
NewsFlash | Dine-out night next week, office volunteer need, charter school funding bill

Extend your IB learning to dinnertime

You can’t go to China for dinner next week, but you can pretend to be international and join us for our last dine-out night of the year at Pei Wei Restaurant (4408 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh) on Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Joyner PTA will receive a percentage of proceeds for all meals purchased on that day (take out or dine in). Give yourself a night out, help the PTA and enjoy the company of friends!


Here’s your chance to use the laminating machine!

Elizabeth Ferriter, our fearless front desk leader, needs two parent volunteers to sort, make copies, laminate and cut out new carpool numbers for the 2016-2017 school year. If you’re available on May 26 or 27 or June 1-3 after 1 p.m., please see Ms. Ferriter in the main office so she can fill you in on the details.


Missing something?

In addition to the general lost and found pile, Ms. Ferriter also has a special stash of prescription glasses, eye cases, jewelry and other treasures that have been left behind at school. If you can describe your item to her, then it’s yours. Please stop by the office if you think one of these treasures might belong to your child.


Advocacy alert from the NC PTA

The North Carolina House of Representatives is considering a bill that would significantly increase the amount of money that local public schools must share with charter schools. The expansion of funds required by HB 539 to be shared includes federal grants and appropriations made directly to local school administrative units, as well as grants and gifts received by the school if the grant or gift does not contain specific restricting language. HB 539 also requires that local school districts must provide charter schools with additional funding for services and programs even if the charter school does not provide the same services or programs connected with the funding. Both the NC School Administrators Association and NC School Boards Association strongly oppose HB 539. If you have concerns about HB 539, please contact your House member and ask that he or she vote NO on House Bill 539. The vote could take place as early as this week. Click here for more information from the NC School Boards Association.

School lunch prices up for next year

The Wake County school board last week approved 25-cent increases in school breakfast and lunch prices for the 2016-17 school year. This is the school district’s first price increase since 2010. Breakfast will rise to $1.25 in elementary schools and $1.50 in middle and high schools. Lunch will increase to $2.25 in elementary schools and $2.50 in middle and high schools. There is no change expected in the price for reduced-priced meals. It’s free for breakfast and 40 cents for lunch for those students who qualify for the lower price due to their reported family income. (via The N&O)


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at For those who’ve just joined, welcome to the NewsFlash!

NewsFlash | PTA meeting, Box Tops, magic markers and lots of Friday fun

PTA meeting tomorrow at 6:30

Our final PTA general membership meeting will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m. — please be prompt so that we can wrap up before the student performance begins at 6:45! We need your votes to approve the proposed PTA budget amendment for 2015-16 school year, the proposed PTA budget for 2016-17 school year, and the slate of PTA officers for 2016-17 school year. We’ll also announce the school supplies pre-sale and present the George Risinger Service Award for 2015-16.


Last chance for Box Tops

Gather up all those tiny little Box Tops that you’ve clipped and stashed all year — this is the last week to send them in to your child’s teacher for this school year. The class that collects the most gets a pizza party. Your kids will thank you — and so will the PTA funds.

It’s also the final collection for the Crayola Colorcycle project. Please bring in your dried up markers, dry erase, sharpies, highlighter — ANY kind of marker can be recycled. The colorful collection bin is located in the art room. Thanks to everyone who has sent in markers already this year!


Star of Stage and Screen

Have you seen the beautiful new stage under the overhang? Be sure to check it out the next time you’re at school — it’s a great upgrade for our school’s performance space, thanks to continued efforts by Julie Dalton and the PTA’s grounds restoration committee.

New Joyner stage

Fun and games on Friday

Many thanks to all the volunteers who help make Joyner such a wonderful family! Join us for a thank-you celebration on Friday morning when you bring your kids to school.

Then it’s the ultimate kids Fri-yay — Field Day craziness for everyone this Friday! Thanks to all who have volunteered to help make this event possible. Mr. Poyer is still collecting juice boxes and cookies for the kids to have during the day.

And as if that weren’t enough awesomeness for one Friday, there’s also the Duct-Tape-a-Principal for the J.Y. Joyner Foundation — don’t forget to bring your $5 this week to buy your piece of silver stickiness to attach Mrs. Hutchinson to the wall on Friday.


Final dine-out night next month

Please join Joyner families for fellowship and fundraising at Pei Wei Restaurant (4408 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh) on Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Joyner PTA will receive a percentage of proceeds for all meals purchased on that day (take out or dine in). This is a great chance to bring your family out to dinner with Joyner friends as the school year is coming to a close!


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at For those who’ve just joined, welcome to the NewsFlash!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 19: Kindergarten animal parade, 8:30 a.m.
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting at 6:30 followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 20: Field day and volunteer breakfast
  • May 26-June 6: EOG testing and make-ups
  • June 8: 5th grade celebration (pre-ceremony reception in cafeteria at 8:30, graduation in gym at 9 a.m.)
  • June 9: Annual faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game, 9 a.m. at Kiwanis Park

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

President’s Monthly Musing: “Remember Me as IB”

From PTA President Keisha Green

In my former life (years before becoming a PTA President), I worked in higher education administration.  In that role, I frequently came in contact with students who had earned the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma.  I noticed that one after the other set the bar for academic achievement.  Whatever they’d learned prior to college set them on a path to success.  I thought that someday I’d want the same for my children.

After completing research on the IB programmes, I was happy to discover that IB existed at the elementary level (yay for Joyner!).  Yet, I realize that many parents may be unaware of the principles promoted by this special program.  In each of my communications this year, I’ve integrated a bit of those principles.  Its tenets reflect the importance of intellect and more importantly citizenship.

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

The IB programme encourages its students to embrace 10 core principles that support its mission.  IB learners strive to be:

Inquirers  “Summer Inquirers”                        Caring “Caring Families with Engaged Learners”

Knowledgeable “Common Knowledge”     Communicators “Champion Communications”

Balanced  “Balanced Foundation”                   Reflective “Rules Reflective of our Purpose”

Principled  “The Power of Principled Parents”    Risk-Takers

Open-Minded                              Thinkers 

Over this past year, I’ve considered each of these principles when making decisions and confronting challenges.  For those of you that I’ve met, and those that I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting, it is my hope that you recognize in all areas, every consideration has been given to embracing humanity and creating a happy place for our children and our world (JYJ).

It has been my pleasure to serve as President of the PTA this year.  I have no doubt that Catherine Otto and her board will continue to make this a better space for our children.  As I say good-bye to this role, if there is any way to remember my tenure, I’d say to Remember Me as IB….

NewsFlash | Kindergarten orientation today, Box Tops collection and final dine-out night in June

Kindergarten orientation today

Our kindergarten orientation will be held TODAY at 8:30 a.m. Parents should bring your rising K student with you to attend — the current kindergartners will present a welcome program and your student will get to spend time with the kindergarten teachers while you learn more about being a Joyner family.


Final dine-out night next month

Please join Joyner families for fellowship and fundraising at Pei Wei Restaurant (4408 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh) on Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Joyner PTA will receive a percentage of proceeds for all meals purchased on that day (take out or dine in). This is a great chance to bring your family out to dinner with Joyner friends as the school year is coming to a close!


Turn Box Tops into cash for PTA

It’s time for our final Box Top collection of the school year! Clip all those tiny little Box Tops and send them in to your child’s teacher — the class that collects the most gets a pizza party. Collection runs May 16-20.


Share your thoughts on math standards

Parents, educators and interested citizens are invited to provide feedback regarding proposed revisions to the North Carolina content standards for high school math courses Math 1, 2 and 3 via an online survey. The survey will be available through May 20. NC Department of Public Instruction staff review the state’s Standard Course of Study on a five-year cycle per subject, and mathematics is currently under review. As proposed, the changes could go into effect as early as this fall if the State Board approves the changes at its June meeting. The K-12 English/Language Arts Standards revision process will proceed this summer with the K-8 mathematics standards and fourth level high school mathematics standards revision process proceeding in the fall. Click here for more details.


Show off your PTA membership

Let us see your PTA pride by joining us for the final PTA membership meeting of the 2016 school year — May 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. We’ll share highlights from this year and vote on the proposed budget and PTA officers for next year, so we need all your voices in attendance.


Have a 4th grader? You’re in luck!

Did you know that the federal Every Kid in a Park initiative allows 4th graders nationwide to obtain a pass for free entry for them and their families to more than 2,000 federally managed lands and waters nationwide for an entire year? The second year of this annual program begins Sept. 1. To find out how to get a pass or for more information to help plan trips, check out the Every Kid in a Park website.


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at For those who’ve just joined, welcome to the NewsFlash!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 11: Rising kindergarten orientation, 8:30 a.m.
  • May 12: Spanish dancing evening for various classes and grades
  • May 14: Letterland at Pullen Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • May 19: Kindergarten animal parade, 8:30 a.m.
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting at 6:30 followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 20: Field day and volunteer breakfast
  • May 26-June 6: EOG testing and make-ups
  • June 8: 5th grade celebration (pre-ceremony reception in cafeteria at 8:30, graduation in gym at 9 a.m.)
  • June 9: Annual faculty vs. 5th grade kickball game, 9 a.m. at Kiwanis Park

NewsFlash | Summer camps, input forms and more

Sign up for summer camps

There are still spaces left in the ever popular summer camps offered by Joyner teachers. Sign up your kids and invite their friends (including non-Joyner ones)! Check out the links below for details and registration information:


Last week for input forms

Don’t forget to turn in your parent input forms regarding class assignments for next year. They’re due back in the office by Monday, May 9. Don’t have a form yet? Check with Ms. Ferriter in the main office.


Spend lunchtime with your child’s class

If you haven’t covered your child’s class during lunchtime, then you really haven’t experienced the full glory of being a teacher. But don’t despair — your chance is coming next week! The PTA’s Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee has planned a wonderful end-of-year lunch for the Joyner teachers and staff next Wednesday, May 11. Please check with your room parents about volunteering to provide lunch coverage so that teachers can have a break from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to enjoy this special treat. Contact Alli Corsmmeier at with questions.


Join a quick PTA meeting

Think “quick meeting” is an oxymoron? Then join us for the final PTA membership meeting of the 2016 school year — May 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the gym — and let us prove it can be done. We’ll share highlights from this year and vote on the proposed budget for next year, so we need all your voices in attendance.


Appreciate that deep breath

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. There is no cure for asthma and allergies, but many deaths are preventable with proper treatment and care. Ten people a day die from asthma. Asthma affects 24 million Americans, including 6.3 million children under the age of 18. More than 50 million Americans have all types of allergies – pollen, skin, latex and more — and the rate of allergies is climbing. Click here to learn more.


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 9: Parent input forms for 2016-17 due to Joyner
  • May 11: Rising kindergarten orientation, 8:30 a.m.
  • May 12: Spanish dancing evening for various classes and grades
  • May 19: Kindergarten animal parade, 8:30 a.m.
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting at 6:30 followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 20: Field day and volunteer breakfast
  • May 26-June 6: EOG testing and make-ups
  • June 8: 5th grade celebration
  • June 9: Kickball game

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Food truck menus, artwork orders and autism awareness

Tomorrow is the big night!

We are excited to announce all SEVEN food trucks coming to Joyner this Thursday! In addition to providing us with so many delicious dinner options, ALL trucks have agreed to donate a portion of their event sales to the JYJ PTA! See below for the vegetarian, vegan & gluten-free options offered at each truck. To view their full menus, please visit their individual websites. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

What: Joyner Night of Nonsense & Food Truck Frenzy

When: Thursday, April 28

  • Food Truck Frenzy: 4:45 – 7:45 p.m. (trucks accept cash & credit)
  • Nonsense Show: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. – ALWAYS FREE & ALWAYS FUN! Thanks in advance to all the Joyner staff and teachers for creating a fun show for us every year. If you’ve never been, just trust us — you don’t want to miss this show!

Where: Food trucks in the carpool lane/loop, seating in the cafeteria, show under the overhang next to the carpool loop.

Parking: Good luck! Parking is limited, so please walk/carpool if you can.

Bring: Money for food trucks and a picnic blanket if you’d like to eat outside. Bring your friends and neighbors. And your children.

Who are the trucks?
We have delicious savory trucks and sweet vendors booked — click the links for more details.

  • Phenomenal Dumplings: We offer a vegetarian/vegan dumpling and a Vegetarian/vegan/gluten free Curry Noodle.
  • Pie Pushers Pizza: Check the slice menu the day before the event as it changes daily. We are happy to accommodate dietary needs. We offer cheese-less pizza pies … no cheese, more veggies! We do not always have this as a slice option, but can always make 8″ or 16′ pies. Note: It will take a few more minutes, so calling ahead is always a good option. 919-901-0743. At the moment, we unfortunately do not offer any gluten-free options.
  • Chick-N-Que: Cup of Que – gluten free; Black Bean Burger- vegetarian; Green Beans, Coleslaw – vegetarian/vegan
  • Humble Pig: We do a veggie taco with the baked beans. We carry sweet fries and corn tortillas. Our sauces are all gluten free, as is the meat.
  • CJ’s Street Food: The Black Bean tacos are gluten free and vegetarian, and can be made vegan without the lime cream
  • Oscar Williams Cotton Candy: All of our fresh spun cotton candy is gluten and allergen free, organic all natural (Vegan). Flavors offered for this event will be Marshmallow, Vanilla & Coconut.
  • Loco Pops: $2/pop; Cream flavors (vegetarian): Strawberries & cream (GF), Blueberry Buttermilk (GF), Cookies & Cream and Chocolate Brownie; Fruit flavors (vegan): Cherry Lime, Pomegranate Black Currant and Strawberry Lemonade


Art treasures are back

Original Works orders and artwork went home yesterday (Tuesday). If you have any questions or anything is wrong with your order, please email by THIS Friday.


April is Autism Awareness month

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the second most common developmental disability following intellectual disability. ASD is more common than childhood cancer, cystic fibrosis and multiple sclerosis combined. It is estimated that up to 1 out of every 68 children born today has some form of ASD. Evidence suggests that the prevalence rate in North Carolina is even higher than the national average, at 1 in 58. Check out these great videos and resources for more information:


Connecting new JYJ families

Know a new family coming to Joyner next year? Let them know they can sign up to join our MemberHub at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 28: Food Truck Frenzy (4:45 p.m.) and Night of Nonsense (6:30-8 p.m.) at Joyner
  • April 29: Wake County’s GradNation Community Summit, 8:30-4:30 — registration is free, but seats are limited. Click here for details and registration.
  • May 9: Parent input forms for 2016-17 due to Joyner
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 26: EOG testing begins

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Summer camps, Food Truck Frenzy and the Foundation Gala

Great summer camps with JYJ teachers 

Still looking for fun day camp options for your kids this summer? Be sure to check out these popular  programs offered by Joyner teachers:


Missing a coat?

Lost and found is overflowing again! Be sure to check for your child’s forgotten winter coat, hat and gloves — they may not need those items now, but you’ll be wondering what happened to them next fall when the temperatures drop again.


Let your voice be heard

Don’t forget these three opportunities to provide your feedback at the state, county and school level:


Food trucks coming for Night of Nonsense! 

Hopefully you saw yesterday’s update about all the great food trucks coming to the Food Truck Frenzy at Night of Nonsense. Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page (and share the event with your friends and neighbors) — the more RSVPs we have, the more tasty food trucks we can invite. This fun event is held at Joyner on April 28 — food starts at 4:45 and the show begins at 6:30.



  • Help support Joyner’s Odyssey of the Mind team — Sushi Surfers — as they represent Joyner in Iowa next month, competing against some of the best teams from around the world. Please visit their GoFundMe page to help the team cover their registration and travel costs — they’re almost halfway to their goal.
  • Joyner’s visit from author Deborah Wiles has been rescheduled for today.
  • Want to help with dine-out nights, K-2 liaison or Night of Nonsense next year? Contact Catherine Otto at to volunteer, to ask questions or to nominate someone.


Exciting event this week to support the JY Joyner Foundation 

  • The JY Joyner Spring Gala is TOMORROW! You can pre-register to participate in the auction by texting JOYNER to 24700 and then follow the directions to pre-register your name and payment information.
  • The Produce Box will donate $10 to the JYJ Foundation for every Joyner family that signs up for a membership during the month of April. To sign up, follow this link and use special code JOYNER.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 20: Visit from author Deborah Wiles
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House
  • April 28: Food Truck Frenzy (4:45 p.m.) and Night of Nonsense (6:30-8 p.m.) at Joyner
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 26: EOG testing begins

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Feedback opportunities, food trucks and funding for OM

Share your feedback at the state, county and school level

In your Monday message from PTA President Keisha Green, you heard about the importance of parent engagement. Here are three ways you can connect with your child’s public school experience:


Food trucks coming for Night of Nonsense! 

Announcing the first two food trucks signed up for our Food Truck Frenzy at Night of Nonsense: Pie Pushers and The Humble Pig! Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page (and share the event with your friends and neighbors) — the more RSVPs we have, the more tasty food trucks we can invite. This fun event is held at Joyner on April 28 — food starts at 4:45 and the show begins at 6:30.


Joyner OM team taking over the world!

As you already heard in Mrs. Hutchinson’s Sunday phone message, one of Joyner’s Odyssey of the Mind teams — Sushi Surfers — won 1st place in their regional competition and 2nd in the state contest, competing against dozens of other teams. They will represent Joyner in Iowa next month, competing against some of the best teams from around the world — and now they need your help. Please visit their GoFundMe page to help the team cover their registration and travel costs for this impressive event!


Author to visit next week 

Joyner’s visit from author Deborah Wiles has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 20. Check your child’s Wednesday folders for a flyer from Mrs. Hale.


Want to be the boss?

Looking for a chance to be in charge of something, exercise a little authority, flex some muscle? Now’s your chance! The Joyner PTA still needs to fill a few positions for next year including Dine-out Nights (to plan and promote them), K-2 Liaison(plan summer playdates of K families, popsicles on meet the teacher for K, etc.), and someone to assist the fabulous Jen Schrage with Night of Nonsense. Please contact Catherine Otto at to volunteer, to ask questions or to nominate someone.


Exciting events this week to support the JY Joyner Foundation 

The JY Joyner Foundation is promoting three fundraising opportunities in April. Funds raised through the Foundation will be used to attract and retain talented educators and enhance the IB program at Joyner.

  • Bring the family to Piola and Lily Rain in North Hills THIS THURSDAY, April 14, for dinner and shopping and support the JY Joyner Foundation! Piola is hosting a family-style spaghetti dinner on April 14 from 4-9 p.m. and will donate 20% of sales to the JY Joyner Foundation. Piola is also offering a discount on bottles of wine for friends of JYJ that night. Reservations are strongly encouraged, but not required. Reserve your spot here! Lily Rain is also donating 20% of all sales on April 14 to the JY Joyner Foundation. Lily Rain, open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., is the perfect place to buy women’s clothing, jewelry and accessories for the Foundation Gala. Please remember to mention that you are with JYJ at both Piola and Lily Rain so that 20% of your purchase goes towards the JYJ Foundation.
  • The JY Joyner Spring Gala will be held on Thursday, April 21! Click here to purchase tickets. Deadline to purchase tickets is THIS FRIDAY, April 15. You can also pre-register to participate in the auction by texting JOYNER to 24700 and then follow the directions to pre-register your name and payment information.
  • The Produce Box will donate $10 to the JYJ Foundation for every Joyner family that signs up for a membership during the month of April. To sign up, follow this link and use special code JOYNER.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 14: Foundation fundraisers at Piola and Lily Rain
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House
  • April 28: Food Truck Frenzy (4:45 p.m.) and Night of Nonsense (6:30-8 p.m.) at Joyner
  • May 19: General PTA membership meeting followed by 6:45 music concert (2nd grade, 3rd grades and the Gold Choir)
  • May 26: EOG testing begins

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

President’s Monthly Musings: Caring Families with Engaged Learners

From PTA President Keisha Green

A graduate student recently sought my response to a school-related topic that I realized I knew very little about.  At the time, I did not search for more information.  Rather, I gave her an honest, off-the-cuff response under the realization that I was woefully uninformed on the subject.


The student solicited my response to the statement, “parents’ understanding of district, state and federal mandates regarding parent engagement.”  My initial response was to scratch my head in bewilderment.  Then, I assumed she was referring to attendance laws.

Little did I know that such mandates are much more pronounced and involve schools encouraging parents to take an active role in the school setting.  As the parent of school-aged children, I had given little thought to the fact that there are laws and policies in place that encourage family’s engagement in their children’s education.   Here is a bit of what I discovered at each level of government.

The “Every Student Succeeds Act” mandates that states must provide school districts and schools with effective parent engagement strategies.  The National PTA has identified family engagement as one its legislative priorities.

North Carolina’s general statutes posit the General Assembly’s “belief that parent involvement is an essential component of school success and positive student outcomes.”  There is an actual  statute (N.C.G.S. §95-28.3)  that mandates employers’ allowing parents four hours of annual leave for involvement in school-related activities.

Moreover, the General Assembly charges local boards of education with a duty to work with local business leaders to “include and adopt as part of their personnel policies time for employees… to attend conferences with their children’s teachers.” (N.C.G.S. §115C-47(34)).

The NC State Board of Education publishes a policy manual that addresses its stance on family involvement.   It’s exhaustive and can be found here.
As part of its strategic plan, the Wake County School Board, pledges its commitment to community engagement.   Particularly, the Board’s policy states its intent to:

  • Increase Community Volunteers
  • Strengthen Parent Engagement by offering programs in multiple languages via diverse channels
  • Require School Improvement Plans to include community engagement components that support student achievement, and
  • Strengthen customer service in areas with high parental patronage

Research shows that there is a positive correlation between parental involvement and students’ eagerness for learning.  While Joyner does not appear to be lacking in partnerships between parents and the school, it’s interesting to know that there are laws and policies in place that encourage and advocate for these relationships.  Engagement is so much more than our children’s showing up for the school day.

NewsFlash | Dine-out night, class pictures, learning garden and more!

Dine-out night at Chick-fil-A this Thursday

Remember to join us on April 7 between 5 and 8 p.m. at the North Hills Chick-fil-A for dine-out night! Thursday’s high is predicted to be 72, which seems warm enough for a milkshake on the green. Be sure to let the cashier know that you’re there to support Joyner and 15% of your order will come back to the PTA!


Class pictures this Thursday

Be sure your children wear something memorable this Thursday so that their special outfits will be forever memorialized in their class photos that will get posted to Facebook in 20 years. Or whatever the kids are using to embarrass each other for reunion purposes by then.


Help build Joyner’s learning garden this Saturday

Thanks to a grant from Whole Kids Foundation, Ms. Mbalia and the Joyner community get to turn the space behind the office into a veggie garden that will serve as an outdoor classroom. Sign up now to help by donating water, bringing tools (shovels, rakes and bottled waters) and spending time setting up the garden on April 9 from 9 a.m. to noon. Whole Foods will be providing breakfast and snack items for volunteers!


Get ready for Night of Nonsense! 

Everyone’s favorite springtime PTA event is back — it’s the Joyner Night of Nonsense and Food Truck Frenzy on Thursday, April 28! Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page (and share the event with your friends and neighbors) so that we can invite more tasty food trucks. The food trucks will be serving from 4:45-7:45 p.m. and the always fabulous, fun and free Nonsense Show runs from 6:30-8 p.m. under the overhang.


Call for art supplies

In case you haven’t seen Mr. Fotta’s post-it notes beside the art room door, he needs:

  • white tempera paint
  • green tempera paint
  • crayola markers
  • big erasers
  • pencil sharpeners
  • big black sharpies


Upcoming events from the JY Joyner Foundation 

The JY Joyner Foundation is promoting three fundraising opportunities in April. Funds raised through the Foundation will be used to attract and retain talented educators and enhance the IB program at Joyner.

  • Bring the family to Piola and Lily Rain in North Hills on April 14 for dinner and shopping and support the JY Joyner Foundation! Piola is hosting a family-style spaghetti dinner on April 14 from 4-9 p.m. and will donate 20% of sales to the JY Joyner Foundation. Piola is also offering a discount on bottles of wine for friends of JYJ that night. Reservations are strongly encouraged, but not required. Reserve your spot here! Lily Rain is also donating 20% of all sales on April 14 to the JY Joyner Foundation. Lily Rain, open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., is the perfect place to buy women’s clothing, jewelry and accessories for the Foundation Gala. Please remember to mention that you are with JYJ at both Piola and Lily Rain so that 20% of your purchase goes towards the JYJ Foundation.
  • The JY Joyner Spring Gala will be held on Thursday, April 21! Click here to purchase tickets. Please contact Ashley Jones at or 919-349-4177 with any questions.
  • The Produce Box will donate $10 to the JYJ Foundation for every Joyner family that signs up for a membership during the month of April. To sign up, follow this link and use special code JOYNER.


Testing dates set for EOGs

Joyner’s end-of-grade testing dates for students in 3rd through 5th grades have been set for May 26-27 and June 1-3. Check the Joyner website for specific details. Click here for additional resources about EOG testing.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 7: Dine-out night at North Hills Chick-fil-A
  • April 9: Garden Mob Day at Joyner from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • April 14: Foundation fundraisers at Piola and Lily Rain
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House
  • May 19: Music concert
  • May 26: EOG testing begins

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.