
News Flash | Extended Closure, Let’s Stay Connected & Yearbook Order Deadline this week

*WCPSS schools closed until May 15

Let’s Stay Connected – JYJ Smart Choices Photo Gallery!

We understand that keeping our kids happy and healthy is a struggle right now. Boredom is setting in, screen- time limits are a joke, and large muscle activities are a must!

Let’s keep them engaged by encouraging healthy choices like reading, hand-writing letters to shut-ins or class penpals, online educational enrichment games and physical activity with social distancing in mind. Take pics of your kids making these smart choices and submit them for the Newsflash each week! Send your photos to and we’ll be sure to share in the weeks ahead!

Yearbook Orders – Final Deadline March 26th!

Quick reminder that yearbook orders must be submitted by end of day this Thursday, March 26th.  We know there is so much going on right now so we appreciate your response and support! 

Base price is $16.00 with add-on options available.

Link to Order: ID code: 10746720

Thank you. Hope everyone is staying healthy! JYJ Yearbook Committee

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Updates with School Closure, Yearbook Order Extension, Note from Ms. Zezza

*March 16- March 27th- WCPSS will be closed

We understand everyone has questions about school events, Original Works, Curriculum Night, etc. We will continue to keep you informed as updates and information are available.  Thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain time. Stay well!

Yearbook Orders  – Deadline ExtendedWe have extended the deadline for online orders of the yearbook.  Click here to reserve your copy today. Base price is $16.00 with add-on options available.Link to Order: ID code: 10746720

Update from Ms. Zezza:

Dear JYJ Families,

As you know we will continue to follow the district and states directives in regards to school, academics and any events at this time.  I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank every parent, student and staff member that has gone above and beyond to continue to support families in need.  It truly has been a beautiful story of our community and we could not support one another without you.  I am pretty sure Costco knows our school family well now.  We even had some of our JYJ’s pick up items donated from their neighbors in wagons for delivery.  If that doesn’t speak the heart of our JYJ family I don’t know what does. If you are a family in need, please feel free to reach out to our school staff to see how we can help. 

School Updates: 

Parents Wake counties SSA nomination window for Joyner is March 23-March 27.  The nomination forms are on the WCPSS website under the academics tab, then go to the AIG tab and click SSA.  Parents can nominate their students during this week only.  Forms must be turned in to Julie Frederick. Please email her too if you are nominating your child or if you have any questions.  We will keep you informed if this information changes with our current school closings.  Please note that you can mail or send this through PDF to

Again we thank all of our families, students and staff for the support this past week.  We hope you are able to spend some restful time with your families and know that we are here to support you in the days moving forward as one school family. 

Calendar Items

  • March 19: Curriculum Night – CANCELLED
  • March 23: Student Led Conferences – CANCELLED

We will keep you updated with any expected changes to these upcoming events:

  • March 31: School Picture Day 
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Art Becomes Masterpiece, Chess Team, 5K & Spring Party

IB Learner Profile Trait for March: Risk-Takers

We approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. We are brave and articulate in defending our beliefs.

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Yearbook News
  • Original Works – Your Child’s Masterpiece
  • Joyner Chess Team
  • JYJ 5K Important Update!
  • Curriculum Night
  • Foundation Updates
  • Volunteer and Donation Opportunities
  • Summer Camps

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

It’s Yearbook Time!Yearbook Pictures NeededThe yearbook team is putting together pages and WE NEED YOUR PICTURES!! Pictures from field trips, classroom activities, clubs, fun pictures around school – send them over!  Please send them to or text them to 919-632-2582. Please remember to send them as actual size when emailing them over.  Order Your Yearbook Today!Click here to order your Joyner yearbook today. Base price is $16.00, with add-on options available.  In addition to the online option, you should also have received the order forms in last week’s folders. *All orders must be completed by March 16th – either online or envelopes with checks turned in at school.  We do not order extras so order online today!! Link to Order: ID code: 10746720

Let’s Celebrate Creativity!

Something special is coming in your child’s backpack this week!  A creative opportunity to support your child and our school through the Original Works Program.

Capture a moment in time by ordering custom keepsakes featuring your child’s very own masterpiece. 

Student artwork and order packets will go home in Wednesday’s folders. Please have orders back to school by Tuesday, March 17th.  Learn more about Original Works by visiting  

Joyner Chess Team

Enjoy chess? Sign up for the Joyner chess team!  Students will learn chess fundamentals and strategies that enhance learning skills and cognitive thinking.  We will build confidence and compete against other local schools.  Novice students and experienced players are encouraged to sign up as we will have two class sections.  

  • Open to students 2nd-5th grades
  • Season runs Fridays beginning March 27th-June 5th
  • Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
  • Fee: $110  (via online payment or check made payable to Triangle Chess)
  • Space is limited so register today!

Online Sign Up: 1) go to 2) Click “In School” on upper right     3) Click “Join A Team” on right side. Checks can be made out to Triangle Chess if not paying online. Questions? or (919) 272-8017

JYJ 5K Important Update! Please Read… Joyner’s annual Spring event, 5K Run/ Walk, is Saturday April 25th. The health and well-being of our school community is always our top priority. This event aims to teach students about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices through the Healthy Choice marathon and culminating with a family event of the 5K Run/ Walk.  The 5K also raises PTA money to fund annual programs for our school.  This event will still take place, but we will be monitoring the status of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to see if the event needs to be modified in any way.  We are optimistic that we will all be able to share this fun event and grow our community in person as planned, and will keep everyone up to date should adjustments be needed.

Spring Curriculum Night

Join us Thursday, March 19th at 5 p.m. for our School-wide Family Curriculum Night!  Kids welcome and more details to come!  Save the date!

Foundation Updates

Make plans to attend JYJ Foundation’s annual Spring Party on April 30th at Whitaker & Atlantic. Also as part of this year’s Silent Auction, each grade level will be putting together a basket with a different theme. These baskets were a huge hit last year, overflowing with great items! We need your help in doing the same this year.  Information was sent out re: links to purchase and how to make donations. If you have questions, need information or wish to support this effort, please contact Katie Cork,  

JYJ Spirit Rock 

Don’t miss your opportunity to decorate the spirit rock! Sign up to spread positive messages, encourage students, thank a staff member, or celebrate a birthday.  Click here to reserve a day and rent the Spirit Rock (or go to the Signups page Memberhub). 

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities Available

Mentors Needed

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh and a partner of Joyner Elementary, serving many members of our Joyner family.  They have a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors. Will you consider serving as a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N?

Sessions available from 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

The JYJ health room is in need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey) and all sizes needed. Bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Summer Camps:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 23: Student Led Conferences
  • March 31: School Picture Day
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Kids Day Event at Kiwanas, Yearbooks, Joyner Chess Team & More

IB Learner Profile Trait for March: Risk-Takers

We approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. We are brave and articulate in defending our beliefs.

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Kid’s Day Event – March 9th 
  • Yearbook News
  • Joyner Chess Team
  • Mark Your Calendars for JYJ 5K
  • Foundation Updates
  • Volunteer and Donation Opportunities

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Kids Day at Kiwanas Park – March 9thAshton Kendall, a senior at Broughton High School is participating in an internship and will be leading a kids day event at Kiwanas Park as one of her projects.  Kids ages 5-10 will be learning about mindfulness as well as making crafts and enjoying a variety of great activities in a fun and safe environment.  Ashton’s future career goal is to be a pediatric nurse and is excited about this project and internship opportunity. The event will be held on Monday, March 9th (Teacher Workday!) at Kiwanas Park from 12:30-2:30.  Advanced registration is required – click here to access more details and registration form. Transportation is not provided.  Contact Ashton with questions at or check out the flyer for more information.  

It’s Yearbook Time!Yearbook Club PicturesWe’ll be taking club pictures in the lobby on Thursday, March 6th for the following clubs (JYJ news, Safety Patrol, Girls on the Run Fall & Spring, Science Olympiad, Chess Club, Girls Mentor Group, Boys Mentor Group). If your child has a tshirt for their club, please have them wear/bring it with them on Thursday. Ms. Ferriter will call each club when its time for their picture. First in Fitness team picture will be taken at the event.  Additional Yearbook Pictures NeededThe yearbook team is putting together pages and WE NEED YOUR PICTURES!! Pictures from field trips, classroom activities, clubs, fun pictures around school – send them over!  Please send them to or text them to 919-632-2582. Please remember to send them as actual size when emailing them over.  Order Your Yearbook Today!Click here to order your Joyner yearbook today. Base price is $16.00, with add-on options available.  In addition to the online option, you should also have received the order forms in last week’s folders. *All orders must be completed by March 16th – either online or envelopes with checks turned in at school.  We do not order extras so order online today!! Link to Order: ID code: 10746720

Joyner Chess Team

Enjoy chess? Sign up for the Joyner chess team!  Students will learn chess fundamentals and strategies that enhance learning skills and cognitive thinking.  We will build confidence and compete against other local schools.  Novice students and experienced players are encouraged to sign up as we will have two class sections.  

  • Open to students 2nd-5th grades
  • Season runs Fridays beginning March 27th-June 5th
  • Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
  • Fee: $110  (via online payment or check made payable to Triangle Chess)
  • Space is limited so register today!

Online Sign Up: 1) go to 2) Click “In School” on upper right     3) Click “Join A Team” on right side. Checks can be made out to Triangle Chess if not paying online. Questions? or (919) 272-8017

Let’s Celebrate Creativity!

Something special is coming in your child’s backpack soon!  A creative opportunity to support your child and our school through the Original Works Program.

Capture a moment in time by ordering custom keepsakes featuring your child’s very own masterpiece. 

Student artwork and order packets will go home next week in Wednesday folders. Please have orders back to school by Tuesday, March 17th.  Learn more about Original Works by visiting  

JYJ 5K is April 25th …Additional Committee Help Needed!

Mark your calendars – Joyner’s annual Spring event, 5K Run/ Walk, is Saturday April 25th. This event aims to teach students about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices through the Healthy Choice marathon and culminating with a family event of the 5K Run/ Walk.  The 5K also raises PTA money to fund annual programs for our school.  Stay tuned, more info to come!

Thanks so much to those who have already volunteered their time, but additional help needed to make this event a continued success!  Please contact Amber Lueken Barwick,, for ways to get involved!

Foundation Updates

Make plans to attend JYJ Foundation’s annual Spring Party on April 30th at Whitaker & Atlantic. Also as part of this year’s Silent Auction, each grade level will be putting together a basket with a different theme. These baskets were a huge hit last year, overflowing with great items! We need your help in doing the same this year.  Information was sent out re: links to purchase and how to make donations. If you have questions, need information or wish to support this effort, please contact Katie Cork,  

JYJ Spirit Rock 

Don’t miss your opportunity to decorate the spirit rock! Sign up to spread positive messages, encourage students, thank a staff member, or celebrate a birthday.  Click here to reserve a day and rent the Spirit Rock (or go to the Signups page Memberhub). 

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities Available

Mentors Needed

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh and a partner of Joyner Elementary, serving many members of our Joyner family.  They have a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors. Will you consider serving as a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N?

Sessions available from 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

The JYJ health room is in need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey) and all sizes needed. Bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Summer Camps:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • March 2-6: 4th Grade Writer’s in Residency – Tony Peacock
  • March 4: Statewide Tornado Drill, 9:30 a.m.
  • March 6: New Magnet Family Welcome, 9 a.m. (families received an email invite)
  • March 9: Teacher Workday
  • March 9: Kids Day Event at Kiwanas (Advance Registration Required) 12:30-2:30
  • March 11: First in Fitness
  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 23: Student Led Conferences
  • March 31: School Picture Day
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Yearbook News, Foundation Updates, Volunteer & Donation Opportunities

IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community? 

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Yearbook News
  • Foundation Updates
  • Volunteer and Donation Opportunities

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

It’s Yearbook Time!Yearbook Pictures NeededThe yearbook team is putting together pages and WE NEED YOUR PICTURES!! Pictures from field trips, classroom activities, clubs, fun pictures around school – send them over!  Please send them to or text them to 919-632-2582. Please remember to send them as actual size when emailing them over.  Order Your Yearbook Today!Click here to order your Joyner yearbook today. Base price is $16.00, with add-on options available.  In addition to the online option, you should also have received the order forms in last week’s folders. *All orders must be completed by March 16th – either online or envelopes with checks turned in at school.  We do not order extras so order online today!! Link to Order: ID code: 10746720

Foundation Updates

Silent Auction Grade Level Basket Donation

You should have received an email from Katie Cork last week with a link to sign up to donate items to your child’s grade level basket.  These baskets will be raffled off as part of the Joyner Foundation’s annual Spring Party.  Each grade has a different theme and there are so many awesome items that go into each basket.  We can’t make it happen without your generous donations, so please donate if you are able.  If you do not have Katie’s email with the link, just go to your grade’s hub on Memberhub and click on signups.  Thank you for your help, and feel free to contact Katie Cork with any questions. 

Sky Zone Spirit Night

Join us for Spirit Night at Sky Zone this Friday, Feb. 28th from 4-8 pm. Jump to your heart’s delight with your Joyner buddies while supporting our school.  Sky Zone will have the Xbox eSports Gaming Lounge open for us as well. Sky Zone is donating 20% of the proceeds from our event back to the Joyner Foundation. 

Tickets on sale this week – cost per jumper is $13 for 1 hour or $20 for 3 hours.  We hope to see you there!

JYJ Spirit Rock Sign up to spread positive messages, encourage students, thank a staff member, or celebrate a birthday on the Rock.  Click here to reserve a day and rent the Spirit Rock (or go to the Signups page on the JY Joyner Memberhub).   

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities Available

Mentors Needed

Consider being a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N! Neighbor to Neighbor (or N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh. N2N is a partner of Joyner Elementary and serves many members of our Joyner family – they current have a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors.

Sessions available from 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Summer Camps:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Feb. 26: New Magnet Family Welcome, 3-6 p.m.
  • Feb. 28: Spirit Night, Sky Zone 4-8 p.m. 
  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Welcome Back! Come jump at SkyZone, Event Planning & Mentors Needed

Welcome Back!  We hope you enjoyed a relaxing long weekend!IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community? 

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Spirit Night at Sky Zone
  • Get involved with Foundation’s Spring Party planning
  • Mentors Needed for Neighbor to Neighbor
  • Summer Camp Links

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Joyner Foundation Updates…

Sky Zone Spirit Night, Feb. 28th from 4-8

Join us for Spirit Night at Sky Zone in Raleigh on Friday, Feb. 28th from 4-8 pm. Jump to your heart’s delight with your Joyner buddies while supporting our school.  Sky Zone will have the Xbox eSports Gaming Lounge open for us as well. Sky Zone is donating 20% of the proceeds from our event back to the Joyner Foundation. 

Tickets will go on sale the week of the event. Cost per jumper is $13 for 1 hour or $20 for 3 hours.  We hope to see you there!

*Save the Date: Annual Spring Party, Thursday, April 30th at Whitaker & Atlantic

Ways to Get Involved in Event Planning 

Planning for this great annual event is underway and extra help is needed to make it a success!  This event helps raise money vital to funding teaching positions we have supported this year.  

Here are two ways to get involved:

  1. Help us reach out to local businesses that donated auction items last year
  2. Have an auction item to donate or know a local business that may want to donate an item?  

Popular auction items include gift cards for local restaurants and spa, Kids camps/activities/parties/experiences, event tickets (music, sports, theater, etc.), professional services, hotel stays, athletic memorabilia, vacation homes, art and more. 

Contact Heather Kraudel ( with questions or to get involved. Thanks for your consideration and support!

Silent Auction Grade Level Basket Donations 

As part of this year’s silent auction, each grade level will be putting together a basket with a different theme. We need your help again this year – the grade level baskets were a huge hit last year and were overflowing with fabulous items!  Stay tuned for link to sign up for items to donate for the baskets. Contact Katie Cork ( with questions and to get involved.

Mentors Needed

Consider being a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N! Neighbor to Neighbor (or N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh. N2N is a partner of Joyner Elementary and serves many members of our Joyner family – they current have a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors.

Sessions available from 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Links to Summer Camp Options:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Feb. 26: New Magnet Family Welcome
  • Feb. 28: Spirit Night, Sky Zone 4-8 p.m. 
  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Thank you to our Teachers & “Love the Bus” Week, Final Days for Book Donations, Long Weekend Ahead

IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Teacher Appreciation Day – Feb. 14th
  • Love the Bus Week
  • WAKE Up and Read – Final Days for Donations 
  • Neighbor to Neighbor – Be A Mentor
  • School Closed next Monday & Tuesday
  • Sky Zone Spirit Night – Feb. 28th 
  • Summer Camp Links

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Teacher Appreciation Feb. 14th – “Thanks for giving all your HEART”

Let’s shower our teachers with love for Teacher Appreciation Day this Friday, Feb. 14th. 

Parent Suggestions: favorite candy, flowers, handwritten note telling your teacher what you LOVE about them.  

Love the Bus Week, Feb. 10-14thWe greatly appreciate our bus drivers each and every day. We know you appreciate them, too. That’s why we hope you will take an active part in the state’s “Love the Bus” celebration the week of February 10-14. Bus drivers work hard to ensure that more than 70,000 students are delivered to and from school safely every day. They are the first WCPSS employee our bus riders see in the morning and the last they see in the afternoon. Please share a kind word or even Valentine’s Day cards with your bus drivers during Love the Bus week.  Thanks for your support!  

Don’t forget to bring those new and gently used books this week

WAKE Up And Read

This is our final week for WAKE Up and Read.  Our last day for book collection is this Friday, Feb. 14th.  Thanks so much to all who have donated – this makes such a positive impact on children birth to 12 years old across Wake County.  Box donations are also welcome.  We thank you for your support! 

Neighbor to Neighbor

Be a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N! Neighbor to Neighbor (or N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh. Not only is N2N a partner of Joyner Elementary; N2N serves many members of our Joyner family. N2N has a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors. It’s not a big commitment: 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

Clothing Donations Requested

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Long Weekend Ahead

Don’t forget, there will be no school for students on Monday, 2/17 (Presidents Day) or Tuesday, 2/18 (Teacher Workday). 

Sky Zone Spirit Night

Please join us for our next spirit night at Sky Zone Raleigh on February 28th from 4:00 – 8:00pm.  Jump to your heart’s delight with your Joyner buddies while supporting our school.  Sky Zone will even have the Xbox eSports Gaming Lounge open for us as well.  Tickets will go on sale the week of the event, so please stay tuned.  The cost per jumper is 1 hour for $13 or 3 hours for $20.  Sky Zone is donating 20% of the proceeds from our event back to the Joyner Foundation.  We hope to see you there!

Links to Summer Camp Options:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Feb. 11: PTA Board Meeting, 7:30 a.m.
  • Feb. 12: TEK Clubs Begin
  • Feb. 14: Teacher Appreciation Day, “Thanks for giving all your HEART”
  • Feb. 17: School Closed, President’s Day
  • Feb. 18: School Closed, Teacher Workday
  • Feb. 26: New Magnet Family Welcome
  • Feb. 28: Spirit Night, Sky Zone 4-8 p.m. 
  • March 19: Curriculum Night
  • March 31: JYJ Dine Out and Spirit Night at Firenza Pizza, 5-9 p.m. 
  • April 23: Student Led Conferences
  • April 25: Joyner 5K, 3:00 p.m.
  • April 30: Joyner Foundation Spring Party, 7:30 p.m. (Venue: Whitaker & Atlantic)
  • May 14: Night of Nonsense

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Share Your Input, Consider Being A Mentor, Student & Artist Collaborative

IB Learner Profile Trait for February: BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. How do you balance everything in your life? At home? At school? In the community?

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Thank you to our Counselors
  • School Improvement Survey
  • Volunteer and Donation Opportunities
  • Grant Funded Student & Artist Collaborative
  • TEK Clubs – Last Days to Register
  • Teacher Appreciation Day Feb. 14th
  • Summer Camp Options

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

National School Counseling Week…Thank You To Our Counselors!

In celebration of National School Counseling Week, let’s take a moment and say thank you to our wonderful staff counselors – Andrea Burston, Brian Phillips and intern Taylor Hartline. Our students and Joyner family benefit greatly because of their unwavering commitment and support each day. Thank you!

School Improvement Survey – Share Your Input Today!

JYJ’s School Improvement Committee is looking for parent input to learn how to better support families as you support YOUR students academically at home. There will be incentives for classrooms that get this survey filled out fastest! All responses needed by Feb. 6th. 

Our goal is to get a response representing EACH student at JYJ. Click here to access the survey and complete today. THANK YOU for your help with this survey!

Link to access:

Consider These Great Opportunities To Give Back

Neighbor to Neighbor

Be a weekly mentor to Joyner kids at N2N! Neighbor to Neighbor (or N2N) is a community outreach organization in Southeast Raleigh. Not only is N2N a partner of Joyner Elementary; N2N serves many members of our Joyner family. N2N has a full waitlist of Joyner kids who needs mentors. It’s not a big commitment: 4:30-5:30 or 5:45-6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. To sign up, complete the short form. For more information, contact Pat Dawson at 919-618-8119 or

WAKE Up And Read

Join us in collecting new and gently used books for children birth to 12 years old across Wake County.  Donations collected through Feb. 15th and box donations are welcome.  

Clothing Donations Requested

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

Mosaic Artpiece for Joyner Entrance Coming Soon

This week the fifth graders and fourth grade after school students are working together on a giant mosaic artpiece that will hang near the entrance to school. Thanks to a generous grant from the United Arts Council, funding by the PTA, and After Care, visiting Artist Jeannette Brossart has brought all the materials for our giant 3 foot x 10 foot mosaic to Mr. Fotta’s art room.

A cross disciplinary team (including Señora Onate from Spanish, Mr. Fotta, Art, Ms. Wilcox, 5th Grade), worked together on the creative concept, planning, and integrating the mosaic work into their respective curricula.

Great job team! As you can see from the first images coming out of this project – a great job was done by all! 

TEK Clubs start next week                         

Clubs will run Feb 12- March 18 (Wednesdays 3:30-4:45). It’s not too late to register – forms and club listings may be found here: (under the Joyner Tab). Please contact Duval Fisher to register:  

Teacher Appreciation Feb. 14th – “Thanks for giving all your HEART”

Let’s shower our teachers with love for our next Teacher Appreciation Day on Friday, Feb. 14th. 

Parent Suggestions: favorite candy, flowers, handwritten note telling your teacher what you LOVE about them.  

Links to Summer Camp Options:

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnson for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 29: School Closed – Teacher Workday 
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Feb. 4: Girls on the Run Season Begins
  • Feb. 11: PTA Board Meeting, 7:30 a.m.
  • Feb. 12: TEK Clubs Begin
  • Feb. 14: Teacher Appreciation Day, “Thanks for giving all your HEART”
  • Feb. 17: School Closed, President’s Day
  • Feb. 18: School Closed, Teacher Workday
  • Feb. 28: Spirit Night, Sky Zone 4-8 p.m. 
  • April 25: JYJ 5K

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | PTA Meeting & Coffee, Your Input Needed, Wake Up & Read and More Summer Camp Options

JY Joyner named a 2020 Magnet School of Excellence!!!  

Congratulations to all of our students, teachers, staff and Joyner families – we are so proud of the recent announcement and recognition by the Magnet Schools of America naming JYJ a Magnet School of Excellence!  A special thank you to our outstanding magnet coordinator, Ms. Sheryl Davis, for her hard work in continuing to support and build our program with our students and staff. 

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. I am curious and like to ask questions in order to learn more.

This Week’s News Flash:

  • PTA General Meeting & Principal’s Coffee 
  • Parent input needed – School Improvement Survey
  • WAKE Up and Read 
  • National School Counseling Week
  • Clothing Donation Request
  • TEK Clubs Registration Open
  • Updated – More Summer Camp Options

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

PTA General Meeting & Principals’s Coffee this Friday!

Make plans to join us for the General PTA meeting this Fri, January 31st at 8 am in the Media Center followed by the Principal’s coffee at 8:30 am. Hear updates from our Grounds Committee as well as info on the upcoming 5K! Parents are welcome to attend all PTA meetings! 

December 2019 Meeting Minutes

January 2020 Meeting Agenda

Parent Input Needed – School Improvement Survey

JYJ’s School Improvement Committee is looking for parent input to learn how to better support families as you support YOUR students academically at home. There will be incentives for classrooms that get this survey filled out fastest! All responses needed by Feb. 6th. 

Our goal is to get a response representing EACH student at JYJ. Click here to access the survey and complete today. THANK YOU for your help with this survey!

Link to access:

WAKE Up And Read
Join us in collecting new and gently used books for children birth to 12 years old.  Help support and bring the joy of reading to thousands of children across our WCPSS community. We will be collecting books until February 15th

Let’s see which grade level can bring in the most books to help other children enjoy the books we all love. Box donations are welcome. 

National School Counseling Week

Feb 4-8 is National School Counseling Week.  We are truly blessed and grateful for the amazing work of our very own school counselor Andrea Burston who each day shows unwavering commitment to student achievement and success at Joyner. 

Let’s all join together in thanking Ms. Burston for her hard work with our Joyner students and families!  

Clothing Donation Request

Our JYJ health room is in desperate need of new girl leggings and/or boys sweatpants in neutral colors (black, navy or grey). All sizes needed. Please bring items to Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.

TEK Club Registration is Open                        

TEK Clubs registration is still open! Clubs will run Feb 12- March 18 (Wednesdays 3:30-4:45). Forms and club listings may be found here: (under the Joyner Tab)

Please contact Duval Fisher to register:  

Save the Date…JYJ 5KMark your calendars – Joyner’s annual Spring event, 5K Run/ Walk, is Saturday April 25th. This event aims to teach students about the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices through the Healthy Choice marathon and culminating with a family event of the 5K Run/ Walk.  The 5K also raises PTA money to fund annual programs for our school.  Stay tuned, more info to come!

More Great Summer Camp Options Announced!

  • PE, Art and Chemistry Camps – Click here for full details and registration form. Dates available in July and August.  Led by Poyer (PE), Fotta (Art), Cameron (Chemistry).  
  • First Grade Refresher and Kindergarten Readiness – Click here for details. Contact Kate Johnston for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

These camps are open to the public – spread the word to others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 29: School Closed – Teacher Workday 
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Feb. 4: Girls on the Run Season Begins
  • Feb. 11: PTA Board Meeting, 7:30 a.m.
  • Feb. 12: TEK Clubs Begin
  • Feb. 14: Teacher Appreciation, “Thanks for giving all your HEART”
  • Feb. 17: School Closed, President’s Day
  • Feb. 18: School Closed, Teacher Workday
  • April 25: JYJ 5K

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Stay Informed with PTA Meeting, Have coffee with Principal, Jump for Spirit Night

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. I am curious and like to ask questions in order to learn more.

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Last day to register for Spirit Night, Triangle Rock Club
  • TEK Clubs Registration Now Open
  • PTA General Meeting & Principal’s Coffee 
  • Girls on the Run Registration Now Open
  • Summer Camp Options

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Today is LAST day to register for Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club 

Our Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club is this Sunday, Jan. 26th from 6-8 p.m. Today is last day to register so click here to sign up and and fill out your waiver.

Cost is $15 per climber, and the Triangle Rock Club is donating 75% of that back to the Joyner Foundation.  We hope to see you there!

TEK Clubs Sign Up Now Available  

Join us this morning, Wed. 22nd from 8-8:30 a.m. in the Media Center to sign up for TEK Clubs! You may also click here to access the forms online at TEK’s website.

Clubs will run from February 12 through March 18th from 3:30-4:45. Email Duval with questions or for more information.  

You’re invited! PTA General Meeting & Principals’s Coffee 

Make plans to join us for the next General PTA meeting on Fri, January 31st at 8 am in the Media Center followed by the Principal’s coffee at 8:30 am. Hear updates from our Grounds Committee as well as info on the upcoming 5K! Parents are welcome to attend all PTA meetings! Agenda for the upcoming meeting as well as December minutes to follow!

Girls on the Run (GOTR) Spring 2020: Registration is now open!

GOTR season runs February 4 through April 25th.  Practices held at school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 – 4:30.  Spring 5k will be held on April 25 at Research Commons Place – more event details to come.

Click here for registration info and email Shanna Schroeder if you have any questions.

Summer Camp Options:

  • First Grade Refresher (Rising First Graders) July 20-July 24, led by Kate Johnson (4th grade)
  • Kindergarten Readiness (Rising K) August 3- August 7, led by Kate Johnston (4th grade)
  • Both camps listed above are 1/2 day held at Hayes Barton Baptist Church. Click here to access the flyer for more details. Contact Kate Johnston for more information: or 919-757-4892. 

Stay tuned as we continue to share more available camp options.These camps are open to the public – please share with others you know who may have interest. 

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 22: TEK Club Registration, 8:00-8:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 26: Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club, 6-8 p.m. 
  • Jan. 29: School Closed – Teacher Workday 
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Feb. 4: Girls on the Run Season Begins
  • Feb. 14: Teacher Appreciation, “Thanks for giving all your HEART”
  • Feb. 12: TEK Clubs Begin
  • Feb. 17: School Closed, President’s Day
  • Feb. 18: School Closed, Teacher Workday

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.