
News Flash | Remote Learning Continues, Wake Up and Read Book Drive, Foundation Spring Silent Auction

During this time all students will remain learning remotely until mid-February.  No in-person classes will be held. 

If you had a change in host teacher this semester, you should have received an email from your child’s host teacher welcoming you and providing you with important class information. All K-3 students have transitioned to their new host teachers.  Students in grades 4-5 will remain with their current host teacher at this time.    

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Student Supply Pickup Dates
  • Wake Up and Read Book Drive
  • WCPSS Magnet Middle School Options
  • JYJ Foundation Annual Silent Auction
  • Calendar Reminders

Additional Supply Pickups Dates are as follows:  

  • Kindergarten: Thursday, January 21, 1-2 p.m.
  • 1st Grade: Wednesday, January 20- 11:30-12:30 p.m.
  • 2nd Grade: Tuesday, January 19,  1-2 p.m.
  • 3rd Grade: Wednesday, January 20, 1-2 p.m.

Please keep in mind if your child receives new headphones or math materials in your supply pickup these items should return to campus once in-person instruction resumes. Individual grade levels will send out reminders of items needed once we resume in-person instruction. 

Wake Up and Read Book Drive

We are excited to partner with Wake Up and Read to support putting books in kids hands across our district.  We will be setting up a book drop off area at the front of our school for any families that wish to donate new or gently used books beginning January 23.  Each year Joyner makes one of the largest contributions to help build home libraries for children in Wake County! We are excited to take action and give back to others in our community.  WAKE Up and Read Book Drive will go until February 28th.

WAKE Up and Read Book Drive Kick-Off Event, Jan 23rd, 10am – 2pm

Tune into to Facebook as WCPSS virtually kicks off this year’s drive with read alouds, performances, and guest appearances. Their mascot, Ruben the Rooster, along with his friends will be visiting our community partners to talk with them about the importance of reading!

Explore Wake County’s Magnet Middle Programs 

*Accepting online magnet applications now through January 28, 2021. Visit to learn more and to complete the process.

WCPSS Links: Magnet School Application & Detail

Foundation Updates

Mark your calendars: The Joyner Foundation is hosting our Annual Silent Auction on Thursday, April 22, 2021!  We are excited to be organizing this event for another year in support of our loved Joyner Elementary! More details to follow. 

Silent Auction Themed Baskets:

In connection with the Annual Silent Auction, we are again collecting and creating some great Themed Baskets to be raffled off as part of the event!  We have appreciated your generous donations and support in pulling these baskets together in years past and would love help at any level you are able to provide for this year’s baskets. 

With the challenges of not all being in the building together, we have set up an Amazon Wishlist for several of the requested items.  From the wishlist, you can order and ship items directly to us to be used in any of these baskets.  Click to find our Amazon Wishlist: JYJ Foundation Silent Auction Basket.

We are also adding an option to donate through Venmo for some selected items and just general donations to be used towards any basket.  All Venmo donations can be sent to @Katie-Cork.  Please remember to include with all Venmo donations the selected Themed Basket and the item you wish to donate towards (refer to the basket signups linked below and in the JY Joyner Memberhub for specific items) or just note “General Basket Donation” and we will fill in the gaps! 

We also love when families have other new items to donate to fill these baskets!  If you have something additional you’d like to contribute please email Katie Cork (contact info in email) to coordinate pickup/drop-off. 

Signups and details on the items for each Themed Baskets can be found in the JY Joyner Memberhub and under Signups or through the links below:

We thank you all so much for your continued support of the Joyner Foundation this year! For any questions regarding the Themed Baskets, please contact Katie Cork (contact info in email). 

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins/Second Semester Begins 
  • January 20- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 11:30-12:30 p.m.
  • January 20 – 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2 p.m.
  • January 21- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 1-2 p.m.
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.
  • February 3- Asynchronous Day
  • February 24- Asynchronous Day
  • March 10- Asynchronous Day
  • March 11- Asynchronous Day
  • April 14- Asynchronous Day
  • May 5- Asynchronous Day
  • May 26- Asynchronous Day

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Supply Pickup Schedule, Virtual Magnet Mini Fair

Reminder that today, Wednesday Jan. 13th is an asynchronous day.

All students will be following our remote learning schedule from January 4th- January 15th from home.  No students should report to campus for in person learning during this time. 

Please see the link to our master schedule for the next two weeks. Remote Learning Master Schedule   

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Supply pickup today & tomorrow (Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th)
  • Return to Campus Reminders & Checklist
  • WCPSS Virtual Magnet Mini Fair
  • Before and After School Care 
  • Calendar Reminders

Supply Pickup this Week (Designated timeslots for each grade)

January 13- 4th Grade Supply Pickup 10-11 a.m. (overhang)

January 13- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 12-1p.m. (front of school)

January 13- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.(overhang)

January 13- 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2p.m. (overhang)

January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m. (overhang)

Preparing for the Return to Campus

Returning as Plan B – Second Semester Plan B Procedures. Please use this link and review with your family prior to returning to campus.

Changes for Second Semester – Due to class size mandates some classes in grades 3-5 may be hosting hybrid classes this semester. This means there will be a combination of students learning on campus and students learning virtually. Several schools in WCPSS have been using this model for the 2020-2021 school year. We hope this assists to keep all of our students with us and lower class sizes for in person learning when possible. 

WCPSS Return to Campus Checklist 

Explore Wake County’s Magnet Middle Programs 

Make plans to attend the “Virtual Magnet Mini Fair” and virtually visit with staff from 14 different magnet middle schools. 

*Accepting online magnet applications now through January 28, 2021. Visit to learn more and to complete the process.

Reserve your spot for Before and After School Care

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 13- Asynchronous Day 
  • January 13- 4th Grade Supply Pickup 10-11 a.m. (overhang)
  • January 13- Kindergarten Supply Pickup 12-1p.m. (front of school)
  • January 13- 1st Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.(overhang)
  • January 13- 3rd Grade Supply Pickup 1-2p.m. (overhang)
  • January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m. (overhang)
  • January 14- 9:30- 11 a.m. Magnet Middle School Virtual Magnet Mini Fair
  • January 15 – Last Day of Quarter 2 
  • January 18- Holiday- No School for students
  • January 19- Teacher Workday- No School for students
  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins/ Second Semester Begins
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.

News Flash | Asynchronous Day Today, Remote Learning Continues, Before & After School Care

Reminder that today, Wednesday Jan. 6th is an asynchronous day. All students will be following our remote learning schedule from January 4th- January 15th from home.  No students should report to campus for in person learning during this time. 

Please see the link to our master schedule for the next two weeks. Remote Learning Master Schedule   

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • IB Learning Trait for January
  • Before and After School Care
  • WCPSS Updates
  • Calendar Reminders
  • Quick Links

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers 

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research.  We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. 

Reserve your spot for Before and After School Care

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

WCPSS Updates

Calendar Reminders:

  • January 4- January 15: All students will follow the remote learning schedule from home
  • January 6- Asynchronous Day
  • January 13- Asynchronous Day 
  • January 15 – Last Day of Quarter 2 
  • January 14- 2nd Grade Supply Pickup 12-1 p.m.
  • January 18- Holiday- No School for students
  • January 19- Teacher Workday- No School for students
  • January 20- 3rd Quarter Begins
  • January 21- PTA Executive Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.

News Flash | Remote Learning Day TODAY, Virtual Read Aloud Night, Before & After School Care

Reminder that today, Wednesday Dec. 16th is a Remote Learning Asynchronous Day. Students will not report to campus today.

Wishing you all the best this holiday season! Enjoy your winter break and we will look forward to seeing you all in 2021!

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Virtual Read Aloud Night Tonight
  • Book Fair & Book Fairy Program Wrap Up
  • Supporting JYJ through your everyday shopping
  • Before and After School Care Registration
  • WCPSS Updates
  • Calendar Reminders

Joyner Virtual Read Aloud NightWe greatly miss our JYJ family time together and thought it was time for a surprise! Join us VIRTUALLY TONIGHT, December 16th, for a night of FUN while you watch the JYJ staff READ ALOUD their favorite stories LIVE! There will be 3 sessions of your choice to attend that night, one at 6:45, 7, and 7:15.  You can “come and go” as you please! You can listen to 3 different stories by 3 different staff members and we even have some surprise JYJ guests! All you have to do is join the link below, mute yourself, and enjoy! We hope you will take this opportunity to relax with us before break.

Thank You for Supporting Joyner’s Book Fair at Quail Ridge Books Thank you to all who were able to support Joyner through the book fair with Quail Ridge Books.  The Quail Ridge staff was impressed with our turnout and with our community’s generosity through the Book Fairy program.  Happy Reading! 

Easy ways to support JYJ through your holiday shopping & beyond

Did you know that by shopping at Amazon, Shutterfly, and Harris Teeter, you can support the PTA? For every purchase you make, those corporations donate a percentage directly to Joyner PTA. It requires minimal setup from you, and Joyner benefits!

Use the links below to connect your purchases to Joyner:

Every dollar matters even more this year, so please participate!

Reserve your spot for Before and After School Care

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

WCPSS Updates

Calendar Reminders


  • Dec. 16 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 16 – Virtual Read Aloud Night (multiple evening timeslots, no registration) 
  • Dec. 21 – Jan 1st – Winter Break


  • Jan. 1- Winter Break
  • Jan. 15 – End of 2nd Quarter
  • Jan. 18 -School Closed, Holiday
  • Jan. 19 – School Closed, Teacher Workday

Quick Links:

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Open-Minded

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

December is the perfect month to have open conversations with friends about their traditions and culture. Allow them the opportunity to grow and understand themselves and find similarities and differences by being open-minded. Share cultural and personal values and traditions in class and at home. 

Join Joyner on Instagram- Joyner_Magnet_Elementary



The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Joyner Dine Out Night Thursday, Book Fair Happening Now, Remote Learning Day Friday

*Reminder that this Friday, December 11th is a Remote Learning Asynchronous Day. All students will work independently from home on Friday.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Joyner Dine Out Night this Thursday
  • Book Fair Happening Now
  • Book Fairy
  • Before and After School Program Registration
  • Holiday Shopping at Amazon, Harris Teeter & Shutterfly can benefit JYJ
  • WCPSS Updates and Programs Available
  • Calendar Reminders

December Profile Trait: Open-Minded 

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

December is the perfect month to have open conversations with friends about their traditions and culture. Allow them the opportunity to grow and understand themselves and find similarities and differences by being open-minded. Share cultural and personal values and traditions in class and at home. 

Joyner Dine Out NightLet Noodles & Co. take care of dinner this Thursday and help raise money for Joyner! Don’t forget to mention Joyner when ordering. Order online or visit their Cameron Village location in Raleigh (2031 Cameron St). 

2020 Joyner Book Fair Going on NOW (Online & In Store Shopping) The Joyner Book Fair is happening now and with a new partner: Quail Ridge Books!  We hope to see lots of Joyner families in-store or shopping online with Quail Ridge!  Make sure to mention the “Joyner Elementary Book Fair” at the register when you shop in-store or in your order comments when you shop online. 

  • When: December 4-13
  • Where: Shop Online or in-Store at Quail Ridge Books, 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh
  • Who can participate: All JYJ Students, Staff, Families, Extended Families, Friends, Neighbors, etc.  Spread the word!
  • How you help Joyner: Mention “Joyner Elementary School Book Fair” when you shop online and in-store Dec. 4-13
  • Why: To raise money for the Joyner PTA and support our many great programs!

View our digital flyer here or reach out to Leslie de Haven (contact info in email) with any questions.  

Joyner School Book Fairy

Consider donating $5 to the Joyner Elementary School Book Fairy. Each $5 donation will buy a book for a Joyner child in need, selected by the staff at Quail Ridge Books. The Book Fairy donations will be accepted now through December 13th. Thank you for your support and to those families who have already donated!

To donate, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Joyner Elementary Book Fairy Wish List at:
  2. Click “Add to Cart” to make a $5 Book Fairy donation.
  3. At Checkout, in the last section, for “Order Comments” put “Book Fairy Donation for Joyner Elementary School”.

4. Click “Review Order”

5. Complete your purchase!

Reach out with questions, thank you! Leslie de Haven (contact info in email)

Before and After School Care Programs are Back! 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

JYJ can benefit from your holiday shopping!

Did you know that by shopping at Amazon, Shutterfly, and Harris Teeter, you can support the PTA? For every purchase you make, those corporations donate a percentage directly to Joyner PTA. It requires minimal setup from you, and Joyner benefits!

Use the links below to connect your purchases to Joyner:

Every dollar matters even more this year, so please participate!

WCPSS Updates

WCPSS Counseling and Student Services is introducing a new series of wellness, self-care services and support sessions for parents –Community Resiliency Model (CRM) training (12/01-12/15)This session is designed to share tools you can learn to help yourself and others during times of stress. This session is inclusive to all whom have an interest in learning the skills to better support children and families during these uncertain times. –Restorative Practice (RP) Circle Awareness Community Building (12/01-12/15)This opportunity is designed to expose you to one of the tools of Restorative Practices, the Circle Process.  The Circle is a facilitated dialogue process that is INVITATIONAL.  It allows participants to share openly and encourages connections and deepening relationships.  This training is inclusive to all who have an interest in learning ways to better support children and families during these uncertain times through authentic connections.   –Virtual Parent Summit (12/02-12/09)

We are pleased to be working with the National Center for Youth Issues to provide WCPSS parents with a special series of live, one-hour chat sessions with national level experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of virtual learning, and to offer strategies, solutions, and encouragement to help our students and their families thrive during these most unusual of times.

Calendar Reminders


  • Dec. 4-13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books 
  • Dec. 10 – Joyner Dine Out Night, Noodles & Company 4-8 pm
  • Dec. 11 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 16 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 21 – Jan 1st – Winter Break

Asynchronous Day TODAY, Book Fair Starts Friday, New Wellness and Support Sessions for Parents & More!

*Reminder that today, Wednesday, 12/2 is an asynchronous day for all students.  No students should report to campus on Wednesday. 

December Profile Trait: Open – Minded 

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

December is the perfect month to have open conversations with friends about their traditions and culture. Allow them the opportunity to grow and understand themselves and find similarities and differences by being open-minded. Share cultural and personal values and traditions in class and at home. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Joyner Goes Pink
  • JYJ Book Fair starts this Friday
  • School Book Fairy
  • Joyner Snowman Tree – Return items by 12/7
  • Before and After School Care Now Available
  • WCPSS announces wellness, self-care services and support sessions for parents
  • Link your Shopping and support Joyner
  • Dates to Remember

Joyner Goes “Pink”

This Friday, Dec. 4th Joyner will go “Pink” to raise awareness of those who have fought or are fighting cancer.  Collectively WCPSS can make a huge impact on this world and the health of others.  If you would like to make a contribution, click here to learn more.  

Tag us on Twitter or instagram @joyner_magnet_elementary with your family’s picture #JYJGoesPink #JoynerSTRONG

2020 Joyner Book Fair Online and In-Store with Quail Ridge Books The Joyner Book Fair is coming THIS FRIDAY (12/4) and with a new partner: Quail Ridge Books!  We hope to see lots of Joyner families in-store or shopping online with Quail Ridge!  Make sure to mention the “Joyner Elementary Book Fair” at the register when you shop in-store or in your order comments when you shop online. 

  • When: December 4-13
  • Where: Shop Online or in-Store at Quail Ridge Books, 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh
  • Who can participate: All JYJ Students, Staff, Families, Extended Families, Friends, Neighbors, etc.  Spread the word!
  • How you help Joyner: Mention “Joyner Elementary School Book Fair” when you shop online and in-store Dec. 4-13
  • Why: To raise money for the Joyner PTA and support our many great programs!

View our digital flyer here or reach out to Leslie de Haven (contact info in email) with any questions.  

Joyner School Book Fairy

Greetings JYJ Families! Please consider donating $5 to the Joyner Elementary School Book Fairy. Each $5 donation will buy a book for a Joyner child in need, selected by the staff at Quail Ridge Books. The Book Fairy donations will be accepted now through December 13th. Thank you to those families who have already donated!

To donate, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Joyner Elementary Book Fairy Wish List at:
  2. Click “Add to Cart” to make a $5 Book Fairy donation.
  3. At Checkout, in the last section, for “Order Comments” put “Book Fairy Donation for Joyner Elementary School”.

4. Click “Review Order”

5. Complete your purchase!

Reach out with questions, thank you! Leslie de Haven (contact info in email).

Snowman tree gifts due Monday 12/07

Thanks to all who generously signed up to give to our Snowman Tree! As a reminder, return all wrapped gifts (in a bag) and write your virtual tag number on the bag by Monday, December 7th. Gifts can be dropped off on the table near the front entrance, in carpool or at walkers. Contact Andrea Burston with questions (contact info in email). Thank you for all your support!

Before and After School Care Programs are Back! 

Both programs will run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before and/or After School Care visit the link below. This program will follow the same safety protocols as our WCPSS guidelines. 

Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Survey of Families Interested in Attending

WCPSS Counseling and Student Services is introducing a new series of wellness, self-care services and support sessions for parents –Community Resiliency Model (CRM) training (12/01-12/15)This session is designed to share tools you can learn to help yourself and others during times of stress. This session is inclusive to all whom have an interest in learning the skills to better support children and families during these uncertain times. –Restorative Practice (RP) Circle Awareness Community Building (12/01-12/15)This opportunity is designed to expose you to one of the tools of Restorative Practices, the Circle Process.  The Circle is a facilitated dialogue process that is INVITATIONAL.  It allows participants to share openly and encourages connections and deepening relationships.  This training is inclusive to all who have an interest in learning ways to better support children and families during these uncertain times through authentic connections.   –Virtual Parent Summit (12/02-12/09)

We are pleased to be working with the National Center for Youth Issues to provide WCPSS parents with a special series of live, one-hour chat sessions with national level experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of virtual learning, and to offer strategies, solutions, and encouragement to help our students and their families thrive during these most unusual of times.

JYJ can benefit from your holiday shopping!

Did you know that by shopping at Amazon, Shutterfly, and Harris Teeter, you can support the PTA? For every purchase you make, those corporations donate a percentage directly to Joyner PTA. It requires minimal setup from you, and Joyner benefits!

Use the links below to connect your purchases to Joyner:

Every dollar matters even more this year, so please participate!

Calendar Reminders:


  • Dec. 2 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 2 – Second Semester Virtual Academy Application Window Opens
  • Dec. 4-13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books 
  • Dec. 7 – Deadline to return Snowman Tree Gifts
  • Dec. 11 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 16 – Remote Learning Day (Asynchronous)
  • Dec. 21 – Jan 1st – Winter Break

Important Links & Reminders

Joyner Reminders:

WCPSS Links:

Link your holiday shopping and support Joyner, Before and After School Care returns & Holiday Giving Opportunities

School closed Wednesday 11/25 – Friday 11/27.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving and this Fall Break!  We will look forward to seeing you on Monday 11/30.

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Holiday Shopping Rewards for Joyner
  • Before and After School Care
  • Joyner Snowman Tree
  • Joyner School Book Fairy
  • Book Fair partnership with Quail Ridge Books
  • School Reminders
  • Dates to Remember

JYJ can benefit from your holiday shopping!

Did you know that by shopping at Amazon, Shutterfly, and Harris Teeter, you can support the PTA? For every purchase you make, those corporations donate a percentage directly to Joyner PTA. It requires minimal setup from you, and Joyner benefits!

Use the links below to connect your purchases to Joyner:

Every dollar matters even more this year, so please participate!

Before and After School Care Programs Return 

Before and After School Care is starting up on Monday, November 30. Both programs run Monday through Friday when students are in the building. Students may arrive for Before School Care at 7:00 AM. After School Care runs from the end of school until 6:00 PM.

If you would like to sign up for Before or After School Care please see the link provided:  Link to Joyner Before and After School Care 

Before School Care drop off time begins at 7:00 AM. Activities include arts and crafts, hula hoops & Jump ropes and games like charades, Pictionary and Bingo. 

After School care runs from 3-6 p.m. Activities include homework time, healthy snack, daily outdoor playtime (weather permitting), games, enrichment, arts and crafts, STEM activities in a fun, safe and nurturing environment. 

2020 Joyner Snowman Tree

Thanks to all who have generously signed up to give to our Snowman Tree!  There are  slots still available so please click here and consider joining us in this wonderful program! 

As a reminder, Joyner will have a virtual snowman tree to help our families in need of assistance during the holidays. If you would like to help by donating gifts, please sign up for a virtual tag using this link

Return all wrapped gifts (in a bag) and write your virtual tag number on the bag by Monday, December 7th.  They can be dropped off on the table near the front entrance, in carpool or at walkers. 

Click here to view options and sign up today. Contact Andrea Burston with questions (contact info in email). Thank you for all your support!

Joyner School Book Fairy

Greetings JYJ Families! As we all prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in different ways this year, consider donating $5 to the Joyner Elementary School Book Fairy.  

Each $5 donation will buy a book for a Joyner child in need, selected by the staff at Quail Ridge Books. The Book Fairy donations will be accepted now through December 13th. 

To donate, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Joyner Elementary Book Fairy Wish List at:
  2. Click “Add to Cart” to make a $5 Book Fairy donation.
  3. At Checkout, in the last section, for “Order Comments” put “Book Fairy Donation for Joyner Elementary School”.

4. Click “Review Order”
5. Complete your purchase!

Reach out with question, thank you! Leslie de Haven (contact info in email)

2020 JYJ Book Fair Online and In-Store with Quail Ridge Books

The Joyner Book Fair is coming – and with a new partner: Quail Ridge Books!

  • When: December 4-13
  • Where: Shop Online or in-Store at Quail Ridge Books, 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh
  • Who can participate: All JYJ Students, Staff, Families, Extended Families, Friends, Neighbors, etc.  Spread the word!
  • How do you help JYJ: Mention Joyner Elementary School Book Fair when you shop online and in-store Dec. 4-13
  • Why: To raise money for the Joyner PTA and support our many great programs!

For more info, see the PTA Newsflash or reach out to Leslie de Haven (contact info in email)

Important Links & School Reminders 

Joyner Reminders:

If you have not reviewed our reopening plan, please familiarize yourself with our procedures and these helpful links from WCPSS.

WCPSS Links:

Calendar Reminders:


  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/2 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)
  • 12/11 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/16 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/21- 1/1 – Winter Break

*Don’t forget to share Your JYJ testimonials! Send your personalized videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson (contact info in email). Thank you in advance!

IB Learner Profile Trait for November- Principled. Learners act with integrity and honesty. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and respect the dignity of the rights of people everywhere. Learners understand the responsibility of our actions and the consequences. 

News Flash | Asynchronous Day TODAY, Joyner Snowman Tree, Dewey’s Bake Sale & JYJ Book Fair

Reminder that Wednesday, 11/18, is an asynchronous day for all students.  No students should report to campus on Wednesday. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Joyner Reminders & WCPSS Links
  • 2020 Joyner Snowman Tree
  • Joyner School Book Fairy
  • Foundation Updates 
  • JYJ Book Fair 
  • Calendar Reminders

Important Links & School Reminders 

Joyner Reminders:

If you have not reviewed our reopening plan, please familiarize yourself with our procedures and these helpful links from WCPSS.

WCPSS Links:

2020 Joyner Snowman Tree

Joyner will have a virtual snowman tree to help our families in need of assistance during the holidays. If you would like to help by donating gifts, please sign up for a virtual tag using the link below.  

Return all wrapped gifts (in a bag) and write your virtual tag number on the bag by Monday, December 7th.  They can be dropped off on the table near the front entrance, in carpool or at walkers. 

Click here to view options and sign up today. Contact Andrea Burston with questions (contact info in email). Thank you for all your support!

Joyner Elementary School Book Fairy

As we all prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, consider donating $5 to the Joyner Elementary School Book Fairy.  Each $5 donation will buy a book for a Joyner child in need, selected by the staff at Quail Ridge Books.  

Look for the link to donate online starting Monday, 11/23.  Donations will be accepted through 12/13.  Contact Leslie de Haven for questions (contact info in email).

Foundation Updates

Joyner Masks and Accessories

Limited quantities of Lanyards, Adult Earloop Masks and Youth Gaiters are available for purchase. Visit the Joyner store today to place your order before they officially sell out!  Contact Blair Kennedy (contact info in email) with any questions. 

Ear Loop Mask

Dewey’s Bake Sale – Order Now!

Back again this year, the Joyner Foundation is having a Dewey’s Bake Sale! Dewey’s has all kinds of delicious treats like cheese straws, Moravian sugar cakes and a variety of cookies. They all make great holiday and hostess gifts and are also a nice treat to have at home during the holiday season. Dewey’s will donate 50% of the proceeds back to the Joyner Foundation! To place your order, just visit our website at!  The sale will run from Nov.12th through Nov. 24th.  Pick up will be the first week in December with specific details to follow. For any questions, please contact Emily Sutherland at (contact info in email). 

Volunteers Needed for Spring Fundraiser

As we are already preparing for our biggest fundraiser of the year, we are in need of volunteers.  If you would like to get involved at any capacity to assist with this event, please email Jill Darnell (contact info in email).

2020 JYJ Book Fair Online and In-Store with Quail Ridge Books We are trying something new for the Book Fair, which will run Dec. 4-13th. The PTA has partnered with Quail Ridge Books for an online and in-store book fair. The Joyner PTA will earn commission for online orders and in-store purchases of books that are in stock or readily available.  Purchases can be made in store at 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh or online at Partnering with Quail Ridge Books allows you to shop from anywhere via the online option and we encourage you to share information about our fair with grandparents, aunt, uncles, cousins, and anyone else you know! Be sure to put “Joyner Book Fair” in the comments of their order during the fair and JYJ will earn a commission (while also supporting our local independent bookseller!). Shop for kids and adults too!   Joyner Elementary School students, parents, staff and community members can order books and items online for pick-up at the store or to ship, and/or shop in store December 4-13. (For teachers, staff, parents and school community members who are in the Quail Ridge Readers Club and want their purchases to earn a commission for Joyner Elementary School, the Readers Club discount will not apply. Free gift wrap is available.)  Questions? Contact Leslie De Haven (contact info in email).

*Don’t forget to share Your JYJ testimonials! Send your personalized videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson (contact info in email). Thank you in advance!

IB Learner Profile Trait for November- Principled. Learners act with integrity and honesty. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and respect the dignity of the rights of people everywhere. Learners understand the responsibility of our actions and the consequences. 

News Flash | Jagwear & Mask Orders Pickup TODAY, WakeSUPPORTS Assistance Program & JYJ Book Fair

School closed today in honor of Veteran’s Day. We give thanks to those who have served or are serving in the military. 

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Principled

Learners act with integrity and honesty. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and respect the dignity of the rights of people everywhere. Learners understand the responsibility of our actions and the consequences. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Pickup your orders of Jagwear and JYJ masks TODAY 11-1
  • WakeSUPPORTS Financial Support Available
  • WCPSS Helpful Information & Links
  • JYJ Book Fair Updates
  • Volunteer Opportunity for JYJ Foundation Spring Fundraiser
  • Share your JYJ Video Testimonials
  • Magnet Application Details
  • Calendar Reminders

Don’t forget today’s the day! Jagwear & Jaguar Masks ready for pickup!

Jagwear orders will be distributed today Wed 11th from 11AM to 1PM in the carpool loop under the overhang at Joyner. 

If you purchased a mask from the Foundation’s Mask sale, they will be ready for pick today Wed 11th from 11AM to 1PM in the carpool loop under the overhang at Joyner.  

We cannot wait to see those smiling Jaguars around campus and around town!! 


COVID-19 has forced the school year to begin unlike any before. Remote learning for all Wake County Public School students has forced parents or guardians who can’t work from home to seek alternative childcare options for younger children and find places where their older kids can attend class virtually with appropriate supervision, and that costs money.  To help, Wake County has launched a new assistance program called WakeSUPPORTS. This program provides funding to working parents so they can afford to pay for their kindergartners through sixth graders to attend virtual school at a safe location with reliable oversight, or receive before and after school care.

To learn more about assistance available, visit

WCPSS Helpful Information and Links 

2020 JYJ Book Fair Online and In-Store with Quail Ridge Books This year, we are trying something new for the Book Fair, which runs December 4-13. The PTA has partnered with Quail Ridge Books for an online and in-store book fair. The Joyner PTA will earn commission for online orders and in-store purchases of books that are in stock or readily available.  Purchases can be made in store at 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh or online at The great thing about partnering with Quail Ridge Books is that people can shop from anywhere via the online option. So share information about the fair with grandparents, aunt, uncles, cousins, and anyone else you know. When they put “Joyner Book Fair” in the comments of their order during the fair, JYJ will earn a commission and they’ll also be supporting our local independent bookseller. As an added bonus, there will not only be a great selection of books for our kids, but there’s a great selection for grown ups as well.  Joyner Elementary School students, parents, staff and community members can order books and items online for pick-up at the store or to ship, and/or shop in store December 4-13. (For teachers, staff, parents and school community members who are in the Quail Ridge Readers Club and want their purchases to earn a commission for Joyner Elementary School, the Readers Club discount will not apply. Free gift wrap is available.)  If you’re looking for another way to support our JYJ community please consider donating to the Quail Ridge “Book Fairy” during our book fair.  For each $5 donation, Quail Ridge will help us provide a book to a student in need.  More details to come. Keep an eye out for more details about the book fair in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie de Haven at (contact info in email).

Volunteers Needed for Foundation’s Spring Fundraiser We are already preparing for our biggest fundraiser of the year and are in need of volunteers.  If you would like to get involved at any capacity to assist with this event, please email Jill Darnell (contact info in email).  

JYJ Testimonial Videos Requested

Would you consider sharing a video or written message from your family that expresses your joy in our magnet program, IB and Spanish and what it has meant for your family? These messages will be used for prospective Joyner families to view as they consider their future magnet options. Please send videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson (contact info in email). Thank you in advance!

Magnet Application Acceptance Period

The magnet and year-round application period will begin Oct. 15, 2020 and end Jan. 28, 2021. Applications are NOT first-come, first-served. Families will be notified mid-February 2021 if they received a seat at an application school. Visit the WCPSS website for more details. If your child is not currently enrolled in WCPSS, you must register your child at your base school before submitting the magnet application. 

For our 5th grade magnet families, you have priority in applying to these 2 IB middle schools:

Calendar Reminders:


  • 11/11 – School Closed, Veterans Day
  • 11/11 – Jagwear & Foundation Mask Pick-up 11a.m.- 1p.m. (Carpool Loop)
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/18 – Asynchronous Day 
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/2 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)
  • 12/16 – Remote Learning Day

News Flash | Jagwear & Masks Pickup Schedule, General PTA Meeting & JYJ Book Fair Updates

IB Learner Profile Trait of the Month: Principled

Learners act with integrity and honesty. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and respect the dignity of the rights of people everywhere. Learners understand the responsibility of our actions and the consequences. 

In this Week’s NewsFlash:

  • Reopening Plan & Helpful Links
  • Joyner Jagwear & Mask Orders Pickup Nov. 11th
  • General PTA meeting next week 
  • 2020 JYJ Book Fair 
  • Volunteers Needed for Spring Fundraiser
  • Free Meals for all WCPSS Students
  • Holiday Assistance Available
  • Magnet Information & Share Your Testimonials
  • Calendar Reminders

Joyner’s Plan B Reopening Plan – 1st Semester

Take a moment and familiarize your family with the procedures and reopening plan.

Please note that our staff is required to ask every screening question upon exiting buses, cabs, carpool and in our walker area.  Please be patient and understanding of this county wide safety protocol.  All parents must remain with their child until they have passed all screening stations.  

Guardians, please also note that no child can be checked out after 2:30 per our usual school policy.  

More Helpful Links:

Pick Up Details for Your Recent Orders – Jagwear & Jaguar Masks

Jagwear is in and ready for pickup on 11/11

  • Jagwear orders will be distributed on Wednesday, Nov.11th from 11AM to 1PM in the carpool loop under the overhang at Joyner. 

Jaguar Mask Sale Pick-up Details

  • If you purchased a mask from the Foundation’s Mask sale, they will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, Nov. 11th from 11AM to 1PM in the carpool loop under the overhang at Joyner.  We cannot wait to see those smiling Jaguars around campus and around town!! 

General PTA Meeting on Tuesday Join us on a google meet to reflect on the start of school, hear about upcoming PTA activities, and vote on the PTA budget. Tuesday, 11/10 @ 7:30PM. See our latest email for login instructions.

2020 JYJ Book Fair Online and In-Store with Quail Ridge Books This year, we are trying something new for the Book Fair, which runs December 4-13. The PTA has partnered with Quail Ridge Books for an online and in-store book fair. The Joyner PTA will earn commission for online orders and in-store purchases of books that are in stock or readily available.  Purchases can be made in store at 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road in North Hills, Raleigh or online at The great thing about partnering with Quail Ridge Books is that people can shop from anywhere via the online option. So share information about the fair with grandparents, aunt, uncles, cousins, and anyone else you know. When they put “Joyner Book Fair” in the comments of their order during the fair, JYJ will earn a commission and they’ll also be supporting our local independent bookseller. As an added bonus, there will not only be a great selection of books for our kids, but there’s a great selection for grown ups as well.  Joyner Elementary School students, parents, staff and community members can order books and items online for pick-up at the store or to ship, and/or shop in store December 4-13. (For teachers, staff, parents and school community members who are in the Quail Ridge Readers Club and want their purchases to earn a commission for Joyner Elementary School, the Readers Club discount will not apply. Free gift wrap is available.)  Keep an eye out for more details about the book fair in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie de Haven (see email for Jill’s contact info).

Volunteers Needed for Foundation’s Spring Fundraiser We are already preparing for our biggest fundraiser of the year and are in need of volunteers.  If you would like to get involved at any capacity to assist with this event, please email Jill Darnell (see email for Jill’s contact info).

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Students in all grade levels can receive a free breakfast and lunch from an operating location until December 31*. Please visit for a list of operating sites. Students are not required to visit their assigned school and do not have to be present to receive meals. The curbside meal service will operate Monday through Friday from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Students will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost! No student ID number required to receive meals. 

Our holiday season is approaching, and we will have assistance available:   

  • If you are in need of Thanksgiving meal assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  
  • If you are in need of Christmas/holiday assistance, please complete our online form in English or Spanish by Monday 11/02  

If you would like to donate items for holiday assistance (thank you!), directions will be provided to parents on Wednesday 11/18 in the Joyner weekly eblast on how to (virtually) select a tag and return items to school.  If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Burston (see email for Andrea’s contact info).

Magnet Season & Seeking Videos and Messages

Magnet season is approaching and JYJ must approach our recruiting of new students in new and different ways. We’d like to seek your help in this process!

JYJ families know how unique our magnet program is and your voice of experience would be invaluable for prospective families. Would you consider sharing a video or written message from your family that expresses your joy in our magnet program, IB and Spanish and what it has meant for your family? These messages will be used for prospective families to view. Please send videos or written messages to Mrs. Sheryl Davis-Jackson, (see email for Sheryl’s contract info).  

Magnet Application Acceptance Period:

The magnet and year-round application period will begin Oct. 15, 2020 and end Jan. 28, 2021. Applications are NOT first-come, first-served. Families will be notified mid-February 2021 if they received a seat at an application school. Visit the WCPSS website for more details. If your child is not currently enrolled in WCPSS, you must register your child at your base school before submitting the magnet application. 

For our 5th grade magnet families, you have priority in applying to these 2 IB middle schools:

Calendar Reminders:


  • 11/10 – General PTA meeting at 7:30PM (See email for login instructions)
  • 11/11 – Holiday
  • 11/11 – Jagwear & Foundation Mask Pick-up 11a.m.- 1p.m. (Carpool Loop)
  • 11/16 – All Pre K-3 students and regional program in Plan B will report on a daily basis
  • 11/16 – Grades 4-5 will begin their cohort rotations and continue in rotation throughout the end of the semester.  
  • 11/18 – Asynchronous Day 
  • 11/23 – Remote Learning Day
  • 11/24 – Remote Learning Day 
  • 11/25 – 11/27 – Fall Break


  • 12/2 – Remote Learning Day
  • 12/4-12/13 – JYJ Book Fair; Online and in-store options at Quail Ridge Books this year (More details to follow.)
  • 12/16 – Remote Learning Day