NewsFlash | Principal search input, summer to-do list

Submit input for principal search

Thanks to all parents who met with Area Superintendent Andre Smith last week to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal — we had a great session with Dr. Smith and are excited about the opportunities ahead. Individuals who were unable to attend the input session can email comments to — see the form in MemberHub files to submit your feedback in writing by June 30. The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process.


Summer to-do list

  • Order school supplies at and use ID code joy014. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need.
  • Water the pollinator garden. Sign up is available on MemberHub.
  • Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Join us for library meet-ups on July 11 and Aug. 8 — see details at the end of this message. 


Summer food programs available

More than 60 percent of North Carolina children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals and almost a quarter are food insecure. When school is out and they no longer have the benefit of the school breakfast and/or school lunch program, they may not have enough food to eat.

Fortunately, organizations across the state are participating in the Free Summer Meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal.

To find summer feeding sites, text FOODNC to 877-877 or call 1-866-3HUNGRY.


Ads make MemberHub free to all NC PTAs

Through a partnership with the North Carolina PTA, MemberHub is now available free of charge for all PTA units in NC public schools. As a result, you’ll now see ads at the top and bottom of messages and on the MemberHub pages within the platform. By using this sponsored version of MemberHub, the Joyner PTA is able to redirect funds previously spent on our subscription and put more money into our classrooms, teacher supports and student opportunities.


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this month? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. If this is the case, just reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll take care of it.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 29: Dine-out night to support the JYJ Foundation, Pieology at North Hills, 5-8 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher and popsicles
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Parent input session, school supplies, garden watering, summer reading

Principal input session set for next Wednesday

WCPSS will hold a parent session with Area Superintendent Andre Smith on Wednesday, June 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the Joyner gym for all parents who wish to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal. Examples of input include: desired characteristics/qualities, assets, traits, and particular skills/experience. The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process. Individuals unable to attend the input session can email comments to — see the form in MemberHub files for submitting your feedback in writing.


Last chance for school supply deal

Quick, before you forget — go to and use ID code joy014 to order school supplies for the fall. Order by June 15 to get the discounted price. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need. All supply orders must be placed in advance — no supply packs will be sold at school this fall. Pre-ordered supply packs will be delivered to the school and waiting for you at the beginning of the school year.


Sign up to water the JYJ garden

The pollinator garden is exploding and we need your help keeping it that way over the summer. We are looking for families to help with watering the garden each week. No set days or time, just pick a week and use your judgement on how often you need to come. Sign up is available on MemberHub. 


Join us at the library this summer

All JYJ students are invited to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge by reading a total of 1,000 minutes over the summer. Those who track and turn in their minutes after school starts back in the fall will take part in the Summer Reading Celebration in September. Details and reading logs are available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Make plans to join us at library meet-ups each month — see the dates and locations listed at the end of this message. Contact Kristin Wolverton at or Crystal Jordan at with questions.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 19: Wake Board of Commissioners to vote on county budget, 2 p.m. at the Justice Center (300 S. Salisbury St.). To speak, sign-up 30 minutes before meeting.
  • June 20: JYJ library meet-up at Cameron Village Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications team. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Parent input session for principal search on June 21 at 3:30

WCPSS will hold a parent session with Area Superintendent Andre Smith on Wednesday, June 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the Joyner gym for all parents who wish to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal. Examples of input include: desired characteristics/qualities, assets, traits, and particular skills/experience.

The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process. Individuals unable to attend the input session can email their comments to — see the form in MemberHub files for submitting your feedback in writing.


Please use the following outline from WCPSS as you consider the input you’d like to share during the session:  

Without using the name(s) of any staff member, administrator, parent or community person, please share your input in the following categories:
1. General Leadership — How do you see the new principal functioning as chief administrator? Consider developing and implementing policy; managing the budget; hiring, supervising and developing staff; setting disciplinary and sagely standards; planning schedules; and carrying out the total school program.
2. Instructional Leadership — What special qualities in a principal does your school need to set and meet academic goals? Consider school and classroom objectives; faculty, parent and student involvement; curriculum development; student performance and appraisal; and instructional priorities and program needs.
3. Relationships — What kind of relationships inside and outside the school do you feel are critical for your schools’ success? Consider students, parents and staff; the tone of your school environment; levels of interaction; and how your school is represented and perceived in the community.


NewsFlash | Everyone take a deep breath (and come hug Mr. Charles this morning)

Don’t forget to visit with Mr. Charles this morning! He’ll be out front to say goodbye for the summer. Many thanks to all who contributed cards and donations to his get-well wishes!


Congratulations to Mrs. Hutchinson

Last night, the Wake County Board of Education named our own Mrs. Hutchinson to lead Centennial Campus Middle School starting in July. We wish her all the best and thank her for her leadership at Joyner over the past six years! WCPSS will be working with the PTA to set up a parent input session regarding the hiring of a new principal — we’ll share details as soon as we have them.


Check school supply ordering off your list

Quick, before you forget — go to and use ID code joy014 to order school supplies for next fall. Order by June 15 to get the discounted price. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need. All supply orders must be placed in advance — no supply packs will be sold at school this fall. Pre-ordered supply packs will be delivered to the school and waiting for you at the beginning of the school year.


Spring fundraiser leads to special purchases

The 2017 Joyner 5K Run/Walk and Classroom Challenge raised $30,000 through generous sponsorships and donations from community members, parents, grandparents and students. Our 5K fundraising theme this year was “Super Specials” and focused on enhancing our Spanish, PE, art and technology programs. We are pleased to share those improvements:

  • Technology: Wonder Workshop Dash and Dot robotics kits (real robots that make computer science education fun and effective in teaching kids to code and create music); Lego Story Pack (early learning focused on creating tech animation programs); and soundboard, mixer and broadcast equipment to upgrade the student-run JYJ News.
  • PE: Sets of lacrosse equipment to introduce students to the sport.
  • Spanish: Materials and manipulatives to improve language learning with a focus on technology and visual aids.
  • Art: Large drying racks for student art and clay materials

Thank you to the entire school community for your support!


Sign up to water the JYJ garden

The pollinator garden is exploding and we need your help keeping it that way over the summer. We are looking for families to help with watering the garden each week. No set days or time, just pick a week and use your judgement on how often you need to come. Sign up is available on MemberHub. 


Join us at the library this summer

All JYJ students are invited to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge by reading a total of 1,000 minutes over the summer. Those who track and turn in their minutes after school starts back in the fall will take part in the Summer Reading Celebration in September. Details and reading logs are available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Make plans to join us at library meet-ups each month — see the dates and locations listed at the end of this message. Contact Kristin Wolverton at or Crystal Jordan at with questions.


Thanks for the magic (markers)!

Parent volunteer Rebecca Bloom extends a HUGE thank you to the community for sending in markers and to Mr. Fotta and Ms. Johnson who kept collection bins in their rooms this year. Last weekend, she shipped 5,614 markers to Crayola for recycling! Many thanks to all who supported this program to help protect the environment for our children.


Help change Kiwanis Park

Interested in learning more about The City of Raleigh Parks & Rec department and the Kiwanis organization effort to rebuild Kiwanis Park?  Click here for details. Joyner parent Jen Schrage is partnering with Kiwanis to help raise additional needed funds. Check out the crowdfunding site for ways you can contribute — $500 gets your name on the park plaque!


In case you’re planning ahead…

TEK Clubs will return to JYJ this fall for six sessions on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 p.m. The clubs will run from Oct. 25 through Dec. 6 (skipping the week of Thanksgiving). More TEK Club details will be sent home at the start of the new school year. Feel free to reach out to Duval Fisher with any questions at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)
  • June 19: Wake Board of Commissioners to vote on county budget, 2 p.m. at the Justice Center (300 S. Salisbury St.). To speak, sign-up 30 minutes before meeting.
  • June 20: JYJ library meet-up at Cameron Village Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications team. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | School supplies, Mr. Charles and Wake County budget hearings

Great news from Mr. Fotta and his wife — they’re heading to China this Friday to bring home their daughter, Harper Kay Fotta. Join their “Fottas Travel Journey to China” Facebook group if you’d like to follow along. 


Check school supply ordering off your list

Take advantage of school supply pre-ordering now and save yourself some time in August! Just go to and use ID code joy014Order by June 15 to get the discounted price. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need. All supply orders must be placed in advance — no supply packs will be sold at school this fall. Pre-ordered supply packs will be delivered to the school and waiting for you at the beginning of the school year.


Get-well wishes for Mr. Charles

Joyner’s sweet and wonderful crossing guard Mr. Charles took a fall and has been in the hospital, but should be heading home. He’s hoping to come by on Thursday morning with his wife to say hello and wish the kids a great summer. If you’d like to contribute toward the collection for dinners and take-out gift cards, please see Ameshia Turlington ( or Ashley Jones ( this week. Ameshia will also be in the school lobby THIS MORNING to collect donations or any cards from the kids for Mr. Charles, or you can catch Ashley at walker pick-up. 


Gear up for summer reading

Looking for something educational to keep your child busy this summer? Look no further than Joyner’s Summer Reading Challenge! All JYJ students are invited to participate in this challenge by reading a total of 1,000 minutes over the summer. Those who track and turn in their minutes by Friday, Sept. 8, will take part in the Summer Reading Celebration later that month. Look for a reading log to come home with your child before the end of school — extra logs will be available on Memberhub. 


Attend county budget hearing to voice support for schools

Did you know that…

  • Magnet Schools of America placed 27 WCPSS schools — including Joyner — among the best in the nation for 2016
  • Each WCPSS graduating class adds more than $86 million to local property values
  • Every dollar spent and retained in Wake County by the WCPSS operating budget generates $1.76 in our community and every dollar invested in the WCPSS capital budget generates $2.23
  • WCPSS relies on funding from Wake County Board of Commissioners for nearly 30 percent of its annual budget

WCPSS has requested an additional $45 million from Wake County for 2017-18 — read this overview explaining the need for funds and the pressures facing the districtCounty commissioners need to hear from parents about why these budget items matter for students and families. Here’s how you can make your voice heard:

  • Attend a public hearing on June 5 — sign up 30 minutes before meeting starts to get 3 minutes to speak. Hearings will be held at the Justice Center (300 S. Salisbury St.) at 2 p.m. and at 4011 Carya Dr. (off Poole Rd.) at 7 p.m. Wear red if you’d like to show your support for public ed.
  • Attend the Commissioners’ voting meeting on June 19 at 2 p.m. at the Justice Center (300 S. Salisbury St.). To speak, sign-up 30 minutes before meeting.
  • Tweet at the Wake County Commissioners: @sighutchinson @Matt_Calabria @JessicaHolmesNC @ervportman4wake @GregFordNC @Burns4Wake
  • Call or email the Wake County Commissioners: Click for contact information


Help fund the Kiwanis Park make-over

Interested in learning more about The City of Raleigh Parks & Rec department and the Kiwanis organization effort to rebuild Kiwanis Park?  Click here for details. Joyner parent Jen Schrage is partnering with Kiwanis to help raise additional needed funds. Check out the June 4th Food Truck Rodeo and the crowdfunding site for ways you can contribute. If you know of a business that might be interested in sponsorship opportunities for the Food Truck Rodeo or through signage at the park, please contact Jen at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing (exact dates vary by grade level)
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications team. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Pre-order school supplies, support new Kiwanis Park, register for camps

Bring in any dried up markers to school this morning for the final pick-up of the year for the Crayola Colorcycle Program. Drop them off in the colorful bin in Mr. Fotta’s room!


Order supplies now, be ready in August

While it may feel strange to think about next school year when you’re still in the craziness of the current year, we’ve got one item you can go ahead and check off your list for the fall: school supplies.

Just go to and use ID code joy014Order by June 15 to get the discounted price. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need. All supply orders must be placed in advance — no supply packs will be sold at school this fall. Pre-ordered supply packs will be delivered to the school and waiting for you at the beginning of the school year. [Note: If you’d rather shop for your own supplies, teacher lists will be available. But ordering them this way is waaaaaayyyy easier.]


Kiwanis Park make-over needs your support

If you volunteered at Field Day last week and thought that Kiwanis Park could really use some help, you’re in luck! The City of Raleigh Parks & Rec department and the Kiwanis organization are teaming up to rebuild Kiwanis Park — the park belongs to the city, but is a huge benefit to Joyner. Park & Rec have committed $1 million to cover the new fully staffed community center, new picnic shelter and new bathrooms — click here for details. That leaves an additional $400,000 needed to provide a new playground, basketball court, dog park, pickle ball court (yes, that’s actually a thing) and a greenway connection. Kiwanis Foundation has committed to match community donations up to $250,000 to help make this happen!

Joyner parent Jen Schrage is partnering with Kiwanis to help raise the additional needed funds. Check out the June 4th Food Truck Rodeo and the crowdfunding site for ways you can contribute. If you know of a business that might be interested in sponsorship opportunities for the Food Truck Rodeo or through signage at the park, please contact Jen at


Summer camps filling up

Don’t forget to register your kids for Spanish camp with Sra. Bell, kindergarten readiness camp with Ms. Johnson and Ms. Forbes, or PE/art/expedition camp with Mr. Poyer, Mr. Fotta and Ms. Orr. Just a heads up — the PE camp session for K-2 students is already full for the week of Aug. 7.

County, school district differ on budget approach

Are you keeping up with all the latest budget information? Read the WCPSS response to the county’s proposed budget. If you’d like to advocate for or against items in the budget, make plans to attend the public hearing on the budget on June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Commons Building (4011 Carya Dr., Raleigh).


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing (exact dates vary by grade level)
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.

NewsFlash | Only three more Wednesdays…

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month to raise awareness about communication disorders — learn more from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.


So much fun this Friday!

There’s no shortage of good times scheduled for this Friday:

  • JYJ volunteer appreciation breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m. in the media center.
  • Field Day runs from 9:15-11:15 for K-2 and 11:30-1:30 for 3-5. Mr. Poyer is all set on juice boxes, but still needs cookies for the kids and water bottles for parent volunteers — please bring what you can before Friday! Remember to cover your kids in sunscreen before they come to school on Friday and pack a change of clothes.
  • EOG pep rally will start at 2:00 to get our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders excited about showing off what they’ve learned this year.


Complete parent survey this week

Please complete this anonymous survey so we can assess our improvement and continue to adjust going forward as part of the PTA School of Excellence program — it’s quick and easy, but we need your replies by the end of the week!

We used your feedback earlier this year to select a target goal to “Improve Family Engagement in Education” for the year. With that goal in mind, Joyner’s faculty and staff implemented student-led conferences this spring. The PTA also made a deliberate effort to increase communication around our School Improvement Plan, WCPSS standards, National PTA Parent’s Guide to Success and tips for staying informed on important legislation such as HB13. Here’s the full link in case you need to copy and paste into your browser:


Study Buddies meeting next Tuesday

Calling all Study Buddies! Please meet in the media center on May 23 at 8 a.m. to discuss how the first year of our new mentoring program has gone. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to our JYJ students. Committee Chair Kate Parke would love your feedback in regards to what went well and what we could change up next fall. Teachers, please feel free to email your input to


Clear out those old markers

Take a few minutes to sort through your art supplies at home and bring any dried up markers to school for the Crayola Colorcycle Program. Drop them off in the colorful bin in Mr. Fotta’s room by next Wednesday and parent volunteer Rebecca Blum will pick them up!


PTA officers, chairs for 2017-18

Many thanks to all who have helped make the PTA and its programs possible this year — and an extra thank you to all who have already signed up to help for next school year. Check out the slate of officers and committee chairs lined up for 2017-18.

We still need co-chairs for the Joyner Jamboree — now’s your chance to step up and claim the glory (and bask in it all year after completing your job in October)!


County and state budgets impact education

If you love budget wrangling, then this is your favorite time of year!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 19: Volunteer appreciation breakfast and Field Day
  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.

NewsFlash | Parent survey, kindergarten camps, Box Tops and more

Today is National Bike to School Day! Bonus points to you and your child if you’re heading to Joyner on two wheels this morning. Be sure to talk about safety with your kids — check out the videos and discussion guides for ages 5-18 at Bicycle Safer Journey


Share your opinion, improve the PTA

Joyner is participating in the PTA School of Excellence program this year, and we need your help!!! You completed a survey last fall to help us identify areas for improvement. We used your feedback to select a target goal to “Improve Family Engagement in Education” for the year. With that goal in mind, Joyner’s faculty and staff implemented student-led conferences this spring. The PTA also made a deliberate effort to increase communication around our School Improvement Plan, WCPSS standards, National PTA Parent’s Guide to Success and tips for staying informed on important legislation such as HB13.

Now it’s your turn again to help us earn this Excellence award — and maybe a fancy new banner for our lobby! Please complete this anonymous survey so we can assess our improvement and continue to adjust going forward. (Here’s the full link in case you need to copy and paste into your browser:


Kindergarten camps new this summer

To help students prepare for kindergarten, Joyner teachers Ms. Forbes and Ms. Johnson are offering fun half-day kindergarten readiness camps at Hayes Barton Baptist Church this summer. The camps will run from 9 a.m. to noon for the weeks of June 26, July 24, July 31 and Aug. 7 and are open to all rising kindergartners (not just Joyner students) for $150/week. Through games, crafts and hands-on activities, the camps will focus on the physical, intellectual, emotional and social child to prepare for the awesomeness that is kindergarten. See MemberHub files to download the camp flyer and registration form.


Bring your Box Tops tomorrow

This week is the final Box Top collection for the school year — another way small actions can add up to support for the Joyner PTA. Send in your trimmed Box Tops to your child’s teacher through May 11 (Thursday). Winning class gets a pizza party!


Art treasures are back

Original Works orders and artwork went home last Thursday, May 4. If you have any questions or anything is wrong with your order, please email by THIS Friday.


Celebrating with froyo

During the Classroom Challenge as part of February’s Healthy Choice Marathon, classes competed to see who could bring in the most money for the JYJ PTA. Last week the winning classes enjoyed their prize: a frozen yogurt truck visit just for them. JAM Soft Serve came to Joyner on Friday to serve those students frozen yogurt and shaved ice next to the new outdoor classroom. Sra. Gorley’s Spanish class even came out to serenade the winners with Spanish songs! Congratulations again to our winning classes: Mrs. Johnson (K), Ms. Wilson (1st), Mr. Jepsen (2nd), Mrs. Millsaps (3rd), Mr. Zimmerman(4th) and Mrs. Lewis (5th)!


Understanding the school district budget

If you’re interested in learning more about the proposed WCPSS budget and what’s in it for students, come to an information session hosted by the Wake PTA Council, Great Schools in Wake and the Wake NCAE on May 15 from 7-9 p.m. at the NCAE Office on 700 S. Salisbury St. in Raleigh. Wake County School Board Chair Monika Johnson-Hostler and Vice-Chair Christine Kushner will present an overview of next year’s proposed operating budget as well as a discussion of the impact of the K-3 class size limits (including amendments to HB13) in 2018-19 on the capital and staffing needs.

The County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the budget on June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Commons Building (4011 Carya Dr., Raleigh). The budget includes requests for additional funding to recruit and retain bus drivers, expand the number of counselors in schools, and provide additional training for WCPSS employees.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 8-11: Box Top classroom collection
  • May 10: Kindergarten orientation, 8:35 a.m.
  • May 12: Teacher workday
  • May 19: Volunteer appreciation breakfast and Field Day
  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)

NewsFlash | Night of Nonsense tomorrow, new campus features, parent survey and WCPSS budget news

Did you know there’s a MemberHub app? Available for iPhone and Android! And if you know a new family coming to Joyner, invite them to join the JYJ MemberHub now at this link.


Get ready for food trucks and nonsense!

The annual Joyner Night of Nonsense & Food Truck Frenzy is tomorrow night, Thursday, May 4! Food trucks will open at 4:45 and the Nonsense Show starts at 6 p.m. under the overhang. Bring cash or credit for the food trucks, but the hilarious skits performed by the fabulous Joyner teachers and staff are always free! Please help by donating items and/or volunteering to work a shift in the quiet room to help students (or adults) who might experience sensory overload and need a break from all the fun.

Parking is limited, so please walk if you can — and bring your family and friends along. Here’s the full line-up of food trucks, including vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options:


Outdoor learning around the school garden awarded to JYJ

Last week we told you about the new pollinator garden coming to the back of Joyner. This week we have more exciting news that you might have already noticed in front of the school…

Joyner’s outdoor classroom was completed over the weekend and classes have already been enjoying the nice weather. Thanks to the hard working JYJ dads that made this wonderful space happen!


You may have also noticed two new Little Free Libraries at each end of the bus loop. If you have any gently used, age-appropriate books that you no longer need, please drop them in one of the libraries. And if you’re looking for something to read with your child, please take a book home. Thank you to our JYJ parents and grandparents for making this project a reality!


We want to know what you think

Joyner is participating in the PTA School of Excellence program this year, and we need your help!!! You completed a survey last fall to help us identify areas for improvement. We used your feedback to select a target goal to “Improve Family Engagement in Education” for the year. With that goal in mind, Joyner’s faculty and staff implemented student-led conferences this spring. The PTA also made a deliberate effort to increase communication around our School Improvement Plan, WCPSS standards, National PTA Parent’s Guide to Success and tips for staying informed on important legislation such as HB13.

Now it’s your turn again to help us earn this Excellence award — and maybe a fancy new banner for our lobby! Please complete this anonymous survey so we can assess our improvement and continue to adjust going forward. (Here’s the full link in case you need to copy and paste into your browser:


WCPSS budget in process

The WCPSS Board of Education approved its version of the 2017-18 budget at its meeting Tuesday night and will send it to the Wake County Board of Commissioners by May 12 to approve their appropriation by July 1. The County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the budget on June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Commons Building (4011 Carya Dr., Raleigh). The budget includes requests for additional funding to recruit and retain bus drivers, expand the number of counselors in schools, and provide additional training for WCPSS employees.

If you’re interested in learning more about the proposed budget and what’s in it for students, come to an information session hosted by the Wake PTA Council, Great Schools in Wake and the Wake NCAE on May 15 from 7-9 p.m. at the NCAE Office on 700 S. Salisbury St. in Raleigh. Wake County School Board Chair Monika Johnson-Hostler and Vice-Chair Christine Kushner will present an overview of next year’s proposed operating budget as well as a discussion of the impact of the K-3 class size limits (including amendments to HB13) in 2018-19 on the capital and staffing needs.

Get updates from the Wake PTA Council (not just budget-related info) by joining their Hub:


Updates from the state

  • The third draft of the State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is available for public review. Provide feedback via the Let’s Talk link on the NCDPI website. Please select the Every Student Succeeds Act link near the bottom of the page to share your thoughts.
  • Teachers and students will use newly revised standards for English language arts (ELA) in North Carolina public school classrooms beginning in the 2018-19 school year. The State Board of Education approved the revised standards at its April meeting. The revisions were endorsed by the following state-level groups: NC Chamber, BEST NC, the NC Association of School Administrators, the NC School Boards Association, the NC Large District Consortium and HIRE Standards. Also endorsing the revisions was Mission: Readiness, an organization of more than 650 retired admirals and generals.
  • After several months of discussion, the State Board of Education in April approved a new School-Based Mental Health Initiative policy to help address mental health concerns in local schools and districts.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • May 4: Food Truck Frenzy and Night of Nonsense
  • May 4: Rising 6th grade orientation at Daniels Middle School, 6:15 – 7:45 p.m.
  • May 8: Parent input forms due to Mrs. Hutchinson (pick up one in the main office)
  • May 8-11: Box Top classroom collection
  • May 10: Kindergarten orientation, 8:35 a.m.
  • May 12: Teacher workday
  • May 19: Volunteer appreciation breakfast and Field Day
  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)

NewsFlash | Gala tomorrow, food trucks next week and a pollinator garden for JYJ

Frenzy! Nonsense! What could be better?

The annual Joyner Night of Nonsense & Food Truck Frenzy is coming up on Thursday, May 4 (can you believe that’s next week?)! Food trucks will open at 4:45 and the Nonsense Show starts at 6 p.m. under the overhang. Bring cash or credit for the food trucks, but the hilarious skits performed by the fabulous Joyner teachers and staff are always free! Check out some of the skits from last year on the JYJ You Tube channel.

Parking is limited, so please walk if you can — and bring your family and friends along. Dinner seating will be available in the cafeteria, but feel free to bring a picnic blanket if you’d like to eat outside. Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page so we can recruit more food trucks — here’s who we have so far:


Pollinator garden awarded to JYJ

On Tuesday, the Joyner PTA received a $500 grant from The City of Raleigh at the environmental service awards ceremony for the establishment of a pollinator garden. Joyner partnered with Wildwood Forest Elementary in this initiative. Julie Dalton and Elizabeth Harris were present to accept the grant on behalf of the Joyner PTA. At Joyner, the existing garden space will be modified to include native pollinator plants. Teachers can use these outdoor classrooms for experiential science opportunities to introduce students to the dynamic connections of the natural world. Through the grant, the two schools hope to help pollinator species and the environment in a fun and educational way. Thanks to Julie and Elizabeth for bringing this exciting opportunity to our students!


Give when you shop

Joyner PTA now has an Amazon Smile account, so you can help out the PTA every time you shop online! Just use this link when you’re shopping at Amazon:  And while you’re at it, get those Box Tops ready — classroom collection coming the week of May 8 with a pizza party prize for the class that collects the most!


Foundation gala tomorrow night

The Simply Southern Gala, which raises funds for the JYJ Foundation, is a night of celebration and school spirit filled with music, friends, food and drink. Buy your tickets for the gala online at — click the link for “Register and Buy Tickets” to see all ticket packages.The adult-only event will be held April 27 at the Merrimon-Wynne House in downtown Raleigh. Even if you can’t attend the gala, you can still bid on silent auction items before and during the event — go to for details.


NC General Assembly crafts compromise

On Monday night, the Senate education committee offered an amendment to House Bill 13, granting a one-year reprieve for districts concerned about not being able to fund art, music, drama, and physical education teachers. For more information, read the article from EdNC at Thanks to all who contacted your legislators to advocate for House Bill 13.


Bags needed for Backpack Buddies

Our Backpack Buddies team is in need of plastic grocery bags to pack food for weekend bags. Parents can give bags to Ms. Burston or drop them off in the main office. Thank you! And thanks to the many volunteers who quietly make this critically important program happen throughout the school year!


Produce Box offers healthy way to thank your teachers

The Wake County PTA Council is sharing a special opportunity to say thank you to our teachers through a partnership with the Produce Box during Teacher Appreciation Week. Produce Box subscribers can order a Hero Box along with their regular box, and subscribers and non-subscribers can order here:


Quick links

Calendar items

  • April 27: JY Joyner Foundation gala
  • May 4: Food Truck Frenzy and Night of Nonsense
  • May 8: Parent input forms due to Mrs. Hutchinson (pick up one in the main office)
  • May 8-11: Box Top classroom collection
  • May 10: Kindergarten orientation, 8:35 a.m.
  • May 12: Teacher workday
  • May 19: Volunteer appreciation breakfast and Field Day
  • May 26-June 6: End-of-Grade testing
  • May 29: Holiday
  • June 7: Step up day
  • June 8: 5th grade graduation
  • June 9: annual 5th grade vs. faculty kickball game (last day of school)