day at home before coming to school.
  7. Learn about how we’re keeping school buildings clean and safe. (And some good news – the playgrounds will be open!)
  8. Read Student Accountability and Required Health Protocols and sign the acknowledgement page
  9. Be familiar with what happens when there is a COVID-19 case on campus
  10. Learn about the changes to live instruction times for students learning remotely in a rotation.
  11. Riding the bus? Complete the required attestation form and learn the new procedures to protect everyone’s health and safety. You can also sign up for our Here Comes the Bus app to track the location of your child’s bus every day.

Want to change your registration for second semester? Elementary school application is open Dec 2-9.

Our holiday season is approaching, and we will have assistance available:   

  • If you are in need of Thanksgiving meal assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  
  • If you are in need of Christmas/holiday assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  

If would like to donate items for holiday assistance (thank you!), directions will be provided to parents on Wednesday 11/18 in the Joyner weekly eblast on how to (virtually) select a tag and return items to school.  If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Burston (contact info in email).

Magnet Season & Seeking Videos and MessagesMagnet season is approaching and JYJ must approach our recruiting of new students in new and different ways. We’d like to seek your help in this process! JYJ families know how unique our magnet program is and your voice of experience would be invaluable for prospective families. Would you consider sharing a video or written message from your family that expresses your joy in our magnet program, IB and Spanish and what it has meant for your family? These messages will be used for prospective families to view. Please send videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson (contact info in email).  Magnet Application Acceptance Period:The magnet and year-round application period will begin Oct. 15, 2020 and end Jan. 28, 2021. Applications are NOT first-come, first-served. Families will be notified mid-February 2021 if they received a seat at an application school. Visit the WCPSS website for more details. If your child is not currently enrolled in WCPSS, you must register your child at your base school before submitting the magnet application.  For our 5th grade magnet families, you have priority in applying to these 2 IB middle schools:East Garner Magnet Middle SchoolWest Millbrook Magnet Middle School

Calendar Reminders:


  • 11/3 – Teacher Workday
  • 11/10 – General PTA meeting (google meet)
  • 11/11 – Holiday
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/18 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/2 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)
  • 12/16 – Remote Learning Day

Join Joyner on Instagram- Joyner_Magnet_Elementary. #JoynerSTRONG #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WeAreFamily 

News Flash | Support for the Holidays, Share Your JYJ Testimonials, WCPSS Updates, Dine Out Night

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Caring

We show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  We have personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Holiday Season Support
  • Magnet Season & Seeking your JYJ Testimonials
  • WCPSS Updates – Remote Learning Days, Student Accountability Form Due
  • Dine Out Night
  • Calendar Reminders

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Our holiday season is approaching, and we will have assistance available:   

  • If you are in need of Thanksgiving meal assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  
  • If you are in need of Christmas/holiday assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  

If would like to donate items for holiday assistance (thank you!), directions will be provided to parents on Wednesday 11/18 in the Joyner weekly eblast on how to (virtually) select a tag and return items to school.  If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Burston (contact info in email).

Magnet Season & Seeking Videos and MessagesMagnet season is approaching and JYJ must approach our recruiting of new students in new and different ways. We’d like to seek your help in this process! JYJ families know how unique our magnet program is and your voice of experience would be invaluable for prospective families. Would you consider sharing a video or written message from your family that expresses your joy in our magnet program, IB and Spanish and what it has meant for your family? These messages will be used for prospective families to view. Please send videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson (contact info in email).  Magnet Application Acceptance Period:The magnet and year-round application period will begin Oct. 15, 2020 and end Jan. 28, 2021. Applications are NOT first-come, first-served. Families will be notified mid-February 2021 if they received a seat at an application school. Visit the WCPSS website for more details. If your child is not currently enrolled in WCPSS, you must register your child at your base school before submitting the magnet application.  For our 5th grade magnet families, you have priority in applying to these 2 IB middle schools:East Garner Magnet Middle SchoolWest Millbrook Magnet Middle School

WCPSS Updates

*We are excited to see our Joyner students soon as we continue to plan each detail with our staff.  Please make sure to review the school and district messaged about return-to-campus.  There is a great deal of information that will be important for families to review to make sure you and your student are prepared.  Visit Return to Campus Information

Student Accountability and Required Health Protocols 

Action Needed by Oct. 23: Student Accountability and Required Health Protocols
Student Accountability and Required Health Protocols outlines our expectations for students to strictly follow our required health protocols when on our campuses, as well as possible consequences and processes to address non-compliance. Families and students are asked to complete and sign the acknowledgement page and return it to your school, similar to the signature page for the Student Handbook. 

If a student is unable to comply with the face covering requirement, a parent or guardian may request an accommodation for their student that is related to the student’s disability or medical needs. These requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the disability or medical need, the availability of alternative safety measures, and current public health guidance.

  • To request an accommodation, parents or guardians must complete the form and return it, along with supporting documentation, to their school principal. Elementary school families should submit completed accommodation requests by October 23, 2020. 
  • Unless a face covering requirement accommodation request form has been approved, all students are required to adhere to WCPSS Face Covering Requirements.

Updated Calendars with Cohort Information Now Available

We have updated school calendars to reflect changes approved by the school board for the first semester. 

Virtual Academy Families: Students who attended the WCPSS Virtual Academy will remain in the Academy through the end of the 1st semester.   Those who registered for the entire school year may remain so, unless you decide to opt for in-person instruction for the second semester.  Second semester information will be forthcoming this month to all Virtual Academy families.  

Remote Learning Days

WCPSS has built five “remote learning” days into the fall semester calendar for the 2020-21 school year. These days will help to reduce weekly screen time hours, provide families with flexibility during longer school weeks, and will provide students opportunities to catch up on and complete past unfinished or returned assignments.  Our next Remote Learning Asynchronous day is Wed Oct. 21st. Click here for more information and schedule. 

While these are still required instructional days, on these days, there will be no whole classroom live meets and we will not follow the regular instructional schedule. Attendance will be taken on these days based on participation of completed assignments.

Technology Guidance for Return to School

Upon returning to in-person learning, our schools will have limited technology available to students on campus as most devices have been checked out to students for remote learning. While in school, students with a WCPSS device should plan to bring their device (and charger) to and from school. While at home, students will continue to work remotely using their personal devices or the devices provided by WCPSS.

Dine Out Night at Mellow Mushroom October 27th

Want a night off from cooking? Come enjoy Mellow Mushroom AND support the Joyner Foundation on Tuesday, October 27th!  You can dine in (patio or indoor seating available) OR call for curbside take-out.  When you place your order, just be sure to mention you are with Joyner Elementary School and a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to us! 

Calendar Reminders:


  • 10/21 – Remote Learning Day
  • 10/22 – End of the 1st Quarter
  • 10/23 – Teacher Workday
  • 10/26 through 11/13 Pre K-3rd and regional program rotations will begin 
  • 10/27 – Dine Out Night – Mellow Mushroom


  • 11/3 – Teacher Workday
  • 11/11 – Holiday
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/18 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)
  • 12/16 – Remote Learning Day

Join Joyner on Instagram- Joyner_Magnet_Elementary. #JoynerSTRONG #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WeAreFamily 

News Flash | PTA Drive Success, WCPSS Updates, Spirit Night Tomorrow & JYJ Masks for Sale

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Caring

We show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  We have personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.  

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • PTA Membership Drive Success
  • Spirit Night Tomorrow
  • WCPSS Updates & Return to School
  • Joyner Foundation Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Thank you for a successful PTA membership drive! As the PTA membership and No-Fuss fundraiser comes to an end, we’re thankful for all the parents, teachers, administrators, and other supporters who joined and donated over the past couple of months! 

Spirit Night TOMORROW — Two Roosters Ice Cream Thursday, 10/15 Calling all JYJ friends and family!  Sweeten up your Thursday by stopping by Two Roosters Ice Creamtomorrow, Oct. 15th between 12:00 and 9:00 PM.  Be sure to mention that you are with the JYJ PTA and Two Roosters will donate 20% of sales to Joyner.  Two Roosters is located at 215 E. Franklin St in Person Street Plaza.  Can’t wait to see you there! *If ordering online please put Joyner Elementary Spirit Night in the comment section*

WCPSS UpdatesUpdated Calendars with Cohort Information Now Available

We have updated school calendars to reflect changes approved by the school board for the first semester. 

Virtual Academy Families: Students who attended the WCPSS Virtual Academy will remain in the Academy through the end of the 1st semester.   Those who registered for the entire school year may remain so, unless you decide to opt for in-person instruction for the second semester.  Second semester information will be forthcoming this month to all Virtual Academy families.  Remote Learning Days

Wake County Public School System has built five “remote learning” days into the fall semester calendar for the 2020-21 school year. These days are intended to support both teachers and students in having sufficient time to fully engage and succeed in their work. Click here for more information and schedule. 

Social Stories for Special Education Students

Social Stories can be helpful in supporting student’s learning when assisting with understanding difficult issues. These social stories for special education students focus on wearing a face covering, social distancing and hand washing. 

Joyner Foundation Updates

#JoynerStrong Masks for Sale

Face masks are the latest and greatest must have fashion and safety accessory so why not have a little fun with them too!  The Joyner Foundation is now selling two different styles of masks, ear loop and gaiter (adult and youth sizes available). Click here for images and pricing. Plus, do you want a great way to hang on to these masks?  We’ve got you covered there too with a #JoynerStrong lanyard!  These lanyards are also great for teacher key fobs or anything else you want to hang on to.  

The sale will run through Friday October 16th so don’t wait and place your order today!  All orders will be placed online at Questions? Contact Blair Kennedy (contact info in email).

Dine Out Night at Mellow Mushroom October 27th

Want a night off from cooking? Come enjoy Mellow Mushroom AND support the Joyner Foundation on Tuesday, October 27th!  You can dine in (patio or indoor seating available) OR call for curbside take-out.  When you place your order, just be sure to mention you are with Joyner Elementary School and a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to us! 

Calendar Reminders:


  • 10/14 – Asynchronous Learning Day – No Live Instruction 
  • 10/15 – Spirit Night – Two Roosters Ice Cream
  • 10/16 – Deadline for Joyner Masks and Accessories Orders 
  • 10/21 – Asynchronous Learning Day – No Live Instruction 
  • 10/22 – End of the 1st Quarter
  • 10/23 – Teacher Workday
  • 10/26 through 11/13 Pre K-3rd and regional program rotations will begin 
  • 10/27 – Dine Out Night – Mellow Mushroom


  • 11/3 – Teacher Workday
  • 11/11 – Holiday
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)

Join Joyner on Instagram- Joyner_Magnet_Elementary. #JoynerSTRONG #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WeAreFamily 

Quick Links

News Flash | Return to School, PTA Drive Update, Dates to Remember

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Caring

We show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  We have personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.  

Join Joyner’s new Instagram page! Joyner_Magnet_Elementary 

 #JoynerSTRONG #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WeAreFamily 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • WCPSS Return to School 
  • PTA Membership Drive Update
  • Spirit Rock Sign Up
  • Dates to Remember

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

WCPSS Updates: Back to School 2020-2021

Please see the link below for any updated information from the district in regards to our return to school.  Return to Campus District Updates

  • Oct 7 – Cohorts will be released
  • Oct 26 – Nov 13th Pre K-3rd and regional program rotations will begin 
  • Nov 16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • Nov 16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  

Virtual Academy Families: Students who attended the WCPSS Virtual Academy will remain in the Academy through the end of the 1st semester.   Those who registered for the entire school year may remain so, unless you decide to opt for in-person instruction for the second semester.  Second semester information will be forthcoming this month to all Virtual Academy families.  

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has joined the JYJ PTA for the 2020-2021 school year. 

2020-21 Joyner PTA Members

There is still time to donate and help the PTA No Fuss Fundraiser reach its goal. We are currently sitting at 290 members and just need 10 more to reach our goal of 300

Reaching this GOAL enables our school to provide:

  • Arts and science programming
  • Mini-grants
  • Appreciation events for teachers and staff
  • Classroom technology
  • Student clubs
  • Recognition programs
  • Family fun events

Your support is critical!  Click HERE to join today.

Spirit Rock Signs Ups are Live!

The Joyner Spirit Rock is located in the front of the main entrance.  You can reserve it for 24 hours and paint it to celebrate a birthday, thank a staff member, or to just spread a positive message! It’s lots of fun and the kids & teachers love seeing all the different designs! Reserve your date today by clicking here or by going to Signups in the Joyner Hub on Memberhub. Questions? Email Heather Kraudel at

Calendar Reminders:


  • 10/7 – Cohorts will be released
  • 10/7 – Coffee With the Counselors (3-5) 8- 8:30 a.m.
  • 10/22 – End of the 1st Quarter
  • 10/23 – Teacher Workday
  • 10/26 – November 13th Pre K-3rd and regional program rotations will begin 


  • 11/3 – Teacher Workday
  • 11/11 – Holiday
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | PTA Drive Update, Link for Back to School Updates, GOTR Registration

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Join Joyner’s new Instagram page! Joyner_Magnet_Elementary 

 #JoynerSTRONG #ThePeopleMakeThePlace #WeAreFamily 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • PTA Membership Update 
  • Virtual Girls on the Run
  • Coffee with Counselors
  • PTA Membership Drive Update
  • Free Student Meals
  • 2020 Census

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

We’re Almost There! PTA Membership & No Fuss 

We’re nearing the end of our PTA Membership Drive and No-Fuss Fundraiser, and we’re VERY close to reaching our goal of 300 memberships! Help us cross the finish line!PTA membership update, September 30
If you’ve already joined for this school year, thank you for supporting the PTA! If not, please take a couple of minutes to sign up:

WCPSS Updates: Back to School 2020-2021

Please see the link below for any updated information from the district in regards to our return to school.  Return to Campus District Updates

Virtual Girls on the Run – Registration Now Open

Girls on the Run is here for you! Keep the fun, friends, and connection going! GOTR Triangle is excited to offer your girl amazing activities, engaging, meaningful discussions, and the chance to be active; all woven into the Girls on the Run one-of-a-kind bonding experience–online!  

Registration for Virtual Girls on the Run teams is now open for all 3rd – 5th grade girls and those who identify as a girl. Visit the link below for more information and to register your girl!

Choose from several available Virtual Team timeslots. Registration fee includes virtual meet ups with your team and coaches twice a week, a personal journal, a t-shirt and a finishers certificate and a medal. Be sure to coordinate with friends to pick the same Virtual Team if you’d like. Contact Wendy Pedraza with questions.

Girls on the Run of the Triangle Fall 2020 Registration | Raceplanner

Coffee with Counselors

Have questions about parenting during remote learning, need tips on navigating virtual learning or just want to say hello? Each week we will be available to connect with families. Join us on Tuesdays from 8-8:30am (Grades K-2 parents) and Wednesdays (Grades 3-5 parents) for “Coffee with the Counselors”. Google link will be shared with teachers and also posted in your child’s counselor Google classroom.  Hope you will join us!

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Students in all grade levels can receive a free breakfast and lunch from an operating location until December 31*. Please visit for a list of operating sites. Students are not required to visit their assigned school and do not have to be present to receive meals. The curbside meal service will operate Monday through Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Students will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost! No student ID number required to receive meals. 
*Or until funding is depleted. 

2020 Census – Act Now to Support Our Community

Did you know that the 10 minutes you spend responding to the 2020 census is worth $18,000 over ten years in education, healthcare, childcare, and other resources? Did you know that children are the most likely to be missed in the count? Did you know that the census tracks around Joyner have a 60-73% response rate for the census and Wake County’s goal is 82%? It’s not too late to respond to the census by phone or online. Wake PTA Advocacy has compiled information just for you:

Calendar Reminders

  • October 23 – Teacher Workday
  • November 3 – Teacher Workday
  • November 11 – Holiday
  • November 23 – Remote Learning Day
  • November 24 – Remote Learning Day
  • November 25-27 – Fall Break

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Virtual Girls on the Run Registration, Final Days for Jagwear Orders

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Virtual Girls on the Run
  • Last Days to Order Joyner Jagwear
  • Coffee with Counselors
  • Free Student Meals
  • 2020 Census
  • WJYJ News

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Virtual Girls on the Run – Registration Now Open

Girls on the Run is here for you! Keep the fun, friends, and connection going! GOTR Triangle is excited to offer your girl amazing activities, engaging, meaningful discussions, and the chance to be active; all woven into the Girls on the Run one-of-a-kind bonding experience–online!  

Registration for Virtual Girls on the Run teams is now open for all 3rd – 5th grade girls and those who identify as a girl. Visit the link below for more information and to register your girl!

Choose from several available Virtual Team timeslots. Registration fee includes virtual meet ups with your team and coaches twice a week, a personal journal, a t-shirt and a finishers certificate and a medal. Be sure to coordinate with friends to pick the same Virtual Team if you’d like. Contact Wendy Pedraza with questions.

Girls on the Run of the Triangle Fall 2020 Registration | Raceplanner

Time is Running out…Order Your Joyner Jagwear Today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to order your Jagwear. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Coffee with Counselors

Have questions about parenting during remote learning, need tips on navigating virtual learning or just want to say hello? Each week we will be available to connect with families. Join us on Tuesdays from 8-8:30am (Grades K-2 parents) and Wednesdays (Grades 3-5 parents) for “Coffee with the Counselors”. Google link will be shared with teachers and also posted in your child’s counselor Google classroom.  Hope you will join us!

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Students in all grade levels can receive a free breakfast and lunch from an operating location until December 31*. Please visit for a list of operating sites. Students are not required to visit their assigned school and do not have to be present to receive meals. The curbside meal service will operate Monday through Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Students will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost! No student ID number required to receive meals. 
*Or until funding is depleted. 

2020 Census – Act Now to Support Our Community

Did you know that the 10 minutes you spend responding to the 2020 census is worth $18,000 over ten years in education, healthcare, childcare, and other resources? Did you know that children are the most likely to be missed in the count? Did you know that the census tracks around Joyner have a 60-73% response rate for the census and Wake County’s goal is 82%? It’s not too late to respond to the census by phone or online. Wake PTA Advocacy has compiled information just for you:

WJYJ News:  Keeping Us Connected

If we can’t be together, we can surely count on our dynamic WJYJ news crew to keep us connected.  Check out last week’s episode of the WJYJ news and stay tuned for this week’s episode.

Calendar Reminders

  • September 25 – Last Day to Order Jag Wear
  • September 28 – Teacher Workday- No School

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

PTA Membership Update, 2020 Census, Update to Meal Program, Coffee with Counselors

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Our PTA Membership Goal
  • 2020 Census
  • Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
  • Device Distribution
  • Coffee with Counselors
  • Support your child as a PYP parent
  • Joyner Jagwear
  • Glows and Grows Survey
  • Foundation Updates
  • WJYJ News 

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Help the PTA Meet its Membership Goal

If you’ve already joined the PTA for this school year, THANK YOU — as of last week, we’re officially halfway to our goal of 300 Joyner PTA memberships!

JYJ PTA Membership Tracker

If you haven’t gotten around to it, there’s still time. Go to and select the best membership option for you.

As you all are aware, funding is being reassessed and reallocated by the county/state to
meet shifting educational needs during COVID-19. It is more important NOW more than ever to support the PTA, so that we can continue fund/support all of the great staff, activities, and resources at Joyner. Remember, as part of our No-fuss fundraiser, every dollar donated beyond the $5 dues is a contribution to the Joyner and the PTA!

2020 Census – Act Now to Support Our Community

Did you know that the 10 minutes you spend responding to the 2020 census is worth $18,000 over ten years in education, healthcare, childcare, and other resources? Did you know that children are the most likely to be missed in the count? Did you know that the census tracks around Joyner have a 60-73% response rate for the census and Wake County’s goal is 82%? It’s not too late to respond to the census by phone or online. Wake PTA Advocacy has compiled information just for you:

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Students in all grade levels can receive a free breakfast and lunch from an operating location until December 31*. Please visit for a list of operating sites. Students are not required to visit their assigned school and do not have to be present to receive meals. The curbside meal service will operate Monday through Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Students will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost! No student ID number required to receive meals. 
*Or until funding is depleted. 

Device Distribution Update

WCPSS will host two device distributions this Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at our three distribution centers: Enloe High, Knightdale High and Apex High. Students who were notified today of their pick-up date should go to one of the device distributions. You must have received an invitation in order to pick up a device.

Coffee with Counselors

Have questions about parenting during remote learning, need tips on navigating virtual learning or just want to say hello? Each week we will be available to connect with families. Join us on Tuesdays from 8-8:30am (Grades K-2 parents) and Wednesdays (Grades 3-5 parents) for “Coffee with the Counselors”. Google link will be shared with teachers and also posted in your child’s counselor Google classroom.  Hope you will join us!

5 Ways You Could Support Your Child As a PYP Parent

As an essential member of your child’s learning community, you play an important role helping them take their learning deeper. Here are 5 simple ways you can support your child’s learning at home. Whether it is the more formal learning connected to their schooling, or the incidental, unplanned learning through play, exploration, and life experience; these 5 strategies will help you, help your child become a lifelong learner. Full document available here.

Order Your Joyner Jagwear for 2020-2021!

Don’t miss this opportunity to order your Jagwear. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Share Your Feedback – “Glows and Grows”

As IB lead learners, it’s important to be risk-takers, thinkers, caring and reflective on our journeys in life.  These aspects as a JYJ community are vital to our work in supporting one another.

Please fill out the following (optional) survey to share the glows and grows of our new daily learning schedule and how virtual learning is going for you as a family at home.    

Virtual Learning Glows And Grows Guardian Feedback Survey

Daily Learning Schedule

JYJ Foundation Updates

Spirit Rock Signs Ups are Live!

The Joyner Spirit Rock is located in the front of the main entrance.  You can reserve it for 24 hours and paint it to celebrate a birthday, thank a staff member, or to just spread a positive message! It’s lots of fun and the kids & teachers love seeing all the different designs! Reserve your date today by clicking here or by going to Signups in the Joyner Hub on Memberhub. Questions? Email Heather Kraudel at

Amazon SMILE

If you shop on Amazon make sure you sign up for Amazon Smile. Shop as you normally would BUT a small percent comes back to Joyner!  Go to and make sure you enter “J Y Joyner Foundation” (spacing makes a difference…so you may want to copy it) when you select the organization you want to support. 

Supporting Local Businesses 

Calling all JYJ owned businesses or places of employmentHelp us learn how we can can connect with your business! JY Joyner Magnet Elementary is a very special place and we’re thrilled you’re a part of it. It’s a school that thrives on community and loves to support its’ own families whenever possible. Take a moment to complete the survey and let us know how we can connect with your business.  (Examples include “give back” events, in kind donations, grant opportunities, etc.). Click here to help us learn more. 

WJYJ News:  Keeping Us Connected

If we can’t be together, we can surely count on our dynamic WJYJ news crew to keep us connected.  Check out last week’s episode of the WJYJ news and stay tuned for this week’s episode.  September 11th WJYJ News Show

Calendar Reminders

  • September 25 – Last Day to Order Jag Wear
  • September 28 – Teacher Workday- No School

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Chance to Win North Hills Gift Card, Order Your Joyner Jagwear & Share in “Glows and Grows Survey”

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • PTA and No Fuss Fundraiser
  • Joyner Jagwear 
  • Staying Connected
  • Share Your Feedback
  • News from WCPSS
  • Quick Links & Helpful Sites

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Joyner PTA and Chance to Win $100 North Hills Gift Card!

We are excited to invite all families to join the PTA and make your Fall No-Fuss fundraiser contribution. We don’t ask families to sell candles, candy, wrapping paper etc. Our fundraiser is simple and straightforward, we ask that you make whatever donation you can to help us cover the amazing things that the PTA does for our teachers and students. All membership enrollment and donations will be handled online this year.

Please visit to sign up! As an added bonus, all members who join by Sept 15th will be entered to win a $100 gift card to North Hills. Cori Hawkins, Membership Chairperson

Order Your Joyner Jagwear for 2020-2021!

Don’t miss this opportunity to order your Jagwear. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Staying Connected 

WJYJ News:  If we can’t be together, we can surely count on our dynamic WJYJ news crew to keep us connected.  Please check out last week’s episode of the WJYJ news and stay tuned for this week’s episode. WJYJ News Show

Let’s Celebrate:  Please feel free to add any pictures of your family you would like to share with others from this past weekend of some much-deserved family fun! Labor Day Family Time Photo Booth

Share Your Feedback – “Glows and Grows”

As IB lead learners, it’s important to be risk-takers, thinkers, caring and reflective on our journeys in life.  These aspects as a JYJ community are vital to our work in supporting one another.

Please fill out the following (optional) survey to share the glows and grows of our new daily learning schedule and how virtual learning is going for you as a family at home.    

Virtual Learning Glows And Grows Guardian Feedback Survey

Daily Learning Schedule

*Self-Care:  It is beyond important throughout this journey to take time for you.  That is often hard to hear as we are so busy taking care of one another.  After all this is the beautiful JYJ school family that we are.  Always giving back to others and making our world a better place for our kids and future generations.  If you or your child needs to step away from the screen time, please do so.  Go for a walk, play outside, put on some music, take time to regroup.  Self-care is essential in life and healthy for you and your child.

News and Resources from WCPSS

Technology Pickup: 

The county has shifted their site pickup to the following three distribution centers:

  • Apex High School – 1501 Laura Duncan Rd, Apex
  • Enloe High School – 128 Clarendon Crescent, Raleigh
  • Knightdale High School – 100 Bryan Chalk Lane, Knightdale

Device distribution center hours this week.

  • Tuesday, September 8: 9am-4pm
  • Thursday, September 10: 9am-7pm
  • Friday, September 11: 9am-1pm

Food Distribution Services:

Families may still apply for free and reduced-price meals. Eligibility and application information is posted on the 2020-21 school year, students who qualify for reduced-price meals will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost. Effective 9/1, families are required to provide a student ID number and pay for their meals based on their meal benefits status. Families are encouraged to use MySchoolBucks to prepay for meals to reduce any payment collections at curbside. Visit for updated food distribution location information.

Families and Schools Together Supports Childcare Needs: 

The Families and Schools Together (FAST) Initiative is a community effort to help address the childcare needs facing our community during remote learning. There are providers currently offering childcare at below-market rates who have the capacity to enroll more children. Scholarships and subsidies are available on a case-by-case basis. Please visit for more information.

“Our teachers and staff are working relentlessly behind the scenes to record, recreate, reimagine, and synergize school in a way we never imagined.  It is magical yet one of the toughest things we have ever done, and you have ever done.  Please remember to provide them and yourselves with grace and understanding as they are the most amazing educators I have ever seen.  They are passionate, resilient, and dedicated to this work when they would want nothing more than to have our kids walk in the doors every day.  We thrive on kids and personal connection and we cannot wait until the day our doors open again and we reunite as a JYJ school family!” Jennifer Zezza

A special surprise guest will be popping into your google meets soon so stay tuned JYJ! #JoynerStrong  #InThisTogether  #WeAreFamily  #ThePeopleMakeThePlace

Calendar Reminders

  • September 10, 7:30 p.m. – PTA Board and Committee Chairs Virtual Meeting
  • September 25 – Deadline for Joyner Jagwear Orders

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

PTA and No Fuss, Jagwear, Spirit Rock Signup & WCPSS Resources

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • PTA and No Fuss Fundraiser
  • Joyner Jagwear 
  • Foundation Updates
  • News from WCPSS
  • Quick Links & Helpful Sites

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

Joyner PTA and No Fuss Fundraiser

Hello Joyner Families! Children thrive when everyone in the school community works together to share thoughts and information that benefit them. Regardless of your child’s educational setting, it is going to be an unprecedented year and we need all hands on deck to make it great!

We are excited to invite all families to join the PTA and make your Fall No-Fuss fundraiser contribution. We don’t ask families to sell candles, candy, wrapping paper etc. Our fundraiser is simple and straightforward, we ask that you make whatever donation you can to help us cover the amazing things that the PTA does for our teachers and students. All membership enrollment and donations will be handled online this year.

Please visit to sign up! As an added bonus, all members who join by Sept 15th will be entered to win a $100 gift card to North Hills. Cori Hawkins, Membership Chairperson

Order Your Joyner Jagwear for 2020-2021!

Jagwear order forms were sent home Friday at the school supply pickup. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or the order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Joyner Foundation Updates

Spirit Rock Signs Ups are Live  – the Joyner Spirit Rock is located in the front of the main entrance!  You can reserve it for 24 hours and paint it to celebrate a birthday, thank a staff member, or to just spread a positive message! It’s lots of fun and the kids & teachers love seeing all the different designs! Reserve your date today by clicking here or by going to Signups in the Joyner Hub on Memberhub. Any questions, contact Heather Kraudel at

Amazon SMILE  – if you shop on Amazon, please make sure you sign up for Amazon Smile. Basically you shop as you normally would BUT a small percent comes back to Joyner!  Just go to and make sure you enter “J Y Joyner Foundation” (the spacing makes a difference…so you may want to copy it) when you select the organization you want to support!

News and Resources from WCPSS

How To Video’s from WCPSS: There are new videos for families on how to use students Wake ID/ Signing Into Google Classroom and more.  These videos have been created in English and Spanish for all WCPSS families. We will keep this information updated on our school website for families to view.  

Back to School Updates from WCPSS: Updated Return to School WCPSS guidance will be found here. Please keep this site bookmarked for ongoing county information.  WCPSS Back to School Updates

Changes to Food Distribution Services Starting September 1: 

Effective September 1, families are required to provide a student ID number and pay for their meals based on their meal benefits status. Families are encouraged to use MySchoolBucks to prepay for meals to reduce any payment collections at curbside.

Free and reduced-price meals will be available for eligible students. Families may pick up meals at our curb-side locations without a student present if they can provide the student’s name and ID number. Visit for updated food distribution location information.

Families may still apply for free and reduced-price meals. Eligibility and application information is posted on the 2020-21 school year, students who qualify for reduced-price meals will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost. Meals will not be distributed for the Labor Day Holiday. Due to our transition to the National School Breakfast Program, students’ names and student ID numbers will need to be provided beginning Tuesday, September 1 to receive breakfast and lunch.

Families and Schools Together Supports Childcare Needs: The Families and Schools Together (FAST) Initiative is a community effort to help address the childcare needs facing our community during remote learning. There are providers currently offering childcare at below-market rates who have the capacity to enroll more children. Scholarships and subsidies are available on a case-by-case basis. Please visit for more information.

JYJ Families Unite #JoynerStrong #WeAreFamily

Knowing that this year will be different, we wanted to provide a platform for parents and families to connect.  One last google classroom that is completely optional to join! JYJ Google ClassroomQuick


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

PTA No Fuss, Order Your Jagwear, SSA Information and Foundation Updates

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Thinkers

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Join the PTA and No Fuss Fundraiser
  • Order Your Jagwear today 
  • Daily Learning Schedule
  • WCPSS SSA Information
  • How to Videos & Return to School Guidance
  • Food Distribution Updates
  • Joyner Foundation Updates
  • Quick Links & Helpful Sites

Remember to look at the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Check out the school and PTA calendar ( and link it to your own Google Calendar.

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed. If you just graduated your last child and you’re done with the NewsFlash, know that we’ll miss you, but feel free to unsubscribe and leave the Joyner hub.

We need YOU to join the PTA!

Hello Joyner Families! Children thrive when everyone in the school community works together to share thoughts and information that benefit them. Regardless of your child’s educational setting, it is going to be an unprecedented year and we need all hands on deck to make it great!

We are excited to invite all families to join the PTA and make your Fall No-Fuss fundraiser contribution. We don’t ask families to sell candles, candy, wrapping paper etc. Our fundraiser is simple and straightforward, we ask that you make whatever donation you can to help us cover the amazing things that the PTA does for our teachers and students. All membership enrollment and donations will be handled online this year.

Please visit to sign up! As an added bonus, all members who join by Sept 15th will be entered to win a $100 gift card to North Hills. Cori Hawkins, Membership Chairperson

Time to order Joyner Jagwear for 2020-2021!

Jagwear order forms were sent home Friday at the school supply pickup. Online orders can be placed at JYJ.MEMBERHUB.STORE or the order forms can be mailed to Susie Petretich (address is on form). **ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID and no change can be given. Orders must be received by September 25th. No orders will be taken after this date. 

Please note that shirts run true to size but the sweatshirts tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when choosing sizes. Questions? Email Susie Petretich at

Daily Learning Schedule

Click here to view the daily schedule that will begin on 8/31.  Daily Learning Schedule

WCPSS SSA Information

WCPSS will reopen nominations for SSA testing the until August 31st. Nominations can be emailed to Julie Frederick. (  Schools will schedule and administer SSA benchmarks (and written components for ELA) in September during the 11th to 30th day of school. Students who qualify for SSA will transition to the next grade level by the seventh week of school (if not earlier).

How To Video’s from WCPSS

There are new videos for families on how to use students Wake ID/ Signing Into Google Classroom and more.  These videos have been created in English and Spanish for all WCPSS families. We will keep this information updated on our school website for families to view.  

Back to School Updates from WCPSS

Updated Return to School WCPSS guidance will be found here. Please keep this site bookmarked for ongoing county information.  WCPSS Back to School Updates

Food Distribution Updates

*Student ID Needed Starting September 1. Meals are served at no cost to students through August 31. Starting September 1, students will pay for meals based on their meal benefits eligibility. In addition, student’s ID number will need to be provided in order to receive meals beginning September 1.  Parents/guardians may pick up meals without a student present if they can provide the ID number of the student. For more information and a list of all community feeding sites, visit

JYJ Families Unite #JoynerStrong #WeAreFamilyKnowing that this year will be different, we wanted to provide a platform for parents and families to connect.  One last google classroom that is completely optional to join! JYJ Google Classroom

Joyner Foundation Updates

Spirit Rock Signs Ups are Live  – the Joyner Spirit Rock is located in the front of the main entrance!  You can reserve it for 24 hours and paint it to celebrate a birthday, thank a staff member, or to just spread a positive message! It’s lots of fun and the kids & teachers love seeing all the different designs! Reserve your date today by clicking here or by going to Signups in the Joyner Hub on Memberhub. Any questions, contact Heather Kraudel at

Amazon SMILE  – if you shop on Amazon, please make sure you sign up for Amazon Smile. Basically you shop as you normally would BUT a small percent comes back to Joyner!  Just go to and make sure you enter “J Y Joyner Foundation” (the spacing makes a difference…so you may want to copy it) when you select the organization you want to support!

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.