
News Flash | Spelling Bee, Spirit Night, Girls on the Run, TEK Clubs & Summer Camps

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. I am curious and like to ask questions in order to learn more.

Safety and Transportation Reminder

JYJ would like to remind everyone not to enter the bus pick up area before 3:30 to allow our buses to have clear and safe entrance into the school loop.  We appreciate your cooperation.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Spelling Bee
  • Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club
  • Reserve the JYJ Spirit Rock
  • Girls on the Run 2020, Registration Open
  • TEK Clubs 
  • Triangle Chess Tournament
  • Summer Camp Preview
  • Calendar of Events

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Come support JYJ’s Spelling Bee this Thursday at 3:30! In December each 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class hosted a classroom Spelling Bee. Joyner is excited to remind everyone that the top two spellers from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classroom Spelling Bees will compete in the annual JYJ Spelling Bee this THURSDAY, January 16 beginning at 3:30 pm in the JYJ gym. Please join us to cheer on these kids as they spell their hearts out! Everyone is welcome! 

Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club 

Make plans to spend your evening on Sunday, January 26th from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Triangle Rock Club while supporting Joyner! The indoor climbing center is the perfect place to expand your horizons, stretch your limits and build your confidence…not to mention, it’s something the entire family can enjoy. Click here to register and fill out your waiver. The registration deadline is January 22nd.  The cost is $15 per climber, and the Triangle Rock Club is donating 75% of that back to the Joyner Foundation.  We hope to see you there!JYJ Spirit Rock  There are still some openings to paint the rock this month!  Sign up to spread positive messages, encourage students, thank a staff member, or celebrate a birthday on the Rock.  Click here to reserve a day and rent the Spirit Rock (or go to the Signups page on the JY Joyner Memberhub).    

Girls on the Run (GOTR) Spring 2020, Registration OPEN

Girls on the Run is an afterschool program like no other! Twice per week for 10 weeks, girls will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills. Our trained and caring coaches (Ms. Wilcox, Ms. Burston and Meredith Everett) will lead interested 3rd – 5th grade girls through interactive lessons and running activities. The spring team will practice at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 – 4:30.  

Season Dates

  • Week of February 4 – April 25
  • Spring 5k will be on April 25 at Research Commons Place (details forthcoming).

Registration info available at: email Shanna Schroeder if you have any questions.

TEK Clubs Coming Soon!      

Be on the lookout, TEK Club Forms are coming home in folders this Wed. Jan 15th!  You may also click here to find the forms online at TEK’s website.

Winter 2020 Joyner TEK Clubs will be held Wednesdays beginning February 12 and will run through March 18th from 3:30-4:45.  TEK supervises students prior to clubs starting. 

The following sessions will be offered:

  • Move It! Groove It! – Fun with STEAM, Grades K-1 with Stefanie Piner 
  • Winter Wonders Book Club, Grades K-1 with Amy Forbes 
  • Lego Creators, Grades 1-3 with Emily Dawson
  • Crafty Creators- Multicultural Arts and Crafts,Grades 1-5 with Christina Bell 
  • The Grub Club-Exciting Food Creations, Grades 2-5 with Jakala Wilson and Fran Cameron 
  • STEM Challenges, Grades 2-5 with Sheryl Davis
  • Game On!, Grades 3-5 with Niki Fulton and ?Madelyn Bruckel

Registration will be held on Wed. Jan. 22nd in the JYJ Media Center from 8-8:30 a.m. Contact Duval Fisher with questions or for more information.  

Triangle Chess Tournament

The next JYJ Chess Club doesn’t begin until March, but JYJ students have a chance to participate in the Triangle Chess Tournament on January 19th at the Raleigh Convention Center!  We need at least 4 students to register to create a JYJ Team.  

Registration is $30 if completed before January 17th.  Come out for lots of prizes and fun! For more information check out the flyer online. Questions? Contact Carson Smith. To register for the event visit

Summer Camps to Consider

Many families are already considering their plans for summer and several of our teachers and staff offer great summer camp options to consider.  In the coming weeks, we’ll be providing more details on these options through MemberHub.  Camp Options currently open for registration:

  • First Grade Refresher (Rising First Graders) July 20-July 24, led by Kate Johnson (4th grade)
  • Kindergarten Readiness (Rising K) August 3- August 7, led by Kate Johnston (4th grade)

*Both camps are 1/2 day held at Hayes Barton Baptist Church. Anyone interested may contact me via email: or phone: 919-757-4892. Also click here to access the flyer for more details.   These camps are open to the public – please share with others you know who may have interest.   

Stay tuned as we continue to share more available options…

 Calendar Items

  • Jan. 16: School Spelling Bee, 3:30 p.m., Gym
  • Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed
  • Jan. 22: TEK Club Registration, 8:00-8:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 26: Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club, 6-8 p.m. 
  • Jan. 29: Teacher Workday – School Closed
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Happy New Year! 2020 Brings Exciting Opportunities to Get Involved at JYJ

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!!  We look forward to all the great things ahead at JYJ in 2020!

IB Learner Profile Trait for January: Inquirers

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. I am curious and like to ask questions in order to learn more.

This Week’s News Flash:

  • READvolution & Hurricanes Hockey
  • TEK Clubs Return
  • Triangle Chess Tournament
  • Lost and Found

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

READvolution & Hurricanes Hockey

Did your child reach their reading goal in READvolution to earn hockey game tickets?  If so, be sure to check out your account online at the WAKEID READvolution page for instructions on ticket redemption.  Congratulations to all our winners and go Canes! 

TEK Clubs Return for Winter Session      

TEK Clubs are returning this winter to JYJ!  Clubs will run on 6 consecutive Wednesdays, Feb.12 – Mar. 18th from 3:30-4:45. (TEK supervises students prior to clubs beginning at 3:30). 

A variety of sessions are offered and open for students in grades K-5. Cost is $140 for 6 sessions. 

Club registration forms and descriptions will be sent home Wed. Jan. 15th. Registration will be held on Wed. Jan 22nd from 8:00-8:30 in the Media Center.  

Please contact Duval Fisher of TEK with any questions or if you need forms.  Visit TEK online at

Triangle Chess Tournament

The next JYJ Chess Club doesn’t begin until March, but JYJ students have a chance to participate in the Triangle Chess Tournament on January 19th at the Raleigh Convention Center!  We need at least 4 students to register to create a JYJ Team.  

Registration is $30 if completed before January 17th.  Come out for lots of prizes and fun! For more information check out the flyer online. Questions? Contact Carson Smith. To register for the event visit

Lost and Found Items

If your child is missing their jacket, lunchbox or any other item, be sure to visit the Kindergarten hallway and check the lost and found.  We have an abundance of items that need to find their way back home. Take a moment and label your items as well to help out for the future!

Calendar Items

  • Jan. 16: School Spelling Bee (TBD)
  • Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed
  • Jan. 29: Teacher Workday – School Closed
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Book Fair Success, Dewey’s Ready for Pickup, January Events & Happy Holidays!

IB Learner Profile Trait for December: Open-Minded

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Special thanks: Book Fair Success
  • Pick up schedule for Dewey’s Orders
  • PTA General Meeting & Principal’s Coffee
  • Lost and Found
  • Winter Break

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Thank You for Making JYJ’s Book Fair a Success!

The JYJ 2019 Book Fair was a great success – we thank everyone for contributing your time and financial support!  A big THANK YOU to Laura Moreschi and Leslie de Haven for their leadership and countless hours spent ensuring the event’s success.

With everyone’s donations of change and purchase round ups, we were able to ensure that all children were able to purchase a book.  Many thanks again!

Dewey’s Pickup Schedule

If you placed a Dewey’s order, it will be available for pick up in the Joyner library.  Below are the pick up times:

  • Wednesday, December 18th from 12:30-1:00pm
  • Wednesday, December 18th from 3:00-3:30pm
  • Thursday, December 19th from 8:00-8:30am

Please reach out if you have questions or concerns about your order.  Thank you for your support of the Joyner Foundation!

Make Plans to Join in January – PTA Meeting & Principal’s Coffee

Please join us for our next PTA General Meeting on January 31st at 8:00 a.m. in the Media Center.  Immediately following, and open to all, is the Principal’s Coffee at 8:30. Look forward to seeing you there!

Lost and Found Items

If your child is missing their jacket, lunchbox or any other item, be sure to visit the Kindergarten hallway and check the lost and found.  We have an abundance of items that need to find their way back home. Take a moment and label your items as well to help out for the future!

Winter Break is almost here!

Winter break will begin next Monday, Dec. 23rd and students will return on Monday, Jan. 6th.  We wish you and your family a safe, restful and wonderful holiday season! We look forward to seeing you in 2020!

Note: There will not be a NewsFlash published on December 25th or January 1st. 

Calendar Items

  • Dec. 20: School in session (Weather make-up day)
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Holiday Break, School Closed
  • Jan. 6: School Back in Session
  • Jan. 16: School Spelling Bee (TBD)
  • Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Final Days of Book Fair, Dewey’s Orders Due, Joyner Chess Champs & More!

IB Learner Profile Trait for December: Open-Minded

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Book Fair – Dec 9-13th 
  • Classroom Spelling Bees – Thurs. 12/12
  • Dewey’s Bakery Order Forms Due
  • Collecting Jeans, Socks & Essentials for Note in the Pocket
  • Joyner Chess Champs
  • Shana Tucker: Tapestry of Songwriting 
  • Lost and Found

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Final days of Joyner’s Annual Book Fair, last day this Fri. 13th! Don’t miss these easy opportunities to support our school and make this event a smashing success! 1.Shop with us. Book Fair will be open Mon 12/9-Thurs 12/12 from 7:30-4:00, Fri. 12/13 from 7:30-1:00. 2. Volunteer. Extra hands still needed these next few days. Click here to find a shift that fits your schedule.   3. Send in your spare change to our “One for All and All for Books!” campaign.  There are buckets in the library and all money raised will be used to make sure that every child has the chance to shop our book fair.  Look for yellow fliers and ziplock baggies from your child or just send them in with their money! Support literacy and support our school! All proceeds from our book fair directly support our media center. Thank you for supporting our JYJ family!

Classroom Spelling Bees this Thurs. 12thThe Joyner Classroom Spelling Bees for grades 3, 4 and 5 will be held during normal school hours on THURSDAY, December 12. Information about the Classroom Spelling Bee went home with your child before Thanksgiving, including a list of words that your child can use to prepare. If your child would like to study from the entire list of 450 Spelling Bee words, you may request a copy of the complete list in the office.

Dewey’s Bakery Order Forms Due this Fri. 13th

Order forms were sent in your child’s backpack. If you would like to purchase items, fill out the form and return along with payment to your child’s teacher by Dec. 13th. (Checks made payable to Joyner Foundation). Items will be available for pickup at school on Dec. 18th.  Dewey’s is donating 50% of the total we spend back to the Joyner Foundation! 

Donations of Jeans, Socks & Essentials for Note in the PocketJYJ is currently accepting donations for Note in the Pocket providing clothing and essentials to children enrolled in WCPSS who are in need. 

  • New and/or Gently Used Jeans – All sizes will be accepted, with the greatest need for the following sizes: Boys: Sizes 7, 8 and 12; Girls: Sizes 8,10 and 16; Womens: Sizes 16 and 18
  • New socks
  • Travel sized toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo/conditioner, etc

The drive will take place through Dec. 20. Marked bins will be located at the front entrance where donations may be placed. Thanks for your incredible support and generosity in serving our community!

Joyner wins Triangle Chess Tournament!

A big congratulations to Evan Mather, Patrick Scappino, and Mohamed Abdel-Hady,  Joyner students who brought home a 1st place trophy from their first Triangle Chess tournament on Sunday! We are so very proud of you!  The next round of chess at JYJ will be in March 2020 so stay tuned. 

Shana Tucker: Tapestry of Songwriting

Last week the 5th grader’s collaborated with a local musician with support from a United Arts Grant and funding from the PTA. Building on the autobiographical writing they are working on for their Mighty Memoirs, the 5th graders worked together to write a song about what it’s like to be in Fifth Grade at JYJ.  #artistsinschools @UnitedArtsCouncil

Click here to check out the Song Lyrics: “5th Grade is So Much FUN!”

Thanks to Shana Tucker, United Arts Council, our PTA and all those who made this special experience possible for our JYJ students!

Lost and Found Items

We continue to have an abundance of items left in our lost and found.  Please see the Kindergarten hallway if your child is missing any items.  It is highly recommended for all families to write their child’s name in jackets, lunchboxes, etc.  

Calendar Items

  • Dec. 9-14: Book Fair (Mon-Thurs 7:30-4; Fri. 7:30-1)
  • Dec. 12: Spelling Bee
  • Dec. 13: Dewey’s Bakery Order Forms Due
  • Dec. 20: School in session (Weather make-up day)
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Holiday Break, School Closed
  • Jan. 6th: School Back in Session
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 8:00 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Swagger Event Tonight, Music is in the Air at JYJ, Note in the Pocket Donations

IB Learner Profile Trait for December: Open-Minded

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Joyner Foundation Shopping Event @ Swagger Wed. 12/4 from 5-8
  • Artist Workshop and Performance this week 
  • Collecting Jeans, Socks & Essentials for Note in the Pocket
  • Book Fair – Dec 9-13th 
  • Classroom Spelling Bees – Thurs. 12/12
  • Dewey’s Bakery Gives Back

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

See you at Swagger Tonight from 5-8!  

Join us for a special shopping event tonight, Wed. 12/4 at Swagger Boutique (Quail Corners Shopping Center) from 5:00-8:00 pm.  Mandy Becker, a Joyner parent and owner of Swagger, has graciously offered to give everyone 10% off your entire purchase, and Swagger will also donate 10% of all sales to the Joyner Foundation. If you cannot come to the event, you can still shop at Swagger anytime today, mention Joyner at checkout, and receive the discount and donation.    

Artist Workshop and Performance this Week at JYJ                                                 Singer-Songwriter and Cellist Shana TuckerWe’ll Just Have to Say It With a Song…      Music is in the air this week as Joyner, with a generous Grant from the United Arts Council and sponsorship from the PTA will host acclaimed Singer-Songwriter and Cellist Shana Tucker. Ms. Tucker will be working with the Fifth Graders Wednesday and Thursday (12/4-12/5) to write a semi-autobiographical song for their class. Building on what they have learned about writing for their Mighty Memoir Project, they will be introduced to the essential components of songwriting, (verse, chorus/hook, bridge, intro, outro); the relationship between melody, harmony, and lyrics; and the role of the musical storyteller in song writing. Sing, Sing A Song…The music making will culminate in a Performance by Ms. Tucker for the whole school on Friday (12/6). Ms. Tucker will introduce students to the architecture of a song and she and selected Fifth Grade Students will perform the song they wrote collaboratively earlier in the week. Don’t be surprised if your JYJ student comes home singing after a week of music! Want to keep the learning going at home? Try asking your student if they can identify different parts of a song as you listen to music in the car, around town, or at home or take it one step further and try to write an autobiographical song for your family! 

Donations of Jeans, Socks & Essentials for Note in the PocketConsider this meaningful opportunity to give this holiday season. JYJ is currently accepting donations for Note in the Pocket providing clothing and essentials to children enrolled in WCPSS who are in need. 

  • New and/or Gently Used Jeans – All sizes will be accepted, with the greatest need for the following sizes: Boys: Sizes 7, 8 and 12; Girls: Sizes 8,10 and 16; Womens: Sizes 16 and 18
  • New socks
  • Travel sized toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo/conditioner, etc

The drive will take place through Dec. 20. Marked bins will be located at the front entrance where donations may be placed. Thanks for your incredible support and generosity in serving our community!

Book Fair is almost here!   We are just days away from Joyner’s Annual Book Fair Dec. 9-13th! Don’t miss these easy opportunities to support our school and make this event a smashing success! 1.Shop with us. Book Fair will be open Mon 12/9-Thurs 12/12 from 7:30-4:00, Fri. 12/13 from 7:30-1:00. 2. Volunteer. Click here to explore volunteer opportunities and find a shift that fits your schedule and interests.  We need lots of hands to make this fundraiser a success!  3. Send in your spare change to our “One for All and All for Books!” campaign.  There are buckets in the library and all money raised will be used to make sure that every child has the chance to shop our book fair.  Look for yellow fliers and ziplock baggies from your child or just send them in with their money! Support literacy and support our school! All proceeds from our book fair directly support our media center. Thank you for supporting our JYJ family! 

Classroom Spelling Bees – Thursday, 12/12The Joyner Classroom Spelling Bees for grades 3, 4 and 5 will be held during normal school hours on THURSDAY, December 12. Information about the Classroom Spelling Bee should have gone home with your child before Thanksgiving, including a list of words that your child can use to prepare. If your child would like to study from the entire list of 450 Spelling Bee words, you may request a copy of the complete list in the office.

Dewey’s Bakery Supports JYJ

Holiday favorite Dewey’s Bakery is coming to Joyner! Order forms were sent in your child’s backpack this week.  If you would like to purchase items, fill out the form and return along with payment to your child’s teacher by Dec. 13th. (Checks made payable to Joyner Foundation). Items will be available for pickup at school on Dec. 18th.  Dewey’s is donating 50% of the total we spend back to the Joyner Foundation! 

Calendar Items

  • Dec. 4: Snowman Tree Donations Due
  • Dec. 4: Joyner Foundation Shopping Event, Swaggers Boutique, 5-8 p.m. 
  • Dec. 9-14: Book Fair (Mon-Thurs 7:30-4; Fri. 7:30-1)
  • Dec. 12: Spelling Bee
  • Dec. 13: Dewey’s Bakery Order Forms Due
  • Dec. 20: School in session (Weather make-up day)
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3 – Holiday Break, School Closed
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 7:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

Sign Up, Update or Unsubscribe from the Joyner Hub –  New to MemberHub?  Complete this form and we’ll get you into the JYJ Hub. No longer need to be in the Joyner Hub or receive the PTA NewsFlash?  Click the link at the bottom of this message to quickly update your preferences.

News Flash | Happy Thanksgiving! Opportunities to share your time, talents & heart

IB Learner Profile Trait for November: Principled Learners act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.  We take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences that accompany them.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Thanks & Giving
  • Joyner Foundation: Shopping with a Purpose
  • Book Fair, Dec. 9-13th; Opportunities to Shop, Volunteer & Donate!
  • Holiday Giving Opportunities  
  • Study Buddies Program
  • Calendar

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Thanks to all our JYJ Family!  As we head our different ways to gather with friends and family and to gobble some turkey and pumpkin pie, we’d like to take a moment to give thanks for our JYJ Family!We are truly grateful for our talented and dedicated teachers, administrators, staff, parents and students that make Joyner the warm, welcoming and wonderful place it is.  Along with your thanks, there is still time to give to our PTA No-Fuss Fundraiser.  From  artists the PTA brings to work with our students, to school beautification projects and teacher appreciation – the PTA is a cornerstone of what makes Joyner such an amazing and enriching educational environment for our children. Click here to donate today. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for being part of our wonderful JYJ family!

Joyner Foundation: Shopping with a Purpose

Join us for a special shopping event at Swagger Boutique (Quail Corners Shopping Center) on December 4th from 5:00-8:00pm.  Mandy Becker, a Joyner parent and owner of Swagger, has graciously offered to give everyone 10% off your entire purchase, and Swagger will also donate 10% of all sales to the Joyner Foundation.  

And not to be missed…

Holiday favorite Dewey’s Bakery is coming to Joyner!  Look out for a Dewey’s order form in your child’s backpack next week. If you would like to purchase items, just fill out the form and return it along with payment to your child’s teacher by December 13th.  Then you may pick up the items you ordered on December 18th at school.  Dewey’s is donating 50% of the total we spend back to the Joyner Foundation!  

Love Kids? Love Books? We have something just for you! Mark your calendars … Joyner’s Annual Book Fair is Dec. 9-13th! There are multiple ways to support our school and get involved: 1.Shop with us. Book Fair will be open Mon 12/9-Thurs 12/12 from 7:30-4:00, Fri. 12/13 from 7:30-1:00. 2. Volunteer. Click here to explore volunteer opportunities and find a shift that fits your schedule and interests.  We need lots of hands to make this fundraiser a success!  3. Send in your spare change to our “One for All and All for Books!” campaign.  There are buckets in the library and all money raised will be used to make sure that every child has the chance to shop our book fair.  Look for yellow fliers and ziplock baggies from your child or just send them in with their money! Support literacy and support our school! All proceeds from our book fair directly support our media center. Thank you for supporting our JYJ family! 

Giving Opportunities this Holiday Season

Consider these meaningful opportunities to give this holiday season.  A great way for families to come together for those in need. 

Snowman Tree: A tradition of JYJ returns to help our families in need. Those interested will take a number off the snowman tree located in the front office. When taking a number, you must fill out the bottom portion and return to one of our school counselors (Andrea Burston, Taylor Hartline, Brian Phillips or Elizabeth Ferriter) so we may use this information to keep track of returned gifts. Return all wrapped gifts in a bag along with the tag number by Wednesday, December 4th

Note in the Pocket: JYJ will be collecting new socks and travel sized toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo/conditioner, etc) to donate to Note in the Pocket. This organization provides clothing and essentials to children enrolled in WCPSS schools who are in need. Bins will be located at the front entrance where donations may be placed. 

Thanks for your incredible support and generosity in serving our community!

Study Buddies – Share a few minutes each week with a student

JYJ is looking for volunteers for our Study Buddy program.  

  • Commitment is 15-20 minutes per child per week.
  • Interested individuals must be registered with WCPSS as a volunteer.  
  • Teachers will have materials and subject matter each week for you to work on with your student(s).
  • Students LOVE this time and look forward to it each week. Volunteers love it as much as the students!

If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved with this great program, please contact Alison Bentley (Study Buddies Chair).

Calendar Items

  • Nov. 27-29: School Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
  • Dec. 9-14: Book Fair (Mon-Thurs 7:30-4; Fri. 7:30-1)
  • Dec. 4: Snowman Tree Donations Due
  • Dec. 4: Joyner Foundation Shopping Event, Swaggers Boutique, 5-8 p.m. 
  • Dec. 12: Spelling Bee
  • Dec. 20: School in session (Weather make-up day)
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3 – Holiday Break, School Closed
  • Jan. 31: PTA General Meeting 7:30 a.m., Media Center
  • Jan. 31: Principal’s Coffee 8:30 a.m., Media Center

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Spirit Night, Parent Survey, Giving this Holiday Season, Study Buddies

IB Learner Profile Trait for November: Principled Learners act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.  We take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences that accompany them.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Spirit Night at Panera Bread 
  • Parent Survey
  • Opportunities to Give this Holiday Season
  • Study Buddies Program
  • Calendar

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

JYJ Spirit Night at Panera Bread TONIGHT!! Give your kitchen a break and join your JYJ family and friends TONIGHT from 4-8 p.m. at Panera Bread in North Hills. *Important: You must show this online flyer or print a copy and take into Panera in order for our school to receive a portion of the purchase.    Running short on time? No problem! Panera will donate 20% of all delivery and take-out sales to JYJ as well! Just use the code “PRCODE” when you place your online order between 4:00 and 8:00 PM.

Parent Survey – Take a Moment and Share Your Feedback Many of you attended last week’s Curriculum Night – thanks to all who played a part in its success! We’re seeking input from all our JYJ families on a few questions (regardless of if you attended the event last week or not).  Click here and complete this QUICK survey. Your input provides our staff and PTA valuable feedback that shapes our programs and communications. Thanks in advance for support!

Great Opportunities to Give Back this Holiday Season

The holidays are nearing and Joyner would like to share these opportunities for families looking to give during this time.      

Snowman Tree: JYJ will once again have the snowman tree to help out our families in need of assistance during the holidays.  If you would like to help by donating gifts, please take a number off the snowman tree located in the front office starting Monday morning, November 19th.  When you take a number from the snowman tree, please be sure to fill out the bottom portion and return back it to our school counselors Andrea Burston, Taylor Hartline, Brian Phillips or Elizabeth Ferriter in the front office.  They will use this info to keep track of returned gifts. Please return all wrapped gifts (in a bag please) and the tag number back by Wednesday, December 4th

Note in the Pocket: We are also collecting new socks to donate to the charity organization Note in the Pocket, which provides clothing to children in need enrolled in WCPSS schools and travel size toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shampoo/conditioner, etc for men & women) to donate to those in need.  There will be bins at the front entrance where socks & toiletries can be placed. 

Thanks for your support and generosity in serving those in need! 

Will you be a JYJ Study Buddy?

This is an excellent way to get plugged in to the Joyner community and make a big difference in the lives of our students!

  • Commitment is 15-20 minutes per child per week.
  • Interested individuals must be registered with WCPSS as a volunteer.  
  • Teachers will have materials and subject matter each week for you to work on with your student(s).
  • Students LOVE this time and look forward to it each week. Volunteers love it as much as the students!

If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved with this great program, please contact Alison Bentley (JYJ Study Buddies Chair).

Calendar Items

  • Nov. 20: JYJ “Dine Out” Fundraiser – Panera North Hills 
  • Nov. 26: Letterland Parade 8:45-9:15 a.m.
  • Nov. 27-29: School Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
  • Dec. 9-14: Book Fair (Mon-Thurs 7:30-4; Fri. 7:30-1)
  • Dec. 12: Spelling Bee
  • Dec. 20: School in session (Weather make-up day)
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3 – Holiday Break, School Closed

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Gym Jam, Teacher Appreciation Day, Study Buddies & Yearbook Cover Contest

IB Learner Profile Trait for November: Principled Learners act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.  We take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences that accompany them.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Gym Jam
  • Teacher Appreciation Day
  • Deadline for Yearbook Cover Contest Entries
  • UNC-TV Documentary
  • Dine Out Night
  • Study Buddies Program
  • Calendar

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Joyner Foundation presents Gym Jam this Thursday, Nov. 14th! This great new event is one our students will not soon forget!  A school wide special recess for ALL students that will include games, dancing, giveaways and much more and will take place during each grade’s regularly scheduled recess time in the JYJ gym. With your support we will be able to raise money for JYJ and support our valuable teaching positions at the school.  Our goal is to raise $5 per student (or $100 per classroom) by this Fri.14th.  Ways to get involved and show your support:

  • Volunteer. Click here to sign up for a shift and join us on Nov.14th!
  • Donate – 3 easy ways!
    1. Send in a check with your child made payable to the Joyner Foundation with GYM JAM in the memo line.
    2. PayPal and write GYM JAM in the notes section
    3. Venmo @Blair-Kennedy-5 and write GYM JAM in the notes section

*Donations are not required for your child to participate.  ALL students will take part in this fun event!

Teacher Appreciation Day this Friday, Nov. 15th! Our theme is “Mucho Gracias” – let’s show our teachers how much we care for them and appreciate all they do for our students!Helpful parent suggestions: Bring in their favorite fruit/snack, favorite flower or have your child write them a note of thanks!

Final Days for Yearbook Cover Design Entries Don’t miss this opportunity to share your creativity and design for the JYJ Yearbook cover contest. Get those colored pens & markers out and start drawing! Requirements for entry are the following:

  • Must be in color
  • Must be 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper
  • Must be in portrait orientation (landscape will be not be accepted). 

Submit your Joyner themed covers to your teacher or front office by Tuesday, Nov.  19th.  JYJ staff will vote and the contest winner will be announced in mid December.

Recommended Upcoming Documentary on UNC-TV, Nov. 19th

UNC-TV presents “Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope”.  The hour long film to be aired on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 8 p.m. focuses on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), what researchers have described as “the most important public health movement of our time.”

Resilience delves deep into the science behind ACEs and the havoc the syndrome can wreak on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, depression, substance abuse and other lifelong effects on health and behavior.  The film also examines how the toxic stress produced by ACEs also creates long-term impact on our communities.

Past PTA’s across Wake County have led events to show this film and now it will be featured statewide on UNC-TV. This will occur during Resilience Week in NC, a statewide initiative to build awareness of childhood trauma, prevention and resilience, and will provide an opportunity for more North Carolinians to learn and get engaged in being connections to build resilience in children. 

Save the Date – Dine Out and Spirit Night, Nov. 20th! Make plans to join your JYJ friends and family for Spirit Night on Wednesday, Nov. 20th from 4-8 p.m. at Panera Bread in North Hills. 20% of all dine-in, take-out and delivery sales to Joyner friends and family will benefit the Joyner PTA.  *Important: You must show this online flyer or print a copy and take into Panera in order for our school to receive a portion of the purchase.  

JYJ Study Buddies Wanted!  

We are currently recruiting for Study Buddies for the 2019-2020 school year.  This is an excellent way to get plugged in to the Joyner community and make a big difference in the lives of our students!

  • Commitment is 15-20 minutes per child per week.
  • Interested individuals must be registered with WCPSS as a volunteer.  
  • Teachers will have materials and subject matter each week for you to work on with your student(s).
  • Students LOVE this time and look forward to it each week. Volunteers love it as much as the students!

If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved with this great program, please contact Alison Bentley (JYJ Study Buddies Chair).

Calendar Items

  • Nov. 14: JYJ Foundation’s “Gym Jam” (held during recess for all students to participate)
  • Nov. 15: Teacher Appreciation Day 
  • Nov. 19: Yearbook Cover Contest Submissions are Due
  • Nov. 20: JYJ “Dine Out” Fundraiser – Panera North Hills 
  • Nov. 27-29th: School Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Treats for Troops, Science Go Round, Gym Jam & Other Must Reads!

IB Learner Profile Trait for November: Principled Learners act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.  We take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences that accompany them.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Treats for Troops
  • Science Go Round
  • Gym Jam
  • Teacher Appreciation Day
  • Dine Out Night
  • Study Buddies Program
  • Calendar

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Have Extra Halloween Candy? Looking to Get It Out of the House?!

Treats for Troops is a Halloween candy collection program – we’ll collect excess Halloween candy and send it to service members and veterans. Bring it by school this week – Jackie Jones is collecting candy donations between 8:00-8:30 a.m – also look out for the big orange box!  

Science Go Round coming up this Friday, Nov. 8th! This fun-filled day of scientists and parents giving hands-on-demonstrations to our students has been a long standing tradition at our school.  Will you consider volunteering your time and/or food donation?  Click here to learn more and find out how you can get involved. *We are also in need of a Co-Chair of Science Go Round for next year.  Contact Katie Cavillo to find out how you can get involved.

Get Ready for Gym Jam – November 14th! Our Joyner Foundation is proud to announce a great new event, GYM JAM!  This is a school wide special recess for ALL students and will be held on Nov. 14th during each grade’s regularly scheduled recess time in the JYJ gym.  Our students will enjoy games, dancing, giveaways and much more!   Through this event, we are able to raise money for JYJ and support our valuable teaching positions at the school. Our goal is to raise $5 per student (or $100 per classroom) between now and Nov. 14th.   How can you support?

  • Volunteer. Click here to sign up for a shift and join us on Nov.14th!
  • Donate – 3 easy ways!
    1. Send in a check with your child made payable to the Joyner Foundation with GYM JAM in the memo line.
    2. PayPal and write GYM JAM in the notes section
    3. Venmo @Blair-Kennedy-5 and write GYM JAM in the notes section

*Donations are not required for your child to participate.  ALL students will take part in this fun event!

Teacher Appreciation Day – November 15th Let’s celebrate our wonderful teachers on Nov.15th with the theme, “Mucho Gracias”. Helpful parent suggestions: Bring in their favorite fruit/snack, favorite flower or have your child write them a note of thanks!

Save the Date – Dine Out and Spirit Night, November 20th! Make plans to join your JYJ friends and family for Spirit Night on Wednesday, Nov. 20th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Panera Bread in North Hills. 20% of all dine-in, take-out and delivery sales to Joyner friends and family will benefit the Joyner PTA.  *Important: You must show this flyer for us to receive a portion of the purchase.   (paper or online version is fine) 

JYJ Study Buddies Wanted!  

We are beginning our recruiting for Study Buddies for the 2019-2020 school year. This is a great opportunity to get plugged in to the Joyner community and make a big difference in the lives of our students!

  • The commitment is 15-20 minutes per child per week.
  • You must be registered with WCPSS as a volunteer.  
  • Teachers will have materials and subject matter each week for you to work on with your student(s).
  • Students LOVE this time and look forward to it each week. Volunteers love it as much as the students!

If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved with this great program, please contact Alison Bentley (JYJ Study Buddies Chair). 

Additional Ways to Get Involved:

Co-Chairs and committee members for the upcoming 2020 5K. Contact Tiffany Chenery for more information.  

Media Center Volunteers– 3-5 needed each week to help check-in and put away books in the media center. Contact Katie Catlin or Ms. Hale to learn more.

Act Now…Final Days of No Fuss Fundraiser! Help us meet our goal!

JYJ is extremely grateful for all the support and contributions for this year’s No Fuss Fundraiser! This raises much needed funds for our school to maintain all the great programming, technology and events we have come to know and love about JYJ! 

Update: We are behind on our goal of $25k and need your help!  Please act now and take this quick and easy step to donate today.  Every contribution makes a difference! Thank you for your continued support of JYJ!     

Calendar Items

  • Nov. 8: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 11: School Closed for Veteran’s Day 
  • Nov. 14: JYJ Foundation’s “Gym Jam” (held during recess for all students to participate)
  • Nov. 15: Teacher Appreciation Day “Mucho Gracias”.  Parent Suggestions: Bring in their favorite snack/fruit, flower, or have your child write them a note of thanks.
  • Nov. 19: Yearbook Cover Contest Submissions are Due
  • Nov. 20: JYJ “Dine Out” Fundraiser – Panera North Hills 
  • Nov. 27-29th: School Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

News Flash | Share Your Talents and Leadership, Act now for No Fuss, Treats for Troops

IB Learner Profile Trait for October … Caring. 

Learners show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and in the world around us.  

This Week’s News Flash:

  • Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities Available
  • Final days of No Fuss Fundraiser
  • Jagwear Update
  • Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy – Treats for Troops
  • Friendly Reminders
  • Calendar

Be sure to check out the bottom of each week’s NewsFlash for upcoming important dates.  Also you can view the school and PTA calendar at ( and link it to your own Google Calendar. Want to learn or refresh on JYJ lingo?  Check out our glossary of terms to get up to speed.

Great Opportunities to get involved at JYJ: Seeking Volunteers, Committee Members and Committee Chairs  We are so fortunate to have willing volunteers at JYJ since all these great programs for our kids don’t just happen!  We have several immediate needs  – will you consider sharing your time and talents with JYJ?

Science Go Round Volunteers – JYJ’s annual Science Go Round is coming Friday, Nov. 8th! This fun-filled day of scientists and parents giving hands-on-demonstrations to our students has been a long standing tradition at our school.  Will you consider volunteering your time and/or food donation?  Click here to learn more and find out how you can get involved.   

Co-Chair of Science Go Round for next year; the Science Go Round team needs help now to shadow for next year. Contact Katie Cavillo to learn more.

Co-Chairs and committee members for the upcoming 2020 5K. Contact Tiffany Chenery for more information.  

Media Center Volunteers – 3-5 needed each week to help check-in and put away books in the media center. Contact Katie Catlin or Ms. Hale to learn more.

No Fuss Fundraiser … Have You Given Yet?  JYJ is extremely grateful for the support received in our No Fuss Fundraiser.  Take this quick and easy step to join us in meeting (and exceeding our goal of $25k!) to ensure JYJ has the resources it needs to deliver all the great programming, technology and events we have come to know and love! Click here to donate today and thank you for your continued support of JYJ!   

Jagwear Update

Thank you to everyone who purchased Jagwear! We had a very successful sale this year.  The printer is still working on our order and we hope to send items home with students the second week of November.  

Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy!

Treats for Troops is a Halloween candy collection program – we’ll collect excess Halloween candy and send it to service members and veterans. This week and next Jackie Jones is collecting the candy every morning at the school entrance between 8:00-8:30 a.m – look out for the big orange box!  

Friendly Reminders:

  • Deadline is this Wednesday 10/30 to complete your WCPSS Volunteer Registration and required for all those interested in volunteering with the school this year – that includes all activities like field trips, classroom support, etc. Visit Joyner’s media center to complete this important quick and easy process. 
  • Yearbook Cover Design Contest – Submit your Joyner themed covers to your teacher or front office by Tuesday, Nov. 19th.  JYJ staff will vote and the winner will be announced in mid December. Requirements for entry are the following: 
    • Must be in color
    • Must be 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper
    • Must be in portrait orientation (landscape will be not be accepted) 

Calendar Items

  • Oct. 30: Spirit Week: “Woke Up Like This Wednesday”
  • Oct. 30: Deadline to Register as WCPSS Volunteer
  • Oct. 31: Spirit Week: Wear Fall Colors
  • Oct. 31: Make-up Day for Students and Staff
  • Nov. 1: Teacher Workday
  • Nov. 8: Science Go Round
  • Nov. 14: JYJ Foundation’s “Gym Jam” (held during recess for all students to participate)
  • Nov. 19: Yearbook Cover Contest Submissions are Due
  • Nov. 20: JYJ “Dine Out” Fundraiser – Panera North Hills 

Quick Links

The NewsFlash is produced (almost) every week by the Joyner PTA communications chair. Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.