
NewsFlash | Backpack Tags, New Bus Location App, and Summer Reading Logs

Tweet much? Follow the JYJ PTA Twitter account! Find us @pta_joyner and tag us when you have news to share.

We’re halfway through week one. We got this! Here’s what you need to know this week:

  • Kindergarten Meet the Teacher is this Friday, Sept. 1. Kindergartners and their parent(s) can come from noon to 1:30 to the K hallway to get your teacher assignments and meet your teachers, then join your new classmates for popsicles under the overhang.
  • Summer Reading logs are due by this Friday, Sept. 1. Reading logs are available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish.
  • Join the PTA and give to the No Fuss Fundraiser. PTA volunteers will be staffing a table in the lobby every morning during drop-off through next Friday. Please stop by to make your donation, fill out a volunteer interest form and get a JYJ magnet.
  • Monday is a holiday! No school next Monday, Sept. 4.
  • Open House is next Thursday, Sept. 7. There will be two classroom sessions with a short PTA meeting in between: 5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session. Please plan to attend one session (or two if you have multiple children) and the PTA meeting.


What’s With the Tag on My Child’s Backpack?

This school year, Wake County is requiring all elementary school bus riders to have color-coded tags with bus route information on their backpacks. Please help your child keep this important tag on his or her backpack all year. Bus drivers will look to see that students have tags when boarding the bus in the morning. In the afternoon, bus riders will be required to have a tag in order to board the bus. At the start of the school year, some students may use a temporary bus pass while they are being assigned school transportation.


New App to Track Your Child’s School Bus Location

WCPSS now offers an app that provides parents with real-time bus location information. Parents with children in traditional-calendar schools (like Joyner) can start using the app about three weeks into the school year, once bus routes are finalized. Here Comes the Bus translates GPS data into an easy to use customizable map that works on a computer, tablet or smartphone. It allows you to see where the bus is and how close it is to your stop.

You can sign up for Here Comes the Bus at You will need the district code and your student’s ID number to sign up. The WCPSS school code is 67500. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google PlayClick here for more on how to get started and use the app.


Sign Up, Update or Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

If you are new to MemberHub, complete this form and we’ll get you into the JYJ Hub: If you’re already in the JYJ Hub, take a moment to update your info. Once class lists are made available, volunteers will place you (and your children) in the proper classroom and grade level hubs, so be sure to add your children’s information when you join MemberHub.

Did your family graduate from Joyner this year? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. Scroll to the bottom of this message for a link to change your preferences. 


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Aug. 28-Sept 1: Kindergarten staggered entry week
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher (in the K hallway) followed by popsicles under the overhang, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 27: Fall picture day
  • Sept. 29: Early release and Teacher Appreciation
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Why should you care about the PTA?

Congratulations on making it through the first day of school! Whether you were celebrating on the sidewalk or wiping away the tears (or a little of both) this morning, we hope that you and your kids had a marvelous day.

While you catch your breath from day 1 and gear up for the next 179, I want to take a moment to encourage you to do two things this week:

1. Join the PTA.

2. Donate to the No Fuss Fundraiser.

Here’s why you should join the PTA

Your membership shows your commitment to supporting teachers, staff and students at Joyner throughout the year — the greater our membership numbers, the stronger our voice at the school, district and state levels. Membership in the Joyner PTA connects you with advocates in the Wake County, North Carolina and National PTA organizations, all of whom are working to make sure school is a great place to teach and learn.

If your vision of PTA is just bake sales and end-of-year classroom parties, then you’re really missing out. At Joyner, we are privileged to have a strong, energetic PTA filled with volunteers who are committed to making Joyner a place where every student and teacher can succeed. We have a range of volunteer opportunities available throughout the year, from one-off community event set-up to year-long advocacy programs, so there’s something for everyone. And we PROMISE that joining the PTA doesn’t accidentally put you in charge of anything you don’t want to lead — there’s no up-front volunteer commitment or requirement.

Joining the PTA costs just $5 — but we hope you’ll add your No Fuss Fundraiser donation above that amount to support PTA programming at Joyner. Both your dues and your donation are 100% tax deductible. Just make one donation for any amount from $5 to $500 (or beyond!) to cover both your PTA membership and your fundraising gift. Stop by the PTA table in the lobby before school to make your donation (or tell us you gave online) and we’ll give you a cool JYJ car magnet!


Here’s why you should donate to the No Fuss Fundraiser

Approximately half of the PTA’s budget comes from money donated during the fall No Fuss Fundraiser, going on now. With the exciting news that our school’s Foundation has made it possible to fund 1.5 teaching positions this year, we realize it might be less obvious what your PTA donations do for students and teachers at Joyner. The PTA and the Foundation are great partners, but they’re two separate organizations with two separate budgets — that’s why you’ll hear from both of us when it comes to fundraising.

Here’s a quick list of just some of what the PTA makes possible:

  • Enhanced classroom technology across the school
  • Cultural arts and science experiences during the school day for every grade level
  • Mini-grants for teachers to bring new ideas into their classrooms
  • Academic enrichment opportunities, like Odyssey of the Mind and Science Olympiad
  • Schoolwide events that build community, including the fall Joyner Jamboree and spring Night of Nonsense
  • Athletic programs such as First in Fitness, PE supplies, the Joyner 5K and running club
  • Design and production of the JYJ yearbook
  • Student awards and recognitions, including publication of student writing
  • Sets of books for teachers to use in class with students
  • Improvements to school grounds, including the turf field, stage and outdoor sound system
  • Appreciation events for teachers and staff
  • Student events and celebrations, including the Summer Reading Challenge, kindergarten popsicles, Field Day and fifth grade graduation
  • Advocacy efforts at the county and state levels to support policies that benefit students in our public schools

Amazingly, we’re able to do ALL of this without asking you or your children to sell wrapping paper, magazines, coupon books, cookie dough or summer sausages. All you have to do is donate to the No Fuss Fundraiser online or by sending in cash/check with a form (click here for English or click here for Spanish) to your child’s teacher.


Now take a deep breath and enjoy the year ahead — and feel free to reach out to any PTA board member or committee chair if there’s something we can do to help!

NewsFlash | Teacher Letters Mailed, Meet the Teacher, and Bus Routes Posted

Still learning the JYJ lingo? Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.


Teacher Letters and Meet the Teacher

Packets from school have been mailed, so be on the lookout for your letter, which includes your teacher assignment. Then come to Joyner for Meet the Teacher:

  • This Friday, Aug. 25, 1st through 5th graders and their parent(s) can drop in between 8 and 9:30 am. Look for fun letter-writing activities and a photo booth to get excited for the first day of school!
  • Next Friday, Sept. 1, Kindergartners and their parent(s) can come from noon to 1:30. Come to the K hallway at 12 to get your teacher assignment, then join your new classmates for popsicles under the overhang.

Bus Routes Posted

Joyner families who have transportation-eligible bus riders can find new bus routes for 2017-18 posted online at Click the bus routes link. Look for your school on this page and click the link to find the bus routes. Find the listed stop nearest your residence for your stop location. Wake County Public Schools Transportation will also share your student’s transportation route, stop and estimated bus arrival time by email and make it available through Homebase/Powerschool. Check bus routes at school if internet isn’t accessible at home.

Please plan to be at the stop 10 minutes prior to pick up. There is a lot of change at the start of the new school year as new students begin riding the bus and learning to use bus service. Please be patient. WCPSS encourages parents to review bus safety with their children to get the new school year off to a great start.


Please Drive Safely

A new 4-way stop sign has been installed at the intersection of Lowden Street and Noble Road. Please take your time when driving around the school and be sure to watch for students, stop at crosswalks and obey all parking rules.


Join the PTA and Give to the No Fuss Fundraiser

We invite all families (and friends) to join the Joyner PTA and make a donation to the No Fuss campaign at the same time! The annual No Fuss Fundraiser allows the PTA to retain 100% of the money raised to support all of the PTA programs for your children. Please consider asking your employer if there is a matching donation program where you work. And don’t forget to ask grandparents — they will be THRILLED not to have to buy wrapping paper!

When you join the JY Joyner PTA and make a gift to the annual fundraiser, you are supporting wonderful programs for our students and teachers/staff including arts and science programming, mini-grants and appreciation events for teachers and staff, classroom technology, student clubs and recognition programs, family fun events and so much more!

Being a PTA member at JY Joyner also gives you membership to National PTA and your state PTA. You are eligible for all exclusive PTA member benefits and you know your voice is being heard at all levels. Your total dues payment (including school, state and national) is $5, but we hope you’ll donate whatever amount you can beyond that to support PTA programming at Joyner. Both your dues and your donation are 100% tax deductible. Just make one donation for any amount from $5 to $5,000 (or beyond!) to cover both your PTA membership and your fundraising gift. You can join/give online at or download the paper forms (in English and Spanish) from the Files section of MemberHub. 


School Supply Lists and Pre-Orders

School supply lists have been uploaded to MemberHub for any families who didn’t pre-order supplies through the school and wish to purchase their own. If you pre-ordered school supplies through Joyner, your supplies will be delivered to the school and will be in your child’s classroom at Meet the Teacher this Friday. If you aren’t able to make Meet the Teacher, your pre-ordered supplies will be waiting for him or her on the first day of school!

Support Joyner’s Backpack Buddies Program

In North Carolina, 1 in 5 kids under the age of 18 does not have enough to eat, making our state the second highest in the country for child food insecurity. That’s why Joyner participates in a very special program called Backpack Buddies, administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle, that allows a group of Joyner children in need to take home some basic food each weekend. These students receive breakfast and lunch at school during the week, but often do not have access to nutritious food on the weekends. Providing students with better nutrition means they are better able to focus at school, with improved learning and behavior.

Last year, your generosity provided backpacks to 20 food insecure students — and we need your help to fund 20 students again for the 2017-18 school year. It costs $350 per child to provide with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. Joyner’s goal is to collect enough to fully fund the program before school starts in three weeks.

For more information, please visit Interfaith Food Shuttle’s website or contact our Joyner volunteers:


Fill Out Summer Reading Logs

Students who read 1,000 minutes over the summer (about 20 minutes per weekday) will participate in the Summer Reading celebration after the start of the new school year. Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Logs should be turned in by Sept. 1.


Volunteers Welcome for Joyner Programs

Interested in volunteering with the Joyner PTA this year? Complete the online JYJ PTA volunteer form to let us know your interest in PTA volunteer opportunities. By filling out the form, you’re not promising anything long term – but a committee chair will get in touch with you to see what would be of interest to you.
The JY Joyner PTA is especially looking for volunteers to help lead in a few key areas this year:
  • Girls on the Run committee
  • Healthy Choice Marathon chair
  • Science Olympiad co-chair (with Jen Schrage)

Contact Cyndi Soter O’Neil, PTA president, if you are able to help out. We are so grateful for our awesome and supportive Joyner PTA community!


Sign Up, Update or Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

If you are new to MemberHub, complete this form and we’ll get you into the JYJ Hub: If you’re already in the JYJ Hub, take a moment to update your info. Once class lists are made available, volunteers will place you (and your children) in the proper classroom and grade level hubs, so be sure to add your children’s information when you join MemberHub.

Did your family graduate from Joyner this year? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. Scroll to the bottom of this message for a link to change your preferences.


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher (1st through 5th graders) 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 27: JY Joyner Foundation back-to-school kick-off, LBC on Whitaker Mill Rd., 2-4 pm
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Aug. 28-Sept 1: Kindergarten staggered entry week
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher (in the K hallway) followed by popsicles under the overhang, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 27: Fall picture day
  • Sept. 29: Early release and Teacher Appreciation


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

10 ways to get ready for a great school year!

Hello Jaguars!

Welcome to all who are returning to our school and those who are here for the first time – we are so glad to have you in the Joyner family!

August 28 will be here before we know it, so I just want to take a moment to introduce myself and welcome you to the 2017-18 school year. In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Cyndi Soter O’Neil and I have the pleasure of serving as your PTA president this year. This will be our family’s sixth year at Joyner – my daughter is starting 4th grade and my son (a proud Joyner grad) is in 7th grade at Carroll. 

We have some new faces this year, including an ever-expanding kindergarten cohort (hello, six classes!) and a terrific interim principal to get us off to a great start (thanks, Mr. Chappell!). But whether this marks your first or your tenth year at the JYJ, please know that you play an important part in making our school a family, and we hope you’ll take advantage of all the ways (small and large) to get involved in school and the PTA.


Just in case you would like to mark a few things off your to-do list before school starts, here’s a top 10 list of things you can do from the ease of your computer to streamline the back to school process:

1. Join the PTA and make your No-Fuss fundraiser contribution. At Joyner, we don’t ask kids to sell wrapping paper, candles, cookie dough or coupon books. We simply ask that you make whatever donation you can to help us cover the many wonderful things that the PTA does for our teachers and students. You can join and donate online through this link: If you prefer a paper membership/ contribution form, download them here (English or Spanish) or check the letters coming from the school next week — just fill out the form and bring it with you to Meet the Teacher or send it in to your child’s teacher.

2. Complete the online JYJ PTA volunteer form to let us know your interest in PTA volunteer opportunities. By filling out the form, you’re not promising anything long term – but a committee chair will get in touch with you to see what would be of interest to you.

3. Sign up in MemberHub and/or update your directory info. If you are new to MemberHub, complete this form and we’ll get you into the JYJ Hub: If you’re already in the JYJ Hub, take a moment to update your info. Once class lists are made available, volunteers will place you (and your children) in the proper classroom and grade level hubs, so be sure to add your children’s information when you join MemberHub.

4. Follow the JYJ PTA Twitter account – find us @pta_joyner and tag us when you have news to share.

5. Check out the PTA website, complete with a glossary of JYJ terms, list of committee chairs and other helpful info.

6. Buy school supplies (find lists here) and add money to your child’s lunch account here.

7. Make sure you have your calendar marked for back-to-school events, including Meet the Teacher (Aug. 25 drop-in between 8-9:30 for 1st-5th grades, Sept. 1 at noon for kindergarten) and Open House (Sept. 7 starting at 5 p.m.) Check out the school/PTA calendar and link it to your own Google Calendar.

8. Be on the lookout for JYJ swag. Order forms will be available soon to get your Joyner t-shirts, hoodies and more!

9. Read the weekly NewsFlash, delivered to all MemberHub subscribers inbox each Wednesday morning throughout the school year (catch up on past editions here). Be on the lookout for your packet from school (which includes your teacher assignment). Letters are scheduled to be mailed by Aug. 18.

10. Enjoy the final days of summer and get those back-to-school outfits ready!  


Cyndi Soter O’Neil 
2017-18 JYJ PTA President

NewsFlash | Kindergarten playdate, school supply delivery and Backpack Buddies donations

Rising Kindergarten Popsicle Playdate Today!

All rising kindergarten families are invited to enjoy popsicles on the playground this morning, Wednesday, August 9, at 10 a.m. on the main playground behind the school. Please RSVP to so we can be sure to have enough popsicles!

This is a great way to help your child get familiar with Joyner and make some new friends before school starts. A second playdate will be held on Sunday, August 20, at 3 p.m.


Middle/High School and Parent Volunteers Needed

Calling all middle and high schoolers!!! We are looking for help from rising 6th graders and older (including adults!) to help distribute classroom supplies before the first day of school. Come earn some volunteer hours and see your favorite elementary school teachers too! Sign up here.

Please meet in front of JY Joyner at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 24. We will be delivering kits to each teacher’s classroom. We would like to get about 20 – 25 volunteers. We estimate it will take about 2 to 3 hours, depending on the number of volunteers.


School Supply Lists and Pre-Orders

School supply lists have been uploaded to MemberHub for any families who didn’t pre-order supplies through the school and wish to purchase their own.

If you pre-ordered school supplies through Joyner, your supplies will be delivered to the school and will be in your child’s classroom at Meet the Teacher on Aug. 25. If you aren’t able to make Meet the Teacher, your pre-ordered supplies will be waiting for him or her on the first day of school!

Support Joyner’s Backpack Buddies Program

In North Carolina, 1 in 5 kids under the age of 18 does not have enough to eat, making our state the second highest in the country for child food insecurity.

That’s why Joyner participates in a very special program called Backpack Buddies, administered through the Interfaith Food Shuttle, that allows a group of Joyner children in need to take home some basic food each weekend. These students receive breakfast and lunch at school during the week, but often do not have access to nutritious food on the weekends. Providing students with better nutrition means they are better able to focus at school, with improved learning and behavior.

Last year, your generosity provided backpacks to 20 food insecure students — and we need your help to fund 20 students again for the 2017-18 school year. It costs $350 per child to provide with a weekly bag to take home filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.

If you would like to contribute, just click this link — you can donate anonymously if you wish, and it only takes a minute! Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: Ele Roberts 616 Mial Street, Raleigh 27608. Checks can be made out to Interfaith Food Shuttle with “Joyner” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes directly from Interfaith Food Shuttle. Joyner’s goal is to collect enough to fully fund the program before school starts in three weeks.

For more information, please visit Interfaith Food Shuttle’s website or contact our Joyner volunteers:


Summer Food Programs Available

Organizations across the state are participating in the free summer meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal. To find summer feeding sites, check out the Summer Nutrition Programs Site Locator Map, text FOODNC to 877-877, or call 1-866-3HUNGRY for English or 1-866-3HAMBRE for Spanish. On social media, families can follow #NCSummerMeals for updates.


Fill Out Summer Reading Logs

Students who read 1,000 minutes over the summer (about 20 minutes per weekday) will participate in the Summer Reading celebration after the start of the new school year. Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Logs should be turned in by Sept. 1.


Volunteers Needed for Joyner Programs

The JY Joyner PTA is looking for volunteers to help lead in a few key areas this year:
  • Girls on the Run committee
  • Spelling Bee chair
  • Healthy Choice Marathon chair
  • Science Olympiad co-chair (with Jen Schrage)
  • Study Buddies co-chair (with Kate Parke)

Contact Cyndi Soter O’Neil, PTA president, if you are able to help out. We are so grateful for our awesome and supportive Joyner PTA community!


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this year? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. Scroll to the bottom of this message for a link to change your preferences. 


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Aug. 28-Sept 1: Kindergarten staggered entry week
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher (in the K hallway) followed by popsicles under the overhang, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | State budget recap, summer food programs available

Summer To-Do List

  • Water the pollinator garden. Sign up is available on MemberHub.
  • Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish
  • Join us for library meet-ups on Aug. 8 — see details at the end of this message. 

NC Budget Recap

The NC Legislature passed the state budget in early July. Click here for a recap of the education policy and funding changes.


Public Comment Period for Every Student Succeeds Act Draft State Plan Ends July 27

Educators, parents, students and other stakeholders of North Carolina’s public schools are invited to comment on the draft North Carolina Consolidated State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA State Plan). The public review and comment period opened on June 26 with the posting of the latest draft. While earlier drafts of the plan included policies on early learning (birth through third grade), that language has been eliminated in the current draft.

As required by federal law, the state’s ESSA plan must be open to public review and comment for 30 days. NCDPI will submit the draft plan to Gov. Roy Cooper’s office for review after the comment period ends on July 27. The governor has 30 days to review and sign the plan before NCDPI submits it to the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education by Sept. 18. Additional information and earlier draft plans are posted online.

Written comments may be submitted via email to Lou Fabrizio, NCDPI’s director of federal policy, or to Donna Brown, director of the department’s Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division. Comments also may be mailed to: Lou Fabrizio, Director of Federal Policy, NCDPI, 6367 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6300.

“Meet Up to Eat Up!” Summer Food Programs Available

More than 60 percent of North Carolina children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals and almost a quarter are food insecure. When school is out and students no longer have the benefit of the school breakfast and/or school lunch program, some may not have enough food to eat.

The Summer Nutrition Program invites students to “Meet Up to Eat Up!” Organizations across the state are participating in this free summer meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal.

To find summer feeding sites, check out the Summer Nutrition Programs Site Locator Map, text FOODNC to 877-877, or call 1-866-3HUNGRY for English or 1-866-3HAMBRE for Spanish. On social media, families can follow #NCSummerMeals for updates.

Citizens and organizations interested in more information about getting involved as a site, activity provider or volunteer should contact NCDPI Summer Nutrition Programs Manager Cynthia Ervin.


School Supply Order

If you pre-ordered school supplies through Joyner, your supplies will be delivered to the school. You can pick them up at Meet the Teacher on Aug. 25 and take them directly to your child’s classroom. If you aren’t able to make Meet the Teacher, your pre-ordered supplies will be delivered to your child’s classroom and should be waiting for him or her on the first day of school!


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this year? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. If this is the case, just reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll take care of it.


Quick Links

Calendar Items

  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Aug. 28-Sept 1: Kindergarten staggered entry week
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher and popsicles
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Interim principal, summer programs

Interim principal named for Joyner

Michael Chappell has been named interim principal for Joyner while WCPSS completes the process to find a permanent person to lead the school. Chappell has worked in WCPSS since 1982, retiring from the principalship of Jones Dairy Elementary in 2011. Since then, he has served as interim principal at several WCPSS schools, most recently at Wakefield Middle. The PTA welcomes Mr. Chappell and appreciates the care WCPSS is taking to find just the right principal for Joyner!


Summer to-do list

  • Water the pollinator garden. Sign up is available on MemberHub.
  • Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Join us for library meet-ups on July 11 (NEXT TUESDAY!) and Aug. 8 — see details at the end of this message. 


Summer food programs available

More than 60 percent of North Carolina children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals and almost a quarter are food insecure. When school is out and they no longer have the benefit of the school breakfast and/or school lunch program, they may not have enough food to eat.

Fortunately, organizations across the state are participating in the Free Summer Meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal.

To find summer feeding sites, text FOODNC to 877-877 or call 1-866-3HUNGRY.


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this year? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. If this is the case, just reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll take care of it.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher and popsicles
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Principal search input, summer to-do list

Submit input for principal search

Thanks to all parents who met with Area Superintendent Andre Smith last week to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal — we had a great session with Dr. Smith and are excited about the opportunities ahead. Individuals who were unable to attend the input session can email comments to — see the form in MemberHub files to submit your feedback in writing by June 30. The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process.


Summer to-do list

  • Order school supplies at and use ID code joy014. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need.
  • Water the pollinator garden. Sign up is available on MemberHub.
  • Track your summer reading using the logs available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Join us for library meet-ups on July 11 and Aug. 8 — see details at the end of this message. 


Summer food programs available

More than 60 percent of North Carolina children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals and almost a quarter are food insecure. When school is out and they no longer have the benefit of the school breakfast and/or school lunch program, they may not have enough food to eat.

Fortunately, organizations across the state are participating in the Free Summer Meals program. Children and teens aged 18 and younger may get healthy, free lunches through August 25. No application or proof of income is needed to receive a meal.

To find summer feeding sites, text FOODNC to 877-877 or call 1-866-3HUNGRY.


Ads make MemberHub free to all NC PTAs

Through a partnership with the North Carolina PTA, MemberHub is now available free of charge for all PTA units in NC public schools. As a result, you’ll now see ads at the top and bottom of messages and on the MemberHub pages within the platform. By using this sponsored version of MemberHub, the Joyner PTA is able to redirect funds previously spent on our subscription and put more money into our classrooms, teacher supports and student opportunities.


Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub

Did your family graduate from Joyner this month? We hate to see you go, but understand if you no longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash. If this is the case, just reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll take care of it.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 29: Dine-out night to support the JYJ Foundation, Pieology at North Hills, 5-8 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 25: Meet the Teacher, 8-9:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!
  • Sept. 1: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher and popsicles
  • Sept. 4: Holiday
  • Sept. 7: Open House (5:00 session, 5:45 PTA General Meeting, 6:15 session)
  • Sept. 15: Summer reading celebration during school
  • Sept. 21: Teacher workday
  • Sept. 29: Early release
  • Oct. 13: Joyner Jamboree


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Parent input session, school supplies, garden watering, summer reading

Principal input session set for next Wednesday

WCPSS will hold a parent session with Area Superintendent Andre Smith on Wednesday, June 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the Joyner gym for all parents who wish to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal. Examples of input include: desired characteristics/qualities, assets, traits, and particular skills/experience. The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process. Individuals unable to attend the input session can email comments to — see the form in MemberHub files for submitting your feedback in writing.


Last chance for school supply deal

Quick, before you forget — go to and use ID code joy014 to order school supplies for the fall. Order by June 15 to get the discounted price. If you’re able to order an extra pack, just put “donation” in the name fields and the PTA will make sure it goes to a Joyner student in need. All supply orders must be placed in advance — no supply packs will be sold at school this fall. Pre-ordered supply packs will be delivered to the school and waiting for you at the beginning of the school year.


Sign up to water the JYJ garden

The pollinator garden is exploding and we need your help keeping it that way over the summer. We are looking for families to help with watering the garden each week. No set days or time, just pick a week and use your judgement on how often you need to come. Sign up is available on MemberHub. 


Join us at the library this summer

All JYJ students are invited to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge by reading a total of 1,000 minutes over the summer. Those who track and turn in their minutes after school starts back in the fall will take part in the Summer Reading Celebration in September. Details and reading logs are available in the PTA hub files section of MemberHub in English and Spanish. Make plans to join us at library meet-ups each month — see the dates and locations listed at the end of this message. Contact Kristin Wolverton at or Crystal Jordan at with questions.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • June 19: Wake Board of Commissioners to vote on county budget, 2 p.m. at the Justice Center (300 S. Salisbury St.). To speak, sign-up 30 minutes before meeting.
  • June 20: JYJ library meet-up at Cameron Village Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • July 11: JYJ library meet-up at North Regional Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 8: JYJ library meet-up at Leesville Community Library, 5:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 9: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 10 a.m.
  • Aug. 20: Rising kindergarten popsicle playdate, Joyner playground, 3 p.m.
  • Aug. 28: First day of school!


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications team. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Parent input session for principal search on June 21 at 3:30

WCPSS will hold a parent session with Area Superintendent Andre Smith on Wednesday, June 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the Joyner gym for all parents who wish to provide input concerning the selection of the new principal. Examples of input include: desired characteristics/qualities, assets, traits, and particular skills/experience.

The information that is gathered will be used to develop a principal profile and a list of questions and issues for the applicant screening and selection process. Individuals unable to attend the input session can email their comments to — see the form in MemberHub files for submitting your feedback in writing.


Please use the following outline from WCPSS as you consider the input you’d like to share during the session:  

Without using the name(s) of any staff member, administrator, parent or community person, please share your input in the following categories:
1. General Leadership — How do you see the new principal functioning as chief administrator? Consider developing and implementing policy; managing the budget; hiring, supervising and developing staff; setting disciplinary and sagely standards; planning schedules; and carrying out the total school program.
2. Instructional Leadership — What special qualities in a principal does your school need to set and meet academic goals? Consider school and classroom objectives; faculty, parent and student involvement; curriculum development; student performance and appraisal; and instructional priorities and program needs.
3. Relationships — What kind of relationships inside and outside the school do you feel are critical for your schools’ success? Consider students, parents and staff; the tone of your school environment; levels of interaction; and how your school is represented and perceived in the community.