
NewsFlash | Science by day, dancing by night plus elections next Tuesday

Volunteer to help make Science Go Round

The Science Go Round Committee is looking for volunteers to help during our daylong science event on Thursday, Nov. 10 — sign up to greet presenters, assist in a classroom or just bring bagels. JYJ’s annual Science Go Round is a fun-filled day when scientists and parents give hands-on demonstrations to our students, connecting science application with the real world. Know someone who might be interested in sharing their science expertise with children in a hands-on way? Contact Katie Calvillo at 919-272-3225 or Want to volunteer to help out? See the signup at


Look for lost items

Missing a jacket or lunch box lately? Be sure to check out the JYJ lost and found this week to see what treasures your kids have left behind. Everything left after Friday, Nov. 4, will be washed and donated to Note in the Pocket.


Check your Jagwear

Any changes to Jagwear orders must be completed by this Thursday, Nov. 3. After Thursday, no new Jagwear will be available until the 2017-18 school year, so act fast! Contact Ameshia at


Did you know it’s election season?

Unless you’ve been living under a very isolated, sound-proof rock, you obviously know that election day is next Tuesday, Nov. 8. Did you also know that all ALL seats on the Wake County Board of Education are on the ballot? Be sure to read up about your candidates and turn the ballot over to see your school board nominee on the back of the ballot.

Also, don’t forget that Wake County public schools (including Joyner) will open on a 2-hour delay next Tuesday to accommodate voting.


Design the next JYJ yearbook cover

All students are invited to submit an entry for the JYJ yearbook cover contest! Design a creative cover with a Joyner theme using markers, crayons or colored pencils on an 8.5×11″ page in portrait orientation. Turn in entries to your classroom teacher or the front office by Wednesday, Nov. 30. Teachers and staff will vote on the submissions, and winners will be announced on the WJYJ news in mid-December.


Study Buddies information session

Please join us in the library next Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 8-8:30 a.m. to learn more about the Study Buddies program beginning at Joyner. The program will pair adult volunteers with students in each grade that need a little extra one-on-one time reading or doing class work — no prior teaching experience necessary. For more information, contact Kate Parke

So you think you can dance?

Grab your dancing shoes and join The J.Y. Joyner Foundation on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for the second annual Dance-A-Thon! Bunn DJ Company will spin tunes under the overhang while Broughton’s Dance Team shows off their moves. Add in disco balls, glow sticks, awesome raffle prizes, food trucks—and, yes, dancing dads—and it’s a night to remember! The best news of all? The Dance-A-Thon raises money to keep our school strong. So get sponsored by friends and family! You can collect cash or checks using the orange pledge sheets from Wednesday Folders, or share the link for PayPal donations at the Joyner Foundation website:

Use the neon green order forms to reserve wristbands for Nov.17 for the whole family! Wristbands are required for everyone age 5 and up, so get yours in advance ($3 each or $20 for an Advance Family Pack, including 4 wristbands and 10 bonus tickets redeemable for water, glow sticks, snacks, etc.) or the night of ($5 each). The Foundation will be selling wristbands AND raffle tickets in the lobby NOW through Nov. 15.

KIDS: Make your own kid-appropriate dance video (20 seconds maximum) and email it to The Foundation will show as many as possible on the Joyner News and then reveal them all on the big screen Nov. 17!


Parenting in the age of social media

If that headline made your stomach clench, then consider attending a discussion on “Social Media and the Middle School Student: A Primer for Parents” on Nov. 2 (today) at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Daniels Middle School. Speaker Natalie Riche, outreach specialist from the NC Department of Justice, will cover everything from gaming apps to social networking apps to hiding apps to the dynamics of texting. Families from Daniels, Carroll and Martin middle schools as well as rising 6th grade families are invited to attend. Please fill out this quick anonymous RSVP survey to help make this opportunity enriching for all families that attend.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Nov. 1-15: JYJ Foundation Dance-A-Thon wristbands and raffle tickets for sale in the lobby; collect Dance-a-Thon pledges (PayPal option:
  • Nov. 3: PTA executive committee meeting, 7 p.m. (conference call)
  • Nov. 10: WCPSS Magnet Fair, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Southeast Raleigh High School
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)
  • Nov. 10: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (no school)
  • Nov. 15: Dance video entries (20 seconds max.) due by NOON to
  • Nov. 17: 2nd Annual JYJ Foundation Dance-a-Thon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

NewsFlash | Science Go Round, Dance-a-Thon and much more ahead

A HUGE thank you to committee co-chairs Melanie Jones and Juli Openshaw and to all the volunteers who helped make the Jamboree such a smashing success! With a little cooperation from the weather, we had a great night celebrating together as a Joyner family. Hope that your airbrush tattoos are still going strong!


Help find presenters for Science Go Round

The Science Go Round Committee is looking for volunteers to present to Joyner students at our daylong science event on Thursday, Nov. 10. JYJ’s annual Science Go Round is a fun-filled day when scientists and parents give hands-on demonstrations to our students, connecting science application with the real world. Do you love gardening, cooking or astronomy? Do you work or do research in a field of science like dentistry, pharmacy, medicine, agronomy, physics or food science? Even if you don’t do any of those things yourself, maybe you know someone who does… ask your family members, friends, co-workers or neighbors if they might be interested in sharing their science expertise with children in a hands-on way. If you are interested or want more information, please contact Katie Calvillo at 919-272-3225 or


Open House set for end of Disability Awareness Month

Across Wake County public schools, 21,000 students have identified disabilities. About 10 percent of students at Joyner have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to help meet their learning needs. Learn more as we wrap up Disability Awareness month by attending the WCPSS special education open house on Nov. 3 or read one Joyner mom’s explanation of what it means to be “uniquely capable.”


Study Buddies information session

Please join us in the library on Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 8-8:30 a.m. to learn more about the Study Buddies program beginning at Joyner. The program will pair adult volunteers with students in each grade that need a little extra one-on-one time reading or doing class work — no prior teaching experience necessary. For more information, contact Kate Parke


Azalea planting this Sunday

Thanks to Julie Dalton and her crew (see below), we’ve got 50 1-gallon azaleas already picked up and ready to plant around campus. Sign up now in MemberHub to help out this Sunday, Oct. 30, from 1-3 p.m. Burn off all that early Halloween candy you’ve been sneaking or help your middle/high school students get those community service hours in.

WRAL azaleas for Joyner

So you think you can dance?

It’s Dance-a-Thon time again! Grab your dancing shoes and join The J.Y. Joyner Foundation on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for the Second Annual Dance-A-Thon. This year it’s bigger and better than before! The Foundation has the Bunn DJ Company spinning tunes and Broughton’s Dance Team showing their moves, plus Dads-Dance-Off, limbo, glow sticks, food trucks and more! New this year: Class Songs and a raffle, with fantastic music-related prizes. Best of all: Every dollar raised helps keep our staff at full strength. Details on tickets, pledges, raffles, the dance video contest and more in your Wednesday folder this week.

KIDS: Starting this week, make your own kid-appropriate dance video (20 seconds maximum) and email it to The Foundation will show as many as possible on the Joyner News and then reveal them all on the big screen Nov. 17!


We’re listening — here’s your chance to speak up

We at Joyner know that a strong partnership among our families, school leaders and community is important for the success of our students and school. That’s why we are participating in the National PTA School of Excellence program, which celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. As part of the program, we need your feedback at the beginning of the year.

Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at Joyner and complete this 31-question survey: PTA School of Excellence Survey. Your response will be anonymous. (Paste this link in your browser if the hyperlinks above don’t work:


Parenting in the age of social media

If that headline made your stomach clench, then consider attending a discussion on “Social Media and the Middle School Student: A Primer for Parents” on Nov. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Daniels Middle School. Speaker Natalie Riche, outreach specialist from the NC Department of Justice, will cover everything from gaming apps to social networking apps to hiding apps to the dynamics of texting. Families from Daniels, Carroll and Martin middle schools as well as rising 6th grade families are invited to attend. Please fill out this quick anonymous RSVP survey to help make this opportunity enriching for all families that attend.


Register and sign in to volunteer at JYJ

Be sure to complete the volunteer registration with WCPSS before the end of the month! If you wait until November, you’ll have to start the process over, even if you’ve been approved in the past. Stop by the Joyner media center or any WCPSS school and fill out the online form. Also, any time you come into school to volunteer or visit, be sure to sign in at the main office.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Oct. 31: Make-up day — school in session
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)
  • Nov. 10: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (no school)
  • Nov. 17: 2nd Annual JYJ Foundation Dance-a-Thon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

NewsFlash | Jamboree, Teacher Appreciation and the end of No Fuss Fundraiser this Friday

Join us for the Jamboree this Friday!

Don’t forget to bring cash to the Jamboree this Friday — Chick-fil-A is cash only and the ever-so-popular glow sticks and raffle tickets will require cash as well. We still have some spaces open for volunteers, so please sign up in MemberHub to work a fun 1-hour shift at the Jamboree.

As a special addition to this year’s Jamboree, two of our parents have organized a quiet zone near the doors into the cafeteria for students with special needs or anyone just needing a break from all the noise. We need adult volunteers to supervise this area, so please see the signup in MemberHub to help out. Wondering why we might need a quiet zone? Check out this blog post from a Joyner mom.

No Fuss Fundraiser ends Oct. 21

We’re still about $5,000 short of our PTA goal for the annual No Fuss Fundraiser, so now is your chance to be a hero and make your donation! Just click through to the PTA website now — every little bit truly helps (although feel free to make a gigantic donation if you’re in the mood). Your contribution will help provide technology and books for classrooms, appreciation events for teachers and staff, cultural performances for students, academic and athletic programs and so much more! If you’ve already joined and donated, THANK YOU! If you haven’t done it yet, what are you waiting for?


Early release means Appreciation Day

While you’re getting your cash for the Jamboree and making your gift to the No Fuss Fundraiser, don’t forget that this Friday is early release and a Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day. All teachers’ “Favorite Things” responses have been posted to the files section of their classroom hubs (thanks, Alli Corsmeier!), so you’ll know just what treat your teacher and staff/specialist will love the most.

Here’s the theme for this month: “Our teachers are OUT OF THIS WORLD!” Have your child bring their teacher/staff member some “rocket fuel” — think Starbucks gift card, favorite energy drink or soda, Smoothie gift card … be creative!


Azaleas #ftw!

Congratulations to Joyner — and a big thank you to Julie Dalton — for a winning application to the 31st annual WRAL Azalea Celebration! Joyner will receive 50 1-gallon azaleas to plant around campus. What’s that? You want to come help plant them? We’d be delighted! Sign up now in MemberHub to help out on Sunday, Oct. 30, from 1-3 p.m. Come plant one as a family and watch it bloom and grow each year!

Safety first

If you’re bringing your child to school in the morning, you have two options: 1) park legally and walk your child up to the front door or 2) go through the carpool line under the overhang. Anything else — like pulling up to the curb to let your child jump out on Lowden Street or Noble Road — is dangerous and not allowed. Please be respectful of the rules and help us keep all our students safe!


We’re listening — here’s your chance to speak up

We at Joyner know that a strong partnership among our families, school leaders and community is important for the success of our students and school. That’s why we are participating in the National PTA School of Excellence program, which celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. As part of the program, we need your feedback at the beginning of the year.

Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at Joyner and complete this 31-question survey: PTA School of Excellence Survey. Your response will be anonymous. (Paste this link in your browser if the hyperlinks above don’t work:

Enjoy giving feedback and want to share more? North Carolina wants your input on the state’s K-12 education plan for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Details at


Register and sign in to volunteer at JYJ

Be sure to complete the volunteer registration with WCPSS before the end of the month! Stop by the Joyner media center or any WCPSS school and fill out the online form. Also, any time you come into school to volunteer or visit, be sure to sign in at the main office.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Oct. 21: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Oct. 21: Joyner Jamboree, 5:30-8 p.m.
  • Oct. 31: Make-up day — school in session
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)
  • Nov. 10: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (no school)
  • Nov. 17: 2nd Annual JYJ Foundation Dance-a-Thon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Parent Perspective: Uniquely Capable

Blog post written by Jamie Jackson, Joyner Elementary School parent

In recognition of WCPSS Disability History and Awareness Month, I wanted to share with you what living with a disability is like for our family, in hopes that it will give you and your families useful strategies for interacting with people with disabilities.

I was recently visiting my child’s school when, upon learning whose parent I was, my child’s classmates were eager to share his struggles with me. I heard some phrases such as “doesn’t listen” and “doesn’t do his work,” among others. It really struck me how acutely my child’s classmates notice and point out his differences, even just a few weeks into the school year.

To provide some background, my child is transitioning from a setting where 12 out of 12 students in his class had various disabilities. We quickly grew accustomed to lots of understanding and support from other parents, all of our teachers, and all of the other students too. This school year is my child’s first in a mainstream classroom. Although he is adjusting well, after visiting the school, it made me wonder how he copes with the onslaught of social and academic expectations that he may not even understand.

If I could say something directly to his classmates and their parents, it would be: We are ALL uniquely capable, which is the theme of this year’s Disability History and Awareness Month.

We should all expect to interact with people with disabilities every day. We often cannot see the disability with our eyes and we may wonder if we come across people with disabilities very often. I can assure you that you do! If we all anticipate that we will interact with people with different abilities than our own, we will likely view our days through a softer lens: with much more understanding, patience, and a helping attitude.

People with disabilities desire acceptance and kindness. My child loves friends who will slow down their pace so that he can more successfully interact with them. He feels the compassion of those who patiently keep trying to understand him if he struggles to share his perspective. Sometimes people with disabilities behave in unexpected ways, and it’s so helpful for them to have the space to interact with the others in ways that build their confidence and allow them to have just a few successes each day.

My child recently participated in a dance performance at school and, while he may have struggled more than some of the other children, it was a huge success for him that he was able to participate. Most importantly, he had fun! He loved the “thumbs up” and “high fives” he received from the staff. We felt very happy to see his smiles, and we beamed with pride as he did something that was harder for him than it might be for some other children.

It’s true that families with disabilities hope that you have these conversations in your home and that you also that you model this acceptance in your own interactions with the variety of people you meet every day. The interactions that I remember most when I am with my child are the ones that encourage him to be himself and to feel that he is liked and loved.

NewsFlash | Seeking input, volunteer opportunities and gratitude for sunny weather

After a tough weekend and a bumpy start to the week, we hope that all our JYJ families are safe and able to come back to school! We know many are still without power, but we’re grateful to all who are helping with the clean-up at Joyner and schools across the county. 


Tell us what you think

We at Joyner know that a strong partnership among our families, school leaders and community is important for the success of our students and school. That’s why we are participating in the National PTA School of Excellence program, which celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.

We need your help — but it doesn’t require volunteer time or money! As part of the process, National PTA requests feedback from families at two points in the school year – the beginning and end. Your feedback in the beginning of the program will help to generate a customized Roadmap to Excellence, which will provide specific recommendations for improving our family-school partnership.

Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at Joyner and complete this 31-question survey: PTA School of Excellence Survey. Your response will be anonymous. (Paste this link in your browser if the hyperlinks above don’t work:

New iPad Covers & Cases

Mrs. Bell, our technology facilitator, needs some help from parents. We have 40 new (and 30 old) iPads that need screen covers and cases. So that’s 70 iPads that need to be wiped down, have a protective screen put on and then inserted back into its case.
We will meet next Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 8:30 a.m. in the media center. Just 10 volunteers could knock this out in 30 minutes!
Click here to signup:


Volunteers needed for the Jamboree

The Joyner Jamboree is set for Friday, Oct. 21, from 5:30-8 p.m. — but we need lots of help from our amazing JYJ volunteers to make this annual event happen! Please sign up in MemberHub to volunteer for 1-hour shifts at the Jamboree — lots of great (and easy) jobs still available, like selling glow sticks, working the basketball shootout or cleaning up after all the fun is over.
Joyner Jamboree -- volunteers needed!

No Fuss Fundraiser ends Oct. 21

We’re in the final weeks of the annual No Fuss Fundraiser, so now is the time for all you procrastinators to make your donation! Just click through to the PTA website now and make a gift toward our $25,000 goal — every little bit truly helps (although feel free to make a gigantic donation if you’re in the mood). Your contribution will help provide technology and books for classrooms, appreciation events for teachers and staff, cultural performances for students, academic and athletic programs and so much more! If you’ve already joined and donated, THANK YOU! If you haven’t done it yet, what are you waiting for?


More ways to volunteer at JYJ

Looking for a direct way to impact students and teachers at school? We have lots of good options for you!

  • Joyner’s PTA is launching a Study Buddies program to pair adult volunteers with students in each grade that need a little extra one-on-one time reading or doing class work — the goal is to match pairs for the school year to meet for 15-30 minutes. No prior teaching experience necessary — we will hold a training session to get you prepared. If you are interested, please email Kate Parke at — and don’t forget to register as a WCPSS volunteer!
  • Ms. Hale needs support checking in books and getting them back on the shelvesClick this link for the MemberHub sign-up to volunteer in the media center. Contact Helen Green at with questions.

Fund for the Fottas

If your child attended art camp this summer, you may have already heard about art teacher Ryan Fotta’s plans to adopt a child with his wife, Elissa. Read more at their website,, where you can buy t-shirts or make a donation to help them bring their daughter home. While this isn’t a PTA program, we love the opportunity to help grow the Joyner family by one more child.


TEK clubs start today

If you registered for one of Joyner’s TEK Clubs and received your club assignment, your first session starts after school today. Contact Duval Fisher at with questions.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Oct. 21: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Oct. 21: Joyner Jamboree
  • Oct. 31: Make-up day — school in session
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)
  • Nov. 10: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (no school)
  • Nov. 17: 2nd Annual JYJ Foundation Dance-a-Thon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

NewsFlash | Volunteer at the Jamboree and other great ways to support JYJ

Volunteers needed for the Jamboree

The Joyner Jamboree is set for Friday, Oct. 21, from 5:30-8 p.m. — but we need lots of help from our amazing JYJ volunteers to make this annual event happen! Please sign up in MemberHub to volunteer for 1-hour shifts at the Jamboree. Forms about the event will come home in folders this week. This family-friendly night of fun is for the whole family, but only children need the $5 wristband to participate in the bouncy house, climbing wall, tumble track, face painting, the haunted hallway and more! Food is also available for purchase at the event.
Joyner Jamboree -- volunteers needed!

Disability Awareness Month

October is Disability Awareness Month in Wake County. Did you know Albert Einstein had dyslexia? Would you have guessed that actress Emily Blunt had a stutter? Have you wondered how Evelyn Glennie could be both deaf and a full-time solo professional percussionist? Check out these links, then watch this video where kids explain autism and why it’s okay to be different — could be a great discussion topic with your family at the dinner table tonight.


No Fuss Fundraiser ends Oct. 21

We’re in the final weeks of the annual No Fuss Fundraiser, so now is the time for all you procrastinators to make your donation! Just click through to the PTA website now and make a gift toward our $25,000 goal — every little bit truly helps (although feel free to make a gigantic donation if you’re in the mood). Your contribution will help provide technology and books for classrooms, appreciation events for teachers and staff, cultural performances for students, academic and athletic programs and so much more! If you’ve already joined and donated, THANK YOU! If you haven’t done it yet, what are you waiting for?


Registration still open for select TEK clubs

Some TEK Clubs still have spaces for the fall — contact Duval Fisher at with questions or for registration information. Clubs will begin next Wednesday, Oct. 12 from 3:30-4:45. Cost is $135 for six sessions. Club listings may be found at


More ways to volunteer at JYJ

Looking for a direct way to impact students and teachers at school? We have lots of good options for you!

  • Joyner’s PTA is launching a Study Buddies program to pair adult volunteers with students in each grade that need a little extra one-on-one time reading or doing class work — the goal is to match pairs for the school year to meet for 15-30 minutes. Times will vary between early morning, lunch and afternoon. Instead of racing off after drop-off or sitting in carpool waiting for school to get out, come inside and read with a student in need of a little more academic encouragement! No prior teaching experience necessary — we will hold a training session to get you prepared. Study Buddies is a great way to help support academic growth at Joyner and also help our kids reach their full potential as learners. If you are interested, please email Kate Parke at — and don’t forget to register as a WCPSS volunteer!
  • Ms. Hale needs support checking in books and getting them back on the shelvesClick this link for the MemberHub sign-up to volunteer in the media center. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Contact Helen Green at with questions. (Need a distraction? Check out #letmelibrarianthatforyou on Twitter or Instagram.)
  • The Spelling Bee chairperson is looking for volunteers to help make copies of and distribute copies of the spelling word list. Classroom bees will start in December, but lists need to go out to students in the next few weeks. Contact to help out.

Fund for the Fottas

If your child attended art camp this summer, you may have already heard about art teacher Ryan Fotta’s plans to adopt a child with his wife, Elissa. Read more at their website,, where you can buy t-shirts or make a donation to help them bring their daughter home. While this isn’t a PTA program, we love the opportunity to help grow the Joyner family by one more child.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Oct. 21: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Oct. 21: Joyner Jamboree
  • Oct. 31: Teacher workday
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)
  • Nov. 10: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (no school)
  • Nov. 17: 2nd Annual JYJ Foundation Dance-a-Thon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.


The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Picture day, spirit night, TEK registration, staff appreciation, Jagwear orders, OM applications (phew!)

Eat mor chikn

Make plans to have dinner at the North Hills CFA this Thursday, Sept. 29, for Joyner’s first spirit night of the year. CFA will donate 15% of sales from 4-8 p.m. to the PTA — be sure to invite your neighbors and tell them it’s your pleasure to represent Joyner.


Last call for Jagwear

Stop by the school entrance this morning to check out the colors, styles and sizes for this year’s Jagwear line. Don’t get left behind — go ahead and buy gifts for the year now. You MUST place your orders by Sept. 30. Did we mention no more sales this year? Forms are available online.


Join PTA, give to No Fuss Fundraiser

We know you’re probably tired of hearing about it — but not as tired as you would be if you were “helping” your child sell cookie dough or wrapping paper or coupon books or some other product. If you’ve already joined and donated, THANK YOU! If you haven’t done it yet, just click through to the PTA website now and mark it off your list.


Need a haircut before Thursday?

Warm up your smile and get your outfit ready — school pictures are this Thursday, Sept. 29. Order forms went home with students last week. Please note that you do have to pay 6.75% sales tax on your order — if you’ve already sent your in to your child’s teacher, please update your amount to include the tax.


Teacher/Staff Appreciation this Friday

Don’t let your kids forget to write a note to their teachers (including their staff/specialist) for this Friday’s appreciation day. Our theme is “It’s going to be a SUPER school year!” Our teachers are SUPERHEROES – have your child write their teacher/staff member a note telling them what the teacher’s/staff member’s super power is. Let them have fun and be creative! Be sure to check the staff/specialist assignment list. (As a side note, the “Favorite Things” forms will be available on MemberHub in the next few weeks.)


After-school club registration tomorrow

Registration forms may be turned in by parents or students tomorrow 9/29 from 8-8:30 a.m. in the media center — enrollment is first come first served. Descriptions for the TEK after-school enrichment clubs are available online. TEK employs Joyner teachers to lead the clubs, which will run for six consecutive Wednesdays from Oct. 12- Nov. 16 from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Club cost is $135 per student. Contact TEK (Duval Fisher & Julie Sullivan) at or visit for more details.


Sign up for OM by Friday

Students interested in joining an Odyssey of the Mind team at Joyner must complete the application by Friday, Sept. 30. Click here for the online application. Contact with questions.


More ways to volunteer at JYJ

Looking for a direct way to impact students and teachers at school? We have lots of good options for you!

  • Joyner’s PTA is launching a Study Buddies program to pair adult volunteers with students in each grade that need a little extra one-on-one time reading or doing class work — the goal is to match pairs for the school year to meet for 15-30 minutes. Times will vary between early morning, lunch and afternoon. Instead of racing off after drop-off or sitting in carpool waiting for school to get out, come inside and read with a student in need of a little more academic encouragement! No prior teaching experience necessary — we will hold a training session to get you prepared. Study Buddies is a great way to help support academic growth at Joyner and also help our kids reach their full potential as learners. If you are interested, please email Kate Parke at — and don’t forget to register as a WCPSS volunteer!
  • Ms. Hale needs support checking in books and getting them back on the shelvesClick this link for the MemberHub sign-up to volunteer in the media center. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30, but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day. Contact Helen Green at with questions. (Need a distraction? Check out #letmelibrarianthatforyou on Twitter or Instagram.)
  • The Spelling Bee chairperson is looking for volunteers to help make copies of and distribute copies of the spelling word list. Classroom bees will start in December, but lists need to go out to students in the next few weeks. Contact to help out.
  • The Joyner Jamboree will be here before you know it! In addition to marking your calendar for Oct. 21 for this fun-filled, family-friendly event, please sign up in MemberHub to volunteer before, during and after the Jamboree.

Joyner Jamboree -- volunteers needed!

Quick links

Calendar items

  • Sept. 29: School picture day
  • Sept. 29: TEK club sign-ups, 8-8:30 a.m., media center
  • Sept. 29: Spirit night at Chick-fil-A at North Hills, 4-8 p.m.
  • Sept. 30: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Sept. 30: Last day to buy Jagwear
  • Oct. 21: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Oct. 21: Joyner Jamboree
  • Nov. 8: 2-hour delay for all WCPSS schools (election day)

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Help out, sign up, feel good, learn more

Let us help you help us

We want to make it SOOOOO easy for you to contribute your time, energy and funds to the PTA to help keep Joyner a fabulous place to work and learn. Click any or all of the links below to get started:

  • Join the PTAEven if you can’t come to meetings and you don’t have a lot of time for volunteering, we still need your membership in the Joyner PTA. Just $5 gets you an individual membership or $10 for a family, which gets your spouse/partner signed up, too. Our goal is to have at least 425 PTA members at Joyner, so help us be sure our voices are heard at the county and state levels. 
  • Make a donationWhen you join, add what you can to your membership payment to contribute to our No-Fuss Fundraiser. We’re so grateful to all the families (including grandparents!) who make a financial gift to help the PTA implement all the great academic, cultural, athletic, enrichment and appreciation programs throughout the year! Help us reach our $25,000 goal so that we don’t have to reduce programming for this school year. 
  • Volunteer in the media centerMs. Hale needs help in the library, mainly checking in books and getting them back on the shelves. Ideally, she would like to have a volunteer each morning between 8:00 and 8:30 (click the link for the sign-up), but books can be checked in and shelved anytime during the day — even dropping by for 15 minutes can make a big impact. Contact Helen Green at with questions. 
  • Make plans for Science Go Round. We still need a few people to help plan our annual Science Go Round, a hands-on, all-school-day science spectacular. Contact Leigh Wolitski at for more information. 
  • Buy Jagwear. All the cool kids will be wearing it year-round, but you MUST place your orders by Sept. 30. No more sales this year. Forms are available online. 
  • Eat at Chick-fil-A. Specifically, join your JYJ friends at the North Hills CFA on Thursday, Sept. 29, for spirit night from 4-8 p.m. CFA will donate 15% of sales to the PTA — be sure to invite your neighbors and tell them it’s your pleasure to represent Joyner.


Required volunteer registration only takes a second

If you plan on volunteering in any way this year (and we know you want to!), you MUST complete the WCPSS registration before Oct. 31. Just stop by the media center (or any Wake County public school) and fill out the online form — it’s really quick, especially if you’ve registered in years past. You must complete and be approved (which takes additional time) before being allowed to work alone with groups of Joyner children.

Start practicing your picture smile

School pictures are next Thursday, Sept. 29. Order forms will come home with students, but go ahead and make those haircut appointments and let your children start choosing their most memorable outfits.


Teacher/Staff Appreciation next Friday

For those of you who like to plan ahead, next Friday will be our first Joyner Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day (and early release). The PTA will provide the goods for “Fun Food Friday,” but we invite all the kids to join in our theme: “It’s going to be a SUPER school year!” Our teachers are SUPERHEROES – have your child write their teacher/staff member a note telling them what the teacher’s/staff member’s super power is. Let them have fun and be creative! Be sure to check the staff/specialist assignment list — each classroom is asked to celebrate a specific person to be sure our whole school knows how much we love them. (If you REALLY like to plan ahead, here’s the full schedule of appreciation dates and themes for the year.)


After-school club registration next week

Descriptions for the TEK after-school enrichment clubs are now available online. Look for TEK registration forms in your child’s folder. Forms may be turned in by parents or students on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the media center. TEK employs Joyner teachers to lead the clubs, which will run for six consecutive Wednesdays from Oct. 12- Nov. 16 from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Club cost is $135 per student. Contact TEK (Duval Fisher & Julie Sullivan) at or visit for more details.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Sept. 29: School picture day
  • Sept. 29: TEK club sign-ups, 8-8:30 a.m., media center
  • Sept. 29: Spirit night at Chick-fil-A at North Hills, 4-8 p.m.
  • Sept. 30: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Sept. 30: Last day to buy Jagwear
  • Oct. 21: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Oct. 21: Joyner Jamboree

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Reading logs due today, OM meeting tomorrow and lots of reasons to donate to the PTA!

Reading logs due today!

Your children probably already turned in their forms last week because we noticed how you’re totally on top of everything — but just in case, we’re reminding you that summer reading logs are due TODAY. Send them in to your classroom teacher or drop them in the box by the PTA office door (include your child’s first AND last name and the name of this year’s teacher). The celebration is this Friday, Sept. 16!


Give to the PTA to make the magic happen

If you’ve already joined the PTA and made your gift to the No-Fuss Fundraiser, THANK YOU! If you’re waiting for a personal invitation to make your donation, then consider this email especially customized for you. We’ve raised about $16,000 so far, which means we need another $9,000 to fully fund the PTA budget. Without your help, we won’t be able to provide funds for:

  • Science Go Round
  • Odyssey of the Mind
  • Science Olympiad
  • First in Fitness
  • Visits from authors and performers
  • Books for the media center and the book room
  • Student awards and recognitions like JAG Publishing
  • Teacher grants for innovative classroom experiences
  • Staff/teacher appreciation events throughout the year
  • Promethean Boards and iPads for classrooms

The list goes on and on. We can keep repeating it here each week — or you can go ahead and make your gift online (click the donate button) or send the form (English or Spanish) and check in to your child’s teacher today. And thank you in advance!


Volunteers make the world go round — but first you have to sign up

If you plan on volunteering in any way this year (and we know you want to!), you need to complete the WCPSS registration before Oct. 31. Just stop by the media center (or any WCPSS school) and fill out the online form — it’s really quick, especially if you’ve registered in years past. You must complete and be approved (which takes additional time) before being allowed to work alone with groups of Joyner children.

  • Backpack Buddies needs five volunteers for about 30 minutes a month to stuff backpacks with donated food items. This is a great cause with flexible volunteer times. Please contact Leigh Wolitski at for more information.
  • We are still in need of volunteers to help with Science Go Round. Please contact Leigh Wolitski at for more information.


Parent meetings for cool enrichment activities

Have a child interested in participating in Odyssey of the Mind or Science Olympiad this year? Parent meetings are coming up this week and next — details below. Joyner PTA is proud to help support both of these fun enrichment opportunities.

  • Odyssey of the Mind (OM) parent meeting is Thursday, Sept. 15 (that’s TOMORROW), at 6 p.m. in the media center.  Click here to learn more about OM. One of Joyner’s OM teams competed in the world championship last year — this year, it could be your team! Sign­up forms will be available at the meeting and parent volunteer coaches are needed. If you cannot attend the meeting but wish to learn more, please email
  • Science Olympiad informational meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 20 (that’s next week), at 5 p.m. in the media center for parents and students interested in participating on the JYJ Science Olympiad team. Sign-up forms will be available at that time. If you cannot attend the meeting but wish to learn more please contact Ms. Pelletier at This year Science Club will be limited to those 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who are committed to preparing and competing in NC Science Olympiad. Exploration sessions will be given without charge every Thursday after-school during the first semester only. Event coaches are needed during second semester to help prepare partners for competition. Our NC Science Olympiad tournament will be on Saturday, May 6, 2017, at Leesville Elementary School from 8 a.m.-3 p.m.


Only two more weeks to buy Jagwear!

Don’t miss this limited time offer! No, it’s not as-seen-on-TV — it’s Jagwear and it’s only available for order until Sept. 30. Forms are available online. This sale ONLY HAPPENS ONCE A YEAR, so be sure to get all the Joyner t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and water bottles you need!


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Sept. 15: Odyssey of the Mind parent meeting, 6 p.m., media center
  • Sept. 20: Science Olympiad parent meeting, 5 p.m., media center
  • Sept. 29: School picture day
  • Sept. 30: Early release and teacher appreciation

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Open House tomorrow night + items for your to-do list

Open House this Thursday

Looking forward to seeing you all at Open House tomorrow night. The first classroom session runs from 5-5:45 p.m. Parents are then invited to the PTA general meeting in the gym from 5:45-6:15, followed by the second classroom session from 6:15-7:00. During the classroom sessions, just head to your child’s classroom or grade level team area to hear from the teacher about what to expect this year. Only have one classroom teacher at Joyner? Then just attend either classroom session.


Join the PTA and give to the No-Fuss Fundraiser

While you’re at Open House tomorrow night, be sure to join the PTA and make your donation to the annual No-Fuss Fundraiser. We’ve already raised $10,000 thanks to your generosity — that’s great progress toward our goal of $25,000! Each year, your financial gifts help to fund…

  • Promethean Boards and iPads purchased for classrooms
  • Teacher grants for innovative classroom experiences
  • Cultural arts and science programming during the school day
  • Academic enrichment opportunities
  • Schoolwide spirit and community events
  • Student awards and recognitions
  • Book sets for classroom use
  • Wellness and athletic programs for students
  • Facilities improvements like the outdoor stage and turf field
  • Staff/teacher appreciation events throughout the year

Your membership shows your commitment to supporting teachers, staff and students at Joyner throughout the year — the greater our membership numbers, the stronger our voice at the school, district and state levels. And your financial donation makes the PTA’s programming and events possible for all students in every grade.

Want to join with other PTA volunteers to help make the magic happen? Fill out the Google form and a committee chair will follow up with you. We’re also looking for co-chairs for Science Go Round and the spelling bee — please let Catherine Otto know if you’re interested in helping with either role.


Don’t forget to…

  • Stop by the media center tomorrow morning (Sept. 8) from 8-8:30 a.m. for the JYJ Foundation overview and volunteer sign-up session. Volunteers are needed to help with events from the annual gala to Dance-a-thon to pop-up fundraisers and tasks in support of these activities. Most activities already have leaders in place, but many just need people to handle a specific tasks. If you can’t stay for the entire meeting, just pop in and sign up!
  • Turn in your child’s summer reading logs to his/her teacher or stick it in the box by the PTA office door (include your child’s first AND last name and the name of this year’s teacher) — deadline is Sept. 14 to participate in the celebration on Sept. 16!
  • Stop by the media center to complete the WCPSS volunteer registration form — it’s quick, but required to do any type of volunteering at school (field trip chaperone, book & bite, etc.).
  • Order your Jagwear by Sept. 30. Forms went home with your child last week and are available online. This sale ONLY happens once a year, so be sure to get what you need!
  • Sign up to water the new landscaping around the school:
  • Sign up to help assemble picnic tables on Sept. 11 from 2-4 p.m.:


After-school activities coming to Joyner

Looking to skip the carpool/walker pick-up line once a week? Two different outside groups offer after-school options this fall for Joyner students.

  • Sports After School with Coach Scott offers a free trial first class for families new to the program. Coach Scott picks up the kids at Joyner in the walker hallway after school and escorts them down to Kiwanis Park for fun games, activities, nature walks and a variety of sports. The program is open to students in K-5 and runs every Tuesday starting Sept. 13. Cost is $15 per session or $60 per 4-week session. Pick up your child at 4:30 at Kiwanis Park. Contact Coach Scott at 336-963-4555 or with questions or to register.
  • Fall TEK Clubs offered by Tailored Enrichment Kids will run for six consecutive Wednesdays from Oct. 12 – Nov. 16 from 3:30-4:45 (TEK supervises students after school until clubs begin). Details about clubs, which are taught by JYJ teachers, will be available soon. Cost is $135. Contact TEK (Duval Fisher & Julie Sullivan) at or visit


Early release means teacher appreciation at Joyner

In order to share our love for Joyner teachers and staff throughout the year, the Joyner PTA organizes teacher appreciation events on early release days. Because there are two early release days this month, we’ll be focusing on Sept. 30 — no need to gear up for anything this week. More details coming soon about plans for the year.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Sept. 8: JYJ Foundation volunteer sign-ups, 8 a.m. in the media center
  • Sept. 8: Open House and PTA membership meeting, 5-7 p.m.
  • Sept. 9: Early release, 12:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 11: Picnic table assembly, 2 p.m.
  • Sept. 29: School picture day
  • Sept. 30: Early release and teacher appreciation

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.