
NewsFlash | A few items before spring break starts Friday!

Get ready for Night of Nonsense! 

Everyone’s favorite springtime PTA event is back — it’s the Joyner Night of Nonsense and Food Truck Frenzy on Thursday, April 28! Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page (and share the event with your friends and neighbors) so that we can invite more tasty food trucks.

The food trucks will be serving from 4:45-7:45 p.m. in the carpool lane — trucks accept cash and credit cards. Bring a picnic blanket to eat outside or find a seat in the cafeteria. The always fabulous, fun and free Nonsense Show runs from 6:30-8 p.m. under the overhang — this hilarious, creative live show performed by our very own Joyner teachers and staff is not to be missed! Check out some of the skits from last year on the JYJ YouTube channel. Parking is limited, so please walk if you can.


Sign up to build Joyner’s learning garden

Thanks to a grant from Whole Kids Foundation, Ms. Mbalia and the Joyner community get to turn the space behind the office into a veggie garden that will serve as an outdoor classroom. Sign up now to help by donating water, bringing tools and spending time setting up the garden on April 9 from 9 a.m. to noon. Whole Foods will be providing breakfast and snack items for volunteers!


Wednesday is the last day! 

Yearbook orders and Original Artwork orders are due TOMORROW. Hope you listened last week and took care of everything then, but here are the details just in case.

  • Yearbooks: Go to and use school code 10746716 to order online — there are also order forms in the front office.
  • Original Artwork: Complete the forms and return with payment to your child’s teacher.


Because Chick-fil-A sauce is crazy good

Remember to join us on April 7 at the North Hills Chick-fil-A for dine-out night! Hopefully the warm weather will be back by then and you can enjoy a milkshake on the green. Or if you’ve never tried their magical Chick-fil-A sauce, now is your chance.


Updates from the JY Joyner Foundation 

The JY Joyner Foundation is promoting two fundraising events in April. Funds raised through the Foundation — which is separate from the PTA — will be used to attract and retain talented educators and enhance the IB program at Joyner. Visit the Foundation website for details. Also, The Produce Box will donate $10 to The JYJ Foundation for every Joyner family that signs up for a membership during the month of April. To sign up, follow this link and use special code JOYNER.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 23: Original Artwork and yearbook orders due
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25-April 1: Spring break
  • April 7: Dine-out night at North Hills Chick-fil-A
  • April 9: Garden Mob Day at Joyner from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • April 14: Foundation fundraisers at Piola and Lily Rain
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Garden Day, yearbook/artwork ordering deadlines, dine-out night and more!

Fitness and Science teams to compete on Saturday

Best wishes to our First in Fitness students competing tomorrow and our Science Olympiad teams competing this Saturday! And a special thanks to Mr. Poyer and Mrs. Pelletier for all their efforts to coach the Joyner teams and provide students with these exciting opportunities!


Sign up to build a learning garden

Thanks to a grant from Whole Kids Foundation, Ms. Mbalia invites the Joyner community to help turn the space behind the office into a learning garden. On Saturday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, we’ll need volunteers to donate time, tools and water — Whole Foods will be providing breakfast and snack items for volunteers! Click this link for the sign-up.

In order to flip the patio, the main area will become a veggie garden, the old sand/water tables will be turned into herb gardens and sunflowers will be planted in the circular plot. The long-term plan is to convert all the sections in the patio area into garden spaces. With Joyner’s IB connection of “Sharing Our Planet,” students will use the garden as an outdoor classroom. For example, kindergarten might study how the garden helps both animals and people.


Extension on yearbook ordering

Okay, because you asked so nicely, the yearbook committee has extended the ordering deadline to Wednesday, March 23. Don’t delay — order books for your children today! Go to and use school code 10746716 to order online — there are also order forms in the front office.


Last week to order artwork gifts

Choose personalized gifts with your child’s artwork to wear and share! Artwork and ordering instructions came home in student folders for this year’s Original Works school fundraiser. Choose among lots of great products featuring your child’s very own artwork. Orders and payment are due no later than Wednesday, March 23. Fill out the forms and send them in to your child’s teacher.


Donation requests for Raleigh Rescue Mission

A group of 5th grade students is collecting items for Raleigh Rescue Mission to benefit the homeless as part of the students’ exhibition project. They invite all Joyner students and their families to help by donating any of the following items:

  • Kindergarten: underwear and socks
  • 1st grade: travel-sized toothpaste, deodorant and lotion
  • 2nd grade: paper towels and toilet paper
  • 3rd grade: canned veggies, canned beans and canned fruit
  • 4th grade: ethnic hair products, hair brushes and hair combs
  • 5th grade: gift cards to discount stores

Collection boxes are available until March 22 in each grade level hallway and in the lobby. The team thanks you for your generosity and for helping the homeless people in our community.


Wake PAGE event open for registration

The Wake County PAGE (Partners for the Advancement of Gifted Education) program is holding a Super Saturday event at Meredith College on April 9. Click here for details and registration link. If you do not already have a PAGE membership, please be aware that you will need to purchase one.


Like date night, except different

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for April 7 to join your JYJ friends at the North Hills Chick-fil-A for dine-out night! It will be the week after spring break, so we’ll all need a break from cooking by then anyway.


Upcoming events from the JY Joyner Foundation 

The JY Joyner Foundation is promoting two events in April. Funds raised through the Foundation — which is separate from the PTA — will be used to attract and retain talented educators and enhance the IB program at Joyner.

  • Bring the family to Piola and Lily Rain in North Hills on April 14 for dinner and shopping and support the JY Joyner Foundation! Piola is hosting a family-style spaghetti dinner on April 14 from 4-9 p.m. and will donate 20% of sales to the JY Joyner Foundation. Piola is also offering a discount on bottles of wine for friends of JYJ that night. Reservations are strongly encouraged, but not required. Reserve your spot here! Lily Rain is also donating 20% of all sales on April 14 to the JY Joyner Foundation. Lily Rain, open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., is the perfect place to buy women’s clothing, jewelry and accessories for the Foundation Gala. Please remember to mention that you are with JYJ at both Piola and Lily Rain so that 20% of your purchase goes towards the JYJ Foundation.
  • The JY Joyner Spring Gala will be held on Thursday, April 21! Click here to purchase tickets. If you are planning to donate and you would like to be recognized, the time is NOW! The donor deadline for print materials is Monday, April 4. To ensure that you’re included, please click here and make your donation today. Please contact Ashley Jones at or 919-349-4177 with any questions.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 19: Science Olympiad tournament
  • March 23: Original Artwork and yearbook orders due
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25-April 1: Spring break
  • April 7: Dine-out night at North Hills Chick-fil-A
  • April 9: Garden Mob Day at Joyner from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • April 14: Foundation fundraisers at Piola and Lily Rain
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Send in yearbook photos, artwork orders and pre-K supplies

Get your pictures in the yearbook

Please send in your yearbook photos as quickly as possible. Email original size images to — the yearbook committee especially needs photos from field trips, dance-a-thon, and Pieces of Gold. And don’t miss out on your chance to order a JYJ yearbook! Orders are due by March 14. Just go to and use school code 10746716 to order online — there are also order forms in the front office.


Help out the JYJ Pre-K class

Sharee McNeil, Joyner’s Pre-K Title 1 teacher, needs help stocking her classroom to provide the best learning environment for her young students. If you are able to bring any of the following items to her classroom, she and her students would appreciate the assistance: ink for Epson Stylus C88+ printer, playdough, dot paint, stickers, small envelopes, stencils, collage materials for the art center, magnetic numbers, colored card stock, gently used dramatic play props, gently used toys, various types of balls, dry erase boards/markers/erasers, Velcro, packing tape, small pattern blocks, wooden ABC or other type puzzles. Ms. McNeil says her students learn through play by exploring with hands-on materials, so any items that are appropriate for 4- and 5-year-old children to help with math, literacy, science, gross and small motor skills are welcome.


Joyner 5K for the win!

The 2016 JYJ 5K was a huge success! We had 638 participants at the event on Sunday and lots smiles and pride as the children crossed the finish line. The 5K was made possible by the awesome work of Joyner parent volunteers who generously gave their time and talent to make the 5K happen. Thanks to everyone who helped! The PTA’s goal was to help students see how fun and exciting — and achievable — exercise can be. Done!

If you’re interested in seeing the race results, go to Only students and timed adults are on this list. Recreational participants were not timed.


Get a jump on Mother’s Day gifts

Choose personalized gifts with your child’s artwork to wear and share! Artwork and ordering instructions came home in folders last week for this year’s Original Works school fundraiser. Choose among lots of great products featuring your child’s very own artwork. Orders and payment are due no later than Wednesday, March 23. 


“Garden Mob” day set for April

Ms. Mbalia, our administrative intern, invites the Joyner community to join in the fun of flipping the space behind the office into a learning vegetable garden. On Saturday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, we’ll need volunteers to donate time, tools and snacks — look for a sign-up link coming soon. Lots of Joyner staff members are already on board and excited to create a vegetable garden that functions as an outdoor classroom for our teachers and students!


Plan ahead for dine-out night

Our next Joyner dine-out night at the North Hills Chick-fil-A has been moved to April 7. Mark your calendars now and make plans to come out to support the PTA while dining with your friends.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 14: Yearbook orders due
  • March 19: Science Olympiad tournament
  • March 23: Original Artwork orders due
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25-April 1: Spring break
  • April 7: NEW DATE for dine-out night at North Hills Chick-fil-A
  • April 9: SAVE THE DATE – Garden Mob Day at Joyner from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • April 21JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlashSubmit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

President’s Monthly Musings: “The Power of Principled Parents”

From PTA President Keisha Green

Wow! As I reflect upon the Healthy Choice Marathon and this past weekend’s events, I realize what has materialized is an awesome display of our parents’ commitment to the betterment of our children. Many of you deserve a hand!

“Run Club” had a hard time getting off and running, literally. The primary purpose of the club is to have the children train prior to the 5K. However, their taking part has a multitude of rewards. Please join me in thanking Fraley Marshall for taking on the challenge of leading this effort, for helping our children build their enthusiasm for the race, for enlightening them on the importance of cheering on their fellow schoolmates and for increasing their camaraderie and JYJ spirit.

Any of you fortunate enough to witness Shawn Winstead’s cheers and high kicks in the lobby understand that her passion for the classroom challenge was palpable. Arinn Widmayer led our overall fundraising efforts for the 5k. The numbers are still incomplete, but we have at least reached our goal of raising $20,000 for PTA programs!

And who among us has not been exposed to the talent of Kelli Gracely? She contributed her priceless designs to the race. The t-shirts and posters were OUTSTANDING! Additionally, Kate Sonawane continued to lend her time and talent towards Healthy Choice. And the daunting task of race logistics fell to Joe Nuss, who executed flawlessly.

While the culmination of our healthy choice events was the grand finale of our weekend, there was another huge familial undertaking this past weekend. Odyssey of the Mind is completely parent run, and we are hugely fortunate to have many parents willing to act as coaches, judges and coordinators. VonGretchen Pough and Andrew Jones took on the Herculean task of forming our teams and organizing participation. Coaches not only lead their teams for several months, but they opened their homes and utilized their personal resources to promote our children’s creativity and innovation. And, we have TWO teams headed to state! We applaud each and every one of you!

While it’s impossible to name them all, we are truly fortunate to have parents AND grandparents like ours. We work as a collective body to address the physical, emotional, and intellectual needs of our children. Our “family” is strongly principled and progressive, and it shows in our accomplishments!

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
– Jane D. Hull

NewsFlash | JYJ 5k, Classroom Challenge Results, Teacher Appreciation

Good morning!  We have information on volunteer opportunities, reminders & several updates in this week’s NewsFlash (from the PTA Communications Committee – Cyndi will return next week!  Phew!):

Friday – Early Release & Teacher Appreciation Day!

This Friday is an Early Release. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. Please let your child’s teacher know if there is a change in transportation.

Friday is also Teacher Appreciation Day.  The theme is “You make us brighter!” — Think Tropical and Spring Break….have your child bring anything that makes them think of the tropics….scented candle, smoothie gift cards, spa related items, sunscreen,beach towels, etc.. click here for updated classroom staff assignment list

The JYJ 5K is Sunday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m.!

Registration is open online until Thursday, March 3, for the JYJ 5K — register at After that date you will be able to register in person at the race packet pickup on Saturday or onsite at the 5K until 1:45pm (check or cash only).

All 5K participants: Race Packet Pickup (including t-shirts and race bibs) will be at Omega Sports at North Hills this Saturday between 1 and 4 p.m. Please pick up your packet Saturday if at all possible. You can also pick up your packet onsite at the 5K, but it will be very busy. Also, Omega is hosting a raffle for a $50 gift card on Saturday, so it’s a win-win!

There is a participant information sheet  with lots of other helpful information including water availability, restroom access (hint: there is none along the race route) and more.

We still need volunteers to help make this year’s 5K the best ever. Sign up to volunteer and help with preparations before, during and after the event.

Don’t forget to hit up our Facebook page at for updates and info. Contact Arinn Widmayer at for questions.

Classroom Challenge

Thanks to everyone who emptied their piggy banks for the 2016 Classroom Challenge, part of our Healthy Choice Marathon. We are excited to announce our winners:

Pre-K/K — Mrs. Piner
1st grade — Mrs. Munster
2nd grade — Mrs. Pelletier
3rd grade — Mrs. Millsaps
4th grade — Mr. Zimmerman
5th grade — Mrs. Arch

And our overall winner is….Mrs. Arch’s 5th grade class! All winning classes and teachers will receive cool prizes and puffed-up chests. All proceeds from the Challenge go towards PTA’s 2016 project: improving our performance/play space under the overhang at school. That includes updating the sound system and building a new stage. Since many school events take place in that space it would be a real benefit to the kids and their families. Thank you again!

OM Competition this weekend

Shout out to our Odyssey of the Mind teams who will be competing this weekend. We wish you all well and look forward to hearing of your adventures at the competition! As Mrs. Hutchinson said in her weekly phone message, we know you will make Joyner proud.

Reminder: Don’t Forget to Order Yearbooks!

Don’t miss out on your chance to get a JYJ yearbook!  Orders are due by March 14. Just go to and use school code 10746716 to order online.

Reminder: TEK clubs begin today for those registered

TEK clubs will begin today and will run for 6 sessions on Wednesdays after school.  Please contact Duval Fisher with any questions at or 919-612-2982.

Quick links

Calendar items

  • March 4: Early release and teacher appreciation (“You make us brighter!” — click here for updated classroom staff assignment list)
  • March 5: Odyssey of the Mind tournament
  • March 6: JYJ 5K, 2 p.m.
  • March 17: Dine-out night at Chick-Fil-A
  • March 19: Science Olympiad tournament
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25: Spring break begins
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Club pictures, yearbooks and HCM activities

Shirts on for club pictures this Thursday

The Yearbook Committee will be taking club pictures in the front foyer area on Feb. 25 — that’s tomorrow — beginning at 8:15 a.m. Be sure your child wears his/her club t-shirt to school for the following groups:
– Odyssey of the Mind
– Science Olympiad
– Battle of the Books
– JYJ News
– Safety Patrol
– Gold Choir
– Girls on the Run


Win points with your kids

You know how awesome it is to open up your yearbook in June and see fun photos of yourself with your friends? So great, right? Help the Yearbook Committee ensure that your kids are delighted when they get their books by sending in photos (actual size) you’ve taken this year to Susie Petretich at as soon as possible. We rely on parents for most of our pictures — please send photos from field trips, Jamboree, the dance-a-thon, classroom candids, Spanish dancing, school awards, the 5K and other Joyner events. Only 3 more weeks to accept pictures, so don’t delay!

And while you’re sending pictures, don’t forget to place yearbook orders by March 14. Just go to and use school code 10746716 to order online.


Register, volunteer and donate for the JYJ 5K 

Less than two weeks left in our Healthy Choice Marathon! The Joyner 5K takes place on Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. behind the school. All proceeds go to PTA’s 2016 project: improving our performance/play space under the overhang at school. That includes updating the sound system, enhancing technology and building a new stage. Since all our school events take place in that space, it would be a real benefit to all Joyner kids and families.


Fifth grade teams ready for Battle of the Books

Best wishes to our 5th grade Battle of the Books teams! Joyner is taking two teams and a total of 24 students to compete against four other Wake County elementary schools in the book-quiz tournament this Saturday. Kudos to Ms. Arch, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Pardo, Ms. Severn and Ms. Hale for coaching our teams! More than 30 5th graders have been participating in the team meetings each week — check out the list of books they’ve been reading this year.


Enrichment clubs still available

We had a great turn out for TEK club registration. If you missed club registration last week, there are still spaces available in some clubs. Club descriptions are on the TEK website. Clubs will begin next Wednesday, March 2, and will run for 6 sessions. Cost is $135. Please contact Duval Fisher with any questions at or 919-612-2982.


Parent information meetings

Looking for more information about parent meetings for Single Subject Acceleration and Middle School Math Placement? Visit the Joyner website. If you have questions about either process, contact AIG teachers Anna Young at or Mandy Peters at


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 27: Battle of the Books tournament
  • March 4: Early release and teacher appreciation (“You make us brighter!” — click here for updated classroom staff assignment list)
  • March 5: Odyssey of the Mind tournament
  • March 6: JYJ 5K, 2 p.m.
  • March 17: Dine-out night at Chick-Fil-A
  • March 19: Science Olympiad tournament
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25: Spring break begins
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Club registration, classroom challenge, mini-grants and more!

Enrichment club registration on Thursday

Registration forms for Tailored Enrichment Kids (TEK) JYJ clubs went home in folders last week. Come to the media center this Thursday from 8-8:30 a.m. and turn in your form to sign up for one of these fun after-school opportunities. Visit the PTA website for details about the spring club listing.


Classroom Challenge supports the PTA 

As part of the Healthy Choice Marathon, the 2016 JYJ Classroom Challenge to bring in the most money is on! Not only do the winning classes (one winner per grade and one overall winner) get awesome bragging rights, but this year they win Healthy Choice Prize Packs for their teachers that include Omega Sports gift cards, massage gift cards, water bottles, healthy treats and more. The kids are in it to win it!

All proceeds go to PTA’s 2016 project: improving our performance/play space under the overhang at school. That includes updating the sound system, enhancing technology and building a new stage. Since all our school events take place in that space it would be a real benefit to all Joyner kids and families. Make sure your child’s class wins! Contribute by 1) sending in coins, cash and checks (made out to JYJ PTA) to your teacher; 2) drop donation into the buckets in the lobby before school; or 3) donate online via PayPal at the JYJ PTA website.

Links to other HCM info:

  • Online registration is open for the 5K.
  • Sponsorship forms for the walk/run are available online.
  • Run Club continues on Thursday for students who registered for the club. You can still sign up to participate in the other two weeks if you haven’t already.
  • WAKE Up and Read book drive drive goal is 2,600 books by Feb. 26.


Mini-grants support JYJ teachers

The JY Joyner PTA–funded Mini-Grant Program allows teachers and specialists to implement ideas that might not otherwise become part of the classroom environment. Mini-grants have helped to fund many significant achievements at our school including: the Reading Rainbow series, campus and grounds improvements, class sets of books, special Spanish language programs, updated counseling technology and equipment for teachers and specialists. The PTA is committed to supporting this outstanding program that promotes creativity among the education staff and adds interesting elements to the curriculum. Congratulations to this year’s mini-grant recipients!

The next funding period for mini-grants will be fall of 2016. The Mini-Grants Committee will post information and applications in September. Questions? Please contact Arinn Widmayer at


Don’t forget to order a yearbook

Order online and save a step! Just go to and use school code 10746716 to order online. The yearbook committee also needs pictures from JYJ events. Please email pictures as “actual size” to so we can use them in the yearbook.


Quick links

Calendar items

  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs, 8-8:30 a.m. in the media center
  • Feb. 27: Battle of the Books tournament
  • March 4: Early release and teacher appreciation (“You make us brighter!” — click here for updated classroom staff assignment list)
  • March 5: Odyssey of the Mind tournament
  • March 6: JYJ 5K, 2 p.m.
  • March 19: Science Olympiad tournament
  • March 24: School day (snow make-up day)
  • March 25: Spring break begins
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala, 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

NewsFlash | Healthy Choice Marathon, yearbooks and teacher/staff appreciation

You’re going to need to stretch 

There’s lots going on this month with the Healthy Choice Marathon, leading up to the 5th Annual JY Joyner 5K Run/Walk on March 6, 2016! All details are available on the PTA website.

  • Online registration is now open for the 5K.
  • Sponsorship forms for the walk/run are available online.
  • Run Club begins tomorrow (Feb. 11) for students who registered for the club. You can still sign up to participate in the other three weeks if you haven’t already.
  • Classroom Challenge collection jars will be in the lobby starting Feb. 15.
  • WAKE Up and Read book drive drive goal is 2,600 books by Feb. 26.


Be sure your kids have something to sign

It’s time to order your yearbook — go to and use school code 10746716 to order online. The yearbook committee also needs pictures from JYJevents. Please email pictures as “actual size” to so we can use them in the yearbook.


Love those fabulous teachers and staff this Friday 

This Friday (Feb. 12) is early release and teacher/staff appreciation — the theme is “How sweet it is to be taught by you!” Have your child bring in some goodies or their teacher’s favorite sweet treat. Don’t forget to use the “Favorite Things” lists in your classroom hub for your teacher and designated staff person.


Get involved with PTA — or else

The Joyner PTA nominating committee is looking for volunteers to chair and assist with committees for next school year. Check out this list of elected officers and committee chairs and contact Catherine Otto at if you are interested in helping out — the PTA doesn’t work without you! Either you can wait until one of your friends signs you up for something or you can go ahead and pick the program you’d like — it’s up to you.


Quick links


Calendar items

  • Feb. 10: Yearbook sales open
  • Feb. 12: Early release and teacher appreciation
  • Feb. 15: School day (snow make-up day)
  • Feb. 18: Registration for TEK enrichment clubs
  • March 4: Early release
  • March 6: JYJ 5K
  • April 21: JY Joyner Foundation Gala at 7 p.m. at the Merrimon-Wynne House

Have an announcement to include in a future edition of the NewsFlash? Submit your article via this form. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @pta_joyner.

President’s Monthly Musings: “Champion Communications”

From PTA President Keisha Green

Champion. What makes one? This is a question that’s heavily analyzed during this time of year. As I sat, waiting in anticipation of last night’s big game, I pondered this question myself in light of the 4Cs identified within the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan. Although I know Ms. Hutchinson has mentioned the 4Cs, I realize that not all of you may recall what the Cs entail. The 4Cs are learning competencies identified as important skillsets to master for future workforce demands.

I propose that becoming a champion, whether in sports, the arts, stem fields or the humanities, is the 5th, unspoken C, the ultimate GOAL for our 21st Century learners.  Joyner’s PTA calls great plays in our efforts to support this goal and offers both monetary support and manpower to improve the lot of our students. Let’s muse on how becoming a Super Bowl champion is analogous to accomplishing mastery of the 4Cs, as well as identify the programming in place at Joyner that offers support for all 5Cs.

1. Collaboration– In football, as in life, no team can reach the pinnacle of success with a sole star and no supporting cast. Accomplishment becomes difficult within a homogenous setting.  Diversity of experiences and talents makes for a stronger team. Odyssey of the Mind, for instance, is an initiative that’s heavily supported by our PTA. The program calls for a group of students to collaborate on a long term problem and to address a “spontaneous” or never-before-seen challenge in a competitive setting. A team that’s made up only of individuals capable of long-term planning is crushed just as much as a football team full of quarterbacks and no offensive linemen.

2. Creativity– In football, as in life, creativity keeps things fresh and inspired. Who knew that a “dab” would become a national phenomenon or that once upon a time, instant replay didn’t exist. According to Albert Einstein, “Creativity is intelligence having FUN.” The PTA supports not only Odyssey of the Mind, but also Science Olympiad, which is a series of events intended to integrate science and creative concepts. Children partner in challenges such as, “Super Sleuths,” “Science Sketchers,” and “Backyard Biologists.”  Let the games begin!

3. Communication– In football, as in life, lack of communication leads to lack of progress. Players must understand plays called and signals thrown. The PTA supports Battle of the Books, a competition in which students read a number of books from different genres. Different genres of books provide the ultimate exposure to the intricacies of communication and make for a stronger understanding of people and their worlds.

4. Critical Thinking– In football, as in life, an inability to engage in “forward” thinking tends to leave your team behind. One team must anticipate another’s plays, just as in business and science individuals must consider the needs of an ever evolving citizenry.  It’s now hard to imagine life sans Facebook and Twitter. Our PTA not only sponsors Science-Go-Round, our renowned experience of hands-on learning and demonstrations, but we also sustain cultural arts residencies throughout each school year. These experiences enrich our students’ thinking and make them stronger players for the future.
5.  Champion! As we’ve reflected upon these skills, I do hope that you’ll join me in my assessment that not only are the JYJ teachers and administration promoting the 4Cs, but also that the PTA is offering quality programming to nurture our students’ future success. Your support, whether monetarily or through manpower, makes this happen for our 21st century learners.
Let’s STILL Keep Pounding!!!

JYJ Run Club

It’s time to register your child for the JYJ Run Club!

Run Club goes hand in hand with the Healthy Choice Marathon and Classroom Challenge. The club meets each Thursday from 3-4 p.m. for the four weeks leading up to the 5th Annual JYJ 5K Run/Walk. The 2016 Run Club dates are Feb. 11, 18 and 25 and March 3.

Volunteers pick up kids on campus at JYJ and escort them to the Kiwanis Park where the kids stretch, move and run or walk on the greenway. Parents pick up their runners promptly at 4 p.m. or sign a release for them to be delivered to the JYJ after-school program.

The JYJ Run Club is free and open to all JYJ kids. It is fueled entirely by the efforts of parent volunteers. Last year more than 260 kids and 50 parents participated — it’s a great time for everyone involved!

PLEASE READ these key details for this year that are different from last year:

  • Each parent is expected to volunteer twice, if possible. Please see the link to register as a volunteer. Volunteers are not required to run.
  • Online registration only.
  • Registration closes each week on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. — if your child is not on the list on Tuesday at 9 a.m., they CANNOT attend that week
  • You only need to register your child once to attend all four meetings
  • Club organizers will send out a weekly email on Wednesdays to confirm the kids who are registered for that week

Registration for your child:

Volunteer Registration:
Please feel free to contact the awesome Run Club team with any questions…

2016 Run Club Co-Chairs
Fraley Marshall –
Melanie Jones –
Elizabeth Jordan –
Shanna Schroeder –