
NewsFlash | JYJ 5K, book drive, yearbooks and spring clubs

Get your sporty shoes on

Join us for the 5th Annual JY Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 6, 2016! The JYJ 5K Run/Walk aims to teach kids about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices and raises money to fund annual programs for our 700+ student body. Over the past four years, more than 2,400 race participants have helped fund character education, Battle of the Books, campus beautification, Science Go Round, First in Fitness, technology updates, media center projects and so much more. The 5K Run/Walk is the grand finale event of our month-long Healthy Choice Marathon, which celebrates healthy minds and bodies by encouraging students to read, eat well and exercise daily. Registration for the 5K opens Friday, Feb. 5, and will be accessible through the PTA website at


Help kids WAKE Up and Read!

We’re joining with Wake County’s WAKE up and READ book drive through the Healthy Choice Marathon again this year — our goal is 2,600 books! If we reach our goal by Friday, Feb. 26, then all students get to dress as a book character on Friday, March 4. Please bring new and gently used children’s books to donate to preschool and elementary grade readers in Wake County public schools. We’ll tally the total books collected and the grade level that collects the most will be able to decide which book character Mrs. Childress and Mrs. Hutchinson will dress up as on the day of the JYJ 5K. We also need 6-8 volunteers during the HCM to assist with the book corralling and tallying for about 30 minutes on the four Fridays during the HCM: 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, and 3/4. Volunteers will meet just outside the main office at 8:30 a.m. — contact Kate Sonawane at if you want to help out and earn some good karma.


Order your memories

Flyers will go home in Wednesday folders next week with details about yearbook sales, which start on Feb. 10. A link will also be available through MemberHub and on the PTA website for online orders. For now, we need pictures from JYJ events. Please email pictures as “actual size” to so we can use them in the yearbook.


High five your guidance counselor

You’ve got three more days to recognize Andrea Buston and Jessie Hunt for National School Counseling Week. Don’t forget to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work and commitment to supporting Joyner’s students!


Plan your sweets strategy 

Next Friday (Feb. 12) is early release and teacher/staff appreciation — the theme is “How sweet it is to be taught be you!” Have your child bring in some goodies or their teacher’s favorite sweet treat. Don’t forget to use the “Favorite Things” lists in your classroom hub for your teacher and designated staff person. On Feb. 12, the PTA will also provide a hot chocolate and make your own candy bar for teachers and staff.


Check out spring club details

Tailored Enrichment Kids (TEK) is excited to return JYJ this spring with a fantastic line up of enrichment clubs led by JYJ teachers. The clubs will meet on Wednesdays, March 2-April 13, from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Registration forms will go home next week and registration will be held on Thursday, Feb. 18, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the JYJ media center. Visit the PTA website for details about the spring club listing.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Feb. 5: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off
  • Feb. 10: Yearbook sales open
  • Feb. 12: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Feb. 15: School day — snow make-up day
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

2015 Mini-grants support Joyner teachers

The JY Joyner PTA–funded Mini-Grant Program allows teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. Mini-grants have helped to fund many significant achievements at our school including: the Reading Rainbow series, campus and grounds improvements, class sets of books, special Spanish language programs, updated counseling technology, and equipment for teachers and specialists. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the education staff and adds interesting elements to the curriculum.

The next funding period for mini-grants will be fall of 2016. The Mini-Grants Committee will post information and applications in September. Contact Arinn Widmayer if you have questions about the Mini-Grant Program.

Congratulations to our fall 2015 mini-grant recipients!

  • Stacy Arch (5th Grade) — Chess for the Mind
  • Christina Bell (Spanish) — Cultura, Drama y Mas!
  • Andrea Burston (Counselor) — Counselor supplies
  • Adriana Duncan (Spanish) — Escriba, Escriba, Escriba a Tiempo
  • Amy Gorley (Spanish) — Spanish Conversation Digital Timer
  • Denise Hale (Library) — Award Winners! Book Collection
  • Mallory Mbalia (Admin Intern) — Rain Barrels for Community Garden
  • Phyllis Moore (Music) — Music Room Printer
  • Monica Normark (3rd Grade) — Reading Strategies for 3rd Graders
  • Lourdes Onate (Spanish) — Cultural Dancing garment bags
  • Adriana Pardo (5th Grade) — Knitting Club
  • Heather Pelletier (2nd Grade) — NC Science Olympiad
  • Stefanie Piper (Kindergarten) — Legos for Education
  • Tim Poyer (PE) — Kidz Bop! CDs and Cones for Joyner PE
  • Jenni Wilkinson (Kindergarten) — Do You Toobaloo?
  • Anna Young (AIG) — Scholarly Reading in a Global World

TEK Clubs for Spring 2016

Tailored Enrichment Kids (TEK) is excited to return JYJ this spring with a fantastic line up of enrichment clubs! Our teachers have done an outstanding job creating a variety of club offerings. TEK pays Joyner teachers to teach clubs, so participation supports our JYJ teachers. Here are the details:

Spring 2016 JYJ TEK Clubs
Wednesdays, March 2-April 13 from 3:30-4:45 p.m.
Registration forms go home the week of Feb 8.
Registration held on Thursday, Feb. 18, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the JYJ media center.

  • Upcycled Art! — Grades K-2 taught by Tina Lyon
  • Cool Concoctions — Grades K-2 taught by Stefanie Piner
  • Junior Chess Mates — Grades K-2 taught by Fran Cameron
  • Black Keys/White Keys — Grades 1-2 taught by Phyllis Moore
  • Brain Busters — Grades 2-5 taught by Dominique Orr
  • Purls of Wisdom Knitting Club — Grades 2-5 taught by Adriana Pardo
  • Latin Dancing — Grades 2-5 taught by Christina Bell
  • Ultimate Team Sports — Grades 2-5 taught by Tim Poyer
  • Fantastically Fun Frenzy of Camp Games Galore — Grades 2-5 taught by Amy Gourley
  • Chess Mates — Grades 3-5 taught by Stacy Arch
  • “What’s Your Inspiration?” Exploring Artists and Creating Art — Grades 3-5 taught by Del Lancaster
  • Tech and Tinkering — Grades 3-5 taught by Jen Bell

Have questions? Please contact Duval Fisher at or 919-612-2982.

Note: These programs are not sponsored by the PTA.

NewsFlash | Summer camps, fitness video contest, book drive and more

Hug your guidance counselor

Next week is National School Counseling Week — the perfect excuse to give a big ol’ hug to the fabulous Joyner counseling team, Andrea Burston and Jessie Hunt. We all appreciate their hard work and tireless contributions to ensuring student achievement and success at Joyner. Please give them some extra love next week (and this week, too, just because)!


Summer camp registration info available 

Nothing cures an icy week faster than planning for summer! Even though those hot months are still ages away, camp registrations are already starting. Visit the whiteboard in the hub to share links to camps that other families might be interested in. Be sure to check the files section of this hub for the newest camp brochure from our own Mr. Poyer, Mr. Fotta and Ms. Orr for their ever-popular PE/Art/Explorer camps held in August. We’re feeling warmer already.


Snow day reminders

Hopefully you enjoyed — or at least survived — the adventures of our extended weekend. Keep in mind that all decisions regarding weather-related delays or cancellations are made by the district in the best interest of safety for the entire county.

  • If school closes early due to inclement weather, the after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children as soon as possible.
  • If the Superintendent cancels all after-school activities, the after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children at the close of school.
  • The before-school program will be delayed by the same amount of time that the opening of school is delayed. If school is delayed one hour, the before-school program will open an hour late as well.
  • When school is delayed, all students will still have a lunch period and the cafeteria will serve lunch as usual.
  • Potential snow make-up days are already listed at the bottom of the WCPSS traditional calendar for 2015-16. To make up the past two snow days, we will now have school on Feb. 15 and March 24.


Last week to submit for the video contest — dabbing optional

Okay, everyone — time to get off the couch and make those videos! Students are invited to create a 30-second video showcasing themselves — with or without JYJ friends — doing their favorite healthy activity. Ideas include dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us whatever you love to do to stay healthy. We can only show a limited number of videos on the JYJ News, so get your submissions in as soon as you can! Submit your video via email through Feb. 1 to Kate Sonawane at


Magnet application deadline this Friday

Families interested in attending a Wake County magnet school now have an additional week to complete the online application. The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 29Visit the WCPSS website for details about what magnet options are available to you, how students are selected and what the timeline is for notifications.


Help kids WAKE Up and Read!

We’re joining with Wake County’s WAKE up and READ book drive through the Healthy Choice Marathon again this year. Please bring new and gently used children’s books to donate to young readers in Wake County public schools. We’ll tally the total books collected and the grade level that collects the most will be able to decide which book character Mrs. Childress and Mrs. Hutchinson will dress up as on the day of the JYJ 5K. We also need 6-8 volunteers during the HCM to assist with the book corralling and tallying for about 30 minutes on the four Fridays during the HCM: 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, and 3/4. Volunteers will meet just outside the main office at 8:30 a.m. — contact Kate Sonawane at if you want to help out and earn some good karma.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Jan. 29: Magnet application period closes
  • Feb. 1: Video contest deadline
  • Feb. 5: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off
  • Feb. 12: Early release
  • Feb. 15: School day — snow make-up day
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Healthy Choice video contest, magnet application period extended

Brand new video contest — leg warmers optional

To get everyone ready for the annual Healthy Choice Marathon, we’re launching a new video contest! Students are invited to create a 30-second video showcasing themselves — with or without JYJ friends — doing their favorite healthy activity. Ideas include dancing, playing sports, running, jumping, stretching… show us whatever you love to do to stay healthy! Selected videos will appear on the JYJ News, and six students (three K-2nd grade and three 3rd-5th grade) will be asked to appear onstage during the HCM Kickoff Assembly on Friday, Feb. 5! Submit your video via email anytime NOW through Feb. 1 to Kate Sonawane at

On a related topic… the JYJ Running Club, which get students excited for the 5K, is in need of a co-chair. Please contact Shanna Schroeder at if you’re interested in helping with this great program.


Magnet application period open now

Families interested in attending a Wake County magnet school now have an additional week to complete the online application. The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 29Visit the WCPSS website for details about what magnet options are available to you, how students are selected and what the timeline is for notifications.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Jan. 29: Magnet application period closes
  • Feb. 1: Video contest deadline
  • Feb. 5: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off
  • Feb. 12: Early release
  • Feb. 15: Teacher workday
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Teacher appreciation, found items and a date for the Foundation gala

Are you ready for teacher/staff appreciation day?

Of course you are! Just don’t forget to bring “things that get you moving” to school this Friday for early release. Have your children bring anything that may “move” their teachers — think gas card, iTunes card, maybe a super-caffeinated beverage (but only if it’s on their favorite things list). PTA will provide a healthy choice yogurt bar for teachers and staff that afternoon.


Science Olympiad team open for new members, parent meeting tomorrow

Joyner is looking for a few more students to complete our Science Olympiad teams to compete in the Science Olympiad tournament on Saturday, March 19, at Middle Creek High School in Apex. There is no cost to participate (unless we order t-shirts) and students will work with a partner to focus on two science areas. Practice times are flexible and can be done on your own with a parent coach OR scheduled before / after school with Ms. Pelletier, Mrs. Young or other staff. Focus areas include chemistry, forces of motion, engineering, weather, animal adaptations, electricity, astronomy, fossils, metric measurement/data and more. All events build on the academic standards that your child is being taught in elementary so 5th graders will obviously need less review. We also have room for a few 6th grade siblings if interested. Click here for more detailed information.

A parent meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 14, at 3:30 in the media center for those who are interested. If you can’t make this meeting, please contact Ms. Pelletier at


Found items to be donated

If you’d like to get back the coats, hats, gloves and lunch boxes that your kids left behind, be sure to check the lost & found this week for missing items. Any unclaimed items will be donated on Friday. If you’re interested in washing these items before we donate them, please contact Julie Dalton at


After school play program

Coach Scott continues to offer his Sports After School program for Joyner students (and friends) in Kiwanis park on Tuesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. Get extra P.E. time in your child’s week with games like tag, hide-n-seek, kickball, soccer, parachute, capture the flag and more. Families can sign up for one trial class, then sign up for as many weeks as you like at $15 per week. Sibling discounts are available. Contact Coach Scott at or 336-963-4555.


Date set for Foundation gala

Mark your calendars now for the 1st Annual JYJoyner Foundation Gala to be held on Thursday, April 21 at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House in downtown Raleigh. The Foundation is currently seeking corporate sponsorships and silent auction items. If you or someone you know would be interested in being a corporate sponsor or donating an item for the auction, please contact Ashley Jones at For more on the difference between the PTA and the Foundation, read this post from PTA President Keisha Green.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Jan. 14: Parent meeting for Science Olympiad
  • Jan. 14: School spelling bee
  • Jan. 15: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation
  • Jan. 18: Holiday
  • Jan. 19: Teacher workday
  • Jan. 22: Magnet application period closes
  • Feb. 5: Healthy Choice Marathon kick-off
  • Feb. 12: Early release
  • Feb. 15: Teacher workday
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Happy New Year!

Welcome back, Jaguars! Hope you had a spectacular break and are ready to tackle 2016.

Thanks for your help!

A special thank you to all the parents who completed the communications survey last fall — we’ve been incorporating your feedback and are always open to further suggestions. With support from Technology Chair Matt Harrell, we’ve also launched an updated PTA website. It’s a work in progress, so please let us know if you find typos (gasp!) or have information you’d like to see covered on the site.

With a teacher workday coming this month and summer camp registrations around the corner, don’t forget to visit the whiteboards in the main Joyner hub to share recommendations for camps, events and activities.


Enrichment clubs coming soon

Tailored Enrichment Kids announces the return of TEK After School Enrichment Clubs at JYJ for the spring 2016. Clubs will run on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 starting March 2 through April 13 (skipping Spring Break week) — TEK supervises students from dismissal until clubs begin at 3:30. Each club costs $135 per student. Club descriptions and registration forms will go home in folders on Feb. 10. Registration forms will be turned in on Thursday, Feb. 18, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the JYJ media center — clubs will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Duval Fisher at with any questions.


Magnet application period opens Thursday

If you’re interested in applying for one of Wake County’s magnet schools — or in enticing your friends to apply to Joyner — then check out the WCPSS website for details about the application process. Applications may be submitted online from Jan. 7-22.


Help get your teacher moving

Next Friday is early release and a teacher/staff appreciation day with the theme “Things that get you moving.” Have your children bring anything that may “move” their teachers — think gas card, iTunes card, maybe a super-caffeinated beverage (but only if it’s on their favorite things list). PTA will provide a healthy choice yogurt bar for teachers and staff that afternoon.


What once was lost…

…is now sitting in the lost and found. It’s getting crowded in there again — please check the pile for any missing coats, hats, gloves, lunch boxes or other items your kids have left behind.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Jan. 14: School spelling bee
  • Jan. 15: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation (“Things that get you moving”)
  • Jan. 18: Holiday
  • Jan. 19: Teacher workday
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 6: JYJ 5K

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Happy Holidays — just 3 1/2 more school days (yikes)!

It’s fun to be in the JYJ PTA!

Thanks to all who made last week’s many events such a great success — the PTA book fair, Hour of Code, the spelling bee, the snowman tree gift drive and our winter performances! If you ever wonder why it’s worth giving to and joining the PTA, just think back over the past week and the last four months to see all the great events, from Science-Go-Round and the cultural arts to Reflections and the yearbook cover contest to the super fun Jamboree.

More great programs and events are coming up in 2016, including the Joyner 5K and running club, Odyssey of the Mind competition and the always awesome Night of Nonsense. Want to get more involved with these and other programs? Click on your dashboard (link at the top of your MemberHub page), look for the “Join Open Hubs” button on the left and join the committee hubs that interest you.

We’re also looking for a new committee chair for the school supplies pre-ordering program — please contact Keisha Green at if you’re interested in helping out.


More chances to help

It’s not too late to bring in holiday donations. Check with Ms. Burston ( if you have questions.

  • Feed the bins in the front lobby with new children’s socks for A Note in the Pocket and men’s/women’s deodorant for the Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN).
  • Donate gift cards from Kroger, Harris Teeter, Target and Walmart — Ms. Burston will collect them for families in need.
  • Bring in new packages of boys or girls underwear in smaller sizes or black girls leggings to keep in the health room in case of student accidents.


Doesn’t everyone want fruit cake?

When you’re preparing holiday gifts this week, don’t forget to check the “Favorite Things” sheets for your classroom teacher and assigned staff member. They’re posted in the files section within each classroom hub.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Dec. 18: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation lunch provided by PTA
  • Dec. 21: Teacher workday (and beginning of the winter holiday)
  • Jan. 4: Back to school!
  • Jan. 14: School spelling bee
  • Jan. 15: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation (“Things that get you moving”)
  • March 6: JYJ 5K

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Book Fair, Hour of Code, PTA Meeting and Gift Drives

These last two weeks before winter break are packed, so we’re moving the NewsFlash from Wednesdays to Mondays to be sure we get you the news when you need it most. Hold on tight!


Book Fair opens today

The annual PTA book fair runs all week in the media center, with extra hours before school on Wednesday and after school on Thursday. Be sure to stop by and shop! There are still volunteer openings for one-hour shifts, especially on Thursday — sign up here to help this important event run smoothly. For more information, contact co-chairs Laura Moreschi at or Catherine Otto at


Join us at the PTA meeting and concert

Our general PTA membership meeting is this Thursday, Dec. 10, starting at 6 p.m., in conjunction with the 1st grade winter performance and choir concert. Join us in the gym to learn more about what your PTA is doing this year and how you can get involved. Attending the meeting does not automatically commit you to chairing a major PTA event, but it does help support your students and the Joyner family. (If your child isn’t performing, you’re not obligated to stay until 7:30 — and the parents who are angling for a better view to record the performance will be happy to take your seat.)


Geek out with Hour of Code

Joyner students are participating in this week’s Hour of Code, learning age-appropriate coding skills. Volunteer spots are still available in all grade levels — sign up here to help out the teachers during their sessions. Contact Matt Harrell at with questions.


Donate to help animal shelter

Joyner’s Girls on the Run team is collecting old blankets and towels as well as dog food, canned pet food, treats, food/water bowls and pet toys to donate to the Wake County Animal Shelter. Bring your donations to the collection bins around the school through Thursday, Dec. 10. Contact Elizabeth Bunn at 919-622-8700 or with questions.


Get ready for the Bee

Classroom spelling bees will be held in 3rd-5th grades this Friday, Dec. 11. The whole school is encouraged to dress in your best bee (or otherwise black-and-yellow) attire in support of the spelling bee that day. The schoolwide bee will be held on Jan. 14.


You already sent in your gifts, right?

Snowman tree gifts are due (wrapped with the tag) to Ms. Burston ( ) today! If you didn’t get a tag, here are other ways you can help:

  • Feed the bins in the front lobby with new children’s socks for A Note in the Pocket and men’s/women’s deodorant for the Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN).
  • Donate gift cards from Kroger, Harris Teeter, Target and Walmart — Ms. Burston will collect them for families in need.
  • Bring in new packages of boys or girls underwear in smaller sizes or black girls leggings to keep in the health room in case of student accidents.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Dec. 7-11: Book Fair
  • Dec. 7-11: Hour of Code
  • Dec. 9: Spanish dancing performances for participating students (K-2 at 9, 3-5 at 10)
  • Dec. 10: 6-7:30 p.m. PTA general membership meeting and holiday concert
  • Dec. 18: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation lunch provided by PTA
  • Dec. 21: Teacher workday (and beginning of the winter holiday)
  • Jan. 4: Back to school!
  • Jan. 15: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation (“Things that get you moving”)
  • March 6: JYJ 5K

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Spelling Bee plus lots of ways to give this month

Give spelling bee a chance

Cymotrichous. Autochthonous. Prospicience. Logorrhea. We were so busy looking up all these crazy hard words that we almost missed scheduling this year’s spelling bee! Sorry for the delay, but get ready to ask for a definition, part of speech or use in a sentence. Check your Wednesday folders this afternoon for a list of practice words and get ready for classroom bees in 3rd-5th grades on Friday, Dec. 11 — everyone is invited to dress in your finest bee (or otherwise black-and-yellow) attire in support of the spelling bee that day. The schoolwide bee will be held on Jan. 14.


Give gifts and cheer

If you got a tag from the snowman tree, don’t forget to bring your gifts back to school by Monday, Dec. 7 — return them wrapped and with the tag to Ms. Burston ( ). If you didn’t get a tag, here are other ways you can help:

  • Feed the bins in the front lobby with new children’s socks for A Note in the Pocket and men’s/women’s deodorant for the Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN).
  • Donate gift cards from Kroger, Harris Teeter, Target and Walmart — Ms. Burston will collect them for families in need.
  • Bring in new packages of boys or girls underwear in smaller sizes or black girls leggings to keep in the health room in case of student accidents.


Give time and books

The annual PTA book fair runs all next week — with extra hours before school on Wednesday and after school on Thursday — and we need lots of volunteers to help this important event run smoothly. Sign up here for one-hour blocks of time to set up the fair, work the registers, help kids and parents find books, and clean up at the end. For more information, contact co-chairs Laura Moreschi at or Catherine Otto at


Give an hour of code

The signup is ready for Joyner’s week with Hour of Code. Teachers will be running sessions to help connect kids with coding, but we need volunteers to help out — no coding experience needed! Please consider helping your child’s class, or more than one class session if you have the time. Sign up here. Contact Matt Harrell at with questions.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Dec. 7: Snowman Tree gifts due
  • Dec. 7-11: Book Fair
  • Dec. 7-11: Hour of Code
  • Dec. 10: Holiday concert and PTA general membership meeting
  • Dec. 18: Early release and teacher/staff appreciation lunch provided by PTA
  • Dec. 21: Teacher workday (and beginning of the winter holiday)

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article on the PTA website. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.